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Chapter 221 Brother Xiao Xiao's Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 221 Brother Xiao Xiao's Meeting Ceremony

The exclusive special effects of the Super God Emperor light up.

As Xiao Xiao entered the live broadcast room, countless fans who saw the news from the world also clicked in.

The foreign-style blue live broadcast room, which originally had a population of just over a hundred thousand, instantly increased by tens of thousands of people, and became 15 popular.

"Come over from the game area, don't say anything, brother Xiao Xiao, beep!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, there must be a big battle tonight!"


Seeing the entrance animation of the Super God Emperor and No. [-] Shenhao, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't say it clearly last night, he can guess that Brother Xiao Xiao came to the live broadcast room of Yangqilan tonight to snipe Brother Jiu!

This is also the point that makes countless of them excited.

Some tourists who don't look outside very much also clicked in through the hyperlink the moment Brother Xiao Xiao entered the live broadcast room.

Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, every time it is extraordinary!

"Good evening Brother Xiao Xiao, welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

The foreign style blue welcomes again and again.

As the protagonist tonight, Yang Qilan's heart is much hotter than the others in the live broadcast room.

In the morning, when Brother Xiao Xiao was shopping for gifts in the B Wen live broadcast room, he was an OB for the whole process.

Forty groups of Huya No. 1 with [-] shots, it didn't even take a minute to spawn!
You know, that's not 40 yuan, but 400 million!
Witnessing Brother Xiao Xiao's operation with her own eyes, Yang Qilan no longer has any doubts about Brother Xiao Xiao's spending power.

From the time Brother Xiao Xiao joined Huya until now, even if he was rewarded with a little bit of consumption on the platform, it was enough to make him a big local tyrant.

Looking at today's little orange and bald man, they are so rich!

Not to mention, Brother Xiao Xiao came tonight with the purpose of sniping Brother Jiu, and there will definitely be a lot of gifts!

From Yang Qilan's point of view, millions may not be realistic, but it is not a problem to earn back the Sony camera in his hand.

Liu Xiao looked at the barrage, and instead of speaking on the public screen, he clicked on the gift column.

To play in this new outdoor sector, it is natural to spend a wave first, so that outdoor tourists can get acquainted.

Currently on the platform, there is only Xiao Xiao, the Super Emperor.

Check the exclusive treasure map of the super god emperor, open the dot connecter, and click to start sending.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"


A series of treasure boxes suddenly appeared in the center of the live broadcast room, and gold coins engraved with the words "Super Emperor" were sprayed from the inside of the treasure boxes.

The entire live broadcast room is golden.

Seeing brother Xiao Xiao suddenly start to brush, Yang Qilan, who was planning to lick a few more words, was stunned.

Brother Xiao Xiao, this is too heroic, right?

Xiao Huya, who was standing beside Yang Qilan, was not surprised. She smiled and turned on the live broadcast on her mobile phone, watching it with relish.

For Brother Xiao Xiao, isn't this a daily operation?

The venue staff is checking the sports car, and it will take a few minutes.

Xiao Huya knew Brother Xiao Xiao's character, and opening the treasure map was just an appetizer.

Anyway, there is a lot of time tonight, so he is not in a hurry.

"Thank Xiao Xiao for the treasure map!"

Although Yang Qilan was not prepared, she reacted quickly and thanked her repeatedly in the live broadcast room.

On the other side, the number of people in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room also began to increase rapidly.

As the most expensive gift on the entire platform, the treasure map can trigger a site-wide announcement with just one swipe, and at the same time, all visitors who open the button to display gift effects can see it.

And Liu Xiao was more ruthless, a series of bullet screens of gifts were displayed, and the top of each anchor's live broadcast room was basically filled with news of the treasure map.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of treasure-digging troops and countless Xiao Xiao's fans jumped one after another.

Every time the number on the upper left corner of the live broadcast room beats, Yang Qilan's heart beats violently.

He thought that the 25 popularity last night should be the peak of his live broadcast career, but this number was surpassed in almost 2 minutes tonight, and it is still rising. Looking at the current trend, at least Can reach 40!
A large part of the audience may be lost again with the end of the barrage of gifts, but tonight's popularity can be stabilized at least [-].

This is four to five times his usual popularity of 7 to [-] people!
"Oh my god, how many treasure maps do Brother Xiao Xiao need to scan!"

"The treasure-digging army is here, Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

"It's getting better, I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao's event to start outdoors!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists who just entered said hello.

Liu Xiao has been playing live on Huya for a while, and most of the tourists on the platform don't say that they have seen brother Xiao Xiao online, but they know more or less.

Those who like to dig treasures and jump links, naturally know the name Xiao Xiao.

For a while, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was even more lively than that of Xingxiu.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*100!"

"100 treasure maps!"

Yang Qilan exclaimed.

One hundred treasure maps, converted into RMB, is a full 50!

Just when Yang Qilan thought Brother Xiao Xiao was going to stop, the 101st treasure map popped up on the public screen again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, enough is enough."

Yang Qilan waved his hands again and again, he was really in a hurry.

After Brother Xiao Xiao came, he didn't say a word other than welcome, and Brother Xiao Xiao gave out the 50 gift.

And looking at Brother Xiao Xiao's posture, I don't know how many to brush.

Although I know that Brother Xiao Xiao is very fierce, and I have seen Brother Xiao Xiao make a move with my own eyes, but when it happened to him, it felt completely different from his OB in other people's live broadcast room.

"Lan Zi, are you full now? Brother Xiao Xiao said that he stretched his wrist just now!"

"Be more generous. When Brother Xiao Xiao really makes a move, there will be no less than three digits in front of the word!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room are very happy.

They were also surprised when Brother Xiao Xiao bought gifts before.

But over time, they also changed from surprise to numbness.

There's no way, when I saw Brother Xiao Xiao raking in [-] million in Baldy's live broadcast room, rewards like millions really couldn't arouse the emotions of these old fans.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao has made too many shots in the past two months, and every time he actually makes a shot, there is no less than a million shots!

Last night's lavish brushing in the bald live broadcast room in the Xingxiu area, and the lavish brushing in the B-text live room in the game area this morning have not passed for a long time!
What is there to say?

Although I have no money, I have seen money!

Liu Xiao took a package of Qiaqia melon seeds, and watched the barrage in the live broadcast room while nibbling.

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room said, it’s okay to just play around, but when he actually made a move, the number in front of Liu Xiao’s gift [-] has never been lower than three digits!

As a god hero, this pattern is still necessary.

After 3 minutes, the gift finally came to an end.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*200!"

(End of this chapter)

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