Chapter 231 Outdoor Billion List (for Subscription)
Yang Qilan's full attention was on controlling the racing car, and he couldn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

However, as Huya attracted the attention of the entire outdoor sector, the number of people in his live broadcast room increased.

From the speed of increasing hundreds of people in just 1 minute, it is soaring rapidly!
When the ten-lap track reached the fifth lap, the popularity of the live broadcast room had exceeded 55.

"Everyone, work harder and go to other live broadcast rooms to promote and promote. Yangqilan's live broadcast tonight is really exciting!"

"Everyone who has a gift, send some gifts, and if you have time, use more barrage to help!"

"Everyone, don't leave, the popularity will surpass that of Mengmeng soon!"

With the continuous acceleration of the foreign air, the mood of the viewers in the live broadcast room was also stirred up with the speed of the car. Many viewers ran to other people's live broadcast rooms to tell each other at the risk of being banned by other anchors.

The anchors on the outdoor side tonight are also more face-saving, knowing that the two sides are fighting with gods, let alone silence, they dare not even have the slightest thought of intervening.

Brother Shenhao on both sides, none of them dare to offend!

On the eighth lap, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast completely exceeded 60!

And this outdoor duel, which was only mentioned yesterday, is also known to more and more platform visitors.

At the same time, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast completely overwhelmed Jianmeng, occupying the number one spot in the outdoor area!
The audience in the live broadcast room immediately cheered.

In the past, in the game area and Xingxiu area, it was mostly brother Xiao Xiao who went straight to clear the way to win.

Although it is very exciting, but their sense of participation is not too strong.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao received tens of millions of gifts in one swipe. Even if they had a large number of people, they still couldn't make up one-tenth or even one percent of the gifts that Brother Xiao Xiao sent.

Outdoors here, although it is important for Brother Xiao Xiao to continue to give gifts to Yang Qilan to increase his popularity, the audience in the live broadcast room is also important!
This time, they worked together to push up the foreign air blue!
This sense of participation in the live broadcast is no worse than that of Yangqi Lan's ongoing live broadcast!
Seeing the rising popularity of the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao smiled, gave three thumbs up on the public screen, and gave the audience in the live broadcast room a thumbs up.

The outdoor sector, which was lukewarm before, was completely hyped up by these tourists this time.

The change in the live broadcast style of Yangqilan may also be the beginning of a change in the entire outdoor environment.

After all, the previous live broadcast method that was tentative on the edge of the ban was unhealthy and not long-lasting. Liu Xiao seldom watched the live broadcast of the outdoor area before because of this. The kind of live broadcast that teases girls but dares to do nothing. It's really uncomfortable!

Either don't play with women, or take it off and go straight to it.

It's like getting someone angry, and it turns out that the aunt is here.

On the other hand, Liu Xiao also thinks that the ultra-running rally on the track created by Yangqilan today is very good.

Stimulation, excitement and refreshment are all there.

The only problem is that this live broadcast mode is more expensive.

But as long as the live broadcast is started, rewards and signing fees will naturally come, which can be regarded as a virtuous circle.

He looked up at the world news on top of the TV.

In addition to the 150 million for opening the Super God Emperor, Brother Jiu has already collected 500 million.

And Liu Xiao just reached 800 million, which is temporarily ahead of Brother Jiu.

"No surprises, this wave of outdoor PK Yangqilan must have won."

The cucumbers given by the beautiful coach were not finished yet, Liu Xiao took one and took a bite, smashing it on his mouth.

The cucumber is a serious cucumber, which is very good, but it has a slight fishy smell to the bite.

Maybe, this is because the fertile land with organic fertilizers has been used for a long time, right?

Thinking that it was an organic cucumber, Liu Xiao subconsciously took another bite.

Picking up the mobile phone that was placed aside to automatically swipe gifts, Liu Xiao increased the speed of the dot connecter.

The winner tonight is not determined by the amount of gifts, so there is no need to continue brushing with Brother Jiu.

twice per second.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a magic book *1000*86 combo!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a magic book *1000*87 combo!"


Koenigsegg roared through the finish line on lap ten.

The car parked steadily at the service point next to it, the door opened, and Yang Qilan and Yueyue got out of the car, looking at Xiaohuya who had reached the finish line ten seconds earlier with a wry smile.

But as soon as he picked up the phone, he saw a series of changes in the live broadcast room.

Let’s not talk about the number one popularity, but on the public screen, Brother Xiao Xiao’s 1000 sets of magic books have already reached more than 80 sets!

Yangqilan has been broadcasting live on Huya for so long, so he naturally knows how much it costs.

A total of 800 million gifts, the full amount is enough to buy his rented Ferrari!

Even if it is split half and half with Huya, it is more than enough to buy a second-hand car.

It can be said that this wave of rewards from Brother Xiao Xiao completely sent him into the middle class.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the gift!"

"Also thanks to the brothers in the live broadcast room, thank you for your support!"

"Thank you for popularizing Lanzi's live broadcast room, thank you!"

When Yang Qilan saw Brother Xiao Xiao's speed of brushing gifts increased again, his mouth was so big that he was about to lay eggs.

When it was delivered to the last group, Liu Xiao turned off the connector and clicked the last group of gifts manually.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1000*100!"

The hundredth set of magic books was sent out, and the barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room gradually dimmed.

Yang Qilan, who had just gotten off the track and hadn't calmed down yet, took another deep breath and forced back the heart that was about to jump out of the racing suit.

100 sets of magic books, a total of 1000 million gifts are rewarded!

Although brother Jiu brushed more on Mengmeng, Yang Qilan was not envious at all.

He knew very well that although Brother Jiu had spent almost 2000 million in the live broadcast room of Mengmeng, but Mengmeng would not get a penny in his hands, and he might even lose 200 million for it.

It would be good if the money from playing activities does not allow Chimeng to return to [-]%.

As for him, the tens of millions of gifts from Brother Xiao Xiao, plus the meeting gifts from yesterday and before, a total of 130 million gifts, he can eat them all!
Chimeng has been thinking about whether it is time to buy a high-end photography drone to shoot live broadcasts.

Anyway, that thing is not very expensive. If it is a bit more high-end and equipped with an optical camera, it can cost 30 million yuan.

If you buy a smaller one, 10 yuan is about the same.

Even, you can buy two directly, so that all angles can be covered.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is so explosive, he has really experienced the benefits of high-definition outdoor live broadcast.

"You can do it, kid."

Xiao Huya walked over with a smile, and patted Yang Qilan on the shoulder vigorously.

In Xiao Huya's view, Yang Qilan's driving skills are still very good, and it's not because of his poor skills that he hasn't run this time, but because of his familiarity with the car.

He has driven a Ferrari before, but Yang Qilan has never driven a Koenigsegg. There is such a gap between the two, and the difference is only about ten seconds, which is already remarkable.

"Brother Xiao Huya laughed at me, he didn't run past you in a Koenigsegg."

Yang Qilan smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Brother Xiao Xiao will help you all the way tonight, and I can't be much worse here."

Xiao Huya looked at the list that brother Xiao Xiao had just brushed up in the live broadcast room, took out his phone and smiled.

Although he, Xiao Huya, is not as rich as brother Xiao Xiao, he is not short of money!

(End of this chapter)

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