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Chapter 213 Outdoor live streaming of luxury cars: Koenigsegg debut!

Chapter 213 Outdoor live streaming of luxury cars: Koenigsegg debut! (4600 words)
Through the backstage, Xiao Huya quickly added the Western-style WeChat.

Xiao Huya has always had a photo of this Koenigsegg on his mobile phone, and directly sent a set of photos from various angles to Yang Qilan.

"Brother Huya, are you coming out to play tomorrow night?"

Yang Qilan tentatively sent a WeChat message.

Xiaohuya hesitated for a while when he saw the news about Yangqilan.

To be honest, he was idle even if he was idle, and it didn't matter if he showed up.

Not to mention the live broadcast in front of tens of thousands of people, he has done many times to give speeches in front of a group of bigwigs. The emotion of stage fright does not exist for him.

After thinking about it, I still sent a WeChat message to Brother Xiao Xiao.

It was Brother Xiaoxiao's decision to come to Yangqilan's live broadcast room. He just came here for fun. He didn't know how far Brother Xiaoxiao would go.

When Liu Xiao saw Xiao Huya's WeChat, he replied directly, "I don't care, you decide."

To be honest, Liu Xiao really wanted to see what Little Huya looked like.

Liu Xiao has always believed that there may be another Shenhao as handsome as him in the world, but ordinary people naturally cannot be as handsome as him. At present, it seems that Xiao Huya is more suitable for this handsome and rich person.

"Okay, then I'll have the cheek to go out for the camera tomorrow." Xiao Huya chuckled, and replied to Liu Xiao on WeChat.

Yang Qilan got an affirmative reply from Brother Xiao Huya, and she almost jumped up with excitement.

It was the first time he had such an opportunity to live broadcast for so long!

Calculated in this way, as far as tomorrow's lineup is concerned, his side is no longer short of hitting dreams.

Even tomorrow, brother Xiao Xiao will definitely come to sit in his live broadcast room, his live broadcast room is even more popular than the live broadcast room of Mengmeng!
"Brothers, the previously set live broadcast time is cancelled. We will see you at [-] o'clock tomorrow night."

"Also, starting at [-] o'clock tomorrow night, I will meet Brother Xiao Huya at the Suzhou-Hangzhou Stadium, so that everyone can see the ferocity of Koenigsegg through the live broadcast!"

Yang Qilan propped up the height of the live broadcast phone to the highest level, and the joy on her face could not be suppressed at all.


At the same time, the assistant next to him quickly changed the title of the live broadcast room.

"We will meet Brother Huya tomorrow night: Huya's Koenigsegg luxury car debut!"

Yang Qilan even learned how to dream, and hung the photo sent by Brother Xiao Huya just now in the live broadcast room.

"666, is this going to war with Mengmeng?"

"Brother Xiao Huya made a move, this time it looks really good!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao was the one who made the move before. I didn't expect Brother Xiao Huya to hide it so deeply. This is a 4000 million luxury car!"

"Didn't you see what Brother Xiaohuya said? Although Brother Xiaohuya is very fierce, he is probably about the same level as Brother Jiu, and there is still a little gap with Brother Xiao Xiao. There is no doubt about Brother Xiao Xiao's strength!"

"That must be. Brother Xiao Xiao has passed the stage of showing off his wealth long ago. See how Brother Xiao Xiao makes his moves every time. Isn't it just talking about gifts?"

"That's right, like those silly dogs in Daheng, they know how to bark every day!"


At this time, in the Western-style live broadcast room, tourists who often watch outdoor live broadcasts ran over because of the showy operation just now. In addition, brother Xiao Xiao suddenly jumped over, which would be the majority of tourists from Xingxiu and the game area. .

And most of them were talking about Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Xiao Huya.

Yang Qilan was not annoyed at all when she saw that there were few questions about herself on the public screen.

On the whole Huya platform, I don't know how many anchors want to board Xiao Xiaoge's big ship, but they have tried hard to find nothing.

But for him, brother Xiao Xiao suddenly parachuted into the live broadcast room, without a word, it was a gift of 30!

For him, a small streamer with an average monthly gift turnover of only 50 million and a monthly income of about [-], this is already a huge fortune.

And this is just the beginning for him!
He wished that the public screen would be full of Brother Xiao Xiao's fanboys blowing wildly.

Only when Brother Xiao Xiao stays comfortably in his live broadcast room, will he have more chances to truly become the anchor of Brother Xiao Xiao's series!

At that time, like Bald Little Tangerine and the others, wouldn't it be fun to eat delicious food and drink spicy food?
"By the way, what's the name of the girl next to Yang Qilan? She looks pretty pretty."

"I've been discussing Brother Xiao Xiao all the time, but I didn't notice the cute girl. I've changed, and I don't even like women anymore!"

"This girl's name is Yueyue, and Yang Qilan made an appointment with her yesterday."

A few Western style fans typed on the public screen and said.

Yueyue was arranged by Yang Qilan who spent a lot of money.

Of course, this person is the same as the Xiaomeng next to him, but they all changed their identities in the live broadcast room.

Ordinary fans don't understand, and they think it's a rich girl who is dating out. Xiao Huya and the others understand, but they don't mean to expose it.

After all, the outdoor ecology is like this, people earn such a share of money, there is no need to cut off their wealth and future.

"It's been a long time since I played the quiz with a prize. This meeting is also quite boring. The prize is [-] red envelopes, and it will be given to the one with the best answer."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and posted a barrage on the public screen again.

To be honest, Liu Xiao doesn't like this outdoor mode very much.

As a five-good young man who has unlocked the title of "Hundreds of Billion Achievers Who Put Charcoal in His Hands", he has never been very interested in chickens.

After all, what can a woman do for something that can be done with both hands?
Therefore, Liu Xiao intends to change the atmosphere to Xingxiu's side, which will make it look more comfortable.

After all, when he thought about what would happen to Yang Qilan with this girl at night, Liu Xiao was not very happy.

A pair that can be disassembled is a pair!
Even if it is a steel wire, Liu Xiao will break it!

"Brother Xiao Xiao is going to give out prizes again?"

"You can win the lottery by answering the questions. The probability is so low. Wouldn't it be impossible for me to be so transparent?"

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult, how about these 10 people, brother Xiao Xiao, who doesn't open the noble speech like me, can't see it?"

"It's just luck, the most important thing is to participate!"

"Answering the question is not bad. It's better if the question is more difficult, and the probability of winning the prize will be higher!"

"Support brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao is the most handsome!"

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the audience in the live broadcast room was quite interested, and most of them wanted to participate.

But the barrage is not as crazy as usual, after all, just after the 200 million lottery draw from the bald man, everyone is almost high.

This is exactly what Liu Xiao wanted, otherwise there would be too many bullet screens in a while, and it would be really ugly.

Liu Xiao adjusted the barrage to full-screen coverage, so that most of the barrage can be seen.

"Lanzi, you can set the speech settings so that each person can only send one barrage in ten seconds."

"it is good."

Yang Qilan hastily adjusted the barrage settings.

Seeing brother Xiao Xiao's serious look, the big brothers Xiaohuya, Xingye and Junjun were also curious.

In the barrage, many people were guessing what topic Xiao Xiaoge would come up with.

As long as the answer is good, there is still a high chance of winning the prize. How to say, this is 5 yuan. Although it is not a lot on the Internet with an average per capita of one million, but in reality, it is equivalent to a year's salary of many people.

Needless to say, Brother Xiao Xiao's credibility is a problem. Anyone on the platform who says Brother Xiao Xiao is deceiving, I am afraid that without Brother Xiao Xiao speaking, their fans will swarm up and hack these sand sculptures to death.

"Hurry up and come up with the question, Brother Xiao Xiao, I can't wait!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao came up with an Olympiad and screened out 20 people!"

"Upstairs you are too wicked!"

Yueyue, who was at the side of Yang Qilan, secretly took out her mobile phone, ready to send a barrage to try her luck.

Although her income is not low once she does it, this kind of opportunity does not come every day.

What's more, it's impossible for her to do it every day. If she does it ruthlessly, the price will drop when some places turn dark.

Liu Xiao saw that the atmosphere was almost perfect.

First sat up seriously, and then solemnly picked up the phone.

After that, silently typed a question on the public screen that had troubled him for several days.

He will not admit that he used this reason to crowdfund the answer to this question.

"Is it illegal to sprinkle poison on your wife and cause others to be poisoned and die?"

"Please provide an exact answer from the legal aspect."



"Sprinkling poison on my wife, how can it cause poisoning to others?"

As soon as Liu Xiao posted this question, the public screen in the live broadcast room suddenly turned into a uniform question mark.

Yang Qilan was also taken aback for a moment.

No matter how you look at it, this question is not quite right, and it does not make sense logically.

On the public screen, Xiao Huya first typed a series of ellipses, and then typed a series of hahaha.

Sitting on the chair, Xiao Huya couldn't stop laughing.

The last time Brother Xiao Xiao made a meme, it was the giant dragon crash in the Kaka live broadcast room in the League of Legends area.

Originally, I thought Brother Xiao Xiao was serious, but I didn't expect to be waiting here.

The emperor will not be affected by the silence, other people will post one in ten seconds, and Xiao Huya will post several barrages in three to four seconds.

A few bullet screens were sent out, and the audience in the live broadcast room was even more stunned.

"Fuck, trough!"

"It's not right, brother Xiao Xiao is not right, brother Xiaohuya is not right!"

Suddenly, several audience members had a flash of inspiration, and immediately exclaimed on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too dirty!"

"I see, brother Xiao Xiao, the joker!"

"Upstairs, what do you mean?"

"This question can be understood in this way. Let's put it this way. For example, if you sprinkle poison under your wife, and wait for the old Wang next door to kick your wife with his third leg, you will be poisoned to death. Will you bear legal responsibility?"

With a tourist's careful explanation, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly brightened.

Then, there were countless crazy question marks.

"Ahem, there is a prize quiz, everyone pay attention to the barrage."

Liu Xiao blushed and sent another barrage to emphasize it.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this thing is divided into intentional murder and active defense. Intentional murder is illegal, but active defense is not."

A lord audience replied solemnly with a barrage.

The special effects of the lord's speech were not bad, and Liu Xiao saw the audience's answer at a glance.

Yang Qilan had long given Liu Xiao the management authority of the live broadcast room, and Liu Xiao directly put the viewer's barrage on the top, and then lifted the ban.

[My egg is your egg]: "Brother Xiao Xiao, for example, if this person is me, if I knew in advance that the old man next door would marry my wife, and if I poisoned him in advance, it would be deliberate murder, but if I didn't know in advance Someone raped my daughter-in-law, and I poisoned her again, it was for the safety of my daughter-in-law, it can only be regarded as self-defense."

"If you understand it in terms of self-defense, everything I do is reasonable and not illegal."

[My egg is your egg] After a series of answers, hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room all liked it.

"This reason should be impeccable!"

"It's poisonous!"

"Hahaha, I pretend I don't understand upstairs!"

Liu Xiao felt that the lingering questions suddenly dissipated, and he was in a good mood immediately.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

A wave of Huya No. [-] was sent out.

Yang Qilan was also very winking, and immediately added Huya as a friend of [My Egg], asked for an Alipay account, and directly sent 5 yuan to her.

"Brother Xiao Xiao has a new meme, where is the recorder, hurry up and record it into Xiao Xiaobai asked!"

"Already remembered, Bai Xiaosheng remembers to pass on the praise!"

"Brother Huya Xiaoxiao is sentencing online!"

"Good guy, the days are getting more and more judges!"

"Okay, okay, if we continue the discussion, the live broadcast of Western Style will be gone."

Liu Xiao coughed twice, and reposted the sentence on the public screen.

However, Liu Xiao was very satisfied with taking this opportunity to bring back the atmosphere of the foreign live broadcast.

At least, the barrage is not as vulgar as it used to be. When it comes up, it discusses how the female partner of the anchor can live well.

We still need to do more content, clarify the atmosphere of the Internet, and start with me!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, this can only be regarded as a classic question, and there is only one classic quotation missing!"

"Brother Xiaoxiao's classic quotations, I haven't added them since the last time the dragon hit!"

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao, my spiritual world is already lacking, and I urgently need something white to fill it up."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I have already finished recording Xiao Xiao's quotations!"


Liu Xiao looked at the barrage.

"Okay, get one and go offline to sleep."

Liu Xiao interacted with the audience for a few words, and then pondered.

As King Huya B, naturally he couldn't find those vulgar jokes.

Same as the previous question, the first and most important thing is to have connotation!

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao immediately typed:
"Boys like to be funny when they grow up, and girls like to make trouble when they grow up."


"Something's wrong, brother Xiao Xiao is wrong again!"

"Pretend you don't understand (cover your eyes)."

The time-limited speech in the live broadcast room has been unlocked. In the live broadcast room with more than 20 people, within a few seconds, there are 80 million more question mark bullet screens.

"666, add 1 to Xiao Xiao's connotation jokes!"

"Sure enough, Brother Xiao Xiao is Huya's strongest driver!"

"Hahaha, I laughed to death, justified self-defense!"

"Upstairs, is your internet a bit slower than others?"

"Brother Xiaoxiao, you are planning to have my live broadcast room permanently sealed."

Western-style blue smiles wryly.

He originally thought that these anchors who were outdoors were driving fast enough, but he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao, who is a godly hero, to drive this car much faster than them.

And it can also point to the audience's laughter.

The most important thing is that these are all small jokes. Although he talks about eternal seal, but this level of jokes is much better than his online flirting. It is impossible to ban him.

Yang Qilan thought in her heart, can she change the live broadcast style a little in the future?
After all, it's not a problem to hire a girl every day.

Don't sleep at night, it's a pity to spend 2000 yuan a day.

Go to sleep at night, his body can't handle it every day.

Wouldn't it save money and kidneys to be able to call girls for a few days less and talk more about inner jokes?
Although Liuwei Dihuang Wan has no taste, you can't bear it if you eat it every day!
After chatting with fans in the live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao went offline directly.

After a tiring day in the gym, it is also a good way to relax with tourists at night.

I took another look at the WeChat I use every day.

Qu Yue sent a WeChat message about ten minutes ago, and she has already boarded the plane and is ready to fly to the magic city.

Liu Xiao instructed Qu Yue to stay at the hotel to rest after getting off the plane, and come back to talk about things at noon tomorrow.

Liu Xiao was also following the Taobao shop all the way.

These two days are the time for new models, and the traffic conversion of the store has begun to make positive profits.

Liu Xiao reckoned that the profit in his hand would be enough to upgrade in mid-July earlier and the end of July later.

As for the specific matters, of course, I still have to discuss with Qu Yue.

"Let's talk tomorrow."

Liu Xiao exhaled lightly.

Waiting for another wave of arrangements for the Taobao store tomorrow, there will be nothing wrong with the Taobao store in the next week.

And he can also concentrate on going to the gym and practicing Jiu-Jitsu with a beautiful coach.

Of course, the face-to-face posture of revealing the lump and revealing the gap may have to be maintained for one to two days.

There are a lot of things to do tomorrow, so I went to the bathroom to take a shower and then Liu Xiao fell asleep.

As for the live broadcast of Huya, the popularity of the entire outdoor sector has completely reached its peak with the modification of the titles of the live broadcast room of Yang Qi Lan and Dream Fighting!

 A small over-the-top chapter, the plot has been covered, and the July event is on!
  4600 words, thank you masters and ladies for your rewards, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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