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Chapter 208 Hanging out with Brother Xiao Xiao is a face!

Chapter 208 Hanging out with Brother Xiao Xiao is a face! (3000 words)
"Million Treasure Map?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao still knows how to play, and Hu Ya's little gift will be fooled by brother Xiao Xiao!"

As soon as the gift barrage of the treasure map began to appear on the public screen, the tourists in the live broadcast room were all excited.

Although a million dollars is not much to Brother Xiao Xiao, they can also participate in the gift of the treasure map.

What's more, this is the treasure map of the Super Emperor sent by brother Xiao Xiao!
One million treasure maps, that's two hundred.

Baldy looked at the public screen and the gifts that kept popping up in the center of the live broadcast room, and was as excited as the audience.

Although the event has not yet started, Brother Xiao Xiao is only doing small brushing, but these gifts undoubtedly show Brother Xiao Xiao's attitude.

It is true that his bald man has transferred, but Brother Xiao Xiao is still here!
The Super Emperor Treasure Map was displayed on all platforms, as long as the tourists who opened the gift barrage, almost all noticed the news in Baldy's live broadcast room at the first time.

After all, as the only Super God Emperor on the current platform, it is difficult for the eye-catching logo not to be noticed.

"Congratulations to the baldy transfer!"

Beibei didn't open the Super Emperor, but he also picked up the treasure map. With his spending power, it's normal to spend 40 million a month, and 70 million is a bit difficult.

Chaohuang doesn't intend to open it.

However, as a veteran fan of Baldy, Brother Xiao Xiao has already made a move, so he naturally has to support it. After all, Baldy's transfer is a big deal.

"In the past, the rubbish Liangkai trade union that bought gifts had to raise [-]%, and I was very upset, but now that the bald man has transferred, I feel comfortable giving Lehua a percentage!"

"Although I can't compare with Brother Xiao Xiao, I will support a hundred thousand today!"

Xiaotian was very proud to speak on the public screen.

"Hahaha, brother Beibei is big, brother Xiaotian is big!"

The bald man thanked him again and again.

"The emperor [a little tiger bud] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The Emperor [Army] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The Emperor [Star-Lord] enters the live broadcast room!"


As the gifts of Chaohuang's treasure map kept swiping the screen, the series of gods that Baldy was familiar with quickly jumped over.

"I thought it would take a while for the bald man to transfer, but I didn't expect to sign it at the beginning of the month. The work efficiency is very fast."

"Baldy, you're not mean enough, and you didn't say hello in advance. If brother Xiao Xiao wasn't here to buy presents, we wouldn't know about it."

Xiao Huya and the others first greeted Liu Xiao, and then clicked on the treasure map to start brushing.

Brother Junjun was even more energetic, and sent out more than 30 treasure maps in one go.

In the past few days, he has gotten closer to Xiaohuya, and has added WeChat with several brothers Shenhao on the platform.

After chatting offline, I realized that these big brothers Shenhao or the rich second generation all have properties in their hands.

For example, in the past few days, he got a project from Xiaohuya's family, and with Brother Xiao Xiao's relationship, Xiaohuya also took good care of him.

In just ten days, he earned more than 30 yuan!

And if we do it in the future, the profit will be even greater. It is no problem to earn 800 million in a year.

Now Junjun, usually dozens of treasure maps can't hurt his muscles and bones at all. Even if he brushes hundreds of treasure maps at once, he can still hit them through gritted teeth.

After playing in Huya for quite a long time, he seems to understand a little bit now.

While rewarding the anchor, it is also a time to expand your social circle.

Giant entrepreneurs or rich second generations like Xiao Huya and Brother Xiao Xiao in the real world, how many paths does he have to walk in order to meet each other in reality?
On the Internet, if you spend 10,000 + 20, you may add WeChat. This is much more efficient in expanding your network than running offline with your head blank.

"Good evening everyone, bald man, I really didn't want to bother everyone with such a small matter, I didn't expect everyone to come today."

"Here, Baldy would like to thank all the big brothers for supporting me during this time!"

Baldy stood up and thanked.

"Everyone who has a treasure map, let's swipe it together, and make a full-screen treasure map for the bald man."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen.

Although it was embarrassing to pull hips face to face with the beautiful coach during the day, Liu Xiao was still in a good mood after doing it.

I have also played in Huya for more than a month, and I am basically familiar with Xiao Huya and these gods.

It is generally accepted that Baldy is the anchor of the Xiao Xiao series.

"Full screen treasure map?"

"This is possible!"

As soon as Liu Xiao opened his mouth, brothers Shenhao responded one after another in the live broadcast room.

They haven't tried such a thing as a full-screen treasure map, but they are very interested in it.

"666, the full-screen treasure map will require ten big brothers to give gifts at the same time."

"A treasure map barrage is almost one-tenth of the public screen. Although it is almost the same, to fill the entire screen, it is estimated that eleven or twelve big brothers will shoot at the same time."

"Twelve big brothers are nothing, right? There are already eight big emperor brothers here."

"I'm looking forward to it, I like to watch Brother Xiao Xiao, I can come up with new tricks every time!"


Liu Xiao stopped swiping the treasure map.

After all, it's a gameplay that I just came up with, and many of his lineage's Shenhao are not online, so it's not easy to gather a few more emperors in a short time.

But no one stipulates that the treasure map is the exclusive gift of the emperor, right?

In addition to Xiao Huya and the other big brothers, some kings who thought they were financially capable also spoke.

There are eight emperors in the live broadcast room, but there are more than thirty kings, among them there are many who are willing to give Brother Xiao Xiao face!

It is definitely useless for the king to spend a million dollars, but it is still no problem to have a hundred thousand.

Liu Xiao clicked on the treasure map again.

Xiao Huya and others followed suit.

For a while, the treasure map in the live broadcast room was overwhelming.

The treasure chest in the center of the live broadcast room was raised and opened one after another.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Niubi, with so many barrages of gifts, I can't see the news on the public screen at all!"

"666, I took a screenshot, I'll see you tomorrow morning in Yang Zi's live broadcast room!"

"Although it's a bit insignificant compared to the events in June, this scene is indeed magnificent!"

Eight emperors, plus a dozen or twenty kings, the treasure map of nearly 30 people swiped the screen!
For a time, the upper third of the live broadcast room on all platforms was almost filled with world pop-up windows.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's hand speed is really amazing, just when the knife frantically tapped the light stick last time, it wasn't half as fast as Brother Xiao Xiao?"

Several kings sighed for a while.

They don't have that much money, and the treasure maps are relatively slow.

But Brother Xiaoxiao’s gift pop-up window on the public screen, when you hurry up, the numbers behind are jumping at a speed of one second!

There are even those with a slower hand speed, and the gift speed of 40 to [-] can't beat Brother Xiao Xiao!

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you big brothers!"

The bald man was about to float up.

Transferring to a union, he himself didn't expect such a card to come out!
Among other things, with so many big brothers Shenhao making a fortune, there must be a turnover of 500 million yuan tonight.

And the most important thing is that brother Xiao Xiao and other big brothers Shenhao are all using treasure maps, which are a sharp weapon to increase popularity!

In just two minutes, the popularity of Baldy's live broadcast room began to rise rapidly.

Hundreds of treasure map icons were shrunk in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, and there was a reminder to click on the lottery on the top.

"Damn it, I got 100 yuan of golden beans!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's Super Emperor Treasure Map is so fierce, I just clicked on it, and immediately drew 50 yuan of gold beans!"

"In the ordinary treasure chests before, I have drawn up to ten yuan at most, and the super emperor treasure chest is so fierce!"

"I also want to order Brother Xiao Xiao's super emperor treasure box, but it is covered with many ordinary ones, and I have to click all of them to get it. It is too difficult for me."


After Liu Xiao sent out the last super emperor treasure box, the popularity of Baldy's live broadcast room steadily stopped at 40!
On the public screen, Xingjue and a dozen or so slower-swiping emperors and kings were still swiping the screen.

Seeing how popular the live broadcast room was, Baldy began to think about it.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, everyone, thank you for giving the bald man such a face tonight, the bald man borrowed flowers to offer blessings tonight, how about doing a lottery?"

"You broke the money, we are also very happy."

Liu Xiao replied on the public screen with a smile.

"I'll grab one later to see if there's a big bag."

Xiao Huya also spoke.

The special effects of the Super God Emperor and the Emperor's speeches crushed the barrage of gifts, and the two barrages were very obvious. As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the bald man immediately put his heart in his stomach.

Taking the money that the elder brother just donated to fans to give rewards, of course, this must be approved by the elder brother.

After one or two months of research, the bald man has completely figured out the live broadcast.

If you want to increase your followers, increase your popularity, the fastest way is to draw a lottery!
"First of all, I would like to thank Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Xiao Huya, as well as all the brothers who have just tipped."

"We will send out this wave of benefits through free TV events!"

Baldy is set directly on the TV lottery.

The maximum limit for Huya's lottery draw is 5 yuan. If it is too much, it will be suspected of gambling in this area. Baldy doesn't dare to make it too big, so he uses 5 yuan as the limit for one TV show.

The bald man directly changed the keyword of the barrage on TV to Brother Xiaoxiao, Niubi.

Then, the keywords in the barrage behind were also changed to the names of other big brothers Shenhao.

The gift of close to 500 million is about 200 million.

The bald man didn't leave anything behind, and was going to give out [-] to the TV lottery!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, beep! Big brother Xiaohuya, big brother, big brother Xingjue, big brother."

"Bull, baldy, a wave of 200 million, forty red envelopes, you plan to send them out within two hours!"

"Shuangshuangshuang, a total of forty bags, I read a hundred of them every time I go on TV, I don't believe I can't win any of them!"

The first big package had just been sent out, and the public screen in the live broadcast room was frantically swiped.

A full 5 yuan, not to mention tourists who usually go whoring for free, even some nobles at the lord level are a little bit excited.

And Baldy's 200 million lottery draw can also be said to be the largest single lottery draw in the history of Xingxiu District!

With the start of the lottery, the treasure maps of the remaining kings are basically finished.

Looking at most of the tourists with their names on the public screen, I feel satisfied for a while.

Consumption on the live broadcast platform, in addition to dealing with people of the same level or higher level, isn't it just a matter of face?

There are more than 50 people, even if each of them can only be allocated two places on TV, there will still be millions of barrage posts praising them!
How can there be such a refreshing feeling in other anchors?
Hanging around with Brother Xiao Xiao means having face!
(End of this chapter)

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