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Chapter 232 Brother Hua admits defeat, the gradually transformed Daheng

Chapter 232 Brother Hua Admits Defeat, The Gradually Transformed Daheng (Subscribe)
"Brother Xiao Huya is going to drive the Super God Emperor tonight?"

"My God, the three places on the Super King List will be filled tonight?"

As soon as Xiao Huya said this, many tourists immediately exclaimed.

"Brother Xiaohuya, brother Xiaoxiao has already done a lot for me tonight, if you spend any more money, I'll be really embarrassed."

Compared to the exclamation of the tourists, Yang Qilan smiled wryly and waved her hands again and again.

Tonight, he was really overwhelmed by Brother Xiao Xiao's gift.

More than 1000 million!
Normally, he would not be able to get so much money even if he broadcast live for five or six years, and it is even unknown what the benefits of his live broadcast will be after five or six years.

But now, within a few hours, he has acquired such a huge amount of wealth. By the end of July, all the money has been transferred to his account, and he will completely become a rich man.

To be honest, from a small anchor who pretends to be rich every day to suddenly become a real local tycoon with more than a million, his psychological pressure is still quite high.

"That can't be done, anyway, this Super Emperor is still going to be opened."

Xiao Huya shook his head with a smile, brother Xiao Xiao has already swiped tens of millions, if he, this little brother, doesn't do a little more, it will be too disrespectful to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Without hesitation, I chose Huya No. [-] and clicked directly to Baifa.

"The emperor [I am a little tiger bud] gave away Tiger Ya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [I am a little tiger bud] sent Tiger Ya No. 100 *2*[-] combos!"


"The emperor [I am a little tiger bud] sent Tiger Ya No. 100 *15*[-] combos!"

Xiao Huya is not a slow-witted person, it only took 150 seconds to generate 20 million gifts.

Before the audience in the live broadcast room could react, the third Super God Emperor animation on the Huya platform had already been shown.

"666, bull beep!"

"Brother Xiao Huya, this super emperor opened, casually scary!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao was not so fast when he drove yesterday."

The audience clicked their tongues secretly.

It looks like 150 sets of gifts have been bought, but this is converted into RMB, but it is really [-] million!
"Thank you, Big Brother Xiao Huya, for your reward."

Yangqi Lan is really dumbfounded now.

When I usually beg the big brother in the live broadcast room to get a gift, I don’t know how many words I have to waste before I can beg for a treasure map.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao first, and Brother Xiao Huya are all so generous, he didn't even ask for a gift from the beginning to the end!

Now he really saw the difference between the top gods on the platform and ordinary local rich brothers.

Shenhao like Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Xiao Huya are not short of money at all. As long as they have fun on the platform, there will be a lot of gifts for him, as long as he licks it without thinking!
"Lanzi, do another wave of rally?"

"You booked the race tonight, including the vehicle re-inspection, it shouldn't be a problem to run three races before three o'clock in the morning, right?"

Xiao Huya put away his phone and resumed his smiling expression.

"Okay, I have to win this time!"

Yang Qilan let go of her thoughts and also laughed.

The first wave of rally just now is to familiarize yourself with the car conditions. After all, there is still a big gap between the slow familiarity before and the speed of nearly [-] miles in the sports mode.

After ten laps of high intensity, he has almost mastered the performance of Koenigsegg.

He is sure that in the next round, he will be behind Xiao Huya by three or four parking spaces at most, and it is definitely impossible for him to be thrown for more than ten seconds and 700 meters in the last round.

The two got into the car again, and the [-] viewers also focused their attention again, looking at the main screen expectantly.

"Brothers, the car has been re-inspected and there is no problem."

"I have to say that Brother Xiaohuya's Koenigsegg high-end version is really awesome. It is the top of the sports car industry in terms of driving experience and car performance. However, my technology and Brother Xiaohuya still have some differences. The difference is, tonight's goal is to rely on the performance of Brother Xiaohuya's Koenigsegg to win!"

Yang Qilan was modest first, and by the way gave Xiaohuya a big hug, then set up the camera again, and beckoned Yueyue to get on the car and act as a vase to decorate the live broadcast.

Yueyue's courage is still very good.

Having just driven to a speed of [-] mph, although Yueyue was a little nervous, she was not frightened.

This time she will get on the car again, Yueyue still feels a little eager to try.

I've been playing with Yangqilan for several days. The first few days I played on the bed, yesterday and today I played on the track.

Only now did she realize that she didn't seem to be very interested in anything on the bed.

Apart from worshiping money in bed, there are still many interesting things in this world.

She even had so much fun on the track yesterday and today that she almost forgot her real identity.

Yang Qilan pouted.

Yueyue only rented it for three days, and the lease period will end after today.

He could feel Yueyue's reaction, but Yang Qilan didn't think that the girl Yueyue would change fundamentally.

Those who do this are originally mentally unstable and have such a personality, it is difficult to take the initiative to change anything.

Just like supercars, isn't it more expensive than shopping?
Yueyue has just gone up a notch from selling her body to make money from a low-level hobby to supercars for money, it's not that she has fundamentally changed.

Both cars take their places.

Following the referee's gunshot, Yang Qilan and Xiao Huya stepped on the accelerator almost simultaneously.

With two roars, the two cars rushed out almost simultaneously.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Koenigsegg has shown quite powerful performance from the very beginning, and its ability to accelerate to zero is almost the best in the world!
At the same time, Daheng Trade Union Office.

Looking at the two live broadcast screens in front of him, Lao Wu felt completely lost.

Brother Jiu sent a total of 2000 million gifts in the dream live broadcast room, just 7 million more than Xiao Xiao's total gifts in July, and also snatched the title of the first king of gods on the super king list.

Although it sounds good, there are still five days before the end of this Super God event, and it is useless to get this title now.

If Xiao Xiao wants to take it, he only needs to add another wave of rewards and he will win it. It is only 100 million, which is not a lot of money whether it is in Daheng or Xiao Xiao.

The most important thing now is that Daheng has planned so much tonight, and has deployed so many key points, but after a wave of processes, the popularity of the Mengmeng live broadcast room is not as much as that of the Western Qilan live broadcast room!

A Bugatti, an Aston Martin, and brother Jiu personally earning 2000 million yuan in the live broadcast, how can they still not compete with the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast room?

Even now, the popularity of the Mengmeng live broadcast room is still losing to the foreign-style live broadcast room, which is really strange.

Lao Wu really couldn't understand why so many tourists liked to watch the boring racing live broadcast of Western Qilan, which is not scientific at all!

Brother Hua came out from the lounge inside, took a nap, his pale complexion improved slightly.

"Brother Hua, the current situation."

The fifth child hesitated to speak.

"Okay, tell Brother Li that the plan to expose her tonight should be temporarily cancelled."

Brother Hua first sighed softly, then waved his hands helplessly.

Just as Lao Wu woke him up, the assistant told him the current situation.

Generally speaking, although the follow-up plan has been shelved, the goal of promoting Dream Fighting has been achieved, and the investment is not too bad, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

What annoyed Brother Hua wasn't that the plan didn't meet the highest expectations, but that Brother Hua couldn't remember how many mistakes he made in the confrontation with Xiao Xiao.

The air-conditioned office is a bit cold, the assistant took a coat and put it on Brother Hua:

"We still don't have enough awareness of outdoor live broadcasts. We always think that outdoor live broadcasts are luxury cars, beauties and ambiguity. I didn't expect Xiao Xiao to come up with such a novel mode."

"Although we lost this game tonight, there are still more than 50 people close to 60 people in the Kemeng live broadcast room. On the surface, we are considered a draw."

"The loss is not big, but there is a problem worth thinking about."

"What's the problem?" Lao Wu was a little puzzled.

Brother Hua helped the mirror frame, with a hint of wisdom in his eyes, and then said:

"That is, did Xiao Xiao cooperate with Lehua in July?"

(End of this chapter)

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