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Chapter 234 Online Store Operation Promotion

Chapter 234 Online Store Operation Promotion
These things before are just Hua Ge's analysis.

But these things are not hard to prove.

Needless to say, Xingxiu and the game area, Xiao Xiao's management has been deeply entrenched before, and they Daheng can't get in at all, and it is basically impossible to investigate from here.

Just a news anchor, Yang Zi, none of them in Daheng can spray it.

Even if he deliberately reported it, but Yang Zi didn't have dirty words in his mouth when he sprayed people, and they couldn't do anything about it. Lehua didn't even get into it. Daheng couldn't do it even if they wanted to buy a trade union management .

On the other hand, each of them has to hide their own black history, for fear that Yang Zi will find out and overthrow them at any time.

But on the side of Yang Qi Lan, there is a gap, an important opportunity to confirm Xiao Xiao's identity.

If Yang Qilan didn't announce the signing of Lehua tomorrow, then Xiao Xiao's identity would still be questionable.

And if Yang Qilan announces the contract tomorrow, Xiao Xiao's identity can be confirmed directly.

Just like Daheng's signing of Mengmeng, Lehua has now made such a large investment in Yangqilan, and must have signed the contract in advance like Mengmeng, but it has not been announced yet.

As long as the news of the signing is announced on the live broadcast tonight or tomorrow, the combination of Xiao Xiao and Lehua will definitely go without saying.

"I'll first inform Brother Li to cancel tonight's live broadcast, and we'll see the situation tomorrow."

After listening to Brother Hua's analysis, Lao Wu nodded heavily.

Tonight's live broadcast was barely considered a success. Although a series of follow-up measures were not used, the follow-up arrangements did not consume the resources of the union. Daheng did not suffer too much, it was just that the plan was disrupted. It's fine for Brother to appear again, but the effect may be a little worse.

But if Xiao Xiao's identity can be determined because of this, it is much more important than the smooth progress of the plan.

Picking up the phone, he called Brother Jiu first, and asked Brother Jiu to find a chance to end the live broadcast as soon as possible after Meng Meng announced that he would join Daheng.

If Mengmeng's popularity continues to drop, all the money tonight will be wasted.

Then he called Brother Li again.

Although Brother Li was very unhappy, he finally agreed to cancel the live broadcast arrangement.

She has been completely bound with Daheng now, as long as the contract is not broken, she and Daheng are one.

If Daheng suffers a loss, she won't be able to lose her share.

She also invested several million in [-]% of the shares yesterday, and she hasn't seen any profit yet.

After that, Lao Wu greeted Knife again and asked him to pay attention when the news was broadcast tomorrow.

After getting Dao Zi's affirmative answer, Lao Wu was completely relieved.

How Huya will go in July, and how Daheng will play in July will depend on the reaction of Yang Qilan tonight or tomorrow.

Although Brother Hua is not very satisfied with tonight's result, there is nothing he can do now.

Outdoor live broadcasts usually last until three or four o'clock in the morning. Liu Xiao is not a person who likes to stay up late. After watching the live broadcast for a while, he quickly went offline to sleep.

On the morning of the 3rd, just as Liu Xiao woke up and finished washing, Qu Yue called.

"Mr. Liu, the Taobao project manager called just now, saying that because our advertising has been relatively stable recently, he can give us a full series of promotions for Taobao store. The quotation is 50 a day, a total of three days."

"I went to find out. This whole series of promotions can bring about 50 yuan in revenue every day. Although you can't make much money when you do it, it may be famous, which will be beneficial to future development. You see Are we going to participate in this event?"

Qu Yue asked with some trepidation.

"Do it, it must be done!" Liu Xiao immediately slapped his thigh and made a nod.

This kind of recommendation position for a full range of product specifications is not so easy to get. Although the price is relatively expensive, it is no problem for a clothing store to increase its followers by tens of thousands.

Of course, the most critical thing is the daily revenue.

50 in advertising fee for 50 in revenue, as long as it is proposed, the 50 can be doubled!
With a system investment card, this is simply money sent up!

Liu Xiao carefully calculated the funds in his hand.

50 was withdrawn yesterday, and there is still 35 in the company account, plus yesterday and today's revenue account, the current company account is close to 50.

I raised 40 in my hand yesterday, doubled to 80, and then gave bonuses to the company employees, plus the daily quota of 10 yuan I just received this morning, no more, no less, exactly 80.

Withdraw the money in the company account and double it, which adds up to almost 150 million funds, and the three-day promotion fee is exactly 150 million, which is just enough.

The 10 yuan you get every day can be used to purchase goods.

"System, can the income doubled after the investment doubled card be doubled again?"

Liu Xiao's heart moved.

If the doubled money can be doubled after being invested, it will be a huge profit!
"It can be doubled, but the system will determine whether the investment is a normal investment, and the time limit for doubling the investment is at least five days."

The system gave Liu Xiao a certain idea.

To put it simply, for example, if 100 million is withdrawn from the public account, the investment card will automatically double the money to 200 million and put it into Liu Xiao's card.

At this time, Liu Xiao transferred the 200 million back to the company for capital injection, which was regarded as a re-investment.

According to the system, the 200 million investment can still be doubled, but several conditions must be met.

The first is that it must be a normal investment, that is, the money must be converted into products and then sold. The second is that the time limit for doubling is at least five days, regardless of whether the money has been converted into goods and sold. The funds invested within five days cannot be doubled.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao was a little disappointed.

The loopholes in all aspects of the system are really blocked.

If there were no such restrictions, he would put it directly into the company account and then withdraw it. As long as he pays some taxes, he can double the number of bugs again.

But in the final analysis, although there is no way to get rid of BUG, ​​there are still quite a lot of benefits.

At the very least, this ad placement will certainly speed up progress towards the goal.

The income plan originally scheduled for the end of the month is estimated to be around NO.20.

After discussing the detailed rules with Qu Yue, and explaining all his thoughts, Liu Xiao asked the bewildered finance minister to pay taxes and transfer money.

Soon, Liu Xiaokali had an income of 150 million, close to 160 million.

Once again, the money was deposited into the company account, and there was no problem with the money for this event.

"Starting tomorrow, I will still deposit [-] every day, and this fund will be used to purchase goods."

After finishing the company affairs, Liu Xiao was in a good mood.

After calling Zhao Ning and making an appointment for a hot pot lunch, and intending to show Zhao Ning the big treasure he had hidden for a long time, Liu Xiao ran to the gym.

There are still two days left for Jiu-Jitsu's muscle-strengthening training, and I have to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the game area at noon, so I can be free in the morning.

Although it was very painful, but with the beautiful coach as his companion, Liu Xiao was quite happy to stretch his muscles.

Of course, wearing tights and stretching the tendons above 120 degrees, the lump in the middle is really a bit shameful.

However, this is also Liu Xiao's pride as a man.

Born so big, he didn't want to show off at first, but with such luck, what can he do?
Today Liu Xiao also figured it out, when it's time for a show, she must not be cowardly!
When Liu Xiao went to the gym, Yang Qilan was asking the bald man for the phone number of Feifei, the manager of the Lehua labor union.

(End of this chapter)

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