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Chapter 220 Little Tiger Bud Arrives, Supercar Track!

Chapter 220 Little Tiger Bud Arrives, Supercar Track! (2400 words)
Mengmeng walked up in big strides.

It was true that he was excited, but Zhu Meng remembered that he was still turning on the live broadcast.

Picking up the phone, I circled the Aston Martin in all directions, and then circled the Bugatti in all directions, taking pictures of all the details of the two cars.

I used an Apple mobile phone for dream shooting. Although the pixels are not high, it is still better than some domestic brands with hundreds of millions of pixels.

At least it did a good job in restoring the truth.

"That's awesome, is this Aston Martin?"

"This streamlined design is really impeccable!"

"If I can get in the car and drive it once, I can blow it for the rest of my life!"

The audience in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

Brother Jiu drove the Bugatti very steadily and didn't make too much roar.

But when the assistant drove the Aston Martin over just now, he put the gear in neutral and stepped on the accelerator!
The engine was idling, and the Aston Martin's unique sound captured almost every tourist present.

"Zimeng, you can give this Ferrari to the assistant, let him drive back first, come to my side after the live broadcast tonight, and drive away tomorrow."

"There are two bottles of good wine at home, we won't go home without getting drunk tonight!"

Brother Jiu stepped forward and patted Meng on the shoulder heavily.

I just had a few chats with Xiao Ke, although Xiao Ke pretended to be innocent, Brother Jiu, who has read countless girls, has long been familiar with Xiao Ke's routine, and naturally saw Xiao Ke's essence at a glance.

What's the use of pretending to be innocent here, since you came out to make chicken with money?

But Brother Jiu is really good at this. Although Xiao Ke's appearance is not top-notch, it is no problem to score more than 85 points, which is also in line with Brother Jiu's aesthetics.

Jian Meng didn't quite know what Brother Jiu was thinking, so he nodded excitedly, and directly gave the Ferrari key to the assistant who was waiting next to him.

Brother Jiu can invite him to stay at home temporarily at night, which is already a great benefit.

If you build a good relationship with Brother Jiu offline, the gifts from the live broadcast will not be interrupted in the future!

He's just a fake rich second generation, but Brother Jiu really can't be real anymore!
Xiao Ke at the side saw Jian Meng approaching, and ran to the side of him lightly.

Although she was already unwilling to be with Jianmeng, but now it was a live broadcast after all, and with the money from Jianmeng, she was embarrassed to fall directly into Brother Jiu's arms.

But thinking of the few words Brother Jiu said just now, Xiao Ke was still quite happy.

"Brother Jiu, how many days are you going to stay in Guangzhou this time?"

Chi Meng asked.

"Two days, I will leave tomorrow afternoon, there are still things to deal with at home."

"Then we can have a good time tonight, Brother Jiu, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements for tonight!"

Chi Meng patted his chest to assure.

Still the same as before, Zhimeng planned to drive a luxury car out to blast Bo Street.

Then ask Brother Jiu to go out with a girl to sit in a place like a coffee shop.

Judging from Brother Jiu's appearance, he also seems to like the company of girls.

This is also his old routine of live broadcasting outdoors.

However, unlike the previous 600 million luxury cars, the car I drove this time was 6000 to [-] million, the world's top luxury car with a market price ten times higher!

This added too much color to his live broadcast.

Brother Jiu got into his Bugatti.

Zhi Meng was holding the Aston Martin key. The car was unlocked inductively, but he was not the owner of the car, so he could only press the key to unlock it electronically.

He took Xiao Ke into the car and sat in the driver's seat of Aston Martin.

Although he was driving every day, when he really touched the steering wheel of Aston Martin, Shimeng couldn't help but trembled in his heart.

If there is a bump, he really can't afford it!
Bugatti first roared, and took the lead to drive towards the periphery of the street.

Zhimeng switched to automatic transmission, and the function of electronic shifting quickly made Zhenmeng familiar with this luxury car.

With a light kick of the accelerator, he followed the Bugatti in front and drove out of the street.

On the other side, Yang Qilan had already arrived at the track, and had been waiting in the track parking lot for about ten minutes.

In the distance, a bright silver light came over.

Accompanied by a roar, Koenigsegg parked steadily in the parking space next to Yangqilan.

Because the track was booked tonight, except for a few staff members, there were only these two cars on the field.

The track is empty, which adds a sense of grandeur to Kosenik.

The car door opened, and Xiao Huya, dressed in white casual clothes, came out.

Yang Qilan controlled the camera to turn to Koenigsegg, and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited.

"Damn it, I just jumped over from the Mengmeng side, and I saw Brother Xiao Huya get off the car, this is too handsome!"

"To be honest, brother Xiao Huya and brother Jiu are on par in appearance!"

"Could it be that the appearance of a super god is so heaven-defying? How can a handsome guy like me who has no money survive?"

"Ah, I'm jealous, I'm jealous!"

Xiao Huya has a medium build, but is 1.8 meters tall, and because of his fair skin, he looks really handsome.

Coupled with his unique self-confidence, he captured a large number of tourists as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Good evening, everybody."

Xiao Huya walked to the live broadcast equipment with a smile, and said hello to the visitors in the live broadcast room.

The camera has a special night scene fill light. Although the parking lot is a bit dim, the image quality is still outstanding.

Compared with Xiaohuya, the little beauty Yueyue next to Yangqilan was a bit overshadowed.

"Brother Xiaohuya, good evening!"

"Brother Xiaohuya, is your family also from Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

"I'm not from Suzhou and Hangzhou. My family has a house here. I happened to come here to play."

Xiao Huya looked at the barrage and chatted for a while in a very novel way.

For him, a big brother like Shenhao, this is the first time that the first live broadcast will be broadcast live.

Yang Qilan chose the angle and shot Koenigsegg in all directions, which once again aroused the exclamation of the audience.

"It's a pity that Brother Xiao Xiao is not in Suzhou and Hangzhou. It would be great to see Brother Xiao Xiao leave the country."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is unlikely to appear on the scene. The identity of Brother Xiao Xiao is there. It is good to even say a few words to Mai once in a while. Don't even think about appearing on the scene in reality."

"What you said above is correct. As brother Xiao Xiao, I'm afraid he might not really be willing to live broadcast outdoors."

Speaking of Brother Xiao Xiao, the attitudes of the tourists in the live broadcast room were all the same, all rainbow farts.

Brother Xiao Xiao's strength displayed during this period is the best proof, the entire Huya platform, big and small, has no enemy!
Even Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, the two veteran gods, were somewhat overshadowed in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Although many tourists on Daheng's side were reluctant to admit it, they all knew in their hearts that Brother Xiao Xiao's real strength must be stronger than Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

"But Brother Xiao Xiao said he would come to the live broadcast room tonight, why didn't you see him?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao must be busy with something, I think he will be here in a while.

Tonight, there is brother Jiu over at Mengmeng, and brother Xiaohuya at Yangqilan. It seems that the two live broadcast rooms are going to work together! "

Several tourists asked curiously.

Although Xiao Huya has already appeared on the scene, what everyone is looking forward to more is Brother Xiao Xiao's presence.

After all, brother Xiao Xiao had already promised last night that he would come to support Yang Qilan tonight.

Liu Xiao didn't get an account, and just walked around the outdoor area.

Originally, Liu Xiao clicked in to watch when Yang Qi Lan was broadcasting, but Xiao Huya said it would take half an hour to arrive, so Liu Xiao quit the live broadcast room to OB and dance with the female anchor for a while, planning to wait come over.

It was a bit boring to watch, and I went to the bedroom to get something made of silicone material to cool off for half an hour. I just finished the battle refreshed and switched to the live broadcast room, and saw that Xiaohuya had got out of the car on the TV projection screen up.

"Little Tiger Ya's appearance is still very good."

Liu Xiao glanced at it, amazed.

Although he is still far behind the most handsome guy in the world, but in the general environment, he can already be called the top.

And Xiao Huya has some muscles, and looks very sunny.

In comparison, Brother Jiu, who was broadcasting live next door, was a little too imaginary, and his walk was a little sloppy.

Seeing tourists talking in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao stopped peeping at the screen and clicked to log in directly.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

 Thank you for the reward of 300 book coins.

  Thanks to the children watching the stars for the 300 book coins reward.

  Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins for only envying the mortals but not the immortals.

  Thanks for the reward of 100 book coins for Kongkong.

(End of this chapter)

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