Chapter 240 Zhao Ning Drinks Too Much

Liu Xiao opened another bottle of red wine.

Zhao Ning didn't drink much, but she was still a little drunk despite her average capacity for alcohol.

This was the first time she got drunk, and she felt completely different from those who drank too much on the Internet.

His body was swaying non-stop, but his consciousness was extremely clear, and he could basically remember everything he said.

As for the drunken sex, nonsense, etc. mentioned in the TV series, she really couldn't complain at this meeting.

But it's true that Jiu Zhuang is cowardly.

Even in front of Liu Xiao, she dared to drink herself like this.

Even in her heart she was still vaguely expecting what Liu Xiao could do to her.

Liu Xiao was also helpless to see Zhao Ning drunk.

Although the consciousness is still clear, but the road will definitely not be able to go.

Zhao Ning's hands holding the chopsticks were fluttering, obviously trying to pick up bean sprouts, but poking around on the tablecloth next to her.

Seeing Zhao Ning frowning and trying to grab the food, Liu Xiao suddenly laughed.

"Have you eaten enough?"


Zhao Ning frowned slightly, as if she had thought carefully about Liu Xiao's question, and then solemnly put down her chopsticks.


The chopsticks touched the edge of the table and fell directly to the ground.

Liu Xiao, who just laughed, couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from twitching again.

Zhao Ning will definitely not be able to go home now.

With his current physical fitness, Zhao Ning, who weighs less than [-] catties, is fine to lift, let alone hug.

But after all, there is a distance of more than 100 meters between the two buildings, and people come and go during the day.

If he wanted to hug or help Zhao Ning over like this, wobbly, someone might have to call the police and arrest him.

"Go to my bed and rest for a while."


As soon as Liu Xiao said this, Zhao Ning was stunned.

Although I have no objection, there is no need to progress so fast, right?
You haven't talked about love yet, so what are you thinking about?

Zhao Ning was stunned, but before she could react, a warm embrace immediately picked her up by the roots.

"Wait for me."

Zhao Ning's face was already a little red after drinking, but it will be completely red.

Originally, she wanted to refuse immediately, but after thinking about what would happen next, Zhao Ning unconsciously swallowed what she wanted to say.

"It doesn't matter if it's later or earlier."

Zhao Ning closed her eyes and concentrated on enjoying the warm embrace.

She didn't dare to let Liu Xiao see that she was conscious, so after thinking about it, she buried her head in it again.

Liu Xiao gently put Zhao Ning on the bed, and then covered Zhao Ning with a Xia Liang quilt.

The home is equipped with central air-conditioning, and the temperature is always 23 degrees, and the wind is not blowing directly, so I don't worry about catching a cold.

"Then what, you go to bed first."

Liu Xiao took out his mobile phone from his bag and checked the time.

Zhao Ning was taken aback again.

What is "she will sleep first"?
Isn't this Liu Xiao's bed, doesn't he sleep?

"What are you going for?"

Zhao Ning opened her eyes slightly and asked in a low voice.

"Go play games." Liu Xiao gave Zhao Ning a strange look.

The B article I promised yesterday will play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds at noon these days. Now it's a little closer, and it's almost time to get on the account.

After closing the bedroom door for Zhao Ning, she simply cleaned up the tableware, threw them all into the dishwasher, and went to the study to turn on the computer.

Zhao Ning didn't know that he was Xiao Xiao, and Liu Xiao still thought that his voice must be lower when he speaks.

In the bedroom, Zhao Ning looked at the ceiling.


She really couldn't figure out where she had lost compared to the game.

After staying for a while, Zhao Ning became happy again.

Reminiscing about Liu Xiao's warm embrace, my heart is full of happiness.

A burst of drowsiness hit, Zhao Ning couldn't hold back the drowsiness anymore, curled up into a small ball, and fell asleep leaning on Liu Xiao's big pillow.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

In the live broadcast room, Wen B saw Liu Xiao go online, and it was a burst of rainbow fart to say the least.

Lao Long and Lao Hu's eyes brightened even more.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao is the one who brushes B Wen every day, but the gifts the two of them received are not too small.

Especially Lao Hu, Brother Xiao Xiao’s one day’s tipping almost equals his income from live broadcasting for one or two years!
"let's start."

Liu Xiao connected to Quan Mai and whispered BB.

"Today's meal gift package will be delivered, please accept it, all little fans!"

"Bao Xiao Brigade has assembled and is ready to fry the fish pond!"

"I don't know how many chickens Brother Xiao Xiao can eat today, I'm looking forward to presents!"


In the live broadcast room, various barrages kept coming.

The live broadcast room with more than 100 million people suddenly became a sea of ​​joy as the game started.

"Brothers, today I'm playing games with Brother Xiao Xiao, and I, B Wen, will never speak righteous words for a while.

The parachuting picked up the supplies, and one team happened to land.

B Wen swept his rifle across, and the four enemies who had just picked up the weapon were instantly killed.

B Bunraku's eyes widened and his voice seemed to have changed.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, come quickly, here are four bags!"

B Wenshou danced in front of the four bags.

"B Wen's face, didn't you just say not to lick it?"

"I'm heartbroken, it's only been 2 minutes, Wen B, are you so realistic?"

Seeing B Wen's face licking the dog, the audience in the live broadcast room were overjoyed.

"Ahem, you all misunderstood."

"What I said before is not to lick, what I said is not to lick the bag this round!"

Wen B raised his face and explained seriously.

The next moment, the character controlled by Brother Xiao Xiao ran over.

B Wen suddenly changed into a eunuch face.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, there is M416 in this bag!"

The characters in the B text are bouncing around the box, tilting their heads for a while and crawling for a while, and they just stay by Xiao Xiaoge's side.

Even Liu Xiao was a little bit dumbfounded.

It would be great if this B text was a woman, this licking skill is simply irresistible!

The game area is only B Wen's ability, and I guess it looks similar to the Xingxiu area.

Liu Xiao is playing a game.

In Daheng's office, Brother Hua rarely smoked a cigarette. On the public screen of the computer, there was the content of B Wen's live broadcast room.

"Cough cough."

The smoke entered the lungs, and the lungs were so excited suddenly that Brother Hua coughed suddenly.

The assistant hurried over.

Brother Hua waved his hand:

"It's been a long time since I smoked, I'm not used to it."

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Brother Hua directly extinguished the smoke in the ashtray.

He is not a smoker, and he has no addiction to cigarettes. The puff just now was just to stimulate his mind for a short time.

Brother Hua listened carefully to every word Xiao Xiao said, and occasionally wrote and drew in his notebook.

"Brother Hua, what are you doing?"

The fifth child looked over curiously.

Brother Hua has already written several words in the notebook.

Low-key, calm and easy-going.

The fifth child watched the live broadcast carefully.

It seems that the live broadcast of the B article has nothing to do with any of these three words, right?

"This is something I learned from a psychological counselor before. Although I am not very proficient, it is still very useful."

Brother Hua helped the mirror frame and smiled slightly:
"This method is called psychological profiling in psychology!"

(End of this chapter)

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