Chapter 236 Lehua Adds Another Host
When Sister Feifei sent the message, Liu Xiao had just finished stretching his tendons, and the beautiful coach was sitting on his lap and gently kneading the chicken.

Looking at the phone, Liu Xiao frowned, and then relaxed it again.

He knew about the western-style blue mentioned in Sister Feifei's message, and he just tipped it last night, but Liu Xiao really didn't think about it for a while.

After recalling it carefully, I realized that this is the dance anchor who he had rewarded 1000 million before, and the girl whose appearance and figure are above 90 points.

"Both of them are good, let's sign."

Liu Xiao thought for a while, and then replied.

It doesn't matter if you want a foreign style or not, Feng'er has such a good looks, so she must stay.

While enjoying the kneading of the beautiful coach, Liu Xiao was already hesitating whether to go to Fengermeizi's live broadcast room to play a lap.

Sister Feifei got an affirmative answer from Brother Xiao Xiao, and quickly turned back to Yangqi Lan and Feng'er.

As soon as she picked up the phone, Sister Feifei felt slightly dizzy.

"It's time to hire some assistants."

Sister Feifei shook her sore arm and sighed softly.

In the past, when the union had few members, she alone was enough, but since Xiaojuzi joined, the strength of the entire Lehua union has rapidly expanded.

She was 965 two months ago, 996 a month ago, and 007 now.

If she doesn't hire an assistant, I'm afraid she will have to go to the ICU and be played with in mud within a few days.

Besides, although the labor union doesn't have a lot of funds, it's not a problem to ask two assistants to pay some salaries.

Soon, Yang Qilan dialed the phone.

"Sister Feifei, does the trade union have any plans?"

Yang Qilan was a little nervous.

He is a very smart person, so he naturally knew what Sister Feifei was doing just now.

Whether Brother Xiao Xiao recognizes him or not depends on what Sister Feifei says next.

"Weiqilan, happy cooperation in the future."

Sister Feifei didn't show off, she smiled and extended an invitation to Yang Qilan.

Feng'er also received a notice from Sister Feifei.

When Feng'er heard the news of agreeing to sign the contract on the phone, he almost ran out of the door like crazy, and took a taxi as fast as he could to the Lehua trade union's residence.

In order to be able to sign a contract with Lehua, she did not know how much effort she had made in the past half a month.

But today, she finally succeeded, and what she won was the A lottery!
You know, Lehua's veteran anchor, Tutu, just got promoted to the first-line anchor some time ago, and the one he got was the A lottery.

Yangqilan is in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but he also promised to come over in a few days. Currently, the first thing to sign is an electronic contract.

Sister Feifei drew up the contract, and after Yangqilan uploaded various ID cards online and signed it, the legal effect was formed.

As for Feng'er, it was even simpler. The taxi stopped at the gate of Lehua, handed over the copy of his ID card, and signed the contract with his name.

"Congratulations to Feng'er for entering Lehua."

Yang Zi, Tutu and other anchors all congratulated, and Tutu even yelled for Feng'er to treat them to dinner.

As a dance anchor, Feng'er came to Lehua, and it must be to squeeze Tutu's resources.

But Tutu knows very well that jealousy will only harm herself in the end.

In terms of image, she is much weaker than Feng'er in terms of appearance and figure. In Lehua, only Little Orange can beat Feng'er in these two aspects.

The future arrangement of the trade union is definitely to support Feng'er, a dance anchor with better conditions.

You can't grab it for sure. Instead of being slapped in the face after a wave of grabbing, it's better to admit Feng'er's status now, and maybe you can get unexpected benefits.

After all, she is already very content with being promoted from the previous second-tier goalkeeper to the current first-tier anchor.

Although the monthly income is not comparable to that of the little orange bald man, he still has a tipping income of more than 20 yuan, and he is not the head anchor of the union, so he does not have to take any risks.

When Little Orange became the new first sister, Tutu readily supported Sister Feifei's decision, and today Feng'er joined, Tutu naturally had no objections.

If Lehua develops better and better, won't she get more income?

She is still very clear about this.

"No problem, no problem. I'll treat everyone to dinner tonight. Everyone in Haoting Hotel can order whatever they want."

Feng'er smiled and responded directly.

Only last month did she get a gift of tens of millions from Brother Xiao Xiao, and she had already withdrawn all of it at the end of the month, a total of more than 400 million in cash, which is almost the same for a year at the Haoting Hotel.

At present, there are only a hundred or so anchors in Lehua's union, and thirty or forty of them can go to dinner.

It only costs 4 to [-] yuan to set up a table and make the biggest scene.

What really surprised Feng'er was Lehua's former dance anchor Tutu.

Before joining Lehua, Feng'er did some research.

Originally, she thought that after she joined, she would definitely fight with Tutu for the main C position of the dance anchor, but she didn't expect that Tutu would give it up directly.

This also made her take a look at Tutu Gao, and the hostility she had had disappeared in an instant.

In addition to normal professional competition, she herself is also very good.

"You don't want to eat tonight. Many anchors start broadcasting in the evening, so let me just eat lunch."

"Feng'er, please treat the guests at another time, today we will build the Lehua team!"

Miss Feifei smiled.

Lehua has been established for so long, and the number of team building is pitifully small.

It was because of limited funds before, but Lehua returned so much money in July, it was not too easy to take out some food.

As soon as Sister Feifei said this, cheers erupted in the trade union.

They don't dare to be too ruthless because of the new anchor's style.

But if it's a union building, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, then I'll change the time."

Feng'er was in a good mood and readily agreed.

Lehua's atmosphere also infected her a bit.

She is currently renting next to this place, and she will definitely come to broadcast frequently in the future. It is still necessary to have a good relationship with the anchor of the union.

Glancing at the Tutu beside him who was also cheering, Feng'er silently made up his mind, no matter what, the relationship with Tutu must be good in the future, and some of the recommendations in his hand can also be given to Tutu.

At noon, after signing the electronic contract, Yang Qilan finally let out a sigh of relief.

Put on Lehua's chariot, and the distance from Brother Xiao Xiao will be even closer in the future.

Moreover, with his current live broadcast style, some car brand endorsement ads can also be accepted.

As long as it develops for a while, it will be a matter of time to step into Lehua's inner circle.

After thinking about it, Yang Qilan is in a good mood.

Open the backend of the live broadcast, and change your host ID from Yangqilan to Lehua-Westernqilan.

After changing the ID, the foreign-style blue brought an assistant on board, and prepared to go to a market farther away to buy two DJI drones.

And Lao Wu arranged to stare at the several trade union managers in the Yangqilan live broadcast room. Seeing the ID change of Yangqilan live broadcast, his face changed even more, and he hurried to Lao Wu's office and knocked on the door.

"Fifth Brother, Yang Qilan just changed her name!"

 There are two more in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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