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Chapter 219 Dreaming Live: Bugatti and Aston Martin Come Out!

Chapter 219 Dreaming Live: Bugatti and Aston Martin Come Out! (3200 words)
As soon as Mengmeng went online, tens of thousands of people rushed in immediately.

The Bugatti Veyron promised by Mengmeng yesterday made them think about it all day. If Mengmeng went online later, they would all jump to the live broadcast room next door.

"Good evening, brothers!"

The camera was turned on, and Meng Meng took Xiao Ke to sit on the Ferrari, and greeted the audience with a smile.

"If you say it will start at 9 o'clock, then it will start at 9 o'clock. Dreaming is too punctual!"

"Where's Brother Jiu, is Brother Jiu here?"

"Crowdfunding please Brother Jiu go abroad, and Bugatti!"

"Yangqilan next door is about 10 minutes' drive away to reunite with Big Brother Xiaohuya. How long will you stay in the water for Zhimeng!"

Compared with Koenigsegg, Bugatti has a bigger name and is better known to the audience.

Although the broadcast of Yangqilan started earlier, some tourists are still waiting for Bugatti's appearance in the live broadcast room.

Moreover, Brother Jiu, who is a veteran of the platform, is much more attractive than Xiao Huya.

After all, Brother Jiu spent tens of millions of dollars last month, but Xiao Huya's consumption was much worse, only 600 million.

"Brothers, don't worry. Brother Jiu has contacted me just now. He is not far away. He is expected to arrive in five minutes."

Zhimeng drove the car to a secluded place and sent brother Jiu a location.

Brother Jiu's shareholding in Daheng must not be exposed. Many tourists know the location of Daheng's headquarters. In order to keep it secret, they naturally have to stay away from Daheng's headquarters.

Seeing the barrage of bullet screens constantly flashing in the live broadcast room, Mengmeng could already imagine how explosive the rhythm of the meeting would be.

I'm afraid that Yang Qilan never dreamed that there would be two supercars on his side, right?
Jian Meng didn't wait long, and soon, a Bugatti stopped beside him with flashing lights in the distance.

"Bugatti, Brother Jiu is here!"

"Wow, this car is so handsome!"

Just as Bugatti stopped, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly rose to a new level.

The pure white Bugatti's smooth body lines almost represent the top of human industrial art!

And the sound wave brought out by the roaring engine is at the top of human industrial level!

Bugatti suddenly turned on high beams, and the headlights, which were several times brighter than Audi's, suddenly shone in front of Ferrari, illuminating the pure red Ferrari also brilliantly.

Ferrari is no.1 in the racing world, and its body design is naturally extremely beautiful.

But in front of Bugatti, it is slightly inferior.

Meng Meng got off the car immediately, walked towards Bugatti with a smile on his mobile phone.

Brother Jiu's co-pilot is rare today without a woman.

Brother Jiu opened the car door and got out, stretching lazily.

"Brother Jiu, I didn't expect you to be so handsome in real life!"

In the live broadcast, the audience was also amazed.

As a pure rich second generation, brother Jiu's mother's face value must be above 95 points, brother Jiu's inheritance is good, at least [-]% of the face value, this [-]% face value is placed on a man, the effect is still very explosive.

Jianmeng came over and stood next to Brother Jiu, the contrast was even more obvious.

Xiao Ke approached obediently from the side, wondering if he could get in touch with Brother Jiu, the real big brother Shenhao.

"Hahaha, it's hard to come to Guangzhou. I haven't met the fans after playing on the platform for so long. This time, I will take this opportunity to get to know the fans."

Brother Jiu and Jianmengquan fisted each other as a greeting.

"In order to cheer you up, I bought you all of Brother Hua's Aston Martin."

Brother Jiu pretended not to care and brought this up.

"Aston Martin?"

"Brother Jiu, are you kidding me?"

Meng Meng let out an exclamation, his face was full of shock.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard the two talking, they were confused for a while, and then the public screen scrolled almost visible to the naked eye.

Before Brother Jiu came, Jianmeng hadn't mentioned a single word about Aston Martin, including in their fan base, it was Brother Jiu's Bugatti that was repeatedly mentioned.

The expectations of the tourists in the live broadcast room tonight are actually just the Bugatti car.

But Bugatti has just arrived, and everyone has just satisfied a wave of anticipation, but Brother Jiu suddenly released such a big melon.

Most people have heard the name Aston Martin before, so they naturally know that this is a super luxury car!

And after the name of Brother Hua was crowned, the effect was even more explosive.

"Brother Jiu, beep! Brother Hua, beep!"

"Tonight's live broadcast is going to be crazy. The two super luxury cars will add up to over [-] million, right?"

"It's so exciting, I really want Brother Jiu to start an outdoor live broadcast!"

"Fuck, how many things does a person like Brother Jiu do every day? Occasionally appearing on camera is already amazing!"

For all the audience in the live broadcast room, the sense of anticipation was once again pulled to the maximum.

Brother Jiu and Mengmeng stood in a row, so they could naturally see the barrage on Mengmeng's phone.

Seeing all the praiseworthy words, Brother Jiu was secretly happy again.

This wave of scripts arranged by Brother Hua is not only able to hold up and hit dreams, but he is also very cool as a big brother!

And most importantly, basically zero cost!

As far as the current situation is concerned, these two cars are privately owned, and they only need to pay for gas and towing fees.

For them, this little money is really not worth mentioning.

"The Aston Martin assistant is driving past and will be here soon."

As soon as Brother Jiu's affirmative words hit the ground, there was another wave in the live broadcast room.

Jianmeng even changed the title of the live broadcast room immediately.

"Meet Brother Jiu: luxury car Bugatti + Aston Martin!"

With the revision of the title, the popularity of Dream Fighting soon ushered in a new round of rapid growth.

Generally speaking, tourists who watch outdoor live broadcasts seldom stay in a live broadcast room for a long time.

After all, there are only a few high points for outdoor live broadcasts every day.

In the past, the first one was to drive a luxury car, the second was to meet a beautiful girl, the third was to meet a car in a place with few people, and the last one was to go to the hotel with the girl.

After such a round, the money that should be circled will also be circled.

Enough to make the audience feel good, these outdoor anchors are basically going to the broadcast to take a bath to enjoy the girls hired at a high price. After all, the high price can’t be paid for nothing, right?
During the live broadcast, during these boring periods in the middle, some tourists will choose to go to other outdoor live broadcast rooms to watch for a while, reckoning that the time is almost up before coming back.

This is the situation in the live broadcast room of Yangqilan.

Although I said I was going to meet Brother Xiaohuya, it took fifteen to twenty-ten minutes by car. Although the camera was updated, the picture was really good.

But you can’t drive very fast on the street with a supercar. It’s definitely not interesting for tourists to keep looking at the taillights of the car in front of you. In addition, brother Xiaohuya just said that there is a traffic jam on the road. Hours went up.

Therefore, many tourists choose to jump out of the live broadcast room to see other things.

And the popularity of Mengmeng's live broadcast room is also good at present. It has just started to compete with Yang Qilan for the first place. Most of the viewers can naturally see the title of the dream live broadcast room.

Bugatti and Aston Martin still have a lot of boos. Many tourists got their attention when they saw the long-famous Brother Jiu and the dazzling Bugatti on the platform as soon as they entered.

In less than 5 minutes, the popularity of Mengmeng has broken through to 15, and it has firmly stopped at the number one position in the outdoor sector.

Seeing it in his eyes, his heart exploded with joy.

He now somewhat understands that when he passed Daheng just now, the fifth child told him not to rush to start the broadcast.

Today's small material has just been released, and it is so popular, what about the big material behind it?

You know, Aston Martin's appearance is just the beginning, and there are still arrangements behind it!

Suddenly, the phone in Brother Jiu's hand rang.

"Well, yes, it's right here, you can drive in."

"Go a little further to the left. There are no cars on this small street, so there is no traffic."

Brother Jiu muttered into the phone for a while, and the audience in the live broadcast saw it clearly.

"Can you tell me what you're doing now?"

"Is this Brother Jiu? I used to think that Brother Jiu was a boss with a big belly, but I didn't expect him to be so handsome!"

"Good evening, Brother Jiu!"

In the live broadcast room, the tens of thousands of tourists who had just entered spoke one after another, and most of the audience didn't quite understand what Brother Jiu and Mengmeng were doing.

When Meng saw the barrage, he also turned his phone camera around to face the street.

"Brother Jiu was on the phone with his assistant just now. In order to support Mengmeng, Brother Jiu borrowed all of Brother Hua's car tonight."

"Here, I sincerely thank Brother Jiu and Brother Hua!"

"The assistant has arrived at the entrance of the alley. I believe that in a minute or two, everyone will have a glimpse of Aston Martin!"

The dreaming voice was very excited.

He didn't pretend to make this sound, these two luxury cars, not to mention watching them up close, would be impossible even to glance at them from a distance!
For those who can do outdoor live broadcasts, Zhimeng must also be a car lover.

Today, I was able to meet two luxury cars through the live broadcast, and Zhang Meng suddenly felt that Xiao Ke beside him was nothing. Between driving a luxury car and riding a horse, he chose a luxury car!

Jianmeng took a few steps forward, and could faintly hear the roar that belonged to Aston Martin.

Brother Jiu half leaned on the hood of the Bugatti, bored, and immediately noticed Xiao Ke who was standing next to him holding a mobile phone.

It was summer, and Xiao Ke was wearing a low "fierce" dress. Brother Jiu was slightly taller than Xiao Ke, so he happened to be able to see the giant in Xiao Ke's clothes.

After a short glance, he suddenly saw a few bruises on it.

As a veteran driver, how could Brother Jiu not know what's going on?
This is obviously an injury caused by violent rubbing.

The most important thing is, his brother Jiu also likes this one!

It doesn't matter whether it's first-hand, it can still be used after washing it, as long as it's not sick, his brother Jiu doesn't have a mental cleanliness.

For a while, Brother Jiu suddenly started to move.

Moved to Xiao Ke's side, and took the initiative to have a word with her.

At the intersection, Aston Martin has begun to turn its head slowly.

The bright front is slightly exposed.

"I'm coming!"

"Just the front of the car is so handsome, I don't know what the whole car is like!"

"I just came to the platform to take a stroll tonight. I didn't expect to watch Aston Martin after watching Bugatti. Dreaming is really a bit awesome tonight!"

The assistant drove very fast, and in a few seconds, all Aston Martins drove into this side street.

The low roar of the engine instantly awakened the inner beasts of all the men in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Aston Martin parked steadily beside him, Jian Meng was equally excited.

A super luxury car worth 6000 million!


Suddenly, Aston Martin's high beams came on.

The small half of the street that was originally illuminated by Bugatti is completely bright as day!

 Thank you Ming: 999 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to Jiang Ye: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thank you Gentleman Jie: 300 Book Coins as a reward

  Thank you little lover: 100 book currency reward

  Thanks to Xiao Fengchen: 100 Book Coins as a reward

(End of this chapter)

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