Chapter 235

Since the broadcast yesterday, Yang Qilan has been stuck on the background live broadcast interface on her mobile phone, refreshing it over and over again, looking at the reward details of brother Xiao Xiao in the column of gift income, her eyes are already red.

It wasn't until nearly 80.00% of the battery on the phone was completely exhausted that his excited heart slowly calmed down.

But after simply sleeping for a few hours, Yang Qilan couldn't sleep anymore. She went to bed at six in the morning and woke up after nine in the morning.

Taking out a pen and paper, Yang Qilan simply did the math.

Brother Xiao Xiao's eldest brother gave rewards, plus Xiao Huya's Super God Emperor, plus scattered rewards from tourists in the live broadcast room, he received a total of 300 million gifts yesterday and the day before yesterday!
That is to say, after sharing, he can get an income of 650 million before tax, and after paying a tax, he can also get close to 500 million.

From a small anchor in the outdoor sector worth over one hundred thousand yuan to a local tyrant with at least five million yuan, I was scratching my head with excitement just now in my dream.

But after waking up, he completely figured it out.

Just like Xiao Yi in the game area, it is true that he has received so many gifts, but this is only the beginning of his career, not the end!
Brother Xiao Xiao can think of him like this, so he naturally has to reciprocate, and try to get closer to Brother Xiao Xiao.

After taking so many gifts from Brother Xiao Xiao, if he doesn't do anything, then he is indeed too beastly.

Moreover, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in joining Brother Xiaoxiao's camp, and the future development will definitely get better and better.

As for whether brother Xiao Xiao will leave Huya in the future, he doesn't even think about it now.

Therefore, in his opinion, the first step must be to join the Lehua union, which all the anchors of Brother Xiao Xiao joined, just like the anchors in Xingxiu District.

After all, Lehua is currently working on an entertainment channel, and his outdoor anchor can be regarded as a professional counterpart.


Yang Qilan looked at the call just received from Xingxiu's first brother, Baldy, and sighed softly.

In the past, it was easy to join Lehua, but now it is not so easy to join Lehua, which is taking off.

Of course, it doesn't matter to the small anchor, Lehua will not refuse anyone, as long as he pays a normal salary to attract talents.

But for an anchor like him, who is a top-tier broadcaster and a second-tier entertainment channel anchor, he definitely wants to get an A or S lottery after joining Lehua.

In this way, if Lehua signed him, the union's resources would inevitably be tilted towards him.

In the final analysis, signing a front-line anchor in a sector like him is a matter of two-way choice with the trade union.

They will consider whether to join the union, whether they can earn more money than flying solo, and the union will also consider whether it is worth signing the anchor from many aspects.

It's like Feng'er from Xingxiu District, who is also the anchor that Brother Xiao Xiao temporarily rewarded, but Lehua hasn't signed her so far. The reason is that Feng'er always wants to sign A, and Sister Feifei has never agreed.

Similarly, it might not be easy for him, a small outdoor anchor, to sign with an A-level contract.

The phone beeped twice, and the other end was quickly connected.

"Hello, Yangqilan, I'm Feifei, Lehua's trade union manager."

Seeing this strange call from Suzhou and Hangzhou, Sister Feifei smiled first.

Before calling Yang Qilan, the bald man naturally got angry with her. Sister Feifei was also paying attention to last night's battle, and she is no stranger to Yang Qilan.

In the past few days, Sister Feifei is consolidating some of the resources that Xingxiu has won. From the beginning of July, Lehua's development momentum has been fully launched.

Every day, at least six or seven small anchors call her and want to join the Lehua union.

Therefore, Sister Feifei's recent focus is on Xingxiu's side. Regarding the outdoor area, Sister Feifei wanted to get involved, but she really couldn't take care of it because she had so many things to do.

You know, the anchors of Brother Xiao Xiao's series in the game area also intend to come over, and Sister Feifei hasn't had time to approach him yet.

But now that Yang Qilan took the initiative to call, Sister Feifei was really in trouble.

The situation in the live broadcast room of Yangqilan was really good last night. As one of the head anchors of the outdoor section, Yangqilan seemed to have found a marketing model for the outdoor area. Sister Feifei also saw this in her eyes.

As long as it develops, the trade union will also have the opportunity to receive advertisements or arrange activities in the outdoor area.

For example, when racing on the track, the revenue of some car brand endorsements and other advertisements is not as high as that of Xingxiu, but it is not a problem to maintain its own operation.

"Sister Feifei, I know the situation of my foreign style. I am all supported by brother Xiao Xiao. I don't need too many resources to sign the contract. I only need the most basic A sign resources."

Yang Qilan showed her own attitude first, and cut most of the conditions for the A lottery first.

"You also know the current situation of our Lehua. The big recommendation is definitely for Little Juzi and Bald Yangzi, including the Super God's Road event in July. I can't give you the past resources."

"The outdoor area is a brand-new section for my union. According to the operation of your current live broadcast, I can arrange someone to plan your live broadcast, and at the same time let the business department recruit advertisers to introduce the business."

Sister Feifei briefly introduced the current situation of the trade union to Yang Qilan, and explained the current problems and the help she could bring to Yang Qilan.

She is not a person who likes to deceive others into making big cakes.

If you can accept the conditions, everyone will cooperate together. If you can't accept it, then everyone should make it clear in advance, so that we can get together and leave.

"I can accept these conditions."

As soon as Sister Feifei finished speaking, Yang Qilan immediately agreed.

It was a surprise to be accepted by Lehua. As for grabbing resources with Xiaojuzi and the others, Yangqilan never thought about it from the beginning to the end.

Xiaojuzi is a direct descendant of Brother Xiao Xiao's direct line, wouldn't it be a long life to compete with Xiaojuzi for a recommendation?
Seeing Yang Qilan agree so readily, Sister Feifei touched her nose inexplicably.

She also thought that Yang Qilan was rewarded with so many gifts by Brother Xiao Xiao last night, and she should be very confident when talking with her today, but she didn't expect Yang Qilan to be so easy to talk to.

She had just mentioned the basic benefits, and Yang Qilan agreed without hesitation.

But Sister Feifei didn't immediately agree.

"I'll think about it and get back to you later."

Sister Feifei said a few more polite words, then hung up the phone.

The trade union has negotiated, and the remaining one is with Brother Xiao Xiao.

And there is also the matter of Feng'er in Xingxiu District, you also have to ask Brother Xiao Xiao.

These two anchors were rewarded by brother Xiao Xiao, whether to let them join the trade union or not depends on Brother Xiao Xiao's opinion.

If brother Xiao Xiao let it, there is no problem, but if brother Xiao Xiao refuses, then she can only refuse decisively.

Sister Feifei knew very well who Lehua was relying on!
How to arrange it depends on Brother Xiao Xiao!

(End of this chapter)

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