Chapter 198 July Event Launched! (7 words for monthly ticket)

Speaking of awarding, the tourists in the live broadcast room were quite excited.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao has sprinkled money on the entire platform many times, and the anchors under Brother Xiao Xiao have also distributed a lot of awards, but no one would think too much of this kind of thing.

But now everyone is more concerned about the special effects of the super god emperor's gift.

Tourists have expressed their opinions.

"Brother Xiao Xiao swipes the treasure map, a treasure map will have banners all over the site!"

"I want to see the special effects of the treasure map!"

"Swipe Huya No. [-], Huya No. [-] also has a site-wide banner!"

"The magic book is also good!"

"The banknote gun should also have a banner. I don't know much about it when I first came to Huya."

"Glowsticks! Uh forget about glowsticks, glowsticks don't have banners."

This is the first time Huya has launched the game of title gift, and everyone is looking forward to it.

"Let's start with the treasure map first."

Liu Xiao chuckled and selected the treasure map.

The treasure map is Huya's most valuable gift. Although it is useless when playing activities, it still feels good when swiping it.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"Damn it, the treasure map's box has changed color!"

As soon as the treasure map came out, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly exclaimed.

The treasure chest, which was supposed to be golden yellow, has turned dark golden and is slowly moving towards the center of the screen.

And when it moved to the very center, the treasure box turned slightly, and saw two uppercase super emperors engraved directly on the box cover!
"Niupi, this treasure map is full of sincerity, it's exclusive to the Chaohuang!"

The next moment, the lid of the treasure chest was opened, and a lot of gold coins spewed out.

The sharp-eyed audience immediately noticed that on every gold coin that spewed out, there were two large characters of Chao Huang!
Liu Xiao was also a little surprised.

Although the difficulty of adding words is not high, you only need to copy and render, but you can add Chaohuang to every part of the treasure map, which is a proper local style.

Sending such a gift out, isn't it telling everyone that the person who gave the gift is a rich man?

Liu Xiao clicked his tongue twice.

Although the gift is very earthy and low, it is more than worthwhile.

Although Liu Xiao is not a person who likes to pretend to beep, but since the official gave out this gift, it is not a problem to give one more in the future.

Liu Xiao clicked a few more times, five or six treasure maps popped up again, and gold coins were scattered in the center of the live broadcast room.

"This Super Emperor's gift is too handsome, a treasure map is just like this, looking forward to Huya No. [-]!"

"How many Huya No. [-] groups will give away. There are site-wide banners. Is there anyone here to popularize the science?"

"Upstairs, you don't care how many groups he sends, anyway, Brother Xiao Xiao is the best match to start, eat melons and melons!"

"Looking forward to Huya No. 100. If a group of [-] Huya No. [-] is engraved with the words Take Off, it will be so handsome!"

In the live broadcast room, 50 fans spoke one after another, and the four words Huya No. [-] almost covered the entire public screen.

Liu Xiao also wanted to see how the special effects of Huya No. [-] were, so without further ado, he sent a group of Huya No. [-] directly.

In the center of the live broadcast room, a hundred large rockets are lined up in a pile. Similarly, above each rocket, there are two large characters of Super Emperor.

Including the suffix of the site-wide announcement, there is also the word "Super Emperor".

"Although it is very earthy, it looks really handsome!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room was discussing, an official message suddenly popped up, and every tourist and anchor online saw this official announcement.

"Congratulations [Xiao Xiao] for successfully awakening the super god emperor and empress for the first time, Hu Ya opened the super emperor god list!"

In front of Huya's list of gods, suddenly there was an extra column.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Xiao Xiao is No. 1 on the Huya God Heroes list, taking the top spot with a terrifying consumption of 6000 million.

No.2 is Brother Jiu, with an annual consumption of 500 million.

No.3 is Brother Hua, who spends 600 million yuan a year.

And suddenly there is an extra column of super emperor gods list, just from the name, it is related to the title of super god emperor.

Whether it is the anchor who is live broadcasting or the tourists browsing the content on the platform, they unconsciously click on the official link and enter the content page of the Super Emperor Gods List.

A huge golden dragon is used as the background, and three big Super Emperor icons are arranged on the page.

The first row has only one icon, which is twice the size of the others.

The remaining two icons are on the second row.

"The title of No.1 is the king of the gods, there is something about this title!"

"No.2 and No.3 are the god of the sky and the god of the earth respectively."

"To be reasonable, the second and third titles are much worse than the first."

Some tourists refreshed the interface, and the interface without any fonts changed suddenly.

In the column of the king of gods, brother Xiao Xiao's profile picture has already been stuck on it.

And there is a line of small words below the icon.

Witnesses: Lehua, Yang Zi!
Xiaochun will also be rebroadcasting Yang Zi's live broadcast. When he saw this interface, he suddenly realized.

"Brothers, this list must be the ranking of the super kings, but I don't know whether it is refreshed on a monthly basis or by consumption quota."

"Brother Chun, what does this list mean, can you analyze it?"

"It looks like a new list of gods, but if it is a list of gods, wouldn't this be repeated?"

Tourists in the live broadcast room asked curious questions.

This meeting's popularity has been robbed by Yang Zi a lot, but there are still 5 to [-] people in Xiaochun's live broadcast room.

"Everyone, don't worry. There is no official announcement on this list yet, so I can only tell you my guess."

Xiaochun picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"Tourists who just asked if this list is a new Shenhao list can rest assured that Huya officials will never do such boring things."

"As far as the name of this list is concerned, I am afraid that only Chaohuang will be able to make the list in the future."

"Now there are two speculations. The first one is that the list is arranged according to the order in which the Super God Emperor was activated. The second one is that the list is arranged according to the consumption amount."

"If it is arranged in order of activation, this list should only serve as a record, recording the big brothers who activated the Super God Emperor on the platform Shenhao."

"I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a witness under Brother Xiao Xiao's ID. Brother Xiao Xiao just swiped a gift in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, and this witness became Yang Zi."

Hearing what Xiaochun said, the tourists in the live broadcast room were a little confused.

"If you say that, then this list should be in the order of opening the Super Emperor?"

"So, in the future, the Super Emperor will only be able to take up the space in the back?"

"Improbable, there are only three positions, Huya's Super Emperor, there must be more than three in the future!"

But write down the host ID of a witness, the probability that this list will serve as a record is still relatively high.

But if it's just an opening sequence, there seems to be no need to make a special list, right?

There are only three positions, so the Chaohuang, who will be opened by three people in the future, will not feel very comfortable.

Huya's circle of money will not be like this, this is a practice that damages the interests of the platform.

"I speculate that this list may be updated on a weekly or monthly basis."

"Did you find out that this list didn't pop up when Brother Xiao Xiao opened the Super Emperor, and even when Brother Xiao Xiao consumed the treasure map, this list didn't pop up?"

Xiaochun purposely played it off, seeing the tourists in the live broadcast room beeping with question marks, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I'll say it again, this is just my speculation. If the speculation is wrong, please don't spray me."

"Brother Chun, tell me quickly, you'll be dying of anxiety if you keep doing this!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Xiaochun coughed twice, then continued.

"Let's talk about Brother Xiao Xiao's opening of Chaohuang in Yang Zi's live broadcast room first."

"First of all, Brother Xiao Xiao activated the Super King, but at that time, the Super King list did not appear. We can use the method of elimination to figure out that this list is not the order of the Super King activation."

"Secondly, when Brother Xiao Xiao just checked the treasure map, the Super King list didn't pop up. On the contrary, when he checked a group of Huya No. [-], this list only popped up?"

Immediately, many tourists were shocked.

With Xiaochun's explanation, many tourists immediately understood.

"That is to say, this list should be Chaohuang's consumption list, and the minimum consumption amount to be on this list is about [-]?"

Xiaochun silently gave a thumbs up to the tourist who spoke.

"Yes, for now, this should be the most reasonable explanation."

The facts are similar to what Xiaochun guessed.

Vice President Du made this list to stimulate the consumption of Shenhao, especially the consumption of the Super God Emperor.

To be on the Super King List, the minimum amount is to spend 10 to become a Super Queen. There are only three places on the Super King List, which are reflected in the order of consumption.

The witnesses below are the major anchors of the live broadcast platform.

As long as they are the top three anchors of this super emperor's consumption, they can all be hanged among the witnesses of this super emperor's mark.

For example, Liu Xiao's current super emperor mark is the king of gods, and the witnesses are Le Hua and Yang Zi.

Vice President Du was sitting in the office, tapping on the desktop lightly.

He will be a little impressed by his creativity.

This super king list is the activity he plans to launch in July.

Stimulate the entire platform through the opening of the Super God Emperor, and then launch this month's money-circulating plan as a matter of course.

I believe that after the launch of this list, all platforms of Huya are ready to move, right?
At this time, Vice President Du also told Lanlan next to him about his plans for this month.

"Let the matter ferment for a while, and officially announce the event at 10 o'clock!"

 Thanks for Bubble Teapot: 1888 Book Coins for tipping

  Thanks to the fisherman in the rain: the reward of 588 book coins

  Thank you little lover: 400 book currency reward

  Thank you Si Yuqingshuai: 200 book coins as a reward

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(End of this chapter)

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