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Chapter 201 Daheng's Monthly Plan!

Chapter 201 Daheng's Monthly Plan! (3000 words)
"How many zeros is this?"

"Four zeros, but nine digits!"

"Nine digits, that's [-] million?"

In the knife live broadcast room, tens of thousands of fans looked at the screenshots on the public screen, and suddenly became excited.

"Brother Jiu is fully prepared for July, so everyone can rest assured."

The knife chuckled.

"No problem, with Brother Jiu here, we will definitely win the first place in the July event!"

"Then, brother Jiu must be number one on the super emperor list this month?"

"Xiao Xiao hit a lot last month, but this month, he won't hit [-] million, right?"

"Upstairs, don't forget that this is only Brother Jiu, and Brother Hua and Fourth Brother. Even if Xiao Xiao can make [-] million, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are worthwhile!"

"Yes, yes, I forgot about that."

Knife also interpreted the event in the live broadcast room.

For now, on the surface, this event is still good for Daheng.

After all, on Daheng's side, Brother Hua, Brother Jiu and Lao Wu can all make a move, and on Ke Lehua's side, there is only Xiao Xiao.

The morning live broadcast ended, and when Dao Zi walked out of the live broadcast room, Brother Hua was already sitting in the office.

"Brother Hua, when did you come back?"

Knife was a little surprised.

Brother Hua's original itinerary would take at least two or three days to arrive. Now that he came back so early, he must have important things to do.

"Sit first, and wait for Lao Jiu."

Brother Hua shook his head lightly, closing his eyes to recharge his batteries.

In mid-June, Brother Hua heard a few friends from the board of directors of Huya talk about the activities in July.

But at that time, Vice President Du was also strict in keeping secrets, and the members of the board of directors only knew the general idea.

It wasn't until last night that the board of directors asked Vice President Du something, and he caught the early morning plane and flew over.

Now, Huya's affairs can be regarded as a big part of Hua Ge's business, especially Huya's recent high-speed development period, he is still more concerned about Huya's affairs.

After catching a flight all night, Brother Hua is not in the mood for the meeting.

It happened that Brother Jiu and Xia Nuan were working in the nearby hotel, so Brother Hua took the opportunity to squint for a while.

Xiaofei rented a house not far from the trade union, and rushed over when he heard that Brother Hua was coming.

Brother Jiu's stamina has been mediocre recently, and with Brother Hua's phone calls, he lost his interest for a while.

He gave another second-tier small anchor a stack of red tickets to let her go first, and then greeted Xia Nuan to put on her clothes while using her mouth, and then drove over in a hurry.

At 12:30, the core personnel of the trade union had arrived.

A group of people entered the meeting room and all sat down.

Brother Hua rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. The secretary beside him took out a stack of materials from his bag.

"Old Wu Laojiu, you should take a look at this material first."

The material is not too thick, there are only two or three simple pages, and there are two copies in total.

The title is the analysis report on Huya's trade union operation in July.

This material was summed up by Hua Ge, the chief investment analyst of the group, based on the current Internet operation situation.

Brother Wujiu took a copy of each of them and began to study them carefully.

Brother Jiu didn't have his own company, and the fifth child was just a small trade union boss before, so he naturally didn't have any professional analysts. The two of them were fascinated by this material as soon as they got it.

Brother Hua also spoke at the right time:
"First of all, it is the Internet sector."

"You can also see the current stock market. All Internet companies, whether it is Tencent, NetEase, or even Douyin, a behemoth that has just emerged, are currently experiencing rapid growth in stock prices, and the company's market value is constantly breaking through."

Lao Wu and Brother Jiu nodded.

The two of them have a good understanding of this aspect.

"Brother Hua is right. These companies are all trillion-level behemoths. From last year to this year, their market value has increased by at least 30.00%."

"To be precise, the value-added of the Internet industry is 30.00%[-]."

Brother Jiu added.

The concept is already pretty scary.

You know, it is very easy for them to increase the value of 1 yuan in operations. It is possible to increase the value by three or four times, or even ten times, within a year, and it is not uncommon to achieve a value-added rate of several thousand percent.

After all, with a small capital, there are infinite possibilities, and rapid growth of wealth can be achieved through opportunities or hard work.

But once it rises to the trillion unit, it will be difficult to increase the value of wealth and shake it.

And a 30.00% increase in value in one year means a full value increase of 800 billion!
The most important thing is that this value-added rate of 30.00% is not an exception. The entire Internet industry has developed at an extremely terrifying speed during this year.

Douyin Kuaishou is the fastest growing short video platform. It must be too late for Daheng to hitch a ride now, and the development model there is not very suitable for union operations.

Douyu's consumption level has also increased recently, but it has only reached the highest consumption of 800 million.

Including Huya's old club YY live broadcast, although the live broadcast platform is very large, but after all, the old platform is too bloated, many new tourists will not choose to go to YY, and there is almost no development prospect.

Not to mention the smaller live broadcast platforms such as Panda, Quanmin, and Zhanqi, which may not even have 200 million daily active users.

On the other hand, on Huya's side, there is already a slight attack on the industry's No. [-] live broadcast platform.

The highest list in a single month has exceeded [-] million. From the perspective of Shenhao, it is a complete victory!
Compared with Douyu, that is, the anchor and popularity are a little bit worse, but not too much.

According to this pattern of development, it will be a matter of time to surpass.

And Daheng has such unique prerequisites in Huya. If it is done well, it will definitely be no problem to seize this wave of live broadcast bonuses.

Lao Wu looked at the report carefully, his heart beating faster and faster.

He wished he could spend tens of millions of dollars on the live broadcast right now.

If this is done well, it will take a lifetime to eat!

"Giant enterprises are the first beneficiaries of the value-added of the Internet industry, but we can no longer ride the car of giant enterprises, so what we have to do is to take the second ride!"

Brother Hua took a sip of tea.

Taking a sip into his heart and nose, Brother Hua suddenly sobered up a lot.

"You can take a look at the second page, which is the return analysis I asked the appraiser to invest in July."

For an investment of less than [-] million yuan, Brother Hua had already asked the appraiser to calculate it.

The increase this time is the 7 million investment in July!

After a series of risk assessments, Brother Hua was very satisfied with the results.

With a monthly investment of [-] million yuan, the rate of return is not low!


Lao Wu looked at the investment report prepared by Brother Hua, and suddenly felt troubled.

He was just a small trade union boss, and he couldn't compare to Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

Trade union financing is generally divided into shares according to the proportion of capital contribution.

If Brother Hua and Brother Jiu invested [-] million each, and he didn't pay anything, his shares would inevitably be diluted.

After this round, with 5.00% of the shares in his hand, it is not bad to have [-]% remaining.

To be honest, even if you don't read this report, the fifth child still wants to vote. After all, the current development trend of the Internet is so good, as long as you throw money in it, you can make more or less money.

However, he really didn't have much money in his hand.

I'm so shy, I can't do it!
But if he doesn't vote now, his power in Daheng will become even smaller.

He definitely didn't want to become a wage earner like Vice President Du.

Brother Hua also saw Lao Wu's concerns.

Lao Wu's ability to judge the market is average, but his ability to do things is still very strong. Moreover, Daheng's middle management is brought up by Lao Wu. He and Brother Jiu, who bought shares halfway, are kicked out at this time. Old Five is definitely not a wise choice.

"According to what I said before, this investment will not be made proportionally, but will be added up later, and everyone's shares will remain the same."

Brother Hua comforted with a smile.

He has been in the mall for too long, and he is used to conflicts among shareholders.

But without exception, all the capital that wanted to eat alone died.

In this world, only win-win can earn more!

"Thank you, Brother Hua, for your understanding. I will make up the investment after the trade union pays dividends in the next few months. The interest will be 200 million more."

The fifth child glanced at Brother Hua gratefully, and nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan had the opportunity to formally enter the meeting.

They also heard the exchange of the three brothers Hua earlier.

Brother Jiu invested 1 million, and Brother Hua also invested more than [-] million.

Coupled with the union's balance of close to 3 million last month, it was just enough to make up [-] million!
In other words, the activity funds prepared by Daheng this month are more than Xiaoxiao's consumption since he came to the platform!
The three of them looked at each other, the excitement in their eyes couldn't be concealed.

After two months of activities, Xiaofei and Daozi had no money left.

Xia Nuan doesn't have a lot of money in his hands, but recently he spent more money playing with Brother Jiu. Although he didn't get much money, he got a house of more than 200 million yuan, which is much better than the two of them.

However, the three of them were still a little worried about this.

"Brother Hua, do we need three subsidies for this month's activities?"

Xia Nuan couldn't help asking, but when she saw Brother Hua's eyes, she immediately retracted.

For Hua Ge, a top boss, even Xia Nuan, a social butterfly, didn't dare to communicate too much.

But this question has to be asked.

If their anchors were still required to post [-]%, they would definitely not be able to post for three months.

"From now on, the union-style rewards made by Daheng's anchors only need to return the proceeds."

"For a single reward of less than one million, the union only takes a commission, not the income."

Brother Hua waved his hand lightly.

Daheng has long passed the time to squeeze the anchor to live.

There is Xiao Xiao on Lehua's side, the anchors Xiaohui and Xiaojuzi, who doesn't have tens of millions of funds?
If Daheng doesn't change, I'm afraid the anchors under him will really not be able to do it anymore.

What's more, Daheng's current income from advertising and endorsements is the bulk of the union's revenue, and it's no problem to occasionally give benefits to the anchor.

(End of this chapter)

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