Chapter 21 50 Invite Fans to Lunch
Liu Xiao was even more in a good mood.

Kaka did a little statistics, removed the duplicate skins, and pulled out more than 800 skins.

Among them, the number of years and holiday restrictions accounted for more than 200.

Not to mention, with so many skins, the value of Liu Xiao's account is already close to [-]!

Panchromatic dragon blinds, plus raw leather, a total of nine dragon blinds, totally worth the price!

Another five treasure maps were thrown out.

"Take the fans to lunch."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao!"

At the same time, Kaka hurriedly sent private messages in the background.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, please give me a bank account number, and I will return all your gift purchases."

Kaka did not sign a union, half of the 100 million platform was deducted, and he earned 50.

And if he returns all the gifts, it means that he has to put 50 in it!

It has only been a year and a half since he came to Huya live broadcast, and he only has so much savings in his hand.

Huya's anchor, the eldest brother volunteered to help, and usually returned what he earned.

But if it wasn't for Brother Xiao Xiao this time, his live broadcasting career would have basically ended here.

He is a person who knows how to repay his kindness and will not do anything ignorant of his conscience, which is why he is praised as a good person in the LOL district!

"No, there is no reason to get back the money I sent out."

Liu Xiao directly refused.

If he could cash out, Liu Xiao wouldn't do it like this.

That being the case, it's good to pretend to be a beep!

And Kaka was even more frantic.

100 million, don't even want a cashback?
This is really awesome!

"Friends, I just asked Brother Xiao Xiao, this wave of big brushes is all for the benefit of our fans."

"The 50 I got here will be divided into [-] red envelopes in the next few days, all of which will be given to fans in the form of free lottery!"

"Everyone, thank Brother Xiao Xiao for your generosity!"

Kaka played a battle song in the live broadcast room and shouted loudly.

"50? All benefits?"

"real or fake?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, beep! Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

Fifty bags for 50 points, one is 1 yuan!

And, the lottery is still free!
This means that all of them, including tourists who usually spend nothing, just click on the barrage and have a chance to get a big bag of [-]!

1 yuan, but many people's wages for a month or two!
Where has Huya ever had a lottery of this level?
"Now, let's start the first round of lottery draw!"

"1 yuan package, just click on the TV in the comment area, and then send a thank you Xiaoxiao brother, you can participate!"

Kaka yelled.

The popularity of the live broadcast room did not drop much, 150 million people, at least 50 people clicked on the TV at the same time.

Everyone is constantly swiping the screen, wishing to tap more times to increase the probability.

There are more than a million bullet screens that pop up on the public screen in one minute!
Fortunately, Kaka was a super first-line anchor before, and Huya's server resource allocation was already high, so it didn't cause the system to crash.

But the technical department was still exhausted.

In the background, Lan Lan reported the operation just now in front of Vice President Du.

"You did a good job, remember to contact Xiao Xiao when you look back, and try to stabilize him on Hu Ya's side!"

"By the way, in addition to the [-]% commission this month, you will add an extra [-] bonus as a reward for handling this emergency."

Vice President Du made some arrangements casually, touched his chin, and then pondered.

Looking at the flow of gifts in the background, he felt that Xiao Xiao's spending power was somewhat underestimated.

In two days, 250 million were directly swiped out!

Moreover, at Xingxiu's side, he also made an appointment to compete with the Daheng trade union for the top spot. This consumption is definitely in the millions!

"Could it be that he can spend 1000 million a month?"

Vice President Du was taken aback by his own thoughts.

The Huya platform currently has the highest monthly consumption record of 540 million!

Brother Shenhaohua!

And the highest record of annual consumption is 300 million. This record was also set by Brother Shenhaohua.

Secondly, the second record of annual consumption is 400 million, with an average monthly consumption of more than 100 million, Brother Shenhao Jiu!
These two people are both biased towards the Daheng union, and they often give big brushes to the anchors of the Daheng union, and they are the mainstay of the platform's revenue.

Vice President Du shook his head and threw out the unreliable thoughts in his mind.

It is unrealistic to spend 1000 million a month!

In reality, how many people have such horrible running water?

Even Boss Wang, who said he had a small goal, said that the [-] million yuan he gave to Principal Wang was distributed dozens of times.

Once, it looks like 500 million to 1000 million.

Lan Lan happily returned to the office, and simply calculated her salary for this month.

The basic salary is 6000, plus a bonus of 2, plus a [-]% commission.

Xiao Xiao has already spent 250 million, so she can get [-].

Add up, it has exceeded 5!
For a new employee like her, such a large amount of money is already a huge sum.

It is three or four times that of these colleagues!
It is now May 5th, and in two days, this salary will be credited to my card!
Lan Lan hummed a song and walked into the office with her head held high.

She wants to show those colleagues who looked down on her before that her ability is not bad!
Liu Xiao looked at the broadcast room and thanked Xiao Xiaoge for all the barrage, and he was in a good mood.

Shenhao rewards the anchor, isn't it just for comfort?

After wandering around the LOL area for a while, I entered the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with my account.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

Lao Long stroked his bald head, flattering Liu Xiao.

From yesterday to now, 250 million consumption!
There is no need for others to question this spending power!

In the comment area, a large group of tourists even jumped over, typing and licking wildly.

If there is a disagreement, it will be a free draw of 50 yuan!
This is not a treat for lunch, it's enough for a month of feasts!
Liu Xiao didn't say a word, just waved his hands and it was ten treasure maps.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

The old dragon had a smile on his face.

"You play first, I'll go to the other anchors."

Liu Xiao spoke on the public screen.

Lao Hu is having an affair with Lao Long, and the live broadcast room of the two is connected.

Liu Xiao directly clicked on the link and jumped over.

"The Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Treasure Map]*5 in Lao Hu's live broadcast room!"

Liu Xiao clicked five times in a row, and sent five treasure maps directly!

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

The old Hu from the Northeast has a rough voice, but he seems very sincere.

Liu Xiao also left a message and jumped away.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out [Treasure Map]*5 in the wind broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Treasure Map]*5 in the B-text live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Treasure Map]*2 in the Yaoyao live broadcast room!"


"Brother Xiao Xiao's ward rounds!"

"The ward round army is here!"

Thousands of tourists followed Xiao Xiao, jumping repeatedly in the live broadcast room, smiling happily.

What they like most is to watch the big brother give the anchor a big brush.

Liu Xiao went from top to bottom, as long as the cover looked pleasing to the eye, he clicked in and took a look.

I've seen it before, and the five treasure maps are more familiar, and the two treasure maps that I can see past are the two treasure maps.

Brother rounds, never empty-handed!
This is also a means for Big Brother Huya to show off his financial strength.

In the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds section, Liu Xiao entered more than 30 live broadcast rooms!

Average consumption, three treasure maps.

The total consumption is close to 50!

(End of this chapter)

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