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Chapter 199: Tiger Bud's God-Creating Project!

Chapter 199: Tiger Bud's God-Creating Project!

Xiaochun's analysis quickly spread across the entire platform, but the official announcement has not been seen for a long time.

Visitors to the platform can understand after a little thought that the official is holding back a big move again.

Although he was in a hurry, it wasn't the first time the officials had done this. Vice President Du was a professional in such things as whetting his appetite.

Under the arrangement of Vice President Du, at ten o'clock sharp, the July event was officially launched.

Liu Xiao hasn't gone offline yet, after wandering around the game area, he returned to Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

Just after swiping more than 100 million gifts, Yang Zi drew the prizes for half an hour before he almost used up all the prizes.

The number of tourists in the live broadcast room has reached [-], which is the highest popularity since Yang Zi's live broadcast.

"I'm coming!"

Seeing the pop-up window that just jumped out, Yang Zi trembled all over, and clicked in as quickly as possible.

Almost all the viewers in the live broadcast room clicked the cross sign to close the pop-up window at the same time, and watched the picture of Yang Zi's live broadcast room with full attention.

"Respected users, dear anchors, the Hope Project in June has come to a successful conclusion. Our Huya image ambassadors went to ten Hope Primary Schools to contribute and promote local public welfare undertakings. Each team has achieved pride. Behind this achievement, it is inseparable from the efforts of every user and every anchor!"

"Hopefully in good July."

On the first page, there is a long string of thank you words.

Every month, Huya will summarize the activities of the previous month, which is also a normal thing for Huya.

Moreover, Huya is also ruthless in this regard, and the monthly thank you words are at least four to five thousand words.

This kind of thank you letter doesn't need to be written by Vice President Du himself, and Vice President Du is not polite at all to squeeze employees.

Yang Zi didn't show too much, just took a few glances with the fans in the live broadcast room, and then turned to the text on the next page.

"I'm coming!"

"I have a hunch that Vice President Du is going to make a big deal again in July!"

"That's for sure. Vice President Du didn't do anything for a month. Everyone has to learn to understand. After all, Vice President Du is just a wage earner. If he doesn't take money, he will be fired."

The first page was turned quickly, and the second page opened slowly.

A golden dragon with a crown swaying in the background is the one in the background of the Super God Emperor.

"The road to becoming a god!"

Four large black characters were printed on the dragon's body like a seal.

The giant dragon on the background suddenly took off, and the four black characters shone brightly, and finally shrank to the middle of the top.

At this time, the detailed rules of the activity slowly emerged.

"Let's not talk about anything else, just the name of this event makes people excited!"

"Huya has been paying more and more attention to the image quality and rendering special effects recently. I will give him 99 points for his appearance in this event. One point less is for fear of his pride!"

"That's right. Huya's picture quality is getting better and better now, but the picture quality of Douyutai next door is worse."

"The official brain hole is really big. One after another, the money-making routines can be connected together. June has just ended, and the activity will come again in July."

"From now on, Huya's activities will probably become normalized, right?"

"Although it's embarrassing to grab the big brother's wool, but since I'm already embarrassed, let's do it. Although I didn't get the 50 gift just now, I still feel very happy!"


The audience in the live broadcast room discussed very enthusiastically.

Soon, the details of the follow-up activities appeared.

Yang Zi zoomed out the official announcement so that all viewers in the live broadcast room could see it.

"The road to becoming a god."

"Event time: July 7st - July 1th, a total of one week."

"Scope of activity: full channel participation."

"Event Ranking: The top three channels will be selected for all channels, and the No.1 anchor will be selected for each channel, with a total of 3 people."

"Hey! Huya is really not short of money, and this event only takes the top three channels!"

"Hahaha, what happened to Huya this month, becoming so conscientious?"

Seeing this, the tourists in the live broadcast room burst into laughter, even Yang Zi and Liu Xiao were amused.

Yang Zi held back a smile and said in the live broadcast room:
"It seems that the big war in June really fed the officials, and the activities in July don't even want the mosquito legs of other channels."

Generally speaking, no matter what activities are held, Huya's official channels are all together.

Although there are not many big brothers in the live broadcast rooms of the sports channel and the gourmet channel, and they can't get much water, but the official has never given up on them before.

Mosquito leg meat is also meat, and the revenue is not much, but every time these channels add up to several million turnover, there is still some.

The most important thing is that the cost of an official Huya event is fixed. The cost of launching one channel and ten channels will not change. Adhering to the principle of earning more, Huya official Generally, they will not give up any channels for pitting money.

But this time, the authorities were indeed a little too ruthless.

There are only three channels, and secondly, one channel, only one place is given!
Judging from the past spending power of Huya Channel, if these three spots are really up for grabs, it should be the three sectors of star show, outdoor and appearance.

And now the consumption power in the game area is also good, and it is no problem to surpass the appearance area.

Therefore, the three sections that can be out of the circle at the end of this event should be the star show, outdoor and game area.

This also means that this month Huya gave up all other sectors.

And the fiercest competition must be in Xingxiu District.

"Let's continue to look down first."

Yang Zi flipped down the event page again, and flipped out the brief introduction of the event.

"Event rewards: becoming gods, demigods."

This is an event reward for the above event.

Below are some other rules.

"This time, the anchors who have been certified by the Super God Emperor on the Super King List can get the chance to become a god."

[Rule 1: One of the kings of the gods on the super king list can designate an anchor to become a god. 】

[Rule 2: The god of the sky, the second in the super emperor list, can designate an anchor to become a demigod. 】

[Rule 3: The three gods of the super emperor list can designate an anchor to become a demigod. 】

"Big brother on the super king list can designate the anchor to become a god?"

"What does it mean to become a god? Does Huya want to cultivate immortality now?"

The rest of the content is on the next page, and each tourist looked at the introduction with a look of bewilderment.

They understood the three titles of the Super Emperor List just now.

There are a total of three quotas, counting from the moment when Brother Shenhao became the Super God Emperor, and there is an anchor ID that witnessed becoming the Super God Emperor under the icon.

But that's all, Huya really made it a little esoteric about what anchors became gods, demigods and so on.

"No rush, let's look at the next page. Let's read it together first, and I will explain it later."

Yang Zi's subordinates turned the pages a little faster, and sure enough, the next page was an explanation of becoming a god and a demigod.

However, when they actually saw the explanation of the three contents, the nearly 70 viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly exclaimed.

[Chengshen: No. 1 in this month's super king list assigns an anchor, Huya will use all recommended resources, and spend 3000 million yuan to build Huya's first-line superstar on the entire network! 】

[Half God: No. 2 and No. 3 of this month's super king list can assign two anchors respectively. Hu Ya will be recommended by all channels in this platform, and each will spend 1000 million to become Hu Ya's internal superstar! 】

[Official event rewards become god-level demigods. 】

Even Liu Xiao couldn't help but swear when he saw these two messages.

No matter what the details of the following activities are, but based on these two announcements alone, Huya's wave is definitely going crazy!

The meaning of this announcement is that, in addition to the three first-place winners determined by normal activities, the three gods on the Huya Super King list can also assign three more anchors.

Moreover, Huya will spend a total of 5000 million to create a stardom for these three anchors!
Tourists now finally have a little understanding of what it means to become a god and a demigod in the detailed rules of Huya's activities.

No.2 and No.3, internal omni-channel recommendation of Huya platform, plus 1000 million publicity funds.
Even if it is a new anchor, after such a big round of strong promotion within Huya, it can be promoted to a super first-line anchor!
Not to mention No.1.

3000 million start-up capital, plus the whole network publicity.

As a huge Internet company, Huya is not comparable to Tencent Douyin, but it is also among the best in the industry.

The promotion fee of 3000 million is enough to make this anchor popular on large platforms such as Douyin, Weibo, and Kuaishou.

Even going one step further, she can successfully debut and become a first-line star with tens of millions of fans on the entire network!
Such terrifying promotional resources are completely worthy of the words becoming gods and demigods.

"It's no wonder that Huya's event is called Road to Godhood, so it's here."

"Huya is too scary this time. It's time to learn how to play tricks on Yuyu. Maybe after a while, Huya will also have superstar anchors like Xu Xubaobao and Wuwukai."

At the same time, both the anchor and the tourists were all sighing.

During the period when Brother Xiao Xiao joined, Hu Ya made too many changes.

For the Lehua labor union, although there is no support on the surface, everyone can feel it in the dark. The recommendations of Xiaojuzi, Xiaohui and Yang Zi, a few super first-line anchors, have never stopped at all.

Coupled with Brother Xiao Xiao's aggressive brushing from time to time, the three of Xiaojuzi are only one step away from going to stardom.

Especially Xiaojuzi, an anchor with excellent cover singing ability, has already started to release some cover songs on NetEase Cloud.

As long as we can get the first place again this month, Huya will launch another wave of promotion on the whole network and all channels
The future development of the three of them is unimaginable!

"This time the competition for the super king list will definitely be very powerful."

"Although the rankings of No. 1 and No. [-] are not much different, the gap in helping the anchor is too much. As long as you get No.[-], you will definitely take off!"

"The event in July is probably going to be a showdown between Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua Jiu!"

"By the way, this is the Super Kings List, and there is also the competition just now!"

"Yes, yes, yes, select the three sections with the highest consumption on the entire platform, and the winner of section No. 1 will be rewarded!"

(End of this chapter)

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