Chapter 202 Hua Gela's New Anchor Joins the Club (3000 words)
When Brother Hua said this, Xia Nuan and the others were overjoyed.

If it can be implemented in this way, the anchors of the trade unions will no longer have to pay for activities in the future.

Even, they can eat all of the rewards below 100 million in a single time!
Although it is still not as good as Xiao Xiao's income, their Daheng's advertising income is much higher than Lehua's!
Among other things, it will definitely be no problem to play activities well and earn tens of 100 million a month.

"Thank you Brother Hua!"

Xiao Fei quickly thanked him.

He is the first brother of Daheng, his popularity is the highest, and his advertising revenue is naturally the highest.

In the past when he needed to return 6% to Big Brother Shenhao, he could barely hold on, but now Brother Jiu and Brother Hua cost tens of millions.

Returning 6% means that he has to take out more than 200 million subsidies every time.

He posted some during activities in May and June, but later on, the trade union has not allowed them to rebate.

But even so, he doesn't have much money left in his hands now.

"The trade union is still in the investment stage, and the money earned is basically used for investment, so the three of you currently don't get a lot of money. After a while, the union will stabilize and give you more gifts."

Brother Hua said with a smile.

"Even, it's not impossible to give you some dry shares."

Brother Hua owns 70.00% of the shares, which is very confident.

The three of Xiao Fei simply calculated.

If Daheng makes a profit of 5000 million a month in the future, even if they only take 50% of the dry stock, they will still have a monthly income of 600, which is [-] million a year!
If it is more, then the annual dividend income may exceed ten million!
What's more, their monthly profit of Daheng is far more than 5000 million.

Thinking of this, the three of them became more motivated.

Brother Hua looked at the three of them and was very satisfied.

Except for the shortcoming that Xia Nuan is a little rough, the mentality and ability of the three belong to the top group in Huya.

Brother Hua explained to the three of them in detail.

The current activity has just started, and there is no need to be so anxious to hit the rankings within a week of activity time.

The three of Xiao Fei left first, while Brother Hua, Brother Jiu and Lao Wu stayed behind.

"The investment plan was drawn up just now. There are still 8000 million available funds for the trade union. Brother Jiu invested [-] million. I will add another [-] to make up [-] million."

"Secondly, I have been away for the past few days. Huya's recently emerging anchors need special attention."

The fifth child took out his notebook and began to introduce the anchor information he had summarized during this period.

"In June, there were quite a lot of changes in Huya."

"Currently, Miss and Xiaoyi in the game area are firmly on Xiao Xiao's side, including most of the anchors in the game area, who are Xiao Xiao's party."

"In the game area, the only thing we can split is Han Ye, the anchor of Glory of Kings. If we can clean up and rebroadcast him, we can fight Xiao Xiao."

Brother Hua shook his head.

"I don't care about the game area. If Xiao Xiao is willing to disperse the funds to the game area, let him go. The Xingxiu area is the main battlefield."

"it is good."

The fifth child nodded and put a cross on Han Ye's name.

The reason why Han Ye can be mentioned is because Han Ye contacted him a few days ago. After all, Daheng is the only union on the Huya platform that can compete with Xiao Xiao.

But since Brother Hua made such a decision, it can also be declared that Han Ye's Huya live broadcasting career is over.

Brother Jiu lay carelessly on the sofa and listened to the fifth report.

To be honest, Brother Jiu didn't like Han Ye's brainless anchor either.

Still the same sentence, Brother Jiu is flowery, but he is not stupid.

An irritable anchor like Han Ye, as long as others set a rhythm, he will be cool. If he really signs into their Daheng, it will be a ticking time bomb.

"The game area can indeed be temporarily abandoned. There are too many anchors in the Xiao Xiao series, and all of them are top-line anchors. If we want to fight there, the capital consumption must be at least [-] million or more."

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, the fifth child continued:
"If you don't consider the game area first, then it's the Xingxiu area."

"Let's not talk about Xiaojuzi, Baldy and Yangzi, they are all from Xiaoxiao's school, and there is no possibility of digging them over."

"Secondly, there is Feng'er, a dance anchor who has recently risen. I have watched several live broadcasts. The dance is really good, and the appearance is above 95 points. If it is really praised, it is quite possible to reach the level of Xia Nuan."

Brother Jiu frowned, and although he wanted to speak, he still looked at Brother Hua first.

"Contact in private, you can give her an S sign, and then give her priority promotion conditions within the union."

Brother Hua took the data summarized by the fifth child, looked at it carefully, and finally came up with a definition.

Although Xiao Xiao rewarded Feng'er 1000 million before, Feng'er has been approaching Xiao Xiao during this period of time without success.

The number of times Xiao Xiao went to Feng'er's live broadcast room can be counted on the fingers of one's fingers.

At this time, their Daheng went to pull people, and there is still a high possibility of success.

As for whether they are the same type as Xia Nuan, Daheng doesn't care.

At most, there will be an afternoon show and an evening show, as long as the money is enough, I believe Xia Nuan will not have any objections.

"Old Five, please tell me when you get in touch. If the contract is signed successfully, I will often go over to take care of the live broadcast list."

Brother Jiu saw that Brother Hua had finished speaking, and added with a smile.

"This line, I'll see the opportunity when the time comes!"

The fifth child gritted his teeth.

If Brother Jiu can develop Feng'er into a running friend, then Feng'er may be as stable as Xia Nuan in the future.

Although the method is a bit weird, it is not a bad thing for the Daheng trade union.

Brother Hua just drank the tea in his mouth and spit it into the teacup silently, leaning on the leather seat, gently supported the mirror frame.

Regarding Brother Jiu's strange habit, Brother Hua no longer wants to say anything more.

Men, he also understands.

If he had as much free time as Brother Jiu, maybe he would choose to be a playboy.

"The second one is Brother Li."

"Before Brother Li came to Huya, Huya's official signing fee was 5000 million a year, which can be said to be the highest signing fee among anchors on all platforms."

"And Brother Li's current live broadcast is really popular. He has just come to Huya for a few days, and his peak popularity is almost the same as that of first-line male anchors like Xiaofei and Baldy."

Hearing Lao Wu mentioning Brother Li, Brother Hua couldn't help but sigh.

During this period of time, Daheng did not invest less in Brother Li. He swiped seventy-eight million yuan in and out, but there was not even a splash.

Brother Hua really wanted to sign Brother Li.

In Daheng's current ecology, Xiao Fei is a talk show anchor, Dao Zi is a news anchor, and Xia Nuan is a dance anchor.

At present, there is still one singing anchor among the top anchors.

If Brother Li can be signed, then it will be at least a [-]-[-] situation in a PK fight with Xiaojuzi in the future.

Moreover, Daheng's content ecology can also be developed in the future.

But still the original question.

Brother Li's social status is too high, so high that even if he ignores Daheng, he can still get along very well in Huya.

"I have been in contact with her a few times during this period. Although this female anchor is neutral on the surface, she still has a willingness to weigh in her heart. She is not getting closer to our Daheng now, just because she is considering what benefits Xiao Xiao can give her."

Brother Jiu disdains.

During this time, because of what Brother Hua told him, he got in touch with Brother Li for a while.

What kind of person is Brother Li, Brother Jiu can see clearly.

"Then according to your opinion, how many chips is appropriate to add?"

Brother Hua is curious.

In terms of dealing with women, he is indeed not as professional as Brother Jiu, and he has not cared too much about the platform anchor recently, so he would like to hear Brother Jiu's opinion.

"I think it's not enough to give cash, if you want to give it, give her hope!"

"I suggest that first give her [-]% of the shares and add an S signature, and then add [-]% to her every year, and after three years, a total of [-]% of the shares."

"Three percent!"

Lao Wu was startled.

According to their estimates, there is still a high probability that Daheng's monthly revenue will reach [-] million in the future.

Three percent means that a profit of 300 million will be given out a month.

After one year, it's 600 million!

Compared with Huya's 600 million signing fee, 5000 million yuan is not too much, but it is stable.

Even if Brother Li doesn't do live broadcasts in the future, he can still get a share of 600 million from Daheng every year.

What's more, everyone knows that this is also because Brother Li just came to Huya, and the signing fee will definitely be much less next year or two years later.

"Would that be too much?"

"Not much. After all, she is a celebrity anchor. In terms of hard power, she is already above Xia Nuan and the others. If she develops well in the future, the profit we can get from her will be much higher than the 600 million. !"

Brother Hua gently put down the teacup and made a final decision.

"Xingxiu's side will be like this first, and Feng'er's side will give the S lottery. If you want to come, we will accept it, but brother Li, we must take it!"

For Daheng, as long as he wins Brother Li, Daheng's star show ecology will be complete.

Talk show anchor, news anchor, dancing anchor, singing anchor!
As for Lehua, there is still a lack of a dance anchor.

If they beat Lehua again in the event, Daheng will really usher in a take-off period.

"Okay, I'll take care of these two things."

Lao Wu nodded and wrote it down.

"Secondly, the president of Dream Fighting, and the new outdoor anchors like Yang Qilan"

Lao Wu continued to analyze the changes in the anchors of the platform.

According to Brother Hua, this month I have to explore the outdoors.

After all, in this regard, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu have natural advantages.

Brother Hua and Brother Jiu, one is the rich generation and the other is the rich second generation, and the sports cars at home are all clustered together.

When doing outdoors, the most important points are sports cars, bars and pick up girls.

It is completely possible to use these free resources in hand to promote a super first-line anchor in the outdoor area.

What's more, their Daheng's winning rate is still relatively high this month. With six god-making places, their Daheng can get three at least, and four or five more are possible. They just took the opportunity to occupy the outdoor market. .

As for the fifth child, he did not work less in June.

They Daheng want to occupy the entire outdoor live broadcasting market as soon as possible before Xiao Xiao and Lehua can react!

 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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