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Chapter 204 Let's Create a Super Emperor!

Chapter 204 Let's Create a Super Emperor! (3000 words)
In fact, the bald man also means this.

He was able to have what he is now, but it was all supported by Brother Xiao Xiao. If Brother Xiao Xiao spoke about signing a contract, he would naturally listen to Brother Xiao Xiao.

But since Brother Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, he still has to be consistent with Xiaojuzi.

Sister Feifei was also staring at the video on her phone.

She was still very uneasy.

I had talked with Xiao Hui before, and I also talked with Yang Zi, and it turned out that the meaning of both of them was very clear, just to see Xiao Juzi's attitude.

If the little oranges stay, they will stay.

Once Xiaojuzi chooses to leave, for Lehua, the result is absolutely devastating.

Even, it is very likely that they will not be able to do it in Huya!

Zhao Ning sat on a chair and bowed her head in thought.

"Sister Feifei, I agree to sign S, but there must be a clause in the contract. During the signing period, you must be responsible for all affairs of the union. If the union changes the person in charge, I have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract."

As soon as Xiaojuzi opened her mouth, Sister Feifei and Yang Zi were all stunned.


Sister Feifei was taken aback for a moment, but then she was moved.

Originally, she could make the decision by signing the S, but if she wanted to add such a clause, she had to ask the boss to sign it in person.

But she knew that this was not Xiaojuzi's unreasonable request, but that Xiaojuzi was helping her, the head of the trade union!
In other words, as long as the contract can be successfully signed in this way, the power in her Sister Feifei's hands will be further enlarged.

As long as she is unhappy, the trade union boss should not be happy either!
"Sister Feifei, I am protecting myself by making this request."

Zhao Ning said with a smile.

After staying in Lehua for a period of time, Zhao Ning is still very clear about Lehua's director structure, a very simple linear relationship.

There is a big boss at the top, and Sister Feifei is the person in charge at the bottom.

And Sister Feifei doesn't own any shares, as long as the big boss asks, Sister Feifei has to pack up and leave, the kind that can't even struggle.

Not to mention before, Lehua is just a small guild after all, and there is no great future for development, so if he leaves, he will leave, and he will be like a mess if he changes to another guild.

But with the development of Lehua, it is hard to guarantee that the boss will not have other ideas.

For example, if you don't trust Sister Feifei as a professional manager, it is possible to change your relatives to come over.

For now, Sister Feifei is still very good to her. Whether it is recommended positions or recommended resources, her treatment has always been very generous, and she has been working together for more than a month, and they are getting used to each other. At this time, if the boss She has nothing to do if the union management is changed to deal with internal affairs of the union.

So doing this is really a win-win option.

"I'm the same as Sister Orange. After all, I've been under Sister Feifei for a long time."

Yang Zi spoke at the right time, but in his heart he gave Little Orange a thumbs up.

As long as Lehua can't change the union management, no matter how the grassroots and middle management below change, the share of their top anchors will definitely not be less.

If you want to praise other anchors, you definitely can't bypass them.

And with this level of conditions, even if they are not doing well in Lehua, they can still run away. The big deal is to take Sister Feifei with them and retreat.

Sister Feifei called Xiaohui about this matter again.

Xiaohui readily agreed to this method.

"You guys, this is throwing all the problems to me."

Miss Feifei smiled wryly.

It's easy for the few of them to talk about it, but how to say it to the big boss is too difficult.

Which boss likes to be lifted up by the employees below?

Not to mention taking away the three top anchors!
However, this is also Sister Feifei's own interests. Although she finds it difficult, Sister Feifei still intends to fight for it.

After all, judging from the current development situation, as long as they disagree with this point, the three top anchors will not sign the contract, and the boss is still very likely to give in.

Sister Feifei walked out of the office to communicate with the big boss about signing the contract.

And Baldy started a video chat with Xiaojuzi and Yangzi in the wechat group of the three.

Of course, the bald man didn't want to talk about signing the contract.

Signing a contract is now a trivial matter for them. The liquidated damages of 500 million is not too small, but it is not too much. With the income of the three of them, even without the support of Brother Xiao Xiao, they can do it in a month or two. earn it back.

Now that the bald man, who is not low in wealth, is not going to discuss this matter in private, what he wants to talk about is the matter of this Tiger Bud event.

"What do you think of Huya's god-making plan this time?"

Baldy asked.

"The God-making Project only has six places. To be honest, I don't think this news is too good for us, Lehua."

Yang Zi shook his head, not very optimistic about this event.

It is true that brother Xiao Xiao is rich, but in the final analysis, brother Xiao Xiao is just a person.

But there are three spots on the Super Royal List!
Counting the big brothers on Lehua's side, except for Brother Xiao Xiao, there are some who can hit one or two million at a time, but there are none who can hit tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

As for the Lehua labor union, let alone, the boss didn't have much money at all.

In this competition, it is considered pretty good for Lehua to come up with 2000 million, and there is no need to think about more.

The bald man also had a headache. He was already bald and felt that even the few remaining hair follicles were going to die together.

Although he has not yet signed a contract with Lehua, Baldy has already regarded him as Lehua's person, but now Lehua's financial resources are similar to those of his old club, Liangkai.

Small is not small, but big is not big at all.

Da Heng moved his mouth, and directly frightened the boss of Liangkai's union to sell and throw him, a first-line anchor, and even blocked him as a cash cow of the union, so he didn't dare to be an enemy of Da Heng.

To rely on Lehua himself to fight Daheng is tantamount to nonsense.

But the official event was indeed abnormal.

Two top three, a total of six places, even if Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, he can only get three at most. This is still the best situation. Arrange another one on the list.

He came to Lehua for his debut, not to mention the first place, but also the second place, right?
And his bald man has a share, so he can't help but give a share of the little orange supported by brother Xiao Xiao, right?

That's two places.

Not to mention, Brother Xiao Xiao is still playing in the game area, let alone, at least one of League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, right?

No matter how biased Brother Xiao Xiao is, it is impossible for Xingxiu to get all the places he got this time.

In Baldy's view, with the help of Brother Xiao Xiao in this event, it is best for them to get three or more places. If there are only two places, Daheng will definitely take the remaining four. Four, besides the three veteran anchors, Daheng can also support a new anchor, and it will be impossible to fight at that time!
As for Daheng, it was announced in the morning that Brother Jiu is about to spend [-] million to participate in the event. Whether Lehua can win the first place in Xingxiu District is another matter.

Of course, in the best case, four places will be awarded.

With three places, Xingxiu is still at a disadvantage compared to Daheng.

"Why don't we gather another Super Emperor?"

Yang Zi frowned.

Needless to say, in the game area, brother Xiao Xiao must win the first place.

The best situation is that Brother Xiao Xiao from Xingxiu District will come out first, but the probability of this is not high.

But the anchors still have some money in their hands.

"I have about 800 million gold beans in my hand now, and I can invest them all."

"I have 300 million in my hand."

Little Tangerine opened her mouth.

"I have 200 million here, which adds up to 300 million, and the trade union gets another 2000 million, which is only 9000 million."

Baldy shook his head.

Even if all the money is pooled together to open a union super emperor account, it will not be easy to defeat Daheng with only a list of 9000 million.

"You said, is it okay to borrow this money from the bank like Xiao Yi did?"

Yang Zi had an idea.

If these gifts are given to a few of them, there will still be half of the personal income. With this half of the income and a part of the loan, the amount will be hundreds of millions?
"It's not necessary for an event." The bald man shook his head and refused decisively.

To fight with Daheng, it is meaningless to borrow 2000 million. They have to try risky loans, that is, loans that exceed personal income.

There is no way to get a loan from a bank.

For example, use 9000 million running water to loan 5000 million.

This kind of risky loan can indeed be loaned out, but after the loan is used up, what if you fail to win Daheng, or are beaten badly by Daheng?
After all, you can get 1.5 million turnover at most, so it's hard to guarantee that Daheng won't make more.

Unlike Xiaoyi’s loan at the end of the month, you must know that it is still the beginning of the month, and the interest rate for one month’s loan is still very high. The turnover they mortgaged is multi-party income, which is unstable.

Once being beaten badly by Daheng, the popularity loss in the live broadcast room will be serious. In the case of short-term insolvency, the bank manager who was begging for a loan before will come to demand repayment.

At that time, the golden beans could not be converted into cash until the end of the month, and all of them were placed in the Huya account and could not be withdrawn.

In order for the bank to withdraw funds quickly, the lender will be declared bankrupt immediately, all money and accounts will be frozen, and assets will be liquidated.

This kind of thing has happened too many times, and it is a lesson of blood and tears.

The faces of banks are much uglier than capitalists.


"It is useless to borrow too little risk-free loans, and there is no guarantee that 100% of risky loans will be completed. The bank's road is broken."

Yang Zi sighed.

What the bald man said is also right, there is no need to spend all your wealth just to play an event.

They are anchors, not gamblers.

"At present, the proposal just now is the most reliable. We can gather all the assets and sign an agreement with the trade union, and raise a union's super king together."

"It would be best if we can get one spot in this event, but if we can't, we will at least secure three spots!"

The three discussed for a while, but decided to use the most conservative method.

If there is an unexpected situation at that time, it is not too late to take action.

Soon, Sister Feifei returned to the office with a smile.

 Happy Valentine's Day! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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