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Chapter 230 Outdoor 1 brother, who is the king of popularity?

Chapter 230 Outdoor First Brother, Who Is the King of Popularity?
As a supercar paradise, Suzhou and Hangzhou have top-notch runways.

The venue that Yangqilan had set was 6 kilometers for one lap of the track alone, and for a race of 60 kilometers, only ten laps would be enough.

The track is professional-level, but the difficulty of the track is not too high. This is also for the convenience of the rich second generation in Suzhou and Hangzhou to experience the thrill of drag racing.

Yang Qilan always thinks to herself that her driving skills are top-notch, but when she sees the big brother Xiao Huya who is riding in front of him, Yang Qilan is completely confused.

You know, he drives a top-notch luxury car like Koenigsegg, and Brother Xiao Huya is only driving his Ferrari worth about [-] million yuan.

But even so, in just ten seconds, he was pulled away by several parking spaces.

This can't blame the performance of the car. It can only be said that there is still a certain gap between his own driving skills and Xiaohuya.

"Hahaha, Yang Qilan has been slapped in the face. The 4000 million Koenigsegg is no match for the Ferrari that Brother Xiao Huya just took over!"

"Come on, Yang Qilan, don't let him on purpose just because he is brother Xiaohuya!"

In the live broadcast room, many viewers are full of passion.

Although Yang Qilan was several positions behind, this angle of view just allowed the audience in the live broadcast room to see two cars at the same time.

The track is very flat, coupled with the anti-shake and high-speed image capture functions of Sony's professional cameras, although it is impossible to compare with the movie "Fast and Furious", it is already very good from a non-professional perspective .

The continuous roar of the two supercars on the track, coupled with a set of [-] magic books sent out by brother Xiao Xiao every few seconds, the viewing experience of the audience in the live broadcast room was completely close to explosion.

Yang Qilan's assistant was sitting next to the staff. Seeing the lively atmosphere in the live broadcast room, he changed the title of Yang Qilan's live broadcast room with a thought.

"In the final of the supercar track, Brother Xiao Xiao will help you with a generous gift!"

[My blue friend is big] is a tourist who has just downloaded Huya's live broadcast, and is currently searching for live broadcasts on the live broadcast platform aimlessly.

As a new tourist, he doesn't know most of the anchors on the live broadcast platform.

I just watched it in the game area for a while, the most famous showman in the League of Legends area, the recent live broadcast status is not very good, he quit after watching it for a while.

Just clicked on the entertainment area, and saw the most popular outdoor section on the homepage.

Out of curiosity, [My friend in blue is big] followed the navigation link and clicked into the outdoor area.

Ranked No. [-] is the anchor Zhumeng, who is currently playing some Super God Emperor activity with the veteran Shen Haojiu on the platform.

[My blue friend is big] Although I haven't heard of Brother Jiu, I clicked in directly.

"Brothers, everyone put 666 on the public screen, thank Brother Jiu for sending the 90th group Huya No. [-]!"

Mengmeng deliberately played the first battle song, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very hot.

But Friends Lan frowned when he was very big.

It’s good for Brother Jiu to collect gifts, but isn’t it a bit boring to play in the outdoor area?

He is not a live broadcast rookie either, he has played with Douyu for a long time before, and the outdoor area is usually full of live broadcasts such as teasing girls.

Even if you're not playing games with girls in a hotel, you should go for a walk on the street, right?

After looking at it again, he felt that it was really meaningless, so he had no choice but to back out.

Just about to close the outdoor section, he rolled his eyes, and the second-ranked live broadcast title suddenly attracted him.

"The final of the supercar track, Brother Xiao Xiao will give you a huge gift to help!"


"Look at the screenshot of the cover, it seems to be Koenigsegg?"

【My blue friend is big】I just cast my eyes on it, but I can't look away anymore.

A supercar is every man's dream.

And looking at this western-style live broadcast room, the popularity is also 47, which is probably not weaker than the big anchor who hit the dream just now.

He clicked in directly.

"Fuck, what kind of fairy picture quality is this!"

Just clicked in, [My blue friend is big] was completely shocked.

Although it was night, the lights on the field were still very bright, and with the main light of the supercar on the front, the road visibility was basically the same as during the day.

And the super high-definition picture quality of up to 6M, just a glance, completely attracted his interest.

The next second, the audio from the live broadcast room was long overdue.

Explosive sound waves of supercars spread into the ears along the speaker of the mobile phone.

Looking at the dashboard captured in the live broadcast room again, the speed of the supercar has been pushed to 190 miles!
It may be placed on a serious rally and racing driver, this speed is nothing at all.

But in the hands of an outdoor anchor, this speed is too surprising.

At a speed close to two hundred miles, one second is a distance of five or sixty meters.

The scenery in front is speeding fast, even with the buffer of slow glass, the interference to the driver is still very large.

But during the live broadcast, the anchor was able to control the speed of the car freely.

There is even a Ferrari at the front of the video, which is several parking spaces ahead!

Then look at another test in the live broadcast room.

The elder brother of [Xiao Xiao] whose title is the Super God Emperor is scrolling through a screen full of a gift called a magic book.

[My blue friend is big] Out of curiosity, I clicked on the gift column of the Huya platform.

After a little searching, I found this gift called the magic book in the gift column.

Just took a look and was completely shocked.

A magic book is worth 99 yuan!

And the big brother in the live broadcast room gave a group of 1000 every time, he simply multiplied it, and a barrage of gifts was 10 yuan!

He pulled his gaze to the side again, and the Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] has already sent over thirty groups.
"What kind of fairy live broadcast room is this!"

Friends Lan watched the fierce competition in the live broadcast room, and the barrage of gifts called Big Brother Xiao Xiao on the other side of the live broadcast room, completely unable to get out of the foreign-style blue live broadcast room.

It's so exciting!
After the assistant changed the title of the live broadcast room.

At the same time, not only the tourist Lanyouda, but thousands of tourists who were diverted to the outdoor section by the Huya platform, all saw these two live broadcast rooms.

The reaction of most tourists is similar to that of Blue Friends.

The outdoor section is so popular tonight, they must have come here to see what's going on.

Mengmeng's live broadcast room is ranked No. [-], and the number of tourists who open the livestream of Dreammass is also the most.

But the live broadcast of Mengmeng is standing in front of two luxury cars, playing music while blowing beeps, and watching Brother Jiu brushing gifts.

Many Shenhao fans were interested in this and stayed, but most of the tourists who came to the outdoors were a little speechless about the live broadcast of Mengmeng.

They came to the outdoor section just to watch the anchors doing shows outdoors, and they didn't care too much about making money.

If you really want to watch the big brothers PK, they go to the Xingxiu District and it's over. What are they doing outdoors?
It's like coming to the League of Legends section to watch a live broadcast but seeing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Most tourists who come here can't understand it!

Most of the people who come to the outdoors come with the mentality of watching outdoor programs.

The effect of the live broadcast of Mengmeng is good, but the simple brush money is still a bit boring.

Even if he deliberately created a lot of atmosphere before hitting the dream, including kissing with Xiao Ke's drawing to make it ambiguous, the fact that he has become the home of money-making is still inescapable.

If it weren't for the two luxury cars and Brother Jiu's name, many tourists would have left the live broadcast room.

On the other hand, at Yangqilan, as long as there are tourists who just clicked in, at least eight out of ten will stay!

 Thank you (everything is fate) for the reward of 2400 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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