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Chapter 243 Daheng builds momentum, 3 big brothers!

Chapter 243 Daheng builds momentum, thirty kings and brothers!

Under Daheng's deliberate guidance, as soon as Brother Li started broadcasting at eight o'clock, there were more than a dozen elder brothers above kings in the live broadcast room.

These are the big brothers from the trade union that Lao Wu just contacted and who are still watching the live broadcast in Huya.

Different from the accounts of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, these big brothers are real consumers. They usually play in the live broadcast room of their Daheng side anchor, and they are considered to be the bulk of Daheng's labor union tipping income.

"Welcome to the live broadcast room, brothers."

Brother Li played a relatively soothing accompaniment, calming down and welcoming the eldest brother who just came in.

Last night's surprise appearance mode ended in failure, and today he simply made a forced appearance.

In less than 10 minutes, there were more than [-] big brothers above the king in the live broadcast room.

Here, in addition to some arranged by Daheng, there are also several exclusive elder brothers in her live broadcast room.

After the group of kings finished, they were all emperors again.

More and more viewers entered the live broadcast room, seeing dozens of kings and big brother emperors in the live broadcast room, they were a little confused about the situation.

"Are you going to play an event today? Why are there so many big brothers?"

"Hey, if you play activities, there will be no songs to listen to."

"It shouldn't be, Brother Li didn't say yesterday that he would play an event today, did he?"

"It's too bad to play an event today, I haven't recharged the money yet!"

"Welcome everyone to the live broadcast room, thank you for your support."

Brother Li put his palms together and thanked him repeatedly.

In just 13 minutes since the start of the broadcast, there are already about 15 viewers in the live broadcast room, and it is estimated that this number will rise to [-] in a short time.

You know, this is still not the data when the event started to collect gifts!

As long as the big brother who came to join us today starts to swipe, the popularity tonight will have to reach at least 50 million.

Brother Li was very proud, but his expression didn't change at all.

Transferring from Douyin to Huya was a risky game.

But as far as the current choice is concerned, she is still successful. As long as Daheng is supported, she will be able to share at least 2000 million in revenue a year with the shares in her hands in the future, even if she does not do live broadcasts. Guaranteed.

I have to say that the strategy suggested by Brother Jiu is still very good. At least Brother Li is now fully thinking about Daheng's development and his own live broadcast business, and he doesn't care about what he means.

The next moment, Lao Wu entered the live broadcast room with his trumpet on.

"Welcome fourth brother!"

Brother Li spoke first, and the audience in the live broadcast room also typed their welcome.

The trumpet of the fifth child, the fourth child, did not spend less than last month, with about 4000 million users.

Moreover, the activity of the fourth account is not low, and it is often rewarded in the live broadcast room of some Daheng small anchors.

Over time, many tourists on the platform are quite familiar with the fourth child.

"What's going on today? With so many kings and elder brothers, Brother Li didn't say a word. I'm really worried."

"Just wait, I guess there will be a big move today. The Road to God event is now the third day. Maybe Brother Li wants to participate in this event today."

"Improbable. Little Juzi and Xia Nuan haven't moved yet. Isn't Brother Li too anxious to fight now?"

"Maybe it's because Brother Li didn't understand the rules of the platform not long ago."

"If you fight today, you're really at a loss. Posting the list here is like giving Xiaojuzi and Xia Nuan a chance."

Everyone's enthusiasm was very high. Hundreds of thousands of viewers discussed and speculated about what Brother Li might do today.

Ever since Brother Li and miss joined Huya, Huya's popularity has skyrocketed.

In the past, the big anchors in Xingxiu District started broadcasting, with a maximum of 10 people, but now it has increased by at least half, and 15 is the norm.

Even when Little Orange starts broadcasting, it is very common for 8 to [-] people in the live broadcast room.

And among them, many people are fans brought over by Brother Li.

Including the 13 people in Li Ge's current live broadcast room, at least [-] to [-] are Li Ge's die-hard fans, tourists brought over from other channels.

It is also because she has such a fan base that she was able to negotiate such a high-quality contract with Daheng.

A superstar, she is the only one in Huya's star show area!
But Li Ge chose to develop in Huya, which also has disadvantages.

Originally, most of the popularity of Huya's evening show was with Xia Nuan and Xiaofei, and the rest of the popularity was divided among the first-line anchors of small guilds such as Baihua and Da Mao.

Since Xiaojuzi and Baldy took off, they also brought a group of Lehua fans on the platform.

Including Xiao Xiao coming to Huya, there are quite a lot of fans of Xiao Xiao on the platform, especially in the game area, Xiao Xiao's fans are in the millions.

As for anchors like Brother Li who have not joined any forces before, fans from Daheng and Lehua rarely come to see her.

Even if they come, they just take advantage of the time when their anchors go to the toilet. Most of them leave after listening to music, and they will go back after their own anchors are connected to the mic.

This has also led to Li Ge's popularity not improving recently.

And the fifth brother came here today, just to attract the popularity of their Daheng side to Brother Li, so that Brother Li can rise to another level on the basis of the original fan base, and completely suppress the little orange under his feet, becoming The only first sister of Star Show Channel!
You know, Brother Li already has 15 popularity, if Daheng's [-] popularity is diverted.

Not to mention keeping all of them, as long as half of them can be kept, Brother Li's basic popularity will reach 20 for every live broadcast in the future.

Even if one drainage can't reach it, it's almost enough to do it a few more times.

This is definitely the peak level of popularity in Xingxiu District.

This is also the first step of Hua Ge's July plan.

Of course, Brother Li was still a little anxious.

Originally, in Brother Hua's opinion, it was better for Brother Li to announce that he would join Daheng on the fifth day after he missed the opportunity last night. The announcement was made on the first day, and Daheng will promote her in the remaining two days.

But Brother Li was unwilling and insisted on announcing it today, which invisibly increased the risk time by two days.

The fifth child sent a WeChat message to Brother Li, indicating that Brother Li was ready to start.

Brother Li's phone vibrated, and seeing thirty or forty kings and elder brothers in the live broadcast room, he gained a lot of confidence invisibly.

"Good evening everyone, I have two announcements tonight."

"The first one, I will release my second song [Crossing the River], and I will sing the whole song in the live broadcast room later, believe me, this song is absolutely beautiful."

Brother Li narrowed his crescent eyes and smiled.

"A new single?"

"Has it been posted on the music portal? I'll search it right away."

"Upstairs +1, I want to hear it!"

Even the fifth child looked at Brother Li curiously.

On this point, Brother Li didn't communicate with him in advance.

Of course, if this song "Crossing the River" is particularly good, it will definitely add a lot of points to tonight's live broadcast.

Even breaking through 50 popularity is not out of the question.

"By the way, what's the second thing?"

"Yeah, what's the second thing?"

"If you can put it on the second one, it should be better than the first one, right?"

For a while, the popularity of the live broadcast room became heated again, and the praise on the screen almost covered the entire public screen of the live broadcast room.

Brother Li enjoyed this feeling very much, and deliberately whetted the appetite of the audience before speaking again.

"The second thing is"

"I have signed a contract with Daheng, the number one guild on the Huya platform, and I have become Daheng's S-level contracted anchor!"

(End of this chapter)

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