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Chapter 241 Brother Xiao Xiao, You Are Something Wrong

Chapter 241 Brother Xiao Xiao, You Are Something Wrong (Third Watch)
"Isn't that just criminal psychology?"

Three big ellipsis floated in Lao Wu's mind.

He didn't understand it just now, but after listening to Brother Hua, he understood it. Brother Hua used the method of criminal psychology to test and write for Xiao Xiaohua?
Although he doesn't doubt Brother Hua's ability, but... is this reliable?
Low-key, calm and easy-going.

These three words don't seem to match Xiao Xiao at all, right?
Take low key for example.

If Xiao Xiao is low-key, then their Daheng Shenhao has no sense of existence. Let me ask, is there any tourist in Quan Huya who doesn't know Xiao Xiao?
Not to mention ordinary tourists, but emperors on all platforms, who would not be polite to Xiao Xiao now?

Not to mention being calm and easy-going, Brother Jiu made a provocative sentence, and directly airborne Knife live broadcast room and slapped him in the face.

Xia Nuan pk embarrassed Xiaojuzi once, Xiao Xiao skipped over without saying a word, just squirted.

If Xiao Xiao's temper is calm and easy-going
In this world, there is really no bad temper.

After Lao Wu's heart twitched, the corners of his mouth twitched again.

To be honest, Brother Hua's psychological profile is a bit too unreliable.

"Don't look at the appearance, but learn to see the essence through the facts." Brother Hua shook his head, with a look of hatred for iron.

What the fifth child can think of, can't he think of it?
Xiao Xiao was a bit arrogant on the platform last month, but Xiao Xiao's nature is definitely not like this.

If Xiao Xiao is a casual person, Brother Hua will definitely not believe it. He still has a lot of acting skills and realism.

How can it be that simple to calculate with him?It's all old shit, and everything in everyone's mind is connected.

"You have to remember that there is no simple billionaire in this world."

"Although Xiao Xiao didn't deliberately target Da Heng in the past two months, some small operations still caused Da Heng a lot of losses. This Xiao Xiao is very powerful!"

"Furthermore, although Xiao Xiao's reputation on Daheng's side is not good, it's because we are in a hostile relationship. From Lehua's point of view, Xiao Xiao is indeed an easy-going big brother who can't be easy-going."

"And Xiao Xiao's several operations in May and June, you and Brother Jiu were beaten a lot, right?"

Brother Hua glanced at Lao Wu, who lowered his head in embarrassment.

In the first two months, even when they were not playing, he and Brother Jiu were beaten by Xiao Xiao. This is an inescapable fact.

Seeing that the fifth child stopped talking, Brother Hua continued to stare at the live broadcast.

He regards Xiao Xiao as a real opponent, so he must find out Xiao Xiao's character clearly.

It just so happens that Xiao Xiao will be connecting with the mic in the live broadcast room, and he can hear Xiao Xiao's voice, which is more convenient for him to figure out.

He didn't believe that Xiao Xiao, who was in his twenties, could kill him, an old Jianghu!
In the past two months, Xiao Xiao's arrogance was first beaten, and then Lehua's market was gradually eroded. Finally, he went to the game area to support his own anchor, and completely drove Xiao Xiao out of Huya.

Country Garden, Liu Xiao's study.

From playing games at one o'clock to five o'clock, he played a total of six rounds and won five rounds, all of which were headshots with an AWM shot at the end.

After closing the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds client, Liu Xiao felt relieved for a while.

No wonder some people like to play with strong players, it feels different to play this way!

Three dog-licking bodyguards stood guard next to them, each of which took less than 10 minutes, and they were all in divine costumes.

The audience in the live broadcast room still had something to say.

But seeing that Brother Xiao Xiao had quit the game, he had no choice but to give up.

"In the prize distribution session, Brother Xiao Xiao is coming again!"

"Looking forward to it!"

"Wen B, will there be rewards for fan benefits later?"


"Don't worry, everyone. When I played the game just now, I told Brother Xiao Xiao by the way. Brother Xiao Xiao won five games today. I will use part of the 500 million that I paid for the lottery."

Wen B said with a smile.

After all, it was an event, and even though brother Xiao Xiao had secured him the number one spot in the game zone, the audience still had to get their tickets.

A small amount of paid sweepstakes is fine.

As for the free lottery draw, you have to wait until the end of the event to secure the first place before carnival.

Before Brother Xiao Xiao made a move, Wen B sent out a red envelope of 1 yuan for being on TV.

"During the event, everyone has a wave of support from fan festival tickets. A light stick or a big sword can participate in the lucky draw. Today's lucky draw benefits are no less than 50!"

"B Wen Niu beep!"

"It's fine, it's fine, let's fight for 1 yuan for a dime!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao gave you so many brushes, so you just play this little bit for the audience, and charge for it?"

"Garbage anchor, really black!"

A few tourists with the logos of Daheng and Xia Nuan taunted them.

"What's wrong with your brain? Brother Xiao Xiao gave B Wen a gift, do you think it was for you? Why is his face so big?"

"That's right, you have something to do with how much B-wen earns, and the rewards are already very good. You idiots, you always feel that this is owed to you, don't you?"

As soon as several of Xia Nuan's fans spoke, they immediately aroused verbal criticism from countless tourists in the live broadcast room.

Most fans are sensible.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao has done a lot for B Wen, but in the end it is only the income of B Wen. Even if B Wen earns [-] million, what can they do if they don't give out rewards?
It's reasonable not to post it, and it's considered caring for their fans.

There are always some people who like to use other people's money to talk about morality.

Wen B also frowned.

He understood this truth very well.

He was just a small streamer before, earning tens of thousands of dollars a month, but now Brother Xiao Xiao earns 500 million dollars a day. Naturally, some people are mentally unbalanced, probably because they think he is not worthy of having so much money.

It's normal for Brother Xiao Xiao to spend 500 million yuan, but it's not normal for him to get [-] million gifts.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of identity.

Wen B didn't want to argue with these idiots, so he raised his hand and ordered a few bans.

Anyway, the number of times he sprayed Daheng was not too small, he had already offended Daheng to death, and it didn't matter if he sealed a few more.

"Brothers, it is true that I, Wen B, didn't think carefully just now. Although these Daheng idiots died of their mothers, there is some truth to it."

Wen B was not polite, and at the same time of the ban, he directly sprayed it back.

"That's it, today I will take out 10 yuan separately and divide it into ten red envelopes, and the bullet screen lottery is free!"

"B text is domineering!"

"Thank you old B Wen for the big red envelope!"

Immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room cheered again.

Coincidentally, Liu Xiao also just jumped back to Wen B's live broadcast room from the game client.

Zhao Ning was in the bedroom, and Liu Xiao simply didn't go to the living room to watch the live broadcast, instead, he opened Huya's computer and jumped in.

After glancing at the barrage, Liu Xiao immediately understood what happened just now.

"I know who Wen B is. Needless to say, everyone should wait and see the present."

Liu Xiao didn't pay much attention, and smiled and typed a barrage on the public screen.

Wen B consciously turned on the barrage centering function, and put Brother Xiao Xiao's speech at the very center of the live broadcast room, ensuring that most people can see it.

This time it was still Huya No. 100, [-] rounds at a time, and the simple [-] groups were done.

After swiping a wave of gifts, Liu Xiao jumped to the No. 2000 position of the Super God Emperor, the King of the Gods, and knocked down Brother Jiu who just swiped more than [-] million last night.

"It's too easy to see brother Xiao Xiao brushing gifts."

"I'm fine with me, but it's a question of who will give me [-] million."

"I ran out of paper in the toilet just now, and suddenly saw the gift Xiao Xiao brushed, and felt that there is nothing hard to overcome in life. I walked out as soon as I lifted my pants, and I didn't wipe them anymore. I have never been so confident in my life!"

"Hi everyone, I'm on the highway right now, and I suddenly have diarrhea. May I ask if I turn the seat heating to the maximum, can the juice be dried on high heat?"

"Damn it, what gods are you all?"

"Good guy, from now on, I don't think I can face up to the word "conflagration" (dog head saves life)."

With the barrage of several tourists, the wind direction of the live broadcast room suddenly changed.

The tourists who just followed the barrage of gifts from the Super God Emperor to dig treasures were even more confused, wondering what the hell the audience in the live broadcast room was going crazy about.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you wipe the toilet after using it or not, after all, it will fall off automatically after one touch."

Suddenly, such a barrage popped up in the middle of the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room took a closer look.

On the head of the ID is the four big characters of Super God Emperor.



 At the beginning of the month, ask for a wave of monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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