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Chapter 242 Zhao Ning is so diligent, why don't you come to my house to do housekeeping!

Chapter 242 Zhao Ning is so diligent, why don't you come to my house to do housekeeping!

Liu Xiao swiped some gifts in the live broadcast room of Lao Long and Lao Hu, and then chose to go offline.

He still wants to play for a while, but Zhao Ning is already awake and walking.

After sleeping for a while, Zhao Ning was almost awake from the wine.

Liu Xiao left the study and walked to the living room, just in time to see Zhao Ning looking for water to drink.

"Drink this mineral water, pure water is not very good."

Zhao Ning had come to her senses now, and when she saw Liu Xiao approaching, a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

But the next moment, Zhao Ning suddenly felt a little more angry.

She is such a beautiful beauty lying drunk on the bed, does Liu Xiao have no reaction at all?
He was angry when he suddenly looked down.

"Cough cough!"

Zhao Ning almost choked on a mouthful of water.

She wants to take back what she just said.

It happened to be summer, and Liu Xiao was only wearing short-sleeved shorts, probably because he had just sweated a little while playing games. The pure cotton shorts seemed to stick to his thighs, and everything that should have been exposed had already been exposed.

And her gaze coincidentally placed where she shouldn't have seen.

She is not an innocent girl who doesn't understand anything. Although she has never had a boyfriend, she dares to say anything when her girlfriends are together. Through the big lump of clothes, she naturally knows what it is.

He stole another glance.

Liu Xiao didn't notice it, and sat down on the sofa carelessly.

"What are you going to eat this afternoon?"

I took the remote control board and lowered the 23-degree air conditioner.

Zhao Ning is afraid of the cold, usually when Zhao Ning is not around, Liu Xiao is in a super strong mode of 16 degrees all the way.


When Liu Xiao said this, Zhao Ning didn't react yet, and was a little dazed.

Liu Xiao glanced at some vegetarian dishes and eight or nine slices of fat beef left over from the hot pot in the morning.

He was born in poverty and had no habit of wasting.

Look again, the noodles I went out to buy yesterday are still there.

"How about I give you something to eat?"

"Ah? Okay, okay!"

Zhao Ning seemed to have thought of something, her face was flushed, and then she suddenly woke up again and repeated.

Liu Xiaobai glanced at Zhao Ning, stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

I just drank some wine at noon, Zhao Ning's behavior became more and more strange.

There are quite a lot of dishes at home, so Liu Xiao randomly made some noodles.

After playing the game at noon, I will be a little hungry.

A small bowl was filled for Zhao Ning, and a large bowl was filled for him.

"I'll be back in a while. I still have a song demo to record, and there will be a live broadcast in the evening. After the live broadcast, I have to work out."

After eating two mouthfuls of noodles, Zhao Ning finally returned to normal.

"You are in such a good shape, you don't need to exercise."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

With a height of 168 and a weight of about [-] kilograms, in Liu Xiao's opinion, it is already very perfect.

"That's definitely not possible. I have to do yoga every day to maintain my figure and skin elasticity. Besides, I have eaten hot pot with you every day recently, and I have gained a lot of weight."

Liu Xiao said:
"My friend has a way to lose weight."

"A glass of water in the morning, an egg at noon, an apple at night, run 300 kilometers in the morning every day, skip rope 190 times at noon, and do [-] sit-ups in the evening. He weighed about [-] pounds before."

"Really, how much does he weigh now?"

Zhao Ning exclaimed.

In order to lose weight so persistently, this person is indeed too persevering. Although she is also keen on losing weight, such diet and exercise are definitely not possible.

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning:
"It weighs about 5 catties including the box."

Zhao Ning silently took a small mouthful of noodles and put them into her mouth, then swallowed them hard.

She really thought that Liu Xiao was telling her how to lose weight.


The next moment, both of them couldn't help laughing.

After dinner, Zhao Ning helped Liu Xiao tidy up the house. After cleaning everything from the kitchen to the bedroom, he left and went home.

Looking at the completely new room, Liu Xiao secretly sighed in his heart.

It would be great if Zhao Ning could come to her own house to do the cleaning.

Look at this table, how light it is.

Look at the ground, how bright it is!
Qu Yue has already contacted Taobao at noon today, and the promotion agreement has also been advanced. It is estimated that the recommendation process will start tonight.

Liu Xiao opened the backstage of the Taobao merchant on his mobile phone, and glanced at the current data.

I believe that from [-] o'clock tonight, the fans and sales of his Taobao store will skyrocket.

After thinking about it, she was still a little uneasy, so Liu Xiao called Qu Yue again.

Over the phone, the two arranged for a series of clothing to be put on shelves in the next few days.

Seeing that Qu Yue handled things in an orderly manner, Liu Xiao really felt that the last interview was a treasure.

"I'll go to Guangzhou in a while, and I'll sort out all the specific things during this period. By the end of July, it's best to get rid of the clothing store."

While writing and drawing on the paper, Liu Xiao thought about the next step.

Qu Yue is indeed very capable, the next step is to chain hot pot restaurants, Liu Xiao still wants to transfer Qu Yue to take charge of the overall situation.

After nearly a month of contact with each other, the professional managers Liu Xiao and Qu Yue cooperated more and more tacitly.

Of course, he still has to make up his mind on many important matters.

Turn on the computer again, and pull all the current sales of Taobao stores into a table.

Then, pull all the suppliers who have been looking for the company recently into the table, and compare the data on both sides.

Liu Xiao majored in Mathematics at University. Although he can't be called a top student, his academic performance is quite good.

The comparison of data is exactly his professional counterpart.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the major anchors in the Xingxiu District started broadcasting one after another.

Brother Li was very punctual and started the live broadcast within a second.

Last night Xiao Xiao ruined the opportunity Daheng created for him in the outdoor area, and she was quite helpless.

It is already the third day of the event. If the news of joining Daheng is not announced, the effect will not be so obvious after a day or two of delay.

Therefore, although Brother Hua kept saying that there was no plan, she still forcefully put forward the request to announce it tonight.

The result is that Daheng can only agree. After all, Brother Li is a superstar, and this is not a big deal, and Daheng dare not do too much.

And for her live broadcast tonight, even Xia Nuan's live broadcast time was snatched.

"If she is a dance anchor, my status is really uncertain."

Xia Nuan sat in the office helplessly.

She is a dance anchor, and Brother Li is a singing anchor. Although they are both on the star show section, the audiences of the two parties are still different.

Give up all the slots to Brother Li tonight, and tomorrow she will start broadcasting at the same time and it won't disturb anything.

After thinking about the things that were impulsively done before, it seemed that the results were not very good, Xia Nuan decided to endure it.

No way, can't beat it!
Although Brother Jiu was working in the background, Xia Nuan was still scared.

Brother Hua even gave away 2% of the union's shares, which is enough to see Brother Hua's determination.

She was still winking, and she didn't dare to go up to make trouble at this time.

 Book Friends Group: 371599915.

(End of this chapter)

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