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Chapter 210 Brother Jiu wants to interact with the outdoor anchor?

Chapter 210 Brother Jiu wants to interact with the outdoor anchor? (3000 words)
I took 20 gifts without doing anything. It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

These days, it's not easy to make money from anything, let alone an outdoor live broadcast like him.

I don’t know how many nights I’ve stayed up since doing the live broadcast!

Although Jianmeng is also aware of the conflict between Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu, and Brother Jiu and Brother Xiao Xiao have lost many times in the confrontation, but Jianmeng still intends to join Daheng.

He is a trade unionist, although his work is very small, but he understands Daheng's strength better.

For Brother Xiao Xiao's true sense of pride, he may withdraw from the Internet at any time, and it is definitely unreliable.

In his opinion, Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng must be incomparable.

If he can hold Daheng's thick legs, not to mention the great development of the trade union, but as far as he is concerned, he will definitely be able to get a lot of gifts.

It can also be seen from the wave of brother Jiu's visit today.

Simply swiping a wave, like his live broadcast for ten days!

"Zhimeng, are you in Guangzhou?"

"That's right, Brother Jiu, I've been here recently."

Chi Meng nodded quickly.

Most of the outdoor anchors they do are concentrated in the four places of Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. In the whole country, these four places have the most supercar clubs, and it is also convenient to rent a car and install beeps.

What they often do is to go to a car rental company to talk to the boss, and then the supercar in the live broadcast is said to be a friend's car, garage, etc. to improve their B status.

"I happen to be in Guangzhou these two days, does Bugatti want to play?"

Brother Jiu laughed.

"By the way, it's the Bugatti Veyron."

"Bugatti Veyron, the price of this car seems to be around [-] million?"

"There's only so much in the world, I didn't expect Brother Jiu to have it here!"

"What is Brother Jiu's identity, can he drive a 5000 million sports car casually?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed again and again.

Of course they didn't think Brother Jiu was talking nonsense.

With Brother Jiu's status as a hero, if there is something, it is bound to be there.

"Brother Jiu, I wouldn't dare to open it if you gave it to me."

Jianmeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Don't look at the short videos of getting rich and powerful all over the Internet recently. Every time you go out, you will be picked up by a Rolls-Royce car, especially some female boxers pretending to be rich second-generation, living in villas and driving. Rolls-Royce is there to promote what women want to collect money from some inexplicable places and independent brain-dead theories.

But which rich person would be bored to shoot short videos every day?
Not to mention the daughter of a noble family who lives in a mansion worth tens of millions.

Aren't they acting like him?

How much does Rolls-Royce produce in a year?

But last year, the local tyrant who liked to mention Rolls-Royce in the short video has almost [-] cars.

There are not so many luxury cars on the market that exceed tens of millions!

Luxury cars worth RMB 700 million like Ferrari and Maserati are more common on the market.

But in ordinary cities, few people would buy these things.

There are only a little more places with supercar clubs in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shanghai.

As for the luxury cars worth more than [-] million yuan, even the Supercar Club doesn't have many of them!

As for the Bugatti Veyron worth 5000 million, I can guarantee that this is the most expensive car that Guangzhou has seen in the past few months.

"Don't worry, my car is fully insured, it doesn't matter if it gets scratched or scratched."

Brother Jiu spoke again.

"It's a good relationship. Brother Jiu, where are you? I'll come to you tomorrow!"

When Meng Meng heard that Brother Jiu really wanted to let him play with the car, he was no longer modest.

If a Bugatti can be played for a day, his live broadcast will definitely explode!

Chi Meng looked at Xiao Ke next to him.

Hmm. You can inspect the goods at night to see if they can be used tomorrow.

Generally speaking, the rental fee of a supercar is one-thousandth of the official quotation.

For example, if you rent a 600 million Ferrari, you can rent it for 6000 yuan a day.

For a 700 million Maserati, it costs 7000 yuan to rent a day.

Including accident insurance and so on, it is probably between seven thousand and eight thousand.

As for the Bugatti, which is worth more than 5000 million yuan, let alone whether it can be rented, even if it can be rented, the rental fee will be [-] to [-] yuan a day!

For an outdoor anchor like him, a luxury car of this level has always been elusive.

"Send me a private message on WeChat in a while. I have something to do at night. I'll go to find you in person tomorrow."

Brother Jiu chuckled and let out the big melon for tonight.

On the other side, Rou Rou's head was patted down vigorously.

Brother Jiu's mission is completed, and with Rourou here, he doesn't want to stay in the live broadcast room any longer.

Exit Huya directly and enjoy it.

And as Brother Jiu quit the live broadcast room, the live broadcast room of Jianmeng completely exploded.

Who is Brother Jiu?

Although not as good as Brother Xiao Xiao, he is still Hu Ya's hero who can be ranked in the top three!
Many news anchors have analyzed Brother Jiu's identity, at least he is a rich second generation with a family of tens of billions of companies or groups!
You can't see people like Brother Jiu, let alone on TV, even in normal times!
Zhemeng can't count how many times he has been in a daze tonight.

After a brief moment of confusion, Jian Meng quickly came to his senses.

Regardless of Xiao Ke beside her, she turned on the TV and sent out two big red envelopes of 1 yuan in succession.

Open the title of the live room again, and click Edit.

"Tomorrow night, we will join hands with Brother Jiu to live broadcast outdoors: Bugatti Veyron's first show on all platforms!"

Just as the audience thought, since Brother Jiu said such a thing, he must be serious.

Even if Brother Jiu didn't show up to release his pigeons tomorrow night, it's only Brother Jiu who is ashamed, and it has nothing to do with him as an outdoor anchor.

This kind of thing that can create a wave of enthusiasm, Shimeng still likes to do it.

With the change of the title of the live broadcast room, the popularity of the live broadcast room began to increase rapidly.

The Western Blue next door had more than 7 viewers, but it quickly dropped by half.

The number of visitors to other studios has also plummeted.

In less than half an hour, the number of people in the Mengmeng studio has reached 12!

Whether they just came in to live broadcast or tourists wandering around the outdoor section, they were basically attracted by the three words Bugatti.

Although it is impossible for them to sit in a luxury car, this does not affect tourists' expectation.

"Brothers, don't worry, we will definitely see Bugatti tomorrow, but I haven't set a time with Brother Jiu yet, I'll add Brother Jiu's WeChat first."

Meng Meng smiled and calmed down the emotions of the tourists who had just entered the live broadcast room, and then pushed the WeChat ID to Brother Jiu through Huya's private message.

Soon, a WeChat pop-up window popped up from the phone.

Meng Meng leaned the phone screen to the side, not daring to reveal brother Jiu's WeChat ID in the live broadcast room.

If brother Jiu's account is blown up by tourists because of him, he won't be able to mix on the live broadcast platform in the future.

"Brother Jiu's friend request has been sent to me."

In addition, the note on WeChat was changed, and Zimeng proudly brought the WeChat page back under the camera to take pictures.

With a ding dong, Brother Jiu's WeChat message came over.

The hearts of the hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Meng Meng typed a line and sent it over.

The joy on Shimeng's face became more and more intense.

"Hahaha, brother Jiu is mighty and domineering!"

"Guess everyone, what message did Brother Jiu just send me?"

Mengmeng said excitedly.

"Sent by Brother Jiu? When and where will we meet tomorrow?"

"According to Jianmeng's usual pissing behavior, it couldn't be Brother Jiu who introduced a girl to Jianmeng, right?"

"Tsk tsk, don't dare to think, don't dare to think!"

The audience in the live broadcast room had guessed.

In the eyes of the audience, Chi Meng is a rich second generation with a family of tens of millions.

But it must be incomparable with the super rich second generation like Brother Jiu.

They can also understand the mood of Chimeng at this meeting.

The audience guessed in a hurry, and the smile on the corner of Zhimeng's mouth became wider and wider.

"You didn't guess right. Brother Jiu just sent me a message. In addition to tomorrow's meeting place, there is also a photo of Bugatti!"

"Bugatti photo?!"

"Damn it, I thought I'd be able to see it tomorrow, Brother Jiu is so awesome!"

"Let it out, let it out, this is Bugatti, enough for me to work for 300 years!"

When Meng Meng said this, the live broadcast room exploded again.

Chi Meng didn't want to miss this rare popularity, so he quickly uploaded the photo to the live broadcast device.

Of course, he also asked Brother Jiu for his opinion on releasing the photos.

In the corner of the live broadcast room, a pure white Bugatti Veyron lay quietly on the side of the road, with unbelievably beautiful lines.

Brother Jiu posted more than one, and Zhu Meng showed them all in the live broadcast room from different angles.

"The car is really the pinnacle of human industry!"

"Whether the human industry has developed, the most intuitive place to see it is on the luxury car."

Tourists are amazed again.

If ordinary luxury cars are just gorgeous, but Bugatti, it makes people feel extravagant!
This is the essential difference!

The original big brothers in the live broadcast room also sighed.

Their assets are only tens of millions.

Such a car is more than enough to buy their entire company!

"At nine o'clock tomorrow night, brother Jiu and I will have a reunion. At that time, everyone can not only see this Bugatti Veyron, but also listen to the wild sound of Bugatti!"

"More importantly, everyone can see Brother Jiu's full face!"

Jian Meng was so excited that he pinched Xiao Ke's side with all his might.

What is currently displayed on the live broadcast screen is a picture of a luxury car, and he is not photographed.

Mengmeng simply didn't hide it any more, and took off his clothes directly, taking advantage of the few tourists in the store not paying attention, and started to play around.

Xiao Ke frowned, not because she was shy. For her, it was a matter of time, and dedication at night was inevitable.

They charge money to do things, and they are also very professional in doing this.

Ke Jianmeng was indeed a little too excited, no matter what, it was still meat, and it hurt to death if he pressed it so hard.

However, Xiao Ke gritted her teeth and endured it when she thought that she would see Brother Jiu, the super god, tomorrow.

At this time, Chi Meng was upset, if he didn't bring her to see Brother Jiu tomorrow, wouldn't it be a big loss?
Xiao Ke's mind was full of thoughts, so he indulged in Jiang Meng's hands and feet.

On the other side of Xingxiu District, Baldy's live broadcast room is still hot.

With the 200 million gift, tourists who usually play in the entertainment area basically know Baldy, the old anchor who has just signed with Lehua.

And some of the more Xiao Xiao fans saw Brother Jiu's movement, and hurried to Baldy's live broadcast room to launch a barrage.

Baldy, Liu Xiao and the others didn't pay attention at first.

But as more and more people came to the outdoor area, more fans came to post barrage.

Although it is still not very obvious in the barrage on TV, it can already be noticed.

The bald man frowned, put his phone under the table and clicked on the outdoor area.

Liu Xiao was also a little curious and clicked on the live broadcast in the outdoor area, and saw the title of the live broadcast room of Jianmeng at a glance.

Do you want to drive Brother Jiu's Bugatti?

 Thank you Lord Do for rewarding 588 book coins!

  Thank you Xiaowenzi for rewarding 588 book coins!

  The same amount of three shifts today, 6200 words!
  Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets!
  (bow vigorously)
(End of this chapter)

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