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Chapter 209 Leaking 1 Point Through Your Fingers Is More Than You!

Chapter 209 Leaking a Little More Through My Fingers Than You! (3000 words)
As soon as Brother Jiu went online, he saw that Baldy's live broadcast room was very hot.

Without an account, I went to Xia Nuan and Daozi's live broadcast room for a stroll. Although the popularity of the two did not drop much, the activity of tourists was obviously not high.

Brother Jiu shook his head lightly.

It is possible to fight against defeat now, but the effect is not as obvious as playing in the finals in a few days.

And he went online today with a trade union mission.

Open the outdoor section.

The live broadcast rooms of Jianmeng and Yangqilan were at the top of the list, and the live broadcast rooms had [-] to [-] visitors.

Zhumeng is driving a bright pink Lamborghini Bull on the road, and there is a pretty pretty girl sitting in the co-driver.

Brother Jiu curled his lips.

Although the live broadcast looks cool, for Brother Jiu, he doesn't even have a third of his daily life.

Leaving aside the fact that the Lamborghini is rented, the chicken on the passenger seat is estimated to cost 1000 yuan a day. He would not even touch it if he put it here.

Brother Jiu’s favorite is still the anchor of dancing. He has a good figure and flexibility, and he can do many things.

As for those celebrities, he doesn't want to get involved. Celebrities have more gossip than anchors. He is also a person, big and small, and he doesn't want to get involved with these things.

And to be honest, apart from those top stars, second- and third-tier stars may not be as beautiful as anchors.

Although he was very disdainful, Brother Jiu still clicked into the live broadcast room of Jianmeng, and then clicked on the account to log in.

As soon as Jianmeng parked his car in front of a Starbucks, he saw the special effects of the emperor's login in the live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Jiu!"

"Welcome brother Jiu to the live broadcast room, brother Jiu, good evening!"

When Shi Meng saw Brother Jiu's ID, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately welcomed him.

He was just an anchor before, but he also got to know Daheng after he opened the union recently, so he naturally got to know Brother Jiu a little bit.

As for Brother Jiu, in addition to giving gifts to Daheng's anchors, he will also give points to other anchors who are more pleasing to the eye on the platform.

Brother Jiu can come in on the account today, so his task goal for today must be stable.

"Being idle and bored, let's go outside for a walk."

Brother Jiu sent a smiling face, and then directly tipped out a treasure map.

"Brother Jiu is domineering! Thank you Brother Jiu for the treasure map!"

Thank you again and again.

"666, as expected of Brother Jiu, it's the first time I've come to make such a big deal!"

"I also play Xingxiu, 5000 yuan is not enough for Brother Jiu, it depends on your knowledge."

"Brother Jiu is mighty and domineering!"

The broadcast room was full of praise.

The outdoor section also has its own specific fan group, but Xingxiu District is also watching, and I still know about Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu chuckled and threw out a treasure map again.

Seeing the praise of tens of thousands of people on the public screen, Brother Jiu was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

He actually found the long-lost feeling in the outdoor section.

That's right, this is the platform god!
After swiping two treasure maps, only 1 yuan was spent on it, and tens of thousands of tourists in the live broadcast room praised their feet one after another, wishing to be like his [-]-year-old boy.

But on Xingxiu's side, he swiped 2000 million, and Daheng's fans still scolded him.

This contrast is too stark!

Brother Jiu, who didn't care much about the outdoors, suddenly felt as if he had found the true meaning of life.

"Thank you Brother Jiu for the two treasure maps! Brother Jiu is mighty and domineering, Brother Jiu will last forever!"

Jianmeng was also startled.

He didn't know exactly what this brother Jiu was going crazy, and he rewarded him with a gift of 1 yuan as soon as he entered the live broadcast room.

Don't look at him watching Lamborghini Ferrari hugging a beautiful woman and having sex every day, but except for the fact that it is true at night, everything else is fake.

A gift of 1 yuan is basically a daily revenue goal for him.

An anchor like him usually starts broadcasting from ten o'clock in the evening to two or three o'clock in the morning, just grab more gifts during the free time on the star show.

Suddenly, Shimeng's mind became hot.

Brother Jiu is on Xingxiu's side, but they are all swiping by millions. Although they are swiping for the union anchor, it can also show that Brother Jiu is really rich!

If Brother Jiu often came to play outdoors in the future, wouldn't his live broadcast income be multiplied several times?
Even if his small guild could use Brother Jiu to cooperate with Daheng, wouldn't it be more perfect!
Thinking of this, there were more words of thanks from Shimeng's mouth.

"Xiao Ke, say hello to Brother Jiu." Shi Meng pulled the woman next to him over.

"Big big!"

"big big big!"

"It's too big, and hitting dreams is so cool, I want to come once in my dreams!"

"Crowdfunding hotel live broadcast!"

"Niubi, this girl is so big!"


As soon as Xiao Ke showed his face, the barrage suddenly went crazy.

Meng Meng laughed happily at the side.

This is also one of the daily routines of their outdoor section.

As a big outdoor anchor, besides the luxury car, the girls around him must have their own characteristics.

Chi Meng is not afraid that Xiao Ke will be annoyed, he has communicated with him before the live broadcast, he has paid the deposit in advance, and agreed to play for three or four days.

This kind of woman doesn't care about barrage.

Xiao Ke straightened his clothes, selectively ignored the barrage, and greeted Brother Jiu with the brightest smile.

"Zhimeng has a good eye, Xiao Ke, this girl can do it just by looking at it!"

Brother Jiu laughed, and sent out two treasure maps again.

"I gave this gift to Xiao Ke, please pay attention to Meng Meng."

"Brother Jiu, you are underestimating people, Xiao Ke, come here and open WeChat!"

Chi Meng lightly patted Xiao Ke's leather drum, but it was a very secret pat, he didn't dare to touch that kind of thing.

"I hate you."

Xiao Ke gave Shi Meng a blank look, but still obediently sat next to him, next to his arm, and pulled his arm into his arms, almost as if they were becoming one.

Chi Meng smiled.

"Everyone take care, I will transfer money to Xiao Ke in real time now. Just now Brother Jiu rewarded two treasure maps, and I don't count anything else. If I get it, it will be calculated as [-]."

Jianmeng transferred 5000 yuan directly on WeChat.

Then he took Xiaoke's mobile phone and clicked to collect money.

"Hahaha, hit the dream atmosphere!"

Brother Jiu posted another barrage, very happy.

Sitting on the union sofa, Brother Jiu was overjoyed.

Sure enough, this is the fun of a big brother like him!
Although he still wants to play again, Brother Jiu also knows his mission tonight.

Thinking that after beating Xiao Xiao away, he would be able to live this kind of life every day, Brother Jiu couldn't help but freeze again.

In the live broadcast room of Mengmeng, Mengmeng was discussing with the beauty Xiaoke some jokes that were close to the border of ban, and under Mengmeng's instruction, Xiaoke would occasionally turn to Lulugou to make the audience feel refreshed.

While chatting, Meng Meng watched the public screen in the live broadcast room, for fear of missing Brother Jiu's speech.

He is considered a big anchor outdoors, but he can only be said to be at the forefront on all platforms.

The super first-line anchor outdoors and the super first-line anchor of Xingxiu are two different concepts.

Now that he has such an opportunity to make friends with Brother Jiu, he dare not slack off at all.

"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Emperor【Jiuyuan】sent Huya No. 100 *2*[-] combo!"

Before Chimeng could react, Brother Jiu brushed two sets of Huya No. [-] in a row.

Entering the live broadcast room, first there were four treasure maps, and then there were 200 hairs of Huya No. [-]. This series of combos directly confused Zhemeng.

As the number one outdoor anchor, kings and emperors often come to his live broadcast room, otherwise the daily gift turnover of [-] would not be possible.

But brother Jiu really didn't play his cards according to the routine.

After licking the big brother so many times, he was only able to get a gift of ten or twenty thousand.

But what about Brother Jiu, he hasn't started licking yet, he just said a few nice words, and he directly rewarded so much?

Forget the four treasure maps, but the one behind is Huya No. [-] with [-] rounds!

Converted into RMB, it is 20!
You know, excluding those expenses, the money he can earn in a month is only about 10 yuan.

Brother Jiu's two gifts, but he has worked so hard for a month.

"Hehe, there are not many anchors who are pleasing to the eye, don't care about a little money, just live broadcast well."

In line with the low-key principle he learned, Brother Jiu humbled himself a few words in the live broadcast room.

Seeing the barrage that was about to explode in the live broadcast room, Brother Jiu's heart was already blowing up.

"Little Li, go and call Rourou over here."

Brother Jiu saw a trade union clerk passing by, and hurriedly warned.

"Brother Jiu
Rou Rou is still broadcasting live. "

"If you are told to go, you can go. If you give her a leave, it will be over."

Brother Jiu was obviously in a good mood, laughed and cursed and walked towards the private room that the fifth child had prepared for him.

In a few minutes, Rourou hurried over.

This female anchor is much prettier than Xiao Ke who was with Jianmeng, and she also played more openly. This girl played with Xia Nuan a few times ago.

Brother Jiu pulled Rou Rou into the private room and made fun of her, only then did he feel his anger subside a little.

Everything is good outdoors, it is true that you will get angry if you watch too much.

The live broadcast of Mengmeng is basically dancing on that rule line.

But doing outdoors is like this. It is difficult to attract tourists without some color and other things.

While pressing Rou Rou under the small sofa in the single room, he watched the live broadcast of Meng Meng with his mobile phone.

After doing this, Brother Jiu immediately felt much more comfortable, even more refreshing than in Xingxiu.

Brother Jiu was muttering in his heart that he would visit the outdoors more in the future, and at the same time opened the weekly ranking list of Catch Dreams.

In the weekly list of Mengmeng, he has already ranked first with a reward amount of 22.

As for the other local tyrants, because today is the first day of the week, the one with the most rewards is only in the early [-]s.

"Thank you Brother Jiu for your support, everyone help me to show Brother Jiu's spirit on the public screen!"

Hitting the dream will also come back to his senses.

Before, I just heard that Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu fought very boldly, but when this kind of good thing happened to him, he realized how cool it was!

Although some of the previous big brothers were also emperors, their spending power was far behind that of Brother Jiu.

But think about it, although Brother Jiu sometimes helps Daheng's anchors to organize events, but at least tens of millions of people are on it.

As for the few emperors he had licked before, the monthly consumption was only 40 to [-].

Brother Jiu leaked a little bit from between his fingers, even more than the big brother he had licked before!
(End of this chapter)

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