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Chapter 211 Brother Xiao Xiao Goes Online to the Outdoor Section

Chapter 211 Brother Xiao Xiao launched the outdoor section (3200 words)
To be honest, Liu Xiao doesn't like the outdoor area very much.

Most of them are pretending to be the rich second generation and acting in stories.

When you can't see through it, you may still find it a bit interesting. After you see it through, everything you look at is fake.

Liu Xiao got off the account and clicked into the live broadcast room of Mengmeng to watch it.

After eating the cucumber, I took out another banana and took a bite.

Cucumbers and bananas are must-haves for men and women.

Touching his chin and thinking for a while, Liu Xiao suddenly laughed.

This month's event has already been announced, and it is nothing more than six places.

At present, it seems that outdoor, star show and game area are the most likely to win the top three sectors.

Brother Jiu went outdoors to interact with Mengmeng at this time, so it goes without saying what the purpose is.

But Liu Xiao didn't care too much about this.

As the old saying goes, no matter how real the acting is, there will always be a day when it will be out of the way.

These outdoor anchors act as the rich second generation, but after all, they are not the real rich second generation. If one day the real identity of a big anchor is exposed, he will not be the only one. Seriously, even the big outdoor anchors of the entire section All have to be cold!
And the most important thing is that for these outdoor live broadcasts, ordinary viewers don't know their identities, but any rich people with some news channels or circles know how they operate. Will spend too much outdoors.

Liu Xiao pouted.

In his opinion, if Daheng develops in this direction, I am afraid that it will not get much benefit.

The ultimate goal is probably to disgust him.

"Although it's a bit boring, Daheng's game is getting more and more fancy."

"But since Daheng is willing to play, let's play with them."

Liu Xiao smiled and returned to the first-level page of the outdoor section.

It's not interesting to swipe gifts on the platform. Since Daheng wants to make trouble, Liu Xiao is willing to accompany him.

There are only three anchors that Huya is good at outdoors.

Mengmeng, Huzi and Yangqilan.

Jianmeng is the one with the strongest financial resources among the few, and the one who knows how to behave. Huzi is a bit of a drifter. He was warned once a while ago, and he has been reflecting at home for the past few days and has not rebroadcasted. It's okay.

Liu Xiao has watched the live broadcast of Yang Qi Lan, the content is similar to that of hit dream, they are all pretending to be the rich second generation and pretending to slap their faces.

However, compared to Jianmeng, Yangqilan is a little more down-to-earth. It is not as exaggerated as Jianmeng flying a civil aviation helicopter, and it is closer to ordinary life. Liu Xiao has seen it once or twice, which is barely acceptable.

And this meeting, Yangqilan is also broadcasting live.

Liu Xiao laughed again, with a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth.

There is revenue from the outdoor sector, but it is not easy to develop as a trade union.

For example, if you accept advertisements in the game area, you only need to accept game promotions.

Xingxiu District accepts advertisements, some dating software must be the big ones, such as Momo, Qingyuan are good, no matter how bad you are, you can pick up second-hand trading software such as Zhuanzhuan and Xianyu. The software is advertised.

The bulk of the labor union's income will inevitably come from these advertising revenues.

What about outdoors?
Everyone understands the content of the live broadcast, but it's just playing around the edges of the rules.

You, an anchor who hooks up with young ladies and makes bubbles every day, what kind of software can you promote it to?
You can't endorse websites like 19Maomao, can you?
Or is it an advertisement promoting Dai Yun?
And some advertisements on Xingxiu's side were even more unacceptable.

Software like Momo and Qingyuan, which are also playing side-by-side, dare not approach them. After all, if the anchor is not careful, they are also uncomfortable.

It is really not easy for the anchors of the outdoor sector to receive advertisements, and the revenue will naturally drop.

Therefore, Liu Xiao is sure that Daheng will not play much in the outdoor area.

Of course, if Daheng has found the market positioning of the outdoor area, then it will be assumed that Liu Xiao never said this.

In the live broadcast room of Yangqilan, the blue-haired Yangqilan was drinking coffee with his sister at a cafe by the West Lake.

Picking up the phone to glance at the popularity in the live broadcast room, and then at the popularity of Chameng next door, Yang Qilan was annoyed for a while.

Brother Jiu is gone now, but under the ferment of public opinion, the popularity of Mengmeng has exceeded 15!

If Mengmeng succeeds in reuniting with brother Jiu tomorrow, and drives a Bugatti, he can already imagine how the popularity of Mengmeng will explode.

If it was Xingxiu, where Mengmeng was so popular, Yang Qilan didn't care, but outdoors, Mengmeng was so popular outdoors, it meant he couldn't do it anymore!

Also as an outdoor head anchor, the daily cost of renting a car to tease girls is five or six thousand for Meng Meng, and his cost is also five or six thousand.

Now that the popularity in the live broadcast room is directly cut in half, it means that his income has been cut off by more than one-third.

This is still because he still has a few big brothers on his side today, otherwise the income will drop even more.

If he waited until Dream Fighting started broadcasting again tomorrow, he wouldn't even dare to think how many of these big brothers would stay in the live broadcast room.

These big brothers in his live broadcast room are not rich people. If there is a Bugatti to watch, they will definitely choose to watch it.

The most important thing is that his income today was directly cut in half, and he couldn't even earn back the cost of investment!

Usually, I can receive [-] turnovers every day, but today I didn't even get [-].

If you don't sign the union, you will get half of the points, and it is not enough to invest in the cost.

Looking at the girl who was hired with a lot of money next to her, Yang Qilan suddenly lost interest.

Looking at the barrage again, hundreds of fans in the live broadcast room were discussing on the public screen, and it was also about the Bugatti driving next door, and no one cared about the ambiguity he just created in today's live broadcast.

Yang Qilan let out a long sigh.

This can only be blamed on his bad luck.

Outdoors, there are not many big brothers in the first place, and the few are also the ones with very average spending power.

But today, brother Jiu, one of the most powerful gods on the platform, came outdoors and threatened to interact offline together, which caused such a sensation as it should be.

After all, Brother Jiu spent 22 RMB in one day today!
Jianmeng himself is the boss of the trade union. With the 22 yuan, no matter how he gets it, he can get [-] yuan.

This is close to a month's net profit.

"Brothers, this is the end of today's live broadcast. Tomorrow our broadcast time will be temporarily adjusted to 2 o'clock in the morning. Happy all night tomorrow night!"

Yang Qilan adjusted her mentality, turned the live broadcast phone sideways, and announced the start time of the next few days by the way.

At two o'clock in the morning, the live broadcast of Mengmeng was almost over, and his side just happened to take over the popularity of the early morning show.

Although it is far from the golden file, there is no other way.

I took another look at the barrage in the live broadcast room, except for a few who asked about tomorrow's arrangements, the rest of the fans were still discussing what happened in the dream live broadcast room.

"Okay guys, good night and sweet dreams, see you tomorrow night."

Yang Qilan was about to turn off the broadcast, when suddenly a bullet screen flashed on the public screen, and a golden-red dragon accompanied by dazzling animation special effects directly covered half of the live broadcast screen!
"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

At the same time, there were three barrage announcements on the top of the platform!

Countless Xiao Xiao fans who were watching the live broadcast on other forums clicked the jump almost subconsciously.

Especially the tourists who were still in Baldy's live broadcast room just now, they are full of expectations.

There were only more than 3 visitors left in the live broadcast room, but the number of people suddenly surged wildly.


Yang Qilan opened his mouth wide, opened and closed, unable to speak at all.

In just a few seconds, his popularity in the live broadcast room doubled to nearly 6 people.

And the VIPs who were originally left with less than [-] rose to [-] in this short period of time!
You must know that these people are all new tourists in the outdoor area, and there is no such thing as a VIP seat with his sign.

The 2000 people who have risen are all consuming on the platform, and the minimum is a true noble consumer who becomes a swordsman!
The hand that was about to turn off the live broadcast suddenly trembled cleverly, retracting it almost as fast as it could in its life.

No matter how stupid he is at this moment, he already knows who the super god emperor who just entered the live broadcast room is.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to enter the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Yang Qilan tremblingly read out Xiao Xiao's ID in almost the most solemn tone of her life.

The strongest god on the platform, spending 2.5 million yuan in the early part of a month.

It is Huya's first noble to open the Super God Emperor.

For more than a month, there has never been a defeat.

From the moment I stepped into Huya, the lowest consumption level of every live broadcast room is a treasure map!
With so many celebrities gathered together, Yang Qilan really dared not show any disrespect.

As an outdoor anchor who has been pretending to be a rich second generation for a long time, he still has some understanding of the life of a real rich second generation.

Even better than other anchors on the platform, he understands the horror of having such a spending power.

This is a super big brother who is much more awesome than Brother Jiu and Brother Hua!
Although he has never experienced it, Yang Qilan knows very well that as long as this kind of big brother opens his mouth without even moving his hands, there will be a large group of dogs licking his opponents to kill him.

And if anchors like him dare to offend Xiao Xiao, even if the eldest brother doesn't care, the platform will ban them immediately!

The girl sitting next to Yang Qilan didn't even dare to take a breath, she even put the coffee in her hand on the table, her two hands were honestly stacked together on the corner of the table, honestly like Like a well-behaved baby sitting in the first row in class.

"It's a pity that you have to download it as soon as I go online."

Liu Xiao joked with a smile.

It was only eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was the peak of the outdoor live broadcast. Yangqilan was obviously not happy with the broadcast at this time.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, how dare I download it."

Yang Qilan sneered, and quickly straightened the live broadcast equipment that was a little crooked just now, allowing him and the girl to be in the mirror at the same time.

And the popularity of the live broadcast room is also getting more and more popular. In just 2 minutes, the popularity has already exceeded 15, and the VIP seats are full of [-] people, which is almost the same as that of the first-line anchors in Xingxiu District. .

Of course, so much popularity is not only brought by Xiao Xiao's name, but more because of the feature of super God Emperor logging into the live broadcast room of the anchor and having the feature of setting the announcement on the top of the platform.

Most of the people came to watch the excitement of Chaohuang.

But the heat is scary enough.

This also frightened Yang Qilan quite a bit.

Brother Xiao Xiao has just entered the live broadcast room like this, what if he swipes a few banner gifts that stick to the top of the site?
With a treasure map, it's probably not a problem if his popularity in the live broadcast room exceeds 20, right?

 One more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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