Chapter 207 Outdoor Live Streaming! (3000 words)
Lao Wu has already made the electronic contract, and after slightly changing the signing data, he shared it with Brother Li online.

"Because the contract conditions given to you are too generous, the liquidated damages of 500 million yuan is definitely not enough. The directors have temporarily set 3000 million yuan. If you disagree, you can discuss it again."

Old Five said.

Brother Li glanced at it hastily, and then sent a screenshot of the contract to a lawyer he knew.

The content of the contract was not long, and most of them were regular clauses. After 10 minutes, the lawyer replied to Brother Li that there was no problem, and then Brother Li uploaded his ID card and other documents with confidence.

For now, for the timeliness of the work, electronic signing is also legally effective, but the physical contract has to be resigned by mail.

As for the 3000 million breach of contract, Brother Jin Li is not worried.

It's nothing more than a live broadcast time requirement.

It is enough to broadcast 4 hours per month * the number of days in the month, that is to say, if it is 30 days, then it is enough for her to start broadcasting for 120 hours in the month.

There are no hard requirements during the live broadcast, as long as she is willing, she can make bubbles.

With such a small condition, how could she breach the contract?

The signing was completed soon, and Lao Wu also printed out three copies of the paper contract, planning to send it by express delivery the next day after work.

"Brother Li, if you're free, you can come to the Guangzhou headquarters, and we will also prepare a live broadcast room for you."

"Fifth brother, don't worry, I'll come over after a while when I finish my work."

Brother Li is in a very good mood.

After signing this contract, as long as she will live broadcast honestly, she will not have to worry about it for the rest of her life.

"Don't be in a hurry to announce the signing of the contract. The union will arrange a day and announce it tomorrow night."

"In addition, the major shareholder of our union is Brother Hua, accounting for 70.00% of the shares, followed by Brother Jiu, accounting for 20.00% of the shares, and then me, accounting for [-]% of the shares."

"Your two percent of the shares will be transferred to you by Brother Hua later."

Brother Li was still nodding at the beginning, but when the fifth brother mentioned that Brother Hua and Brother Jiu were the directors of Daheng, Brother Li was really confused.

She has not been on the Huya platform for a long time, so it is naturally unlikely that the old anchor and her husband will know about Daheng.

In her impression, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are more like the big brothers of the guild, and even Brother Jiu has paid her millions of turnovers during this time!

Brother Li opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

But after being shocked, Brother Li became excited again.

Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are Shenhao brothers who rank high on the platform. If there are two Shenhaos who are union directors, then Daheng will not be short of money at all!
No wonder Lao Wu was so confident before, it turned out that his confidence was here!

That is to say, in the future, in addition to the trade union wars for her, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu will also give her a lot of rewards?

Thinking of this, Brother Li was immediately full of energy.

She somewhat admired her wise decision to jump from Douyin to Huya.

Although she is more famous on Douyin, and the scale of Douyin platform is also bigger, but on Douyin, no one gives her such favorable conditions!
Seeing that Brother Li was completely stunned, Lao Wu smiled and hung up the phone.

He knew that it would take a while for Brother Li to accept this matter.

But after signing Brother Li today, their future development in Daheng must be getting better and better.

After finishing this matter, Lao Wu immediately reported to Brother Hua.

"Good job, I will transfer the saved [-]% of the shares to you after a while."

Brother Hua nodded with a smile.

Brother Li was signed, and Brother Hua felt a lot easier.

"Brother Hua, are you looking at the outdoor section?"

The fifth child was a little curious when he saw the computer in front of Brother Hua.

For the outdoor sector, their Daheng union only has dozens of small anchors working on it.

This section says it makes money and he makes money, but it says it doesn't make money and it doesn't make money.

The sector consumption ranking has been fluctuating in the second or third place on the entire platform, but it is uncertain how much you can get in the hands of the anchor.

For example, for two of the best players, Dream Fighting and Western Blue, the daily gift turnover is in units of [-].

It looks like a lot, but they also consume a lot.

Do it outdoors.

Rent a Ferrari, [-] a day is always required, right?
Find a girl to have a meal, and make a sample at the entrance of the bar for two thousand, right?

They are all positioned as the rich second generation, so it is necessary to stay in a hotel with a three-star rating or above at night, right?

Of course, the episode of staying in a hotel is definitely not broadcast.

In addition to the expenses of hiring someone to shoot and finding a team, as long as you go out, your daily expenditure will be at least six to seven thousand.

If you want to exchange it for a gift, you have to circle at least [-] yuan to get back the cost.

Although there are a lot of audiences, and there are many local tyrants who can buy some gifts, but no trade union is willing to vote.

The only advantage is that there are many romantic encounters, and there are more than 100 if not [-] in a year.

Daheng would definitely not have considered the outdoor segment before changing to another company.

But this month's activities forced Hua Ge to consider the outdoor sector.

Brother Hua doesn't want to give up the number one spot to Lehua!

"How do you feel about dreaming?"

Brother Hua glanced at Brother Jiu, then pointed to Meng Meng who was broadcasting live.

Jianmeng is currently one of Huya's biggest outdoor anchors, and Yangqilan can basically be tied with him.

In the live broadcast of Mengmeng, he himself is a rich second generation, and he often drives various sports cars, and there are a circle of rich second generation friends around him, and he even took a civilian helicopter several times.

And he is also working on his own labor union recently. Although it is not a big one, there are still dozens of anchors.

There are always girls around, not to mention one a day, but one every two days is indispensable.

The sign of the daily broadcast is to bring the girl to the hotel, and the envious group of tourists screamed excitedly.

Of course, this is just the image that Meng set up for himself in the live broadcast room.

May I ask which rich second generation will work hard every day to live broadcast?
Maybe there are rich second generations who occasionally broadcast for fun, but they broadcast for more than five or six hours a day, which is regarded as work.

If it is said that Mengmeng is really rich, a fool will do it himself.

Doesn't it feel good to spend a lot of time making live broadcast pictures every day, lying on the bed with a girl in your arms and letting her play jg?

It's just an archway built to collect money.

Just like Xingxiu's big brother who spends millions at every turn.

Outsiders lament that they are really rich, but in fact, others are cooperating to earn their money.

"Hit the dream."

What the fifth brother suggested to Brother Jiu before was also to strike a dream.

Regardless of whether Zummeng is a fake or not, but the people who set it up are still very good, at least they can indeed make money.

In the past two days, I haven't said much about Mengmeng, but I still have hundreds of thousands. At present, I have started a labor union by myself, and I can be regarded as a small boss.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable with their Daheng.

"It can be considered that this event is estimated to be fought tomorrow, and it is completely possible to start outdoors first."

Old Five nodded.

"Tell me, if Brother Jiu goes to play with Jianmeng for two days, will there be any surprises?"

Brother Hua took a sip from the teacup handed by the secretary, and asked with a smile.

The fifth child's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Unlike the fake rich second generation called Meng Meng, Brother Jiu is the real rich second generation, and he is also a super rich second generation!
If you ask Mengmeng to play a wave with Brother Jiu, or even let Brother Jiu collect a wave of gifts online in the live broadcast room.
That popularity is definitely going to explode!

On the one hand, the cars in Brother Jiu's garage are all luxury cars, even a Bugatti Veyron special edition worth more than 5000 million.

Jian Meng is not a rich man, he can only imitate and act, but Brother Jiu is different.

"I still have an Aston Martin here, which I can let them drive around."

Brother Hua added with a smile.

"Good way, good way!"

"Just like the game area is Xiao Xiao's advantage, the outdoor sector is our Daheng's advantage. As long as we can completely occupy the outdoor area, with our Daheng's operating capabilities, our future income will not necessarily be bad!"

The fifth child walked back and forth excitedly in the office.

He never thought that Brother Hua could come up with such a good idea.

Let Brother Jiu play for two days, this is simply an excellent operation idea!
"Brother Hua, don't worry, I'll contact you right away to see if I can sign Mengmeng here."

Although Jianmeng is a guild himself, the fact that the small guild earns 100 million a year is to give him face, and it is even very likely that it will lose money.

Daheng's capital is hundreds of times more than that of Jianmeng!
The dream of coming out to live broadcast outdoors is not just for money.

The fifth child had studied the character of Mengmeng before, and he was 100% sure that he could win it.

"You can contact him tomorrow morning about this matter. I'll call Lao Jiu back later. Tonight, let Lao Jiu get in touch with Meng Meng."

Brother Hua nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'll prepare the materials first." Old Wu nodded his head and walked out first.

After Liu Xiao treated the beautiful coach to a meal outside, it was already ten o'clock in the evening when he returned home.

As soon as I went online, I saw that the bald man had changed his sign to the trade union.

The bald man didn't care too much about signing Lehua and Liu Xiao, after all, the relationship between the bald man and Lehua was handled well during this period.

But what Liu Xiao didn't expect was that in order to make a clean break with the past, the bald man actually abandoned the ID Xiao Hui that he had been using all along.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, Baldy quickly stood up to welcome him.

"Congratulations on signing the new guild." Liu Xiao spoke on the public screen.

I just had a meal with the beautiful coach, and originally planned to invite the beautiful coach to eat a cucumber, but the coach ran away and disappeared, so Liu Xiao can only enjoy it by himself.

Changed into pajamas, biting a cucumber while projecting the live broadcast of Huya on the TV.

"I still want to thank brother Xiao Xiao, if there is no brother Xiao Xiao, I would not be where I am today."

"Okay, okay, it's boring after the numbness." Holding the cucumber in one hand, he bit it down, and the crisp chewing sound echoed in the room.

Liu Xiao casually taps on the phone, opens the dot connecter, selects the gift treasure map, and then clicks on the combo.

"Signing a new guild is nothing to congratulate, let's start with a million-dollar treasure map."

Liu Xiao smiled slightly and spoke on the public screen.

(End of this chapter)

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