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Chapter 215 The Big Brother of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Chapter 215 The Big Brother of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (3000 words)
When Liu Xiao woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

The appointment time with Qu Yue was at noon and it was still early, so Liu Xiao simply got up and went to the gym for a swim.

Recently, I have been doing stretching every day, and my body's flexibility has fully improved.

It may be difficult to lean down on the back, but you can do the splits and the like after warming up. Like some difficult postures, you can also easily touch them from a negative distance with the assistance of a beautiful coach.

After landing, the beautiful coach wiped the water droplets on his body, and Liu Xiao moved his body again to relax his muscles.

At twelve noon, Liu Xiao drove the Land Rover, and got out of the underground car and garage refreshed.

Picked up Qu Yue at the hotel, and the two went straight to a Michelin-starred restaurant.

I visited this store with Zhao Ning last time, and the taste is pretty good.

"Mr. Liu, this is the revenue statement for the last few days, please take a look."

Taking advantage of the serving time, Qu Yue took out the revenue statement made by working overtime last night.

As Taobao store has changed from the impulse sales of single-piece short-sleeves to the sales of high-quality clothes, the company's rhythm has changed quite quickly.

[Liu Liu's Clothing Supermarket] Although the name is a bit low, it is already well-known among the local clothing wholesalers in Guangzhou.

The company's current staffing has also expanded to 25 people, and there are even two professional front desk staff working in shifts, and the prototype of a large company has already taken shape.

In terms of revenue, Liu Xiao was not disappointed. In just one day on July 9st yesterday, he created a net profit of [-] yuan!
If the double reward of the wealth investment card is included, this is 18, which is close to 20 in profit.

Even if the profit does not increase and stabilizes at this figure in the future, you can get 500 million cash in one month.

Then use the wealth doubling card to double it, and directly break through tens of millions to upgrade to level 5!
"The advertising expenditure is still enough, if it is not enough, I will add a little more.

"Liu Xiao flipped through the data casually, feeling very satisfied.

"Enough is enough. The operation of the Taobao store is now on the right track, and the daily quota of [-] is a bit inexhaustible."

When Qu Yue saw Liu Xiao say this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

She has been in the society for more than a year, and this is the first time she has seen such a crazy boss.

Others are desperately trying to lower the advertising investment, and some even ask professional analysts to make a curve to get the maximum advertising investment income, but this one, 300 million a month is probably not enough to spend!

If it wasn't for the company's account where all the turnover was gone, it wasn't for cash, the company's finances would want to flee with the money.

A small company with about [-] people has a daily turnover of tens of millions of companies!
Liu Xiao nodded, and listened to Qu Yue's report again, making clear arrangements for the company's current problems.

Advertising Liu Xiao is still happy to do it. After the system's daily quota of [-] is converted into advertising fees, selling clothes through advertising will become the company's revenue, and the cash can be doubled in his hands!
This is much better than saving money in your hands.

Qu Yue hurried back to Guangzhou to negotiate a contract with a clothing factory owner, Liu Xiao didn't stop her, and drove Qu Yue to the airport after dinner.

When I got home, I lay down comfortably on the sofa.

The company account is bound to the mobile bank, and the current account balance is 85, of which the operating funds plus delivery funds total 35.

The company has no other shareholders, and he owns whatever he earns. He called the finance department and asked for a tax withdrawal of 50 yuan.

The accountant that Qu Yue recruited was also a capable person. After a series of reasonable tax avoidance operations, 50 public accounts were transferred to Liu Xiao's private hands, leaving 40.

This also surprised Liu Xiao.

He didn't expect such a small company to have such a great master.

The transfer of 50 yuan saved him at least 5 to [-] in taxes!

[Your China Merchants Bank card credited 80 yuan! 】

The phone ding-dong lightly rang, and the doubled income from the investment card was credited to the account.

Liu Xiao was in a good mood, and sent back another 10 yuan in the name of the public account, and told the accountant to ask him to give bonuses to the employees.

This wave of operations of paying taxes and returning part of the money completely confused the finances.

Looking at the accounts missing more than 1 yuan over and over again in the public accounts, the finance minister felt like crying.

Liu Xiao didn't care.

After all, if you bring it up and call it back, you can double the money for nothing, so a fool would not do it.

Sweating a lot in the morning, Liu Xiao doesn't plan to go to the gym at noon.

Open the Huya live broadcast, click into the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds area of ​​the game channel.

The live broadcast of the B article is usually in the afternoon, but these days because of the activities, it is deliberately adjusted to the noon file, and this meeting is in a row with Laolong and Laohu.

"Old Dragon's 98K is beautiful!"

Wen B suddenly yelled nice.

This one was an airport circle. Under the guns of Lao Long, Lao Hu and B Wen went straight to Building C with rifles, and easily won the game.

"Emperor [Ruirui] sent Huya No. 1*[-]!"

"The king [Simmons] sent out the magic book*5!"


In the live broadcast room, a series of 666 was quickly swiping the screen along with the barrage of gifts.

After B Wen became the first brother of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, there have been a group of diehard fans in the live broadcast room during this period.

Emperor Ruirui and King Simmons are the two big brothers who are more capable of brushing.

Especially Ruirui, in these three or four days alone, he paid [-] to [-] yuan for the B text!

The popularity of the live broadcast room has also remained stable at around 100 million, making it a leader among the first-line anchors in the game area.

And the old dragon is not bad either.

I missed the first brother because of the problem of standing in the team before, but in the end he decided to stand in the team and came back. Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't say anything, at least he is currently the anchor of Brother Xiao Xiao's series.

Compared with the B article, it is definitely incomparable, but the live broadcast room also has more than [-] live broadcast popularity, which is several times higher than before.

Of course, there are also some big brothers in the Laolong studio.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't come to the game area much during this period, the two of them had a pretty good life, and it would definitely be no problem to earn as much money as the previous half a year in a month.

"Old Dragon, how do you plan to call this event?"

After turning it on again, Wen B asked while he was queuing in Quality Square.

In the game area, No. 1 is definitely not the turn of the two of them.

Although the two are doing a good live broadcast now and their popularity is exploding, they are still a little far away from a top-line anchor like Tiaonan Kaka.

Jackie Chan like Kaka, without some special opportunities, definitely can't achieve it.

Wen B is very aware of his weight.

Hoe Wo, Kaka, Tiaonan, Uzi, Zitai, Miss.

With such a large number of super first-line anchors on top of their heads, there must be no need to think about rewards for becoming gods and demigods.

Don't even think about the ranking of the entire game area.

What B Wen wants to get is the recommendation from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to be the first player in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, right?

"For this event, if you can make it, you can make it, if you can't make it, you can be the number one in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

The old dragon replied with a smile.

"Hehe, old dragon, you have a lot of ambition!"

Wen B regained his energy immediately, sat up from the gaming chair, and straightened the earphones with a smile.

"Brother Ruirui, brother Simmons, you heard me, but the old dragon doesn't take you seriously."

"Tiezi, you said that the old dragon wants to be number one in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, can I give him the B text?"

"Then I definitely can't get used to it!"

Wen B enlarged the video and laughed in the live broadcast room.

"Old Dragon, you can play as a kid, B Wen, I give up on you, let the old dragon take the first place in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds this time."

Ruirui typing on the public screen.

"Brother Ruirui is right. I also give up on B Wen. The number one player in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is still suitable for Laolong."

Simmons also smiled and sent out a barrage.

They have also stayed in B Wen's live broadcast room for a while. B Wen's thick skin can almost be compared to a city wall.

Other anchors, who dares to be so open and aboveboard to let the big brother buy gifts to play activities?

It's not all the stinky feet of all kinds of insinuation.

But B-wen will use his elder brother to do it whenever he has a chance.

However, the big brothers of the B text frame also have standards. Usually, they take the initiative to stop after reading a little B text, which is very good for them.

But of course he won't be polite with Wen B.

"B papers are rejected on a daily basis."

"Brother has been in the B-wen live broadcast room for a long time, and it seems that he has learned the essence of B-wen. You can fight as you please, but I just won't do it!"

"Hahaha, the upstairs is brilliant!"

The two live broadcast rooms were connecting mics, and Lao Long glanced at the barrage on Wen B's side, and was immediately happy.

"Bwen, the eldest brother has abandoned you, I think you should take out your little wife book and beat it up, otherwise you will be ashamed if I really take the first place."

"That won't work. The little money in my hand is for marrying a wife. You must not touch it before marrying your wife."

The two were connected to the mic and fought each other across the live broadcast room, and the audience was overjoyed to watch.

As soon as Liu Xiao clicked into B Wen's live broadcast room, he saw the barrage of joy.

"What bad thing did Wen B do again to make everyone happy like this?"

Accompanied by the special effects of the red-gold dragon's entrance animation, Liu Xiao played a barrage on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, no matter how often you come here, you still make fun of me."

B Wen pretended to be wronged and wiped away his tears.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good afternoon!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you remember me, I'm still waiting to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I love you!"

As soon as Liu Xiao went online, the liveliness of the audience in the live broadcast room immediately increased to a higher level.

With the addition of the Super God Emperor, the number of 100 million viewers in the live broadcast room began to rise rapidly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good afternoon."

Ruirui and Simmons greeted each other on the public screen with some trepidation.

Brother Xiao Xiao's name has long been known to them, so they naturally know that the biggest brother in the B-wen live broadcast room is Brother Xiao Xiao.

In fact, they came to play in the B-wen live broadcast room, maybe they didn't have the purpose of making a familiar face in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

After all, Xiao Huya's true strength was announced on all platforms last night.

Xiao Huya, brother Xiao Xiao's follower, is at this level, so what about Brother Xiao Xiao's identity as the rightful master?
Simply unimaginable!

(End of this chapter)

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