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Chapter 218 Daheng: Don't Pretend, It's a Showdown

Chapter 218 Daheng: Don't Pretend, It's a Showdown

As soon as Yangqilan started broadcasting, there were already 4 to [-] people in the live broadcast room, and the influx continued.

"Good evening everyone, welcome to the live broadcast room of Yangqilan."

Yang Qilan stood in front of a Porsche, next to yesterday's girl Yueyue.

"I just contacted Brother Xiaohuya. Brother Xiaohuya is driving to the track. We are leaving now and we will arrive in about half an hour."

Yang Qilan smiled, and took a picture of the video equipment next to her with her mobile phone.

Sony's latest anti-shake camera costs 12 a piece!

For today's live broadcast, Yang Qilan deliberately did not let Yueyue accompany her last night, and had a good night's rest. Yang Qilan felt that her spirit was much better than yesterday.

At noon, I went to the Sony store with my assistant to get back this high-end camera, which is enough to guarantee the perfect quality of live broadcast.

Connect all the equipment to the live broadcast, and put the camera on the frame inside the sports car.

The picture quality of the live broadcast room has changed suddenly, and it has reached the highest level of Blu-ray 6M.

"Damn it, it's amazing to have this picture quality outdoors!"

The Yangqilan Club is next to the West Lake. The high-definition camera has just started working, and the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in summer night is reflected in the live broadcast room through the car window.

Suzhou and Hangzhou have produced beauties since ancient times, the camera swiped slightly to the side, and the audience immediately feasted their eyes.

"666, this picture quality is too heaven-defying, basically comparable to posing!"

"I love it, I love it, I must come to Suzhou and Hangzhou when I have time in the future, it's so beautiful!"

The tens of thousands of viewers who just poured in praised it.

They have also played outdoors for a long time, and they have never really considered the picture quality.

After all, the camera resolution of mobile phones is also good now, supercars and girls can all be seen clearly.

In addition, the income of outdoor anchors is not high, and the price of professional-level cameras also discourages most people, such as Western Blue, which is not bad, but it is just a very common one in the Sony store. Many anchors Would not choose to buy a camera.

However, mobile phone shooting has flaws after all. Even if you use a camera or a camera stick, it is inevitable that there will be some jitter.

Some tourists with a poor sense of balance have watched it for a long time, and even feel disgusted by the high jitter of watching fps games.

This is also the key to the limited audience of the outdoor sector.

But now that the anti-shake camera is shooting, these problems don't exist anymore.

A solid batch!
The shaking that originally seemed to make people feel dizzy has completely disappeared, and the ability of the camera to find the level is an eye-opener for the audience in the live broadcast room.

Yangqilan and Yueyue got in the car and adjusted the angle of the camera so that the tourists in the live broadcast room could see the No.1 angle of view.

Seeing the reaction of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Yang Qilan was even more excited.

Those who do live broadcasts are nothing more than to catch the audience's excitement.

Now that he has made such a live broadcast, although it is nothing in other sectors, but outdoors, his live broadcast is definitely the highest in clarity and viewability!

This will virtually attract more popularity to his live broadcast room.

In the short term, the investment may be greater than the output, but in the long run, it is enough to establish a very good live broadcast effect for him.

After a month or two, when tourists mention the outdoors, they will probably think of the picture quality of his Western Blue Live Studio!
"Brothers, let's go find Big Brother Xiaohuya now!"

Yangqilan had just started the car, and on the other side, Mengmeng had already driven to Daheng's company residence.

Seeing the broadcast of Yangqilan, Shimeng was still a little anxious.

The content of Yangqilan's live broadcast is similar to his. Now that Yangqilan is the first to start the broadcast, it will definitely gain a lot of popularity.

He originally wanted to launch a broadcast to attract people to grab the market, but at this time, the fifth child told him to come to the Daheng trade union first, and Zhimeng couldn't understand it.

At this time, isn't it the most important thing to start broadcasting to grab popularity?

Zhimeng complained secretly in his heart, Daheng is not a state-owned enterprise, so he doesn't know why it has so many rules.

But now that he has signed a contract with Daheng, he can only listen to the arrangement of the fifth child.

Parking the car at the door, Shi Meng opened the door and entered Daheng's office.

The fifth child has long been waiting by the side.

"Fifth brother, when will I start the broadcast?"

Although Jian Meng was anxious, he still greeted Lao Wu with a smile.

"I know you are anxious, but you don't have to worry, these are not problems, and a later broadcast will not affect the overall situation."

"Come with me first."

The fifth child smiled.

After hearing this, Meng Meng had no choice but to hold back and follow Lao Wu forward.

Pushing open the door of the office, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu were already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Although Jian Meng knew the names of Brother Hua and Brother Jiu, but they didn't know each other in reality. Seeing Lao Wu sitting across from him, Jian Meng thought that Hua Ge was the boss behind the scenes of Daheng, so he sat down next to Lao Wu with some trepidation. .

"Zimeng, you just came to Daheng, let me introduce you first."

"However, these things are confidential, and I hope you will not disclose them to the outside world."

Brother Hua's assistant poured him a cup of tea winkingly, and the fifth child went on to say:

"This is Brother Hua. He is currently the actual helm of our Daheng Group. He is also the boss of the Hundred Billion Group. In our Daheng Union, Brother Hua holds 67% of the shares."

"This is Brother Jiu. The Daheng Union holds 20% of the shares."

"The second is me, who holds 11% of the shares in Daheng."

Last time, brother Li was given [-]% of the shares, and the remaining [-]% was given to the fifth brother.

Although a little bit has been distributed, Brother Hua's shares are still the biggest among the big ones.

The hand that Zhimeng had just picked up the teacup was in mid-air.

Mechanically turned his head and looked at Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

For a moment, countless question marks appeared in Mengmeng's mind.

But after a moment of doubt, more relief.

He is still very clear about what happened on the platform during this time.

The battle of the century between Brother Jiu Hua and Xiao Xiao on the platform is still going on.

So far, Xiao Xiao has accumulated consumption of 2.7 million yuan.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua also spent 1.5 million.

Originally, Chi Meng was still wondering why Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua were able to fight so fiercely.

But now he understands that since Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are Daheng's shareholders, the battle has come to a conclusion.

All union numbers!
Since Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are the guild numbers of Daheng, Xiao Xiao is naturally the guild number of Lehua on the opposite side.

Between the two trade unions, this is to fight for the number one platform!
He was a trade unionist before, so he naturally understood the reason for the fierce fighting between the two sides.

Although it seems that Lehua has the upper hand at present, in the long run, Daheng, a huge monster, has a higher probability of winning.

After all, Daheng's 100 to [-] anchors are supporting it, while Lehua only has more than [-] or [-] anchors.

Although the identities of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua made him a little disappointed, the enthusiasm in Jianmeng's heart still accounted for the majority.

Daheng can take a fancy to his outdoor sector, and will definitely play outdoor activities with him in the future.

Even if he merged into Daheng's Dream Fighting Union, he could get a lot of resources.

The guild account has an advantage, that is, it is stable!
Furthermore, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are not pure union brushes.

In reality, both of them are bigwigs with status and status, and they are just working on the trade union project together.

Faced with this situation, in addition to the necessary union investment cashback, he can still get a lot of gifts.

For example, didn't Brother Jiu ask him for a cash back for the 22 that was paid out last night?

Just yesterday's wave, he ate more than [-] yuan!
If Daheng can help him make a list of tens of millions in this event, he will be able to blow it up on the live broadcast platform in the future.

Of course, it would be better to get the top three in this event.

"Then Xiao Xiao is the union number of Lehua?"

"I watched the live broadcast of Yang Qi Lan yesterday, and Xiao Xiao also intends to grab the outdoor part."

Meng Meng frowned and said.

"Cough cough."

Brother Jiu coughed twice in embarrassment.

Although Brother Hua had no expression on his face, the teacup he was holding in his hand was unconsciously tightening a little bit.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, Xiao Xiao should be a true hero, but it is certain that he will not deal with our Daheng."

The fifth child sneered.

Speaking of this topic, several people are still a little embarrassed.

A trade union can't beat a Shenhao, and it's really embarrassing to say it.

"Is Xiao Xiao a true god?"

Jianmeng opened his mouth wide, and the thinking he had just accepted was messed up again.

"Let's not talk about that, time is tight, let's talk about tonight's live broadcast first."

The fifth child spoke again and quickly changed the subject.

The purpose of bringing Mengmeng here this time is to take a look at their Daheng's internal structure, and the other is tonight's live broadcast.

Although arrangements have been made for the car, the details still need to be explained to Jianmeng.

This outdoor debut, with such a big advantage in the car, Lao Wu still hopes to win this live broadcast.

Tell Mengmeng about the arrangements for tonight.

When Meng Meng heard that there were two luxury cars tonight, one of which was an Aston Martin, his eyes began to light up.

And when it came to the arrangement of the trade union later, Meng Meng almost jumped up excitedly.

"Fifth brother, your arrangement is absolutely perfect, tonight's live broadcast will definitely explode!"

Hitting the dream was very exciting.

"It's all Brother Hua's idea." Lao Wu said with a smile.

"Then I'll prepare for the live broadcast first." Shi Meng looked at Brother Hua.

After seeing Brother Hua nodded to him, he walked out.

Although Xiao Xiao's identity was the biggest highlight tonight, Meng Meng still had a certain understanding of Daheng's strength.

In July, Brother Jiu invested 7 million in capital by himself!

Not to mention the support of Brother Hua and the labor union.

Although Xiao Xiao's reputation on the platform is very strong now, Shi Meng still has no regrets about his choice.

Joining the trade union system of Daheng, he can drink soup no matter what.

And tonight, if he can go on smoothly according to Brother Hua's arrangement, he will be a stable outdoor brother in the future.

Xiao Ke, the girl from last night, was already waiting beside her.

Zhimeng drove the car a little further, took out the mobile phone used for the live broadcast and turned on the live broadcast.

He is dreaming, and tonight he will use two top luxury cars to break the outdoor sky!
 Today, all [-] have been updated, and I wrote for a whole day, hahaha.

  All handsome masters and beautiful ladies, please make a reservation!
  The ass is already raised, please take care of the full order!
(End of this chapter)

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