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Chapter 206 Daheng signed a new anchor with shares!

Chapter 206 Daheng signed a new anchor with shares! (3000 words)
Xiao Xiao gave her gifts last month, but the total was only 200 million. Compared with Xiaojuzi and Baldy, it was indeed a bit too much.

For now, it seems a bit unrealistic to approach Brother Xiao Xiao.

She suddenly regretted the olive branch extended by Daheng some time ago.

On Daheng's side, there is currently no singing anchor, and Xia Nuan is a dancing anchor, which does not conflict with her.

If she signs with Daheng, she will definitely have a share in future activities.

I was bored chatting with water friends in the live broadcast room, and suddenly a message popped up on my mobile phone's WeChat.

"Let's listen to the song first, and I'll go to the bathroom."

Brother Li was shocked, and quickly walked out of the room with his mobile phone.

The next moment, Lao Wu's phone call came.

"Brother Li, you should have seen the news that the bald man signed with Lehua just now, right?"

Old Fifth's hearty laughter came from the microphone.

When Baldy signed a contract with Lehua, but Brother Li didn't say anything, Lao Wu immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

Obviously, Lehua either didn't want to sign Brother Li, or the two sides didn't agree. This is a huge opportunity for Daheng!

Brother Li didn't care about what Lao Wu said, what she cared more about was what conditions Lao Wu could give her.

The regret just now has not dissipated, as long as the conditions offered by the fifth child are not bad, she is still very willing to sign to Daheng.

"Fifth brother, it's meaningless to talk about this matter. I didn't agree with Lehua, but if I want to go there, the union boss will definitely welcome me."

"Including brother Xiao Xiao, I'm afraid they will also accept me as the new anchor."

Li Ge is very confident.

Although it may be cold in the future, she is still a sign now!

As long as she doesn't fall, it will be a huge traffic pool, and the benefits it can bring to the trade union will definitely not be low.

"I admit this, so I am here to negotiate a union agreement with you on behalf of Daheng."

Speaking of business, Lao Wu suddenly became serious.

"I don't know what conditions Lehua offered you, but if you come to Daheng, you can directly sign an S plus an annual signing fee of 2000 million, and recommend resources to enjoy the first rank."

"How about this benefit, isn't it okay?"

Brother Li's heart trembled suddenly.

In the previous discussion between Lao Wu and her, the signing fee only talked about 1000 million.

But now it has doubled!
2000 million is not too little. Even if Huya's contract renewal fee is lower next year, it will be able to make up for her income.

Although he felt that he could agree in his heart, Brother Li still wanted to see if he could fight for something more.

"It's a little less." Brother Li was silent for a while, and didn't say much.

Everyone knows her market value, so mentioning it at this time will seem urgent.

If it was a face-to-face interview, Lao Wu would definitely be able to see what Brother Li was thinking.

But after all, it was a telephone conversation, and the fifth child was also quite nervous.

After all, Daheng needs the fresh blood of Brother Li too much recently!

Not only Hua Ge gave him a death mission, but even he himself gave him a death mission, we must talk about it!
Seeing Brother Li's reaction, Lao Wu was quite pleasantly surprised.

Although I don't know what Li Ge's bottom line is, but the fifth child can tell that Li Ge still has the intention of coming to their Daheng.

"It seems that there is no mistake in choosing the bald man to sign the contract!"

The fifth child made up his mind and continued to communicate with Brother Li.

"You should also know the operating mode on Xingxiu's side. Whether it's the little oranges, bald men, and Yangzi on Lehua's side, they all get a basic salary of several thousand yuan plus a share, including Xia from Daheng's side. Nuan and Xiaofei still have knives, and they also get a basic salary of several thousand yuan plus a share."

"It's the only one who pays a signing fee like you, let alone 2000 million. The terms we Daheng offer are indeed quite generous."

"Not to mention anything else, with the number of fans in my entire network, it's not too much to be higher than these anchors, right?"

Brother Li laughed.

The fifth child cursed inwardly, but there was still a smile in his words:

"Brother Li, you have to give me the number. If the gap between our psychological expectations is too big, there is no need to talk about it."

"I mean, it's the same as Huya's side, a signing fee of 5000 million."

Brother Li thought for a while and said.

In fact, her psychological expectation is 500 million, but if the fifth child asks her to quote, she must offer a higher price.

As for what Lao Wu said, there's no need to talk about it anymore, it's almost as good as cheating ghosts.

"This is definitely not possible. How about this, brother Li, let's cooperate in another way."

The fifth child shook his head, intending to take out the solution that Brother Jiu and Brother Hua had considered before. In doing so, the short-term cost of the trade union will be smaller.

"Another way?" Brother Li was a little curious.

"Brother Li, you just came to Huya not long ago, but you should already know about our Daheng. To be honest, we also have a big boss in Daheng, and our big boss has evaluated Daheng's follow-up through a professional evaluation agency. Regarding the development situation, what the big boss means is to give you [-]% of the shares."

"I've sent you the specific evaluation book on WeChat. You can read it first. If you think it's okay, just call me back later."

"Okay, let me take a look first." Brother Li nodded.

Hang up the phone and open Daheng's review book.

The [-] to [-] pages of reviews are all market analysis of Daheng's subsequent development.

Detailed financial data and revenue data, including the future development plan for Daheng, are all in front of Li Ge.

The more he looked back, the more shocked Li was.

Although she is a bit greedy for money, she is not stupid, and this material is still understandable.

In this evaluation book, the expectations for Daheng are still conservative estimates.

In about three months, Daheng will be able to steadily achieve a monthly revenue of over [-] million!

Brother Li carefully researched the test before and after, for fear that he would get a fake evaluation letter.

Back in front of the computer, while chatting with the water friend without saying a word, while searching the Internet for some data in the evaluation book.

Half an hour later, Brother Li came to a definite conclusion.

This evaluation book can't be truer!

"Xiao Liu, help me to broadcast for a while, my stomach hurts a lot today."

Brother Li called out to the field control agent next to him, turned around and ran out again.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also concerned.

But this time, Brother Li has no mind to care about the fans' barrage.

Stable revenue of [-] million a month!
What the fifth child told her just now, at least give her [-]% to [-]% of the shares.

150% of 12 million is 800 million. In [-] months of the year, it is [-] million income!
This is the lowest expectation given by Daheng.

Brother Li just made a little estimate based on the data. Three or four months later, the probability of a month's advertising fee plus gift income and union turnover exceeding 1.2 million is still relatively high.

Even, as the trade union develops in the future, as the scale grows again, she will be able to get more money!
This is much more delicious than the signing fee.

After all, the signing fee fluctuates with the rise and fall of popularity.

She gets 5000 million this year, but next year it may only be 3000 million, or even 1000 million the year after.

In a few years, when she gets older, she won't even get a penny of the signing fee, and the union and the platform will chase her out to kick her out.

And what about taking shares?
The annual income of more than 1000 million is guaranteed, and with the development of the trade union, it will get more and more.

The most important thing is that the development of the trade union is much more stable than her live broadcast and self-media.

Although it may be a little less than the signing fee in the short term, it is much better in terms of long-term development.

Brother Li quickly made a decision.

Must sign!The shares of Daheng must be obtained!

Without even thinking about it, a call was made to Lao Wu again.

"How about it?"

The fifth child was also pleasantly surprised.

It seems that Brother Li is tempted by shares!
Some of the old five who looked down on Brother Jiu in the past, will admire Brother Jiu now.

Brother Jiu's eyes on women are no worse than Brother Hua's at all!
"You can also consider taking shares."

Brother Li smiled and nodded.

"However, [-] percent is really too low. I think [-] percent is more appropriate."

"Three percent?"

"Brother Li, three percent means an annual revenue of more than 3000 million."

"You have to know that after taking the shares, you have to pay for every investment of the union. If the union raises 300 million, you have to take [-] million out of [-]%."

Although the psychological expectation is [-]%, but the fifth child still wants to press down.

"Then fifth brother, how much do you think is suitable?"

Brother Li also smiled.

Lao Wu said before that it was [-]%. Although I don't know where the bottom line of Lao Wu is, but Brother Li would definitely not dare to think of doubling it.

In Brother Li's opinion, it would be best if he could get [-]%. If he couldn't get it, [-]% would be fine.

An extra [-]% would bring in millions more in income a year!

As for the investment that the fifth child just mentioned?

She can only invest a few million in this share, and there are still tens of millions in her hand, so she can afford it!

"Two percent at most."

The fifth child spoke.

Brother Li made up his mind.

Even if it is calculated as 200 million, 400% of the report will be [-] million a month, and [-] million a year.

Although it was a little less in the early stage, if Daheng continues to develop, it will definitely get more than the signing fee.

"Two percent is fine. In terms of resources recommended by the union, it must be reflected in the contract."

Brother Li nodded in agreement.

She knew that if the conversation continued, there should be a little more, and Ke Lehua's attitude made Brother Li dare not talk too harshly with Da Heng.

If Daheng doesn't want her here and Lehua only pays a few million signing fees, she will be at a big loss.

"That's no problem. Your recommended resources are the same as those of the union's top-line anchors, and within July, any recommendations will be prioritized."

The fifth child was very excited.

It's done!And it was a deal with [-]% of the equity!

This means that while Daheng does not need to pay Li Ge a signing fee in July, it can also obtain a financing of one million yuan.

Not much, but a good thing indeed.

"Okay, I'm going to draft the contract now. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract online first, and the rest will be mailed!"

 Hanxiangfeng: 999 book coins as a reward

  Thanks for baa baa a sheep: 688 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to do: 588 Shucoin for the reward

  Thank you Gentleman Jie: 400 Book Coins as a reward

  Thank you for the pure black eyes: 100 book coins as a reward

  Thanks to the child who looks at the stars: 100 book coins as a reward

  Thank you!

  Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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