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Chapter 244 Baldy: Is she voting for Daheng now?

Chapter 244 Baldy: Is she voting for Daheng now? (A monthly ticket is requested at the third watch)
"Join Daheng?"

Many fans in the live broadcast room were shocked.

He looked at the ranking in front of the VIP seats in the live broadcast room again.

Sure enough, several emperors and kings were Daheng's resident elder brothers.

"It turned out that I joined Daheng. No wonder the broadcast will start so early tonight. This is a strong alliance!"

"Compared to Daheng, I still look forward to the new song. When will I sing it?"

"Daheng is also good, just join."

Most tourists from Douyin and Weibo don't care too much.

They came to Huya live broadcast just to have fun, and they don't know much about Huya's local labor union.

The two unions, Daheng and Lehua, can only be found frequently.

In their view, these are two relatively powerful trade unions, and they don't understand the twists and turns between them.

After all, when they came, the activities in June had already been played, and the number of times of swiping gifts was not too much, and the participation rate of most tourists was not high.

However, when this news was heard by Lehua's fans, they were really surprised.

Needless to say, the relationship between Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng.

And when Brother Li first came to Huya, Brother Xiao Xiao paid millions of greeting gifts, including the first-line anchors on Lehua's side, all of them had different degrees of gifts.

During this period of time, Brother Xiao Xiao still brushed out a small amount when passing by occasionally.

Brother Ke Li, is he surrendering to the enemy now?

Although Brother Jiu has done a lot, it's not appropriate to eat gifts from both sides, so what the hell is going against Lehua now?

"Fuck, what is this?"

"If you want to join Daheng, don't eat the gifts from Lehua. Brother Junjun paid more than 3 yuan yesterday. I'm really convinced!"

"Brother Tian and Brother Beibei were discussing yesterday whether or not to give Brother Li a little shot this month, tsk tsk tsk, luckily they didn't."

"Forget it, forget it, everyone has their own aspirations. The elder brother did it voluntarily before. It doesn't count much. You can see it clearly in the future."

Fans of Lehua's series complained helplessly.

Although they were not very happy in their hearts, Brother Li had never said before that he would join Brother Xiaoxiao's camp.

At most, it's just a moral attack and an upset heart.

However, a few more radical fans were quickly silenced by Brother Li's field controller.

"Let's go to see Little Orange."

"It's boring, Daheng and other trash unions have also joined, and everyone has learned to silence themselves."

"Hey, I won't come in the future."

Brother Li was calmer. When he saw a few people who spoke harshly, he clicked mute again.

From the day she received gifts from Lehua and Daheng at the same time, she knew that such a day would come.

If both sides eat the rewards, they will definitely offend one side.

Lehua's fans were not as aggressive as Daheng's. After a few people were banned, most of the fans didn't want to entangle Li Ge's live broadcast, and chose to link to jump away.

For a while, the popularity of Brother Li's live broadcast dropped by more than 1.

Although his popularity has dropped, Brother Li heaved a sigh of relief.

If this were replaced by Daheng's fans, I'm afraid she would be called a fool.

"Joining Daheng is also to get better recommendation resources and get more opportunities to show everyone your talents. You don't need to pay too much attention to this issue. No matter which union I am in, I am Brother Li!"

As a superstar on the platform, Brother Li's ID has celebrity special effects, that is, he has a contract agreement with the platform, and cannot add the constant prefix in front of it.

"Brother Li is right, as long as the live broadcast is on Huya, it doesn't matter which union he is in, anyway, I can watch it whenever I want!"

"That's right, let's sing the new song [Crossing the River], I can't wait!"

In the live broadcast room, most of Brother Li's direct fans didn't care, instead they kept pushing for new songs.

To be able to reach the current state, of course, the secret swiping of the Daheng Navy is indispensable.

Brother Li smiled happily.

This kind of feeling that someone is behind her is really comfortable. Compared with her previous live broadcasts, she had to worry about the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

"Not much to say, a new song [Crossing the River] is for everyone!"

[Crossing the River] is also a small rap song, and Li Ge's unique smoky voice sings very charmingly.

Of course, it still can't compare to Brother Li's famous classic.

Lao Wu even used his trumpet to slowly brush up Huya No. [-] on the public screen.

"What is fourth brother doing here? Why did you come to Brother Li's live broadcast room to collect gifts? Fourth brother has never been here before, right?"

Many fans of Daheng just went online and clicked in following the news of the gift from the fifth child.

Xia Nuan didn't start the broadcast today, and Daheng's fans who were watching the female anchor quickly ran over.

Although Brother Li is a bit powerful, his strength is beyond doubt.

A new song pushed the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to its peak.

"One song [Crossing the River] will start tomorrow. You can search for it on NetEase Cloud Music. Currently, the copyright belongs to the NetEase Cloud family, and QQ is still discussing it."

Brother Li put away the microphone and took off an earphone with a smile.

"Thanks to the fourth brother for Huya No. [-], the fourth brother is arrogant!"

The old fifth group is ten rounds, which is 1 yuan.

Every ten seconds or so, Li Ge sang for 3 minutes, and the fifth child swiped fifteen sets, which is 15 gifts.

Of course, he definitely won't just do this tonight.

It's just doing this now to gather popularity for Brother Li.

Although they are not Super God Emperors, Huya No. 10 in a group of [-] also has world news.

In just 3 minutes, the popularity of Brother Li's live broadcast directly exceeded 20!

The public screen is full of pleasant barrage.

"You're welcome, Brother Jiu fought a wave in the outdoor area yesterday. I'm not as arrogant as Brother Jiu, but it's okay to brush less."

The fifth child posted a barrage on the public screen, and the visitors in the live broadcast room were amazed.

"Look at the meaning of the fourth brother, are you going to make a big splash in Brother Li's live broadcast room today?"

"Brother Jiu swiped 2000 million last night, brother four is opening his mouth now, let alone swiping 500 million?"

"I guess it's more than that. The financial resources exposed by the fourth brother last month are similar to that of the Jiu brother. I guess the fourth brother may spend a little more."

The fifth child looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, then turned around and informed the several trade unions who were manipulating the account of the navy to step up their management efforts.

"Since the fourth brother has made a move, we naturally have to do something."

"Hahaha, let's not say too much, 30 to [-] is still no problem, brother Li transfers today, and the gift must be in place!"

"Big brothers, there's no need to brush so many for me."

Brother Li waved his hands repeatedly in the live broadcast room, pretending that he didn't want a gift but was embarrassed.

"From now on, you will be Daheng's anchor. We should take care of you. Besides, with your strength, you can afford it!"

The emperors of Daheng readily took over, and the fifth child had already communicated with them in advance.

Besides, their sense of brother Li is not bad, so it doesn't matter if they brush a little bit.

At their level, two to three million yuan really doesn't really matter.

Before the fifth brother made a move, they had already started to swipe the treasure map one after another.

Baldy and Little Orange, who were live broadcasting, frowned tightly when they saw the barrage on the public screen next to them and the world news constantly refreshing above the live broadcast room.

Brother Li is also a superstar after all, but he has only come to Huya not long ago, and the last time Lehua went to propose a contract, he was directly rejected, but it has not been two weeks, so he just voted for Daheng at will?

 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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