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Chapter 247 Brother Hua, you are right, but what if Xiao Xiao is so reckless?

Chapter 247 Brother Hua, you are right, but what if Xiao Xiao is so reckless?
"Little Tangerine is back!"

"I said just now that Xiaojuzi and Baldy went to discuss something. I went to the Baldy's live broadcast room to take a look, and Baldy has already returned."

"So, Lehua is definitely going to fight Daheng tonight?"

"I didn't say anything, as long as Lehua fights, I will definitely help!"

As soon as Xiaojuzi sat down and turned on the microphone, she saw a series of bullet screens on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

What happened tonight not only angered the top anchors, but also the hundreds of thousands of fans in Lehua's various anchor live broadcast rooms.

Especially some tourists who are relatively active and often play in the live broadcast rooms of various anchors, are almost blown out of anger.

During this period of time, they spent a lot in Brother Li's live broadcast room. Although it was nothing compared to his elder brother, a few hundred and 1000 yuan was a lot for ordinary people.

If you brush it to a favorite anchor, you will recognize it even if you feel distressed, but now you brush it to a scheming dog (biao), especially if this scheming dog is still in the enemy, it will be a big loss.

"Today, let's listen to the song first. My new song [Liu Piao] will also be released today. We will have an event until eleven o'clock in the evening."

Zhao Ning deliberately emphasized the word "same".

She usually has a good temper, but she is not a bully.

Her parents have been working abroad for a long time, and she and her younger sister live alone. Although they don't have to worry about food and clothing, the trivial things in life can still train people.

Her tenderness is reserved for those who care.

Brother Li did this kind of thing tonight, obviously to slap her, Lehua's head anchor, in the face, and now that Lehua has made a plan, of course she won't bear it.

I can't make it clear that it's good for you.

But when you release new songs, you are not allowed to release new songs?

There is no such reason.

"666, little orange is so irritable today, I love it!"

"Hahaha, look forward to new songs, look forward to new songs."

"I didn't say it, it seems that today is indeed going to fight."

"It's the first time I've seen Little Orange get angry, and she looks so beautiful when she's angry!"

Little Orange turned on the accompaniment he had made.

She recently recorded seven or eight songs, some demos were made by herself, and then she found a professional music studio to synthesize the songs she wrote with a computer, and the other part was the songs recorded by some music creators she bought from.

At present, these few songs are almost finished, as long as they can be recorded after a while, they can be released together.

And this song [Liu Piao] was written by her alone, and she just finished recording the demo yesterday.

And this song is also the first love song she wrote. Originally, she wanted to go to Liu Xiao's house to sing it to Liu Xiao this morning, but she accidentally drank too much and had to give up.

The accompaniment in front is a relatively soothing electronic music, which is a bit similar to the prelude rhythm of the drum version of [Chunjiao and Zhiming].

As soon as the music sounded, the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately substituted into it.

Suddenly, the music slows down again and changes to a 3/4 rhythm again.

The voice of Xiaojuzi can be sweet and sweet, which is different from the feeling when playing bubbles. The voice of this song is obviously sweet.

Little Orange immediately followed the rhythm and spoke.

"Wow, Little Orange's voice is amazing!"

"My mom, I feel like I'm in love!"

"Sweeter than Shanseling and Xiaodou, how did Little Orange do it?"

"The sweetness of this song is a bit like 5420, even sweeter than this!"

Little Orange just started singing, and the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately immersed in it.

Although this song cannot be compared with classic songs like [Bubble], but with Zhao Ning's singing, it is at least a hit song that can be popular for a while!

If you have to compare, Xiaodou's recently released new song "Clear" may be slightly better than this song, and it may even be the same.

As a rookie singer, Xiaojuzi is already very talented to be able to come up with such an original song in a short period of time.

What's more, according to the news disclosed by Xiaojuzi during the live broadcast, this song [Liu Piao] should not be the best song in Xiaojuzi's hands!
If it goes on like this, it's a bit too scary.

Maybe, Xiaojuzi can really complete the transformation from an Internet celebrity anchor to a celebrity with her song debut!

Soon, the song reached the chorus.

The song "Dujiang" that Liu Piao and Brother Li had just sung was instantly judged.

Crossing the river is obviously a lower class in front of Liu Piao.

If you really want to compare, take out the song Let Me Be Your Eyes, maybe you can win firmly.

Sitting in the trade union office, the fifth child watched the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi on the computer, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

The attitude of Xiaojuzi just now, today's incident obviously does not want Brother Li to get over it.

And their Daheng plan was forced to make temporary adjustments by Brother Li, so they had no plan to make a move today.

Today's temporary decision is to open a Super King in Li Ge's live broadcast room and hit 1000 million, but if Lehua starts a war with Daheng at this time, it will be really difficult for him tonight.

Brother Hua on the side also obviously noticed this.

However, Brother Hua's attitude is a little calm.

The fifth child didn't care about monitoring the live broadcast room of both parties, and walked to Brother Hua in two steps.

"Brother Hua, today's matter may not end well."

"If Xiao Xiao seized this opportunity to make a fuss, we Daheng might not be able to step down today."

Brother Hua smiled.

"I can agree with Li Ge to start broadcasting tonight, so I have naturally considered this aspect."

"According to our estimates during the day, Xiao Xiao can spend at most 5000 million on Xingxiu's side this month. We still have 8000 million in Daheng's hands. How about it?"

"But it's impossible for us to transfer all the funds tonight?"

The fifth child was still not at ease.

Brother Li is not the only anchor in Daheng.

Xiaofei, Xia Nuan, and Daozi, at least half of them are not left out?

You can't give Li Ge all the brushes, right?

The other small anchors will not say anything, just give up when they should give up.

From Lao Wu's point of view, it's almost enough to give Brother Li more than 1 million to 2000 million at most, which is also the limit of their Daheng.

Although this month's focus is on Brother Li, he also has to consider the feelings of the three top anchors, Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei.

If you are not in charge, you don't know how difficult it is to keep a bowl of water level.

Tilting so many resources to Brother Li is already the limit of what he can do this month.

If it goes any further, I'm afraid Xia Nuan, the head anchor who has come to steal her first sister's position from Brother Li, will be the first to make trouble.

Being a family is hard!
"Don't worry, since you can think about it that way, Xiao Xiao naturally thinks about it that way."

"He only has such a small quota this month, and today he will only spend 8000 million at most."

Brother Hua waved his hand and was not worried.

He and Xiao Xiao exchanged a lot of times, and with today's psychological profiling, he still has some understanding of Xiao Xiao.

In his opinion, Xiao Xiao's scheming and calculations are top-notch, and he is on the same level as him.

Since this kind of person wants to choose to be a trade union, he must be similar to him in terms of consideration.

After all, everyone has the same ability, and most of the ideas are the same.

Seeing Brother Hua's confident appearance, Lao Wu felt unconfident about Brother Hua for the first time.

Brother Hua is right.

Just in case
Xiao Xiao is so reckless
Just a wave of Stud?
(End of this chapter)

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