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Chapter 203 Give Little Orange an S Sign

Chapter 203 Sign for Xiaojuzi S (3000 words)
Lehua is also in a meeting.

The offices on the second and third floors are still being remodeled. Sister Feifei moved the meeting room and the live broadcast room to the first floor, and will restore them after the renovation is completed.

But Lehua's lineup is much worse than that of Daheng.

Sister Feifei is a professional manager. Sister Feifei is responsible for all the operations of the union, and Lehua has no other investors or managers. This has led to the fact that Sister Feifei is the only manager in the entire Lehua union.

Coupled with the fact that Xiaojuzi is not in Guangzhou, it is difficult to hold offline meetings.

Therefore, Sister Feifei sacrificed the source of all evil capital, Dingding.

The core anchors of the union such as Tutu, plus Xiaojuzi, a total of twenty people gathered together.

"On the financial side, have the salaries of all the anchors been transferred out?"

"Sister Feifei, don't worry, I have already communicated with all the anchors, and all salary and bonus will be paid."

Finance turned on the video and replied with a smile.

This month, not only the anchors, but even their behind-the-scenes financial and field controllers have received a lot of bonuses.

And the most important thing is that Lehua's prospects are very good. Although the financial resources of the union boss are mediocre, but with the support of Xiaojuzi, their Lehua's revenue will inevitably increase.

Even the wages of all of them are going up.

"I'm not a person who likes to talk nonsense, so those lengthy speeches will be omitted."

Sister Feifei also got a good salary this month, and she was in a good mood, she said with a smile:

"In the future, I will communicate with my boss to see if I can introduce third-party capital into the market. Judging from the current activity of our Lehua platform, as long as the boss is willing to split shares, it is not difficult to get financing."

"So the prospect of our Lehua is still very good. I will discuss these miscellaneous matters. You just need to live broadcast well, improve the quality of the live broadcast as much as possible, and leave things like promotion to me."

"Tutu, you should prepare in the next two days. Before the event officially starts, you will make your union debut, and you will be given 200 million funds from the union, and you can just return the proceeds."

As soon as Sister Feifei said this, dozens of other second- and third-tier anchors were all sore.

Tutu has already reached the threshold of a first-line anchor. As long as the ranking is done well this time, it is a sure thing to be promoted to the first-line anchor.

And everyone knows very well that Lehua's current status of the three top anchors cannot be shaken. The singing, news, and Mai shouting anchors are all full, and the only thing that can be considered is the dance anchor.

Besides, brother Xiao Xiao occasionally brushes Tutu a little bit, so he has a good impression of Tutu.

If you really want to praise Tutu, then Tutu will most likely become Lehua's fourth head anchor!

"Congratulations to Tutu for being promoted to the first line!"

"Congratulations to the rabbit, the rabbit is mighty and domineering!"


Tutu and several second- and third-tier anchors are in the union, and the anchors next to him immediately congratulated.

"Thank you, thank you Miss Feifei, thank you everyone!"

Tutu's current live broadcast time is early in the morning, and he just woke up and rushed to the trade union. Sister Feifei's surprise came over, and Tutu was almost overwhelmed.

Originally, she was still thinking about communicating with the big brothers in the live broadcast room, plus she had saved a small coffer of 60 million during this period to make a million-dollar list to hit the front-line anchors. Sister Feifei was pleasantly surprised.

With a total of 200 million union funds, if you add the recommended position in the union, then her promotion to the first-line anchor must be stable.

Sister Feifei announced the recommended resources of other anchors in recent days.

More than 100 million funds were distributed scatteredly and scattered.

Of course, the treatment of these anchors is definitely not as good as that of Tutu, and it is impossible for Tutu to get the same resources as Yangzi Xiaojuzi.

Although Sister Feifei didn't say anything, everyone knew it in their hearts.

In the video, although Xiaojuzi didn't say a word, this did not prevent everyone from tacitly switching the video page to Xiaojuzi.

"Secondly, I have to warn you a little bit."

Sister Feifei spoke again.

"We, Lehua, are able to have today because of Brother Xiao Xiao's support. Without Brother Xiao Xiao's full support for the past two months, everyone probably wouldn't be able to get so much salary, let alone get so much exposure."

"So, no matter what brother Xiao Xiao wants to do, all our anchors in Lehua must stand for brother Xiao Xiao unconditionally!"

"Sister Feifei, don't worry, we know this."

"Sister Feifei, we know how brother Xiao Xiao has treated us during this time!"

"That's right, sister, don't worry, brother Xiao Xiao is such a good person as Shenhao, no matter what happens, we anchors will take our positions as soon as possible."

Twenty or so anchors patted their chests and promised.

Although I didn't disturb Brother Xiao Xiao much, in the past two months, Brother Xiao Xiao has given them many rewards.

Among other things, Brother Xiao Xiao took care of them, Lehua, during the two previous rounds of distribution of money on the whole map.

Everyone has at least ten treasure maps from Brother Xiao Xiao!

But Tutu and Sanjin were originally second-tier anchors with higher exposure and more gifts. Otherwise, Tutu would not have hundreds of thousands of funds in hand now.

In June alone, almost all the third-tier and above anchors in the labor union earned more than 6 yuan.

As for the anchors below the third line, there are at least [-] to [-].

The whole guild is over ten thousand!
Of course, income is only part of the picture.

More importantly, brother Xiao Xiao didn't have the habit of sleeping with anchors.

From the moment they became anchors, they were ready to play with Brother Shenhao, and a small number of them kept their lives clean, but they also had the psychological expectation of earning a basic salary.

But Brother Xiao Xiao has indeed refreshed their cognition in the past month or so.

Including Tutu, plus Brother Xiaoxiao's WeChat account, I was still very nervous at the moment, but if Brother Xiaoxiao asked her to go over to play with him, she would definitely fly over without saying a word.

But for such a long time, Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't even communicated on WeChat, as if he just swiped hundreds of thousands of gifts.

In a word, although these female anchors are ready to be covered in white fluid, it is naturally the best to be able to get out of the mud without getting stained.

No woman is born to want to be liked by others.

Of course, Xia Nuan may be excluded.

The photo of the three of them is still stored in Yang Zi's computer.

"I'm the same as Yang Zi. If anyone opposes brother Xiao Xiao, I, Yang Zi, will be the first to have trouble with him."

Yang Zi said solemnly.

He doesn't care what other anchors do, but he, Yang Zi, has always been firm in implementing this one.

It is not once or twice to open a special session for Daheng anchor.

If Yang Zi is called Huya's second brother, no one would dare to call him number one!

Although Xiaojuzi didn't say much, everyone knew what Xiaojuzi was thinking.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao is the exclusive eldest brother of Little Orange!
Sister Feifei announced some follow-up arrangements for the union. After the anchors returned, she left Yang Zi alone and made a video call to Xiaojuzi.

"Little Orange, the previous contract was only a C sign, why don't we change the contract to an S sign this month?"

Sister Feifei's searching gaze also looked at Yang Zi.

When the two signed the contract before, they were small anchors. On the one hand, the obligations of both parties in the contract were relatively small, and on the other hand, there was the issue of liquidated damages.

If Xiaojuzi and Yang Zi unilaterally breach the contract, they can terminate the contract with Lehua for 5000 yuan.

For super-first-line anchors like Xiaojuzi and Yangzi who are already up, 5000 yuan is as simple as drinking water and farting.

What's more, even if they, Lehua, wanted to hide the two of them, they couldn't do it at all.

In exchange for the two of them, Xuezang and their Lehua are about the same.

Unless the Liangkai union dealt with the bald man in the past, it would be possible for the United Daheng to trip the bald man during the event.

But by doing so, Sister Feifei would be digging her own grave.

"Sister, Lehua probably doesn't have the ability to give us an S sign yet?"

Yang Zi asked with a smile.

The bald little gray hasn't come yet, and Yang Zi also asked privately about signing the contract.

"Yes, Lehua's ability to sign S is really not enough."

Miss Feifei smiled wryly.

A common problem with small guilds.

The degree of official cooperation with Huya is not enough, and the promotion resources that can be obtained from Huya are not enough.

Even though Vice President Du has taken good care of their Lehua union recently, there is still a gap between them and the old front-line union.

"However, Lehua's development is not slow. It may not take a few months to reach the level of the first-line trade unions."

"Coupled with Vice President Du's recent support, we can still get two-thirds of the promotional resources for the S sign."

Sister Feifei didn't hide anything, and continued:

"If Xiaohui and you both mention the S sign, although the union cannot guarantee how many big recommendations such as pop-up push and cover push, it is still possible once a quarter."

The pop-up window push means that after the user opens the star show on the mobile phone, he will receive the pop-up window of the live broadcast room of the anchor in the first time.

As long as you are an interested user, you will click to take a look.

The cover recommendation is inferior, that is, when the user just clicks into the Huya app, the advertisement page becomes the anchor’s recommendation, and you can jump to it with just one click.

This is also a super push under the two super pushes of Huya's internal omni-channel and full-network omni-channel.

When Sister Feifei said this, Yang Zi was a little moved.

He didn't expect that Vice President Du would give Lehua this resource.

"Sister Orange, what do you think?"

Yang Zi looked at the video on his mobile phone.

The matter was not his prudence.

The key is the matter of liquidated damages.

The penalty for signing C is only 5000 yuan, but the penalty for signing S is 500 million.

After the S sign, once the union made up its mind to kill him, even though he couldn't kill him all at once, he had to bear all these things.

After all, the liquidated damages of 500 million is not a lot at all.

Of course, there are benefits to taking risks.

If the cooperation is good, both sides win each other.

But if one party plays tricks, it will be very uncomfortable.

Moreover, Yang Zi felt that his current status was entirely due to brother Xiao Xiao, and had little to do with Lehua's union. When he was a small anchor, Lehua didn't give him a recommendation, it was all based on c The signed contract is gone.

On the other hand, Brother Xiaoxiao cares about Xiaojuzi the most, so of course he has to consider Xiaojuzi's opinion.

What I asked Sister Feifei just now, I also let Xiaojuzi listen to it and make a decision.

Xiaojuzi stays, even if the liquidated damages are 1000 million, he still wants to stay.

Xiaojuzi leaves, even if the human setting collapses, he will leave!

(End of this chapter)

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