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Chapter 222 Brother Hua's Preparation

Chapter 222 Brother Hua's Preparation

Seeing the barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room slowly fade until they disappeared, Yang Qilan slowly let go of the heart that had been raised in her throat.

It's so scary!

He has been live broadcasting for so long, and this is the first time he has met such a terrifying big brother like Brother Xiao Xiao.

Between him, Yang Qilan and Brother Xiao Xiao, it was just a few words in the live broadcast room last night.

But Brother Xiao Xiao, first swiped 30 gifts last night, and swiped millions in his live broadcast room tonight!

In the words of some fans of Brother Xiao Xiao, this is a meeting gift from Brother Xiao Xiao.

Although he had expectations in his heart, he still couldn't believe it when a gift worth 130 million was placed on the No. [-] weekly list.

This is not 130 million golden beans, but 130 million RMB!
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Taking a deep breath, Yang Qilan solemnly thanked her.

100 million gifts, I never even dared to think about it before!

"You're welcome, I'm just playing casually, let's hurry up and start today's project."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed on the public screen.

After finishing 200 treasure maps, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast room is close to 50.

Countless treasure chests are stacked in the lower right corner, enough to keep him popular for a long time.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Liu Xiao didn't say any more.

Racing on the track is quite new. Liu Xiao has watched many live racing events before, but this is the first time he has watched the live broadcast of No.1.

Outdoors is not a star show after all, and the live broadcast room should still focus on content. This novel live broadcast method gave Liu Xiao a little different experience.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your support, our live broadcast has officially started today!"

The assistant on the side raised the camera.

The car driven by Yang Qilan is the same as that of Zhu Meng, it is a Ferrari.

The inspection work of Ferrari and Koenigsegg has basically been completed, and the staff only has the final tire pressure inspection left.

Bright street lights are regularly arranged on the track, illuminating the entire site extremely brightly.

"Lanzi, come and drive my Koenigsegg."

Xiaohuya beckoned to Yangqilan.

"Brother Huya, this is not appropriate."

Yang Qilan sneered.

The purpose of tonight is just to use Koenigsegg to beep. If he wants to drive this 4000 million luxury car by himself, he is really afraid that it will be damaged.

What's more, this is a race track, so the driving speed is bound to be very fast. If the car is accidentally scrapped, he really can't afford it.

He'd rather drive his rented Ferrari than a short faux pas.

Although the performance of this thing is not as good as that of Koenigsegg, he paid full insurance when renting it, and the insurance company will take care of it if something goes wrong.

"If you tell you to go, go, I'm tired of driving this Koenigsegg, I just happen to drive a Ferrari for fun."

Xiao Huya cursed with a smile, took the Ferrari key from the assistant Yang Qilan, and sat in first.

The Ferrari roared a few times, Xiao Huya tried the performance of the Ferrari, and adjusted the internal knob of the Ferrari.

The foreign style blue on the side was a little embarrassed.

But there is no other way, so I can only honestly get on Xiaohuya's Koenigsegg.

The little beauty Yueyue on the side got into the co-pilot.

Last night, Yang Qilan didn't engage her to cheer her on, but tonight she wasn't in as good a state as Yang Qilan, and with Xiaohuya next to her, Yueyue was also very nervous, so she didn't talk much.

The whole process is basically following the zombie steps of Yang Qilan.

But the minds of the audience in the live broadcast room will obviously not be on her girl.

After driving the car to the track and stopping, the stadium staff brought special racing suits to the three.

The camera is fixed in the middle of Koenigsegg's main driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat, and is firmly fixed by a tripod.

Yang Qilan first adjusted the camera position and shot the entire interior of the Koenigsegg.

"Let's test run a few laps first. I'll get familiar with Brother Xiaohuya's car first. After Brother Xiaohuya has also tried it, we will officially start racing!"

Sitting in the driver's seat, Yang Qilan's confidence as a veteran driver for many years also came out.

As far as supercar driving is concerned, most of them are automatic transmissions, and all of them are electronically switched.

For example, Ferrari has normal mode and sports mode.

This Koenigsegg naturally has these basic modes, and even has an extra track mode than Ferrari.

Yang Qilan switched to the track mode, shifted to neutral and stepped on it lightly, and the internal combustion engine roared suddenly.


"That's 4000 million voices!"

"Did you notice that Koenigsegg seems to have lowered its chassis just now, and I just found that the curb ahead is a little lower!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed again and again.

"The viewer is right. Brother Xiaohuya's car is a top-of-the-line model, and the track mode is unique to this car. The purpose of lowering the chassis is to make the car faster!"

"However, this is also reasonable. If a 4000 million luxury car has nothing to offer, it is not worthy of the status of Big Brother Xiaohuya!"

Western-style blue smiled.

In addition to these, the outer shell of the whole car is made of carbon fiber, which is several grades higher than the traditional car frame.

On the other side, Xiao Huya has already driven a Ferrari for a test drive.

Compared with Yang Qilan's unfamiliarity with this Koenigsegg, Xiao Huya is much better off.

This 600 million car has never been driven, but Ferrari, as the world's strongest supercar company, naturally does not only have such a car.

There are more than 500 million Ferrari nuys, and Xiaohuya still has one in the garage.

From the same company, the driving operation is actually similar, and the positions of most buttons are very familiar.

Yangqilan also slowly tossed the Koenigsegg forward.

After all, if you want to go to the track later, you have to drive at least [-] miles, and maybe even [-] miles. It is very necessary to be familiar with the condition of the car.

From 09:30 to [-]:[-] p.m., this hour and a half is the time for Yang Qilan and Xiao Huya to get familiar with the condition of the car.

Although they are only familiar with the condition of the car, the audience in the live broadcast room still watched with gusto.

Including Liu Xiao is also watching.

Although I have a little money now, I still can't buy a 4000 million luxury car.

At least we have to wait until the system is upgraded by two levels.

But this time is not far away. Liu Xiao will watch Yang Qilan slowly operate Koenigsegg, which is equivalent to laying the foundation for the future.

Daheng Union, Brother Hua's office.

The computer on the table has been replaced with a dual screen, and the two monitors are connected in parallel on the edge of the table, and the live broadcasts of Western Qilan and Mengmeng are playing on it at the same time.

With a slight pull of the mouse, the foreign-style live broadcast room was closed, and the live broadcast room of Mengmeng completely covered the two screens.

Picking up the teacup next to him and taking a sip, Brother Hua took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes lightly.

During this period of time, he has been worrying too much on Daheng's side.

"The popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast has not exceeded our expectations, and the popularity of the dream live broadcast room is still very stable."

"Fifth, contact Brother Jiu and prepare for the next step."

Squinting his eyes, Brother Hua is very confident.

Although Xiao Xiao took a lot of gifts and bought a wave of gifts, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast room reached more than 40.

In the Kebameng live broadcast room, because there are two luxury cars, Bugatti and Aston Martin, the popularity of nearly 20 gathered before has not lost much.

The popularity of these 20 people is not the same as that of Western Blue. These are all outdoor resident audiences. Whether it is fan stickiness or loyalty to the live broadcast, they are better than those tourists who click on the treasure map link. much.

Moreover, these before are just some appetizers, the main meal they prepared is now ready to be staged!
 Tomorrow's update will still be in the afternoon, because of acute gastritis, I just took a drip and took medicine, so the update is slightly delayed.


(End of this chapter)

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