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Chapter 237 Confirmed, Xiao Xiao becomes a shareholder of Lehua!

Chapter 237 Confirmed, Xiao Xiao becomes a shareholder of Lehua!

The trade union management saw that the fifth child didn't respond, and didn't care about what the fifth child was doing inside, so he pushed open the door of the office.

The fifth child was sleeping on the sofa, and when he heard the loud bang of the door, he sat up from the sofa with a jolt, and looked at the excited face of the union management:

"Well, don't pay too much attention to it. If you have something to say, talk about it. Your girlfriend and I are in love with you."

The fifth waved his hands again and again, afraid that the trade union management would take out a knife and give him a hit.

He was only in his thirties, and his career was booming. It would be a shame to be killed by a knife at this time.

"Fifth brother, Yangqilan signed a contract with Lehua!"

The union management tone was very anxious, obviously not hearing what Lao Wu said before.

Lao Wu's explanations came to an abrupt end, and he looked at the union management with a look of surprise, then slowly sat up from the sofa, and let out a long breath.

The trade union management brought his girlfriend here a few times before, she was a good-looking girl who was a bit of a money worshiper, once she came to the union to find a boyfriend, but the management happened to be absent.

The fifth child politely invited her to the office to sit down and wait for the union to manage, so she didn't have to think about what happened afterwards.

The fifth brother assured that this matter was definitely due to his girlfriend's evil intentions.

May I ask, which man can bear the pressure of a beautiful girl who is protruding forward and backward?

Facing the girl's initiative, it's good that he can refuse as the fifth child, but his second child disagrees!

At that time, it was very worthy of the union's management that they didn't have sex on the spot.

But later, at the position where the trade union management is now standing, I sneaked here once.
The fifth child wiped off the cold sweat that just broke out on his forehead, and raised his head slightly to cast a glance at the union management.

It turned out that something that was not behind the scenes was exposed.

But it's time to sever ties with this girl. It's not worth taking his life for someone else's girlfriend.

The trade union management trotted all the way over in too much haste, but they didn't hear Lao Wu's anxious explanation just now.

"Okay, I see, you go out first."

The fifth child nodded secretly thankfully, and signaled the trade union management to go out first.

I just woke up from a deep sleep, and my head is still a little beeping.

After clearing his mind for a while, the fifth child narrowed his eyes, got up and came to Brother Hua's office.

Last night was too busy, Brother Hua didn't go back just like him.

Coupled with the exhaustion of the day yesterday, when Lao Wu walked into Brother Hua's office, Brother Hua was still fast asleep.

The fifth child winked at Brother Hua's assistant, who walked into the cubicle and called Brother Hua up.

"Brother Hua, the matter you analyzed last night has been settled."

Hearing this, Brother Hua immediately cheered up.

The assistant picked up the teapot and brewed a pot of Longjing, and the two sat down at the coffee table.

"Tell me about today's situation in detail."

"At around eleven o'clock this morning, the name of the anchor in the Yangqilan studio suddenly added the prefix of Lehua."

"Oh, by the way, Feng'er, a dance anchor in Xingxiu District, also joined Lehua. After joining Lehua, she started the live broadcast official announcement."

Brother Hua flicked around the ring on his finger, silent for a while.

This was the last thing he wanted to see.

If there is no Xiao Xiao, no matter how big Lehua develops, he cannot be their opponent of Daheng. After all, the size of Lehua and Daheng is here.

Daheng's current market value is at least one billion yuan, and Korawa's is at most 5000 million yuan.

To put it simply, without Xiao Xiao, Daheng would not even take a week to clean up Lehua!
All channels work together, and the anchors of the Lehua union can't get any resources at all.

Even, if the relationship with the board of directors is used, Lehua can be panicked in a day.

But now, with the announcement of Yangqilan's signing, the combination of Xiao Xiao and Lehua can basically be confirmed.

That is to say, Xiao Xiao has changed from a state of casually playing on Huya to a state of serious management.

This level of threat has more than doubled?
Brother Hua has already begun to doubt Xiao Xiao's real identity, and even Xiao Xiao's real purpose of playing activities in May and June.

Perhaps Xiao Xiao has been planning these things since May?

Deliberately pretending to be a Shenhao who doesn't care about anything, first establish an image to attract popularity, and then give them a fatal blow to Daheng at this critical moment!
It's summer, Brother Hua still couldn't help gasping for air, his lungs were sore.

If this was the case, Xiao Xiao would be really terrifying!

This is deliberately hiding clumsiness in front of their Daheng!

"It shouldn't be possible, right?"

After listening to Brother Hua's guess, the fifth child hesitated.

If Xiao Xiao's scheming is really so deep, then their Daheng must not be able to do it.

This is not cowardice, but the fact.

In his opinion, brother Hua's guess last night was more realistic.

Xiao Xiao was purely for fun in May and June, and did not become a shareholder of Lehua until July at the invitation of Lehua.

That's how it happened last night and today.

"I hope it's not the case. If this is the case, this Xiao Xiao is really too inhuman."

Brother Hua shook his head.

"Let's not talk about boosting other people's morale, let's take advantage of today to study how Xiao Xiao should respond after joining Lehua."

The assistant brought a whiteboard, and Brother Hua picked up the ink pen on the shelf and wrote the first line.

"First of all, let's talk about Xiao Xiao's financial resources."

Old Five nodded.

In a trade union, financial resources must come first. Calculations in other places are important, but money is the foundation of everything.

Only when the money is in place can the anchors under their hands follow suit and gather fan popularity. Whether it is Lehua or the top anchors of their Daheng, the way to grow is to pile up countless money.

"I'll ask the finance department to provide a detailed report later. Let me first talk about the approximate value."

"In May and June, Xiao Xiao's consumption was 2.6 million. In July, Xiao Xiao's consumption so far is 900 million, which is almost 2.8 million."

"This figure is almost two-thirds of our Lehua's total investment. It can be said that Xiao Xiao's financial situation is very scary."


Brother Hua changed the subject.

"Consumption as a Shenhao does not need to be included in the cost, but it can be used as a trade union investment, and the cost must be calculated."

"That's right, this is a good thing for us Daheng, but Xiao Xiao has always had extra consumption, which cannot be used as the basis for Xiao Xiao's consumption this month."

The fifth child added.

Brother Hua nodded with a smile.

Although Xiao Xiao has invested in Lehua, who knows if Xiao Xiao will still spend money on the platform as a god?

After all, Xiao Xiao's predecessor was a godly hero, which can't be changed, and it's not normal to make millions every now and then.

"These facts are established, but after Xiao Xiao becomes a shareholder of Lehua, his extra consumption will definitely not be too high, so let's set it higher, how about [-] million?"

(End of this chapter)

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