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Chapter 214 Too fast, what should I do if I can't bear it?

Chapter 214 Too fast, what should I do if I can't bear it? (3200 words)
A series of anchors, such as Xiao Huya, also quickly withdrew from the live broadcast room.

Fans in the star show area and the game area also retreated one after another.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast room reached its peak again, but this peak was only the outdoor peak.

The live broadcast rooms of Yangqilan and Jianmeng, one after the other, occupy the most popularity in the outdoor sector.

After a while, the dream live broadcast room topped the number one position, and after a while, the western air blue live broadcast room topped the number one position.

The other outdoor anchors who were live broadcasting all chose to wait and see.

No way, a Bugatti, a Koenigsegg, has already attracted all the popularity of the outdoor area.

On the other side of the dream, he hopped his feet angrily.

He thought that with Brother Jiu's support, his live broadcast tomorrow night would definitely be fine.

But how did you know that a foreign-style blue suddenly appeared on the way?

Brother Xiao Xiao directly took six or seven big brothers to give Yang Qilan a boost. If Brother Jiu hadn’t come to his live broadcast room first, the chance of facing Yang Qilan would have been lost!

"Now let's take Xiao Ke to the hotel to open a room and play poker."

Hit Meng has mmp in his heart, but there is a smile on his lips.

"Going to open the room so early today?"

"Are you so eager for Mengmeng? Didn't Xiaoke take care of you last night?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't dare to think, don't dare to think!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were chattering again.

Chi Meng walked out of the Starbucks with Xiao Ke in his arms and smiled, and watched the tourists' comments on the public screen, but did not deny it.

In normal times, he would have to stay in Starbucks for a long time until about 01:30 in the morning before going to open the room.

However, the popularity of Yangqilan was a bit too fierce, and with the support of tourists from Xiao Xiao's family, he really couldn't stand it.

If he stays in the water for a long time, it won't be long before his popularity will be overtaken by Western Qi Lan.

Going to open a house is of course not a live broadcast to do that.

Live broadcasting at the hotel is really a serious poker game.

As for the events after the poker game is closed, you may see some on websites such as 19, such as a woman with a butterfly mask on her face.

After all, this thing is also a channel for generating income, and some outdoor anchors still like to use resources to the extreme.

He opened the co-pilot's door and let Xiao Ke in.

Chimeng put the mobile phone on the position of the air conditioner in the car, set the reverse shooting, and basically captured the No.1 feeling of driving.

This can also give tourists who are watching the live broadcast a better sense of substitution.

With the sense of substitution, the sense of excitement has also risen, and it is not far from him getting money.

As soon as the Lamborghini roared, accompanied by the roar of the engine, the two drove all the way to the hotel in front.

Although they knew that they couldn't see anything indecent when they went to the hotel, the tourists in the live broadcast room were still excited.

Seeing that Jianmeng's popularity had risen again, Yangqilan also cursed inwardly.

This guy doesn't play by the rules!

"The coffee is almost done, let's go to the next destination!"

Yang Qilan patted Yueyue next to her, stood up and stretched.

"Next destination?"

"In a smirk, I understand everything."

The barrage in the live broadcast immediately took off.

And Yueyue next to her also had a slightly rosy face.

Let 10 people know that she will be manipulated by Yang Qilan in an hour or two. Because of this, she can't bear it in her heart.

Thinking of this, Yueyue took a look at Yang Qilan next to her, the wind, rain and madness of last night were still reverberating in her mind, although Yang Qilan was a bit short, Yueyue still lowered her head and clamped her legs shyly.

After searching in the bag for a while, and seeing two small umbrellas, Yueyue was completely relieved, letting Yang Qilan pull her to go outside.

"Don't get me wrong, it's only twelve o'clock, so why worry?"

The western-style blue chuckled.

To be honest, he was a little tired of always broadcasting these ambiguous things live.

Although the women around him kept changing, they were still the same as the third child. After more than a year of live broadcast, at least eighty or ninety, he was really not interested in this.

Coupled with the game Xiao Xiaoge played in the live broadcast room just now, Yang Qilan wanted to change the live broadcast method.

Looking at the puzzled faces of the fans in the live broadcast room, Yang Qilan said again:

"At that moment, brother Xiao Huya and I made plans for tomorrow night's activities, one of which is track racing. This track was developed by my friend, but I have only been there once, and we will go there for two tonight. Let’s get familiar with the terrain, so we can’t wrong Brother Xiao Huya’s Koenigsegg tomorrow!”

"Go racing tonight?"

"Drag racing on the track, foreign style blue, are you in this car business?"

"I'm afraid you're going crazy upstairs. This car costs more than 700 million yuan. It's no small feat to open a track!"

Sure enough, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited again.

Compared with the women they can't meet, the outdoor audience is still looking forward to the racing.

Most of the tourists who come to the outdoors are actually just a part of it.

Huya is an official platform, everyone knows it.

It’s a dream to show your upper body in Huya’s live broadcast, let alone do your hands and feet in front of the camera to satisfy the interest of tourists.

If you really want to watch a real 1v1 live broadcast, you can go to some non-compliant platforms to watch it. What’s more, it’s not difficult to go to some well-known websites to watch it. As for watching these on the Huya platform, it’s destined to be fine The ambiguity of the result?

The sentence of "foreign style blue" can be regarded as completely grasping the itch of tourists.

For a while, tens of thousands of people typed and urged on the public screen.

"Everyone, don't worry. I'll contact my brother first. There is no task on this track tonight. Let's go to a free prostitution first."

Western-style blue hey hey smile.

I paid a full 8 yuan for the 6-hour track I booked for tomorrow night.

Since no one is here tonight, there must be no problem with prostitution for an hour or two.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is getting higher and higher, and soon surpassed Jianmeng, and successfully reached the first place in Huya's outdoor section.

On Mengmeng's side, he worked very hard to create ambiguity, but no matter how hard he tried, the number one position of Western Qilan was still unshakable.

Half an hour later, Yangqilan arrived at the track.

After the staff checked the condition of the car and wore professional racing suits for him and Yueyue, the popularity of the live broadcast room has completely reached the ceiling of the outdoor sector.

Usually there are up to 20 to [-] visitors online live broadcast room, this will be a full [-]!

Twelve VIP seats!

Compared with the current Xingxiu District, it is not bad at all!
And in the live broadcast room of Mengmeng, the popularity has dropped to more than 5.

Jian Meng was a little annoyed, so he simply turned off the live broadcast and went to Xiao Ke.

After catching Xiao Ke, he just had a meal, desperately venting the depression in his heart.

Zhimeng really didn't want to understand what was wrong with him.

Is driving a car more attractive to tourists than flirting with girls?
After Brother Xiao Xiao came, something is really wrong with the outdoor tourists now!

"Brother Meng, take it easy."

Xiao Ke frowned.

Mengmeng hit is really too strong, and she would have lost her temper in normal times, but after thinking about Brother Jiu, who is going to meet tomorrow, Xiao Ke only dared to remind him softly.

Among other things, the two fleshy spots are already green, and it hurts to touch it a little.

On the other side, Yueyue was wearing a racing suit and sitting next to Yangqi Lan, watching the scenery whistling by, screaming desperately.

The mobile phone recorded Yueyue's voice, and the No.1 viewing angle in the live broadcast room made the tourists even more excited.

In the middle of the night, they all lie in bed screaming, wishing they were the ones driving the car now.

The test running time ended soon, and the car was stopped for the staff to maintain. Yang Qilan took off his racing suit and laughed while holding the live broadcast mobile phone.

"Brothers, let's launch a vote. If everyone likes racing on the track, I can come more in the future."

Yang Qilan opened the voting option in the live broadcast room.

Choose likes and dislikes.

In 2 minutes, the voting results came out quickly.

90.00% of the tourists chose to like it.

However, it is also understandable that most of the tourists in the outdoor section are men, and they naturally have little resistance to things like cars.

"Okay, then we will come here at least once a week in the future!"

The foreign-style blue waved his hands domineeringly.

He didn't compete with other people, but contracted the track competition by himself.

The speed is also controlled by him, there is no need to drive as fast as a professional racing driver.

With the layout of the track, it is still very easy to drive to 230 yards. The track is very empty, so there is no need to worry about any accidents.

The more Yang Qilan thought about it, the more feasible it became.

In addition to the above benefits, the cost of renting a track is not expensive.

8 hours is 6 yuan, but this is the prime time, starting at 9 pm, and it is also the peak period for track rental.

If you rent the track from early in the morning, you can rent it for 2 hours at most, which is 5000 yuan.

There were no people there in the early morning, and the rental fee was much cheaper.

Compared with the huge increase in popularity, investing so little money every week is nothing at all.

"Western style blue cow beep, some people will watch it in the future!"

"Some anchors have come to the track to play before, but it's not racing at all. It's really boring to put a group of luxury cars on the track, and they chat with each other and drink tea. It takes a long time for me to watch pissed off."

"If Yangqilan persists in this matter, it will be the No.1 outdoor racing car!"

"And I want to complain, can I stop taking pictures with my mobile phone, I feel dizzy and want to vomit!"

"Come on, foreign style blue, this kind of activity happens more, I like to watch single-player races!"

"It's best to set a time slot for the single-player racing event. Visitors who like to watch it can come to the live broadcast room at a fixed time."


The tourists were all applauded, and they were even more delighted to see the foreign style blue.

"Don't worry, everyone. I will go to set up professional camera equipment with my assistant during the day tomorrow. I remember that I saw an optical image stabilization camera last time, which was pretty good. I will use this live broadcast then!"

"As for the time slot for the live broadcast, it's not decided yet. I'll fix a fixed time slot after I've settled it!"

Gritting her teeth, Yang Qilan promised again.

It's really not good to capture the fast movement with the mobile phone. He also watched the clip of the live broadcast just now. Although he could barely see it clearly, the clarity was far worse.

The optical image stabilization camera can take clear pictures, and the live broadcast effect will be much better, but the price is much more expensive, a full 10 yuan!

If Brother Xiao Xiao hadn't rewarded him with a wave of gifts today, Yang Qi Lan wouldn't have dared to be so extravagant.

But seeing the effect of the live broadcast is so good, Yang Qilan readily recognized it.

The investment now is just to make a lot of money in the future!
Moreover, he really didn't want to do the previous ambiguous live broadcast method anymore.

The kidneys and waist can't stand it!
 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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