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Chapter 216 Game Channel: B Wen takes the first place!

Chapter 216 Game Channel: B Wen takes the first place! (3000 words)
Liu Xiao smiled and replied on the public screen.

Ruirui and Liu Xiao, the gods of Huya, really haven't paid much attention to it, but today it seems that they are quite polite.

For the Road to God event in July, there must be a place in the game area.

However, there are indeed a lot of anchors in the game area, but in terms of closeness, the two anchors Kaka and B Wen are closer to Xiao Xiao.

Kaka was already a first-line anchor before he praised him, and now he is among the top-line anchors.

The B text is also good, and its popularity has increased by an unknown number of times compared to before.

The main force of the event must still be on Xingxiu's side, and the number one on the entire platform in the game area will definitely not be able to get it.

And the rewards for the second and third place demigods are only omni-channel within the platform, which is not very effective for Kaka, a super first-line anchor, but it is more effective for Bwen.

What's more, when he first came to Huya to play, B Wen was one of the first anchors to come over, and Liu Xiao was happy to give him a chance to make B Wen stand up.

"Wen B, do you want to play first in the game zone?"

"No. [-] in the game area?"

B Wen immediately became excited when he heard Brother Xiao Xiao's words.

He originally thought that this event should have nothing to do with him, but now it seems that Brother Xiao Xiao has not forgotten him!

Currently in the game area, Brother Xiao Xiao has no opponents. As long as Brother Xiao Xiao says to give him the number one, then he must be the number one!

Now that brother Xiao Xiao took the initiative to speak, the matter is likely to be settled.

"If you want, you must, brother Xiao Xiao!"

B Wenle scratched his head and nodded repeatedly in the live broadcast room.

"Then let's make a rule."

"I have nothing to do in the past few days. I have time in the morning or at noon. You, Laolong and Laohu will form a team with me in four rows, and eat a handful of chickens for 100 million gifts. If you can't eat chickens, you have no gifts. How about a 10 yuan lottery red envelope in the live broadcast room?"

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

The average duration of a game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is about two to three 10 minutes.

More than two hours a day, that is, four or five.

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, Ruirui was stunned for the first time, not knowing what to say.

Although he already knew that Brother Xiao Xiao was rich, but when things really happened, he really felt Brother Xiao Xiao's financial power.

If you win a game with 100 million gifts, even if you win three games a day, it will still be a 300 million gift!

His big brother, who is just worth hundreds of millions, spends less in one month than Brother Xiao Xiao's gifts in one game!

As for Simmons, not to mention, his monthly consumption is only a dozen or 20, and the gifts Xiao Xiaoge sent out in this round are almost comparable to his consumption for more than half a year.

For a while, the two of them suddenly had more thoughts in their hearts, and they were all about how to get closer to Brother Xiao Xiao's camp.

For now, it's really not that easy to get close to Brother Xiao Xiao. Usually, the only ones who can interact with Brother Xiao Xiao are Xiaohuya and Xingjue, who have very strong spending power.

However, Ruirui did not intend to give up.

Everything is done step by step, first find Junjun who has similar financial resources to interact with, and then find Xingjue Beibei.

Once the relationship is good, it won't be so difficult to get Brother Xiao Xiao's attention.

In the live broadcast room, Wen B agreed without thinking about it.

Brother Xiao Xiao's attitude has been very clear, this is to praise him for the first place in this event!

With the level of him and Laolong Laohu, it is definitely no problem to win four out of five rounds a day.

No matter how little or how little, winning three hands is guaranteed.

Counting today, there are still six days left in this Road to God event, this is a gift of 1800 million!

In the game area, it is a sure thing to win the first place on such a terrifying list.

As for losing a game and sending a 10 yuan red envelope, it is also a good thing for him to increase his popularity, and he has no reason to refuse.

Moreover, playing games with Brother Xiao Xiao can also strengthen the relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, a fool would not like to do it!
As soon as B Wen's voice fell, the audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's gift is to send B Wen Chengshen directly!"

"Look at the Road to God event in July, as long as the B text can get the first place in the game area, at least it will be a demigod omni-channel reward. After this wave of processes, I am afraid that the B text will become the Huya game area Super first-line anchor!"

"However, with such a good reward, other anchors in the game area should give it a shot. This is a big recommendation."

"Upstairs, you are stupid. The game area is full of anchors from Brother Xiao Xiao's series. Since Brother Xiao Xiao has spoken today, even if you don't give B-wen face, you have to give Brother Xiao Xiao some face, right?"

"And the ones who can afford 1800 million must be those super first-line anchors. This kind of omni-channel within the platform is not necessary for them."

"Compared to the game area, I'm still looking forward to what's going on outdoors at night. Supercars are a man's dream!"


The audience chatted.

They already liked Huya's activity mode.

The host and brother Shenhao are also willing to cooperate with the activities on the platform. They are the biggest beneficiaries.

As long as the live broadcast is turned on every day, there must be melons to eat. This refreshing feeling is much more comfortable than having sex with girls.

Last night, the outdoor track race at [-] o'clock was scheduled for tonight, and in the game area, there was also a ranking method for eating chicken and collecting gifts.

Where do you find so many interesting things when you usually watch live broadcasts?

And the most important thing is, how Xingxiu will fight is still undecided.

There are melons in two districts and a star show district to be determined, and the audience is full of anticipation.

As soon as the event started, the popularity of Huya's entire platform immediately rose, and the major anchors showed their talents. The talents and dry goods that are usually unwilling to show, are now scrambling to get them out.

Lao Long and Lao Hu were equally excited.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't say any rewards for them, but after staying in Xiao Xiao's camp for so long, he naturally understands that their share will be more or less.

I haven't boarded the plane yet, and the last one I just drove is queuing up at the quality square.

Wen B quit the game directly, and pulled Lao Long and Lao Hu again.

Liu Xiao went to the study to turn on the computer, and sent the ID of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to B Wen via WeChat.

Although the performance of the Alienware desktop is not particularly strong, running a large-scale game like [Minecraft] will be a bit stretched, but there is no problem with online games like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

The image quality and anti-aliasing are directly pulled to the highest level. After every yard of the map made by the game developer is clearly displayed, the game still runs smoothly.

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and agreed to B Wen's friend's invitation to join the team.

"Let's do it!"

Wen B was so excited that he immediately clicked Start.

If you can hurry up and play more, you may get 100 million more gifts!

The game has just started, and the news that brother Xiao Xiao is going to give B Wen the number one game area spreads.

Kaka was the first to see the news. During each event, Kaka will take the initiative to work overtime, usually from 9:3 am to [-]:[-] pm.

He and Wen B are both anchors that Brother Xiao Xiao smashed with gifts, especially his current status as a super first-line anchor is even more promoted by Brother Xiao Xiao.

He is already very satisfied with what he has achieved so far, and as for this activity, he is also following the fate.

But since Brother Xiao Xiao said so, he doesn't intend to fight for this thing.

As Huya grows bigger and bigger, there will be more opportunities in the future. Brother Xiao Xiao is very clear about his character, and he will definitely not forget Kaka.

"Here we have an armor-piercing policewoman. I haven't played this hero for a long time."

Kaka chuckled, ignoring the rhythmic barrage.

As the only super first-line anchor in the morning show, the popularity of Kaka's live broadcast room has already exceeded 150 million, and the VIP seats are full with more than 1 seats.

Up to now, Kaka has long been content.

The field controller next to them quickly blacked out a few crazy and rhythmic black fans, and the barrage in the live broadcast room quickly returned to normal.

Scratching Man and his girlfriend have completely collapsed in the past few days. His girlfriend's violent personality really made him unbearable. Ever since his girlfriend slapped him twice in front of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room the day before yesterday, Scratching Man has been completely disappointed .

I'm preparing for the divorce these two days, so I definitely don't have time for this event.

Uzi is preparing for the League of Legends Summer Split with the goal of winning again.

Hoe Wo is a bit interesting, but seeing Brother Xiao Xiao speaking in the B-text live broadcast room, he puts down his thoughts of taking the first place.

As long as there is a first time for omni-channel promotion, there will definitely be a second time, and the role of omni-channel for anchors who are already well-known like them is indeed not too great.

The big anchors of them all understand this, so they don't care too much, and it will be fine next time, it's not a big deal.

"The anchors in these game areas are all like dead fish!"

The fifth child sat in the trade union office, feeling helpless.

The water army raised by Daheng has been idle for a long time, and he just saw some feng shui disturbances just today, and he is still thinking about whether he can go to the game area to bring rhythm or something.

But I just went to Kaka's live broadcast room for a while, and the rhythm didn't come up. Not to mention, several lord accounts with rhythm belts were banned by Kaka's entire platform for seven days.

Although there was no loss, the fifth child still had a liver pain from anger.

The game area is now completely insulated from their Daheng.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to target the game area after the two channels of Xingxiu and Outdoor are stabilized."

Brother Hua came over, smiled and patted Lao Wu on the shoulder.

In the game area, all the top anchors have received gifts from Xiao Xiao, and it is definitely impossible for Daheng to intervene now.

The moment Lao Wu made his move, Brother Hua had already predicted the ending.

"That's the only way to go. Mengmeng has agreed to merge the labor union into Daheng, and Mengmeng will get A lottery, and train him as a first-line anchor first."

The signing of Mengmeng was done very smoothly.

With the size of their Daheng, Shimeng merged the small guild he had run into Daheng as a sub-guild without even thinking about it.

As for himself, he also became Daheng's contracted anchor with the contract signed by the first-line anchor.

Brother Hua sat down again and nodded slightly.

"Brother Hua, outside, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huya picked up another anchor last night, called Yang Qi Lan."

"Xiao Huya will also drive a luxury car to help out tonight. We don't seem to have an advantage in the outdoor area tonight."

After thinking about it for a while, the fifth child still expressed his doubts.

Brother Jiu drove a Bugatti, but Xiao Huya also had a Koenigsegg.

The boos on both sides are almost the same, it is really uncertain who will win!

 There are two more changes in the evening, a total of four chapters, 12000 words today.

  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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