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Chapter 239 Brother Jiu, Don't Play Too Crazy, Brother Hua Can't Take It Anymore

Chapter 239 Brother Jiu, Don't Play Too Crazy, Brother Hua Can't Take It Anymore

Daheng's execution ability is beyond doubt.

The assistant went out to inform the matter, but Brother Hua still kept the fifth child.

Although he was very sure that Xiao Xiao would not be able to beat Daheng this month, Brother Hua felt inexplicably uneasy.

The two months of confrontation with Xiao Xiao were the most setbacks he has suffered since he was in the business world.

After Xiao Xiao entered Huya, Daheng basically never won.

But now, Xiao Xiao has officially become a shareholder of Lehua, and the pressure on him has increased exponentially.

Even, a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his heart:

Perhaps, this month will fail?

But for now, his maximum investment in Daheng is only so much. If the investment is increased, the risk taken will be too great, and it will even affect the stable development of his group.

Operating funds can only be allocated step by step, and there is no way to get it all at once.

"Brother Hua, you can rest assured that Xiao Xiao's money was not issued by Tiandi Bank, and it is impossible to withdraw it without limit. It is even a matter of opinion whether he can spend [-] million yuan this month."

Old Five said.

After Brother Hua's analysis just now, he is still quite optimistic now.

After all, their Daheng estimated according to the highest point, so could Xiao Xiao go up further?

Even if you are worth hundreds of billions, you can't spend three or four billions at once without blinking, right?
How can it be so simple to use a large amount of funds?
According to Lao Wu, the more than 1 million that Xiao Xiao spent in activities last month was already the limit of Xiao Xiao's spending power in a single month.

Is it possible to brush so much this month or not?

"I hope so, let's wait for the report first."

"Call Lao Jiu later, tell him not to play too crazy, and come to the union at night."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Brother Hua first considered letting Lao Wu speak, but felt that it was inappropriate, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Jian Meng left alone last night, and Xiao Ke was left at Brother Jiu's villa.

With Brother Jiu's temperament, he probably had a good time last night, and his posture is probably already spent.

Thinking of this, Brother Hua felt dizzy.

If Brother Jiu keeps going like this, if some Internet celebrity gets pregnant, it will be a big deal.

The elders of Brother Jiu's family asked Brother Jiu to hang out with him, but in the end he let Brother Jiu mess around outside. Threesomes or even foursomes are not uncommon.

Assistant Xiaowei just came back, Brother Jiu gave her some instructions in a low voice, asking her to go out and buy two boxes of small umbrellas.

"When Lao Jiu comes back at night, I have to tell him well."

Brother Hua shook his head again, afraid that Brother Jiu would really give him a little life:
"Old Five, let's first analyze how this month's event will be played. Today is the third day."

"it is good"

The fifth child sat over and seriously analyzed the current situation with Brother Hua.

In terms of playing activities, he has been in Daheng for so long, and his experience is still a bit more sophisticated. Coupled with some ideas from Brother Hua, the two quickly came up with a final plan.

At noon, Liu Xiao just took a shower with the beautiful coach in the gym, changed into casual clothes, and then bumped into Zhao Ning who just went out.

The two went upstairs together, Zhao Ning carried the plastic bag, looked at the newly trained muscles on Liu Xiao's arms, and blushed slightly.

To be honest, she doesn't like pure muscular men very much, and those with a little muscularity are the best.

It is best to have a little flesh on the stomach, but not fat and slightly muscular limbs, which is the ideal type she is looking forward to.

For someone like Liu Xiao who is 182 in height, the best weight is 160 catties.

This is what she heard from her best friend.

The man has too many muscles, and it hurts when he leans on it. On the contrary, he is a little fat man, leaning against it is soft, and it is warmer and more comfortable to hold at night.

Of course, it is definitely not good to be too fat. Fat people sweat and sweat, and they are not as reliable as muscular men.

Now Liu Xiao weighs about 155, a little thinner than fat, but when not exerting too much force, his muscle lines are quite soft, quite like a Confucian general.

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning, and touched his nose in embarrassment.

Zhao Ning's posture seemed to be eating him up, even more terrifying than the beautiful coach.

"There's no need to change your shoes."

Watching Zhao Ning consciously take a step to unlock the door, Liu Xiao followed closely behind.

His own door lock is a combination lock, so far only he and Zhao Ning know about it.

"That won't work, the shoes still need to be changed."

Zhao Ning giggled, and took out a pair of pink slippers from the plastic bag she had just carried.

There is also a supermarket sign on it, and it looks like it was newly bought.

"No one else will be allowed to wear these shoes from now on, do you hear me?"

After Zhao Ning changed her shoes, she clenched her fists and showed a fierce expression at Liu Xiao.

"My eldest lady, you don't even look at who else comes to my house except you."

Liu Xiao smiled helplessly, and also changed his shoes and entered the room.

Zhao Ning completely regards this place as her own home.

As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to the kitchen skillfully.

"You said you had something nice to show me at noon, where is it?"

Zhao Ning went into the kitchen curiously and searched, but found nothing new.

"Well, this is it."

Liu Xiao nuzzled her mouth, and took out a bridge-head hot pot base from the cupboard, which happened to be the kind Zhao Ning brought when she came last time.

"Did you ask a friend to bring it too?" Zhao Ning asked curiously.

"The supermarket downstairs costs 15 yuan a pack, and butter costs 20 yuan."

Liu Xiao pouted.

The last time Zhao Ning brought hot pot ingredients, he wanted to complain.

This thing has long been chained across the country, and the supermarkets downstairs are everywhere. Zhao Ning also asked a friend to mail it from Sichuan and Chongqing.

After Liu Xiao explained for a while, Zhao Ning couldn't hold back anymore, and chased Liu Xiao to fight.

Take out the prepared hot pot ingredients from the refrigerator, put the induction cooker on the dining table, add some water, and the two of them officially started.

"Be careful with this big knife, it will be more unpalatable when you are old."

"And this one is A3-grade wagyu beef, which is very expensive, more than 20 per piece."

Liu Xiao pointed to the ingredients on the table.

The best Wagyu is A5, and the best Australian cut is M9, but the Australian M9 is only comparable to the A3 of Wagyu.

Liu Xiao is not short of money now, he wanted to buy an A5 yesterday, but he couldn't find anything for sale after searching all around.

Originally, I wanted to look for it in an online fresh food supermarket, but when I saw A30 Wagyu beef in a box for 8 yuan, Liu Xiao was really scared.

He didn't even know when the original A8 grade of wagyu beef was released.

Are the A6 and A7 in the middle eaten by these stores?

I looked on Taobao again, and there are A9 and M12, which is a mess.

I have no choice but to compromise and buy a few boxes of A3 from Hippo Fresh.

Simply scalded.

It's really not the same as ordinary beef.

Hmm. It's delicious, right?

(End of this chapter)

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