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Chapter 200 Brother Jiu's bank card balance: 1 million!

Chapter 200 Brother Jiu's Bank Card Balance: [-] Million!
It has to be said that the July event was somewhat incomprehensible from the start.

Although Huya officials released mines in batches to enhance the comprehensibility of this event, it still stumped some viewers, causing many people to not understand how to understand this event, nor how to play it.

Yang Zi frowned, flipped through the event details page by page, and took out a notebook to write and draw.

He counted the rules of this event in detail.

After 10 minutes, Yang Zi's brows finally relaxed.

"To be honest, this event is really difficult to understand."

"Let's not start working with Daheng this morning, let's talk about the event first."

Yang Zi chuckled.

"Hurry up, hurry up, although I heard it passionately before, I'm still blinded by what's going on."

"What you said upstairs is right, Yang Zi, tell me quickly, I can't understand it just by reading the official statement!"

"The Emperor [Army] sent out a treasure map*1!"

There were nearly 70 visitors in the live broadcast room, and Yang Zi obviously didn't want to miss this opportunity to increase fans, so he immediately started talking according to the idea just planned.

Liu Xiao understood it, but still planned to listen to Yang Zi's talk.

"Speaking of the activities in July, I have to talk about this super king list."

"Super Emperor is a new noble title launched by Huya this month. It costs 150 million yuan for the first activation and 50 yuan for the next month's renewal. At present, only Brother Xiao Xiao has obtained the title of Super Emperor. It can be said to be very honorable."

"And Huya's [Road to God] activity this time is an activity launched around Chaohuang."

Yang Zi coughed twice, then picked up the mineral water and took a sip.

"The event period is one week from today, so it goes without saying."

"Secondly, this event is divided into one play, but there will be two sets of rewards."

As soon as these words came out, the audience who hadn't quite understood the live broadcast room were drawn in again.

Yang Zi hurriedly continued to explain:

"This event no longer has the previous team-pk competition system, and has become a complete free competition. In the final analysis, which three sections have the highest overall rankings during these seven days, then these three sections are the winning sections, and this The three anchors with the highest gift lists in the three sections are the winners of this competition."

"That is to say, in a normal game pk, three winners will be determined, and the three winners will also be sorted into 1, 2, and 3 according to the ranking."

"And the rewards for these three winners are also the plans to become gods and demigods."

"Secondly, it gave Shenhao brothers a lot of freedom."

"For example, if brother Xiao Xiao gets the first place in the Super King list, he can designate an anchor to be promoted on the whole network of Huya.

"There will be a total of 6 winners in this competition, two tied for first, two tied for second, and two tied for third."

"Among them, three will be determined according to the list, and another three will be determined according to the assignment of Brother Shenhao on the Super Emperor List."

Yang Zi said all the things he summed up in one breath.

"Platform free PK decides three, and Brother Shenhao assigns three. That means there will be six people in Huya's god-making plan?"

"Then if we do it like this, the promotion fee will double again, and the total promotion fee will be [-] million!"

In the live broadcast room, the fans who listened to Yang Zi's systematic analysis suddenly realized.

But what followed was shock.

They understood Yang Zi's meaning, Huya will decide two [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd prizes this time, and these two [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd rewards are both the Godhood Project and the Demigod Project.

This means that in addition to investing in cooperation agreements with various platforms, Huya has to spend [-] million promotion funds!
Not counting the traffic investment, the capital investment alone costs [-] million!

With so much money, can Huya make it back in July?
"You don't have to worry about the officials."

Yang Zi explained with a smile.

The official has not lost money in the past two months. In addition to the consumption of the big brothers Shenhao, the income from advertising and operations has also slowly increased. Even if the big brothers do not rely on consumption, Huya can maintain the platform by relying on traffic and advertising benign operation.

Of course, ordinary tourists are not very clear about these things.

Liu Xiao listened for a while, and didn't plan to stay on the platform any longer.

Although there is nothing to do at noon, it is still okay to go to the gym and find a beautiful coach to take a nap.

There is a special vip room at the gym. During the lunch break, a beautiful coach can help loosen the muscles. On the one hand, it improves the quality of sleep, and on the other hand, it is mainly comfortable.

How can ordinary people understand the feeling of the beautiful coach's hand sliding gently on the arms and legs!

This is comparable to the feeling of having a haircut.

After a while in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao went offline.

But the turmoil of activities on the Huya platform has only just begun.

In Daozi's live broadcast room, although Xiao Xiao snatched the first place, Daozi was still very excited.

Although the rules of the event are somewhat complicated, he understands them.

In this event, there are a total of 6 places, and the most important thing is that there are three places on the super emperor list!

Xiao Xiao is the only one who can compete with Brother Hua and Brother Jiu on the platform.

No matter how fierce Xiao Xiao is, he is still alone.

It's a big deal for Xiao Xiao to occupy one spot, and the remaining two spots must belong to Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

This means that Daheng has at least two chances in terms of the Super Kings List!

As for the pk through normal channels, relying on Brother Jiu's funds of over [-] million yuan, he might be able to get one or two places.

This means that he can at least get an omni-channel recommendation within the platform.

He is already a super first-line anchor now, even if he can't get No. 1, as long as he gets the second and third place, he can also push him to the position of star anchor.

"Daozi, when will Brother Hua Jiu open Chaohuang? Xiao Xiao has already opened, why does Daheng lag behind every time?"

"Although the 150 million Super Emperor is nothing, it is very uncomfortable to be snatched by Xiao Xiao for the first place."

"I just went to Yang Zi's live broadcast room to watch for a while, and Yang Zi actually said that Brother Hua and Brother Jiu couldn't be the first to open it. It's too much!"

In the live broadcast room, although the fans were attracted a lot of energy by the activities in July, some diehard fans were still somewhat dissatisfied with Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua have not shown up until now, the No.1 of the Super God Emperor, Xiao Xiaona has no challenge at all.

For those Daheng fans who want to be the first in everything, it is really unacceptable.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about these things, I'll show you something."

Knife smiled indifferently, he has a big killer in his hand, just a few barrages, nothing serious at all.

Turn on the phone, and upload the screenshot of the bank card sent by Brother Jiu to the computer WeChat.

Open the file transfer assistant, and pull the photo into the live broadcast screen.

The picture gradually changed from blurry to clear.

Bank card balance: [-] million!

 Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

  I wish you all a happy family!
  I wish you all a happy Year of the Ox!
(End of this chapter)

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