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Chapter 20 Marriott again!Help Kaka reach the top!

Chapter 20 Another Million Dollar Brush!Help Kaka reach the top!

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Huya No. 10]*99*[-] combos in the Kaka live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Huya No. 10]*100*[-] combos in the Kaka live broadcast room!"

Another 2 minutes passed, and the special effects of gifts in the live broadcast room finally gradually dimmed.

The combo effect of the big rocket goes from deep to shallow until it disappears.

The public screen in the live broadcast room began to slowly have barrage.

150 million tourists crowded into the live broadcast room, all expressing their feelings about what they saw and heard today.

In the game area, millions of rushes, plus millions of gifts!

If you say this, you can blow it up for a year!

As for the lottery?

With a lottery recharge of less than 3 yuan, where is the shock of a million gifts?
In Kaka's Fan Festival event, the fan value has reached more than 3000 million, even surpassing the ranking of Xingxiu's first brother Xiaofei, directly occupying the first place on the list!

As for Xingxiu's first sisters, Daheng and Xia Nuan, they were squeezed out of the top three by Little Orange.

Of course, this is because Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan haven't started broadcasting yet, and when it starts broadcasting in the afternoon, the ranking will naturally change.

But that's scary enough.

When will game anchors be able to grab the rankings for big events on the platform?
Xiao Xiao's fans continued to increase wildly, and in just a few minutes, Shen Hao's fans had broken through [-]!
Kaka opened his mouth wide open, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Brother Xiao Xiao, isn't he too loyal?
He thought he was cold at first, but he didn't expect that Brother Xiao Xiao directly swiped millions of gifts, suppressing all rhythms!
Lanlan let out a sigh of relief.

I won the bet!

The corners of Lanlan's mouth raised slightly.

He had just been promoted to an S-level account manager, and a few colleagues were not very convinced, and even slapped himself in the office in the morning.

But my own handling of this emergency is enough to make me stand firm!
No one cares about the lottery in the game, and no one cares about the silence of all members in just a few minutes.

Gushou Yuba and other anchors were even more stunned.

100 million, is their salary for several years?
As far as Kaka is concerned, 100 million is enough for him to earn for a year or two!

Calculating carefully, this big brother Xiao Xiao, from yesterday to this morning, has spent almost 250 million on the platform in a day and a half, right?

"No wonder! No wonder the platform will ban all members of Kaka's live broadcast room!"

Gu Teyu touched his shaved head some time ago, and suddenly realized.

Where is Kaka's face?
What Lan Lan sold was clearly for Brother Xiao Xiao's face!

"Okay, let's continue to draw the lottery."

Liu Xiao lay down lazily.

Taking out his mobile phone, he sent Lanlan a WeChat message on WeChat. The general content was to ask Lanlan to create a small program such as a platform linker for him, so that he would not be so tired every time he gave a gift.

Then he sent a private message to Kaka in Huya, asking him to continue smoking, don't worry about not being able to get it out.

Lanlan hugged her phone, looking at the content of WeChat, she was speechless for a while.

Isn't the process of giving gifts for enjoyment?
Lan Lan quickly agreed, but secretly complained in her heart.

The boss's brain circuit is different, no wonder he can make so much money!

"it is good!"

Seeing Liu Xiao's barrage, Kaka came back to his senses, quickly adjusted his mentality, and forcibly suppressed his shortness of breath.

"Brothers, Brother Xiao's account has drawn 18 just now, and there are still [-] diamonds, which is [-] RMB!"

Now that brother Xiao Xiao has let go, then he will go all out!
So what if you can't get it out?
The eldest brother can also smash the rhythm with money!

Choose 11 consecutive draws, just click to open!

"Wow! There's a big prize!"

Kaka was ecstatic, and quickly adjusted the screen ratio to the maximum!
"Brave Nidalee! Limited!"

"Omega Squad Teemo!"

"Galaxy Magic Armor Fitz!"

"Ice and Snow Festival is limited to Gnar!"

"Heir of the dragon! Li Qing!"

Kaka laughed.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes!
11 lottery draws, four 99 skins plus one dragon!
Kaka turned to the background and led Long Xia to the account.

"Come on, keep going! I feel lucky!"

Another 11 consecutive draws, 500 yuan was spent.

"Source Project Yasuo!"

"Source Plan Lucian!"

"Sands of Time Ike!"

"Leaping Dragon in the Yuan: Li Qing!"

"Blue Dragon Blind also got it!"

The public screen in the live broadcast room instantly flashed countless 666.

As for whether Tencent has just adjusted the probability of such a barrage, it is almost drowned in countless 666 as soon as it is posted.

Kaka continued to swipe, and soon, the black dragon was also drawn out.

"Heir of the dragon, Li Qing, the flying dragon is in the sky!"



"Bull beep, Tiezi!"

If you start counting from [-], only [-], you will be directly out of the three-color dragon blind!

"Let's draw all 30 diamonds."

Liu Xiao was also very happy.

The three-color dragon is blind, and it is the face of the card when it is taken out.

But what Kaka and Liu Xiao didn't expect was that the probability of getting a skin suddenly increased like an explosion.

Originally, the three-color dragon blind Liu Xiao was already satisfied, but just as Kaka clicked to draw a lottery, another one came!
"Li Qing, the descendant of the dragon, the dragon has regrets!"

Huanglong is blind!
"My God, I didn't hear that Huanglong is blind in the prize pool of this event!"

The 150 million tourists did not leave much, and most of them are fans of the LOL area, who can understand Kaka's lottery draw.

At this time, the four-color dragon blind appeared, and the rhythm of the public screen area finally returned completely, and no one mentioned the rhythm of the goose factory anymore.

After all, at [-], it wouldn't be a loss if a four-color dragon blinds.

"Don't worry, everyone, there are still [-] left, maybe we can draw out all the dragons!"

Kaka got a few dragons to the account in the prize redemption area, and then continued to click on the lucky draw.

As long as the skin of Long Xia is brought to the account, there will be no repeated Long Xia skin in the lottery.

In this way, the probability of drawing skins of other colors is greatly increased!

After all, as long as you brush to Long Xia again, it must be another color!

16 diamonds is not too much. With the unboxing animation turned off, the lottery draw is extremely fast. In about ten minutes, Kaka has been drawn.

And it is indeed as Kaka said, 3 yuan, more than four-color dragon blind!

"Dragon battle in the wild! Red dragon!"

"See the dragon in the field! The green dragon!"

"Don't use Qianlong! Golden dragon!"

"Riding the dragon to control the sky! Powder dragon!"

"Long De hides!."

The last one, Kaka doesn't know what color dragon blind it is.

The upper body is blue and the lower body is black.

"Let's call him Qinglong for now!"

Kaka yelled in the live broadcast room, full of passion.

Just now, he was still worried about his live broadcast career, but now, he has ushered in the peak of his popularity!
Counting the original color, there are a total of nine dragon blind skins!
In addition, there are more limited and holiday limited skins.

On the whole, although the front lost [-] and died, but later, it was a big profit!
 The update time is stable at [-]:[-] noon, please recommend a ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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