Chapter 238 This time I must win!

"Although there are a lot, but considering Xiao Xiao's personality, there are still possibilities."

The fifth child readily admitted.

With Xiao Xiao's current strength, it may be difficult to earn [-] million in his own name in July, but it is definitely not a big problem.

"Secondly, let's talk about Xiao Xiao's market expectations for Lehua as an investor."

Brother Hua spoke again:
"I have found a professional market analysis team to analyze Daheng's risk comparison, and then they used data to tell me that according to Daheng's market expectations, this month's investment is at most [-] million yuan, and this is a long-term expectation, that is, venture capital. the peak amount."

"As for Lehua's current size, the top anchors are about the same as Daheng, but the number of small anchors is only one-tenth of Daheng's. Therefore, I estimate Lehua's overall size to be half of Daheng's About one."

"Brother Hua, isn't this estimate too high?"

The fifth child frowned.

It is good that the top anchors are basically equal, but the bulk of the union's revenue is often above the advertising revenue brought by the small and micro anchors.

Therefore, Lehua's current monthly actual profit is not high. Excluding Xiao Xiao's tip, 500 million is not bad. It is no problem to maintain the development of the trade union, but it is a bit unrealistic to compare with them.

One must know that Daheng's current revenue is at least 5000 million a month!

That's a tenfold difference in revenue.

But Brother Hua said that Lehua's size is half of their Daheng's. Even if it is an overestimate, this is a bit too high.

"It's not high, it's reasonable."

Brother Hua shook his head with a smile, and then popularized an economic knowledge called expected value to Lao Wu.

The so-called expected value is the long-term expected return that this product or this investment can bring.

The timeline of this benefit may be extended to more than two years, or five or six years.

For example, platforms such as Didi and Meituan lose money all the year round, but many people are still willing to invest because of this.

The current Leroy is the same, although the revenue is not much, but the expected value is high!
As long as they defeat Daheng, Lehua will be Huya's new overlord in the future, and it may take three or four months to reach their current scale.

Both the investment and the expectation of return are very good.

I believe that even if Xiao Xiao doesn't take a stake, with Lehua's current development trend, there must still be many investors who have this plan.

At present, many investors are hesitant because of the monopoly business model of Daheng, a behemoth. They are afraid that investing in Lehua will lose money.

When Brother Hua said this, Lao Wu understood it thoroughly, and also understood what Brother Hua said about half the body size.

"This marketing and economics is indeed a bit esoteric."

The fifth child secretly sighed in his heart.

When I was a small trade union boss, it didn’t matter if I knew these things or not, but in my current position, if I don’t understand these basic things, I’m really a little ignorant, and I may even inadvertently substitute his painstakingly managed Daheng into the abyss .

Now that Brother Hua is at the helm, he can learn a lot from Brother Hua.

And there is no need to be afraid of Xiao Xiao, a man who is just like Brother Hua, or even scarier than Brother Hua.

"So, Xiao Xiao's investment in the Lehua union this month may be half of ours, which is 1.5 million?"

Lao Wu simply calculated.

The trade union invested 1.5 million, and Xiao Xiao made another [-] million as a god.

Don't forget, the bald man still has more than 5000 million from last month's balance, and the little orange also has more than 1000 million in his hands.

Adding it all up, it's over [-] million, which is more than what Daheng prepared this month!
"Don't worry too much, the money in the hands of Baldy and Little Orange may not be taken out."

Brother Hua chuckled lightly.

People are selfish.

Although the money was all collected by Xiao Xiao, in his opinion, it is impossible for the bald man and the little orange to get all the money out. The bald man earned 4000 million, and the little orange earned 700 million.

This adds up to exactly [-] million, which is about the same as their Daheng, and a little less than their Daheng.

What's more, with the 3000 million in Xiao Xiao's hand, there are [-] to [-] million in the game area?
According to what I said yesterday in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds area, at least 2000 million will be charged in the past few days.

And this is also Xiao Xiao's necessary expenditure, to maintain the anchor in the game area, this is already the minimum amount.

Calculated from this, Lehua's side is quite different from their Daheng. It is estimated that the entertainment channel can make 7000 million.

"So, Daheng still has a good chance of winning this month?"

The fifth child also slowly let go of his heart.

Turning around and thinking about it, I felt excited again.

Xiao Xiao thought that Daheng didn't know that he had invested in Lehua, but Daheng had already predicted Xiao Xiao's prediction!
And their Daheng even hid their hands. Whether it was external or internal, what they announced this month was Brother Jiu's [-] million assets.

Whether Xiao Xiao believes it or not, this news is enough for him to guess for a while.

Based on the analysis of Brother Hua last night and today, Daheng has unknowingly reached the fourth floor in the game of this event in July!
Although Brother Hua didn't show much expression, the occasional smugness on his face showed his current mood.

If he could catch Xiao Xiao violently in the July event, then his disgraceful deeds of losing so many times at Xiao Xiao's hands before could be gradually exposed.

What people often see is the final outcome.

As for the process, no one cares whether you earned it by lying down or by hard work.

Including so many tourists on the Huya platform, no one cares about the process.

What they care about is that Daheng's anchor and Lehua's anchor are opposed to bring them happiness, and it's just the refreshing feeling brought about by the crazy confrontation between the two platforms in the live broadcast room.

In Hua Ge's opinion, the hope of defeating Xiao Xiao this month is still very high.

In May and June, they all wrongly estimated Xiao Xiao's identity and underestimated Xiao Xiao's spending power.

But this month, whether it is Xiao Xiao's independent consumption or investment in the assets of the trade union, they are all estimated according to the highest point.

Brother Hua felt that he had given Xiao Xiao enough attention.

With such precise calculations under such circumstances, he couldn't believe that he couldn't beat Xiao Xiao this month!
This month, he must trample Xiao Xiao under their Daheng's feet!

Brother Hua spoke again:
"Fifth, you can talk to the finance department later and ask the finance department to issue a detailed report."

"Xiaowei, say hello to the group's finance, and immediately arrange for an evaluator to evaluate Xiao Xiao's real spending power this month after the financial statement is released."

"This time, be sure to be foolproof!"

(End of this chapter)

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