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Chapter 248 Want to coerce the platform, dreaming!

Chapter 248 Want to coerce the platform, dreaming!

The fifth child is not too relieved, but the matter has come to this point, he can only bite the bullet and make a move.

At present, the two live broadcast rooms are secretly singing and competing, and neither of them intends to make a move in advance.

Brother Li wanted to make a move at first, but when she saw the bullet screen saying that Xiaojuzi was not ready to fight until 11 o'clock, she stopped temporarily.

For the current moment, it's just some big brothers in the live broadcast room swiping the treasure map to build up their momentum.

"I'll go up first too."

Junjun got on the account and swiped in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi first.

Xiao Xiao, Beibei, and Xiao Huya were not on the account tonight, and he and a few of Xiaojuzi's resident elder brothers were in the live broadcast room.

Although it is impossible to do a lot of swiping, it is not a problem to swip twenty or thirty treasure maps.

"Thank you Junjun, thank you Chengzi, thank you Baoge for the treasure map, thank you everyone."

During the interval between Xiaojuzi's singing, he took advantage of his spare time to thank the big brother in the live broadcast room.

As the treasure map kept swiping the screen, the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room gradually increased.

More and more tourists in Xingxiu District saw the live broadcast on both sides, and with the mentality of watching the excitement, the popularity of the live broadcast room gathered more and more.

At 10:30, the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room had reached 40 without Shenhao.

And the popularity of Brother Li's live broadcast room is even better, just one step away from breaking 50.

Tiger Bud Headquarters.

Vice President Du had already gone home, but he hurried back after receiving a temporary notice.

While lamenting his suffering, he pushed open the glass door of the company.

"President Du."

Lanlan and Guoguo greeted her one after the other.

"How is the situation now, is there a fight between the two sides?"

Vice President Du asked.

"Not yet. Just now I saw that Xiaojuzi announced that it will start at eleven o'clock in the evening. Brother Li should also mean the same."

Lan Lan replied.

"Eleven o'clock, that's half an hour."

Vice President Du looked at the time and frowned slightly.

To be honest, Brother Li really did not expect to vote for Daheng this time.

In his opinion, Brother Li took a signing fee of 5000 million, so he should not worry about making money. For example, Miss in the game area next door, although it is [-] million in three years, the signing fee for a single year is not as high as that of Li Ge, but Miss does not. Intention to join other trade unions.

And brother Li's operation really surprised him.

In his plan, there should be no shadow of Brother Li at this event in July.

But things have come to this point, there is nothing to do, Brother Li's influence on the entire network is there, and now joining Daheng, Daheng will definitely support her with all his strength.

Once Brother Li is allowed to rise in the July event, his plan to weaken Daheng will really not work.

At that time, the entire Huya platform will inevitably become the situation where the Daheng family dominates again. During this period of time, he has done all the work of draining and supporting Daheng.

Vice President Du looked at Guoguo.

"Mr. Du, I really don't know."

Guoguo waved her hands again and again, with a bitter expression on her face.

Although her heart is towards Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, since the last competition, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua have not trusted her very much, and they have ignored her at all during this time. Not at all.

Although she hoped that the Daheng family would dominate, she definitely couldn't say that in front of Vice President Du.

"Mr. Du, Xiaojuzi chose to fight Brother Li today, which means that Xiaojuzi still has a lot of chances of winning. You don't have to worry too much."

Lanlan opened her mouth to comfort her.

"I'm not worried about this." Vice President Du smiled wryly.

"Today's matter, no matter which side wins, we will feel uncomfortable."

"Brother Li wins, Daheng will dominate the Huya family in the future, and all the gift flow of our platform will be in Daheng's hands. For example, if there is an event, Daheng can't organize it if he doesn't want to."

"And if Little Orange wins, Brother Li, who we invited with 5000 million people, will definitely be slapped in the face, and Huya's official credibility will also be affected by Brother Li's failure, especially those who came to Huya after seeing Brother Li. Tourists, we haven’t had time to convert them into platform users.”

Vice President Du sighed again.

Although she didn't finish her sentence, Lanlan still understood what Vice President Du meant.

It is very likely that part of Li Ge fans who spent 5000 million to attract fans will leave with Li Ge's failure this time.

For the Huya platform, this is a real loss.

"At times like this, we can only choose the lesser of two evils. In my opinion, let Brother Li win. Anyway, the little orange's loss won't affect too much."

Guoguo stepped forward and said.

Vice President Du and Lanlan looked at Guoguo with puzzled expressions.

This guy, did he go out without a brain?
Who wins and who loses is their Huya officials who have the final say?
At best, they just adjust their popularity and secretly give small recommendations.

Who can win the pk, it still depends on which side's big brother is strong?

When did this thing become their Tiger Bud dictatorship?

Guoguo knew that this sentence missed the point, so she smiled awkwardly, and didn't dare to speak much when she sat next to her.

"Lanlan, come with me."

Vice President Du waved his hand and walked into his office first.

Guoguo wanted to follow, but Vice President Du didn't call her, and she was too embarrassed to follow, so she had to watch Brother Li's live broadcast on the computer.

In the office, Vice President Du closed the door first.

"Mr. Du, what do you think should be done tonight?"

"Although Guoguo was talking nonsense just now, one sentence in it is still good."

"The two evils are the lesser of two evils. Compared with Daheng dominating Huya, it is more cost-effective to give up some platform fans."

Vice President Du shook his head.

"By the way, is Xiao Xiao online tonight?"

"Online, I have already contacted after nine o'clock, Brother Xiao Xiao replied to me that he will watch Daheng play first, and he will make a move last."

Lan Lan replied with a smile.

Hearing Lan Lan's reply, Vice President Du was completely relieved.

He is very clear about Xiao Xiao's strength.

Although now he is not sure how much Daheng will swipe tonight, but since Xiao Xiao has said so, Lehua's side still has a great chance of winning.

After all, Baldy and Little Orange also took a lot of gift share last month, and now those golden beans are all on the account.

"Download all the recommendations from other star show anchors tonight, and double the supply after this event is over. Every recommended position in the star show area will be shared equally between Xiaojuzi and Brother Li."

"By the way, those big data recommendations are all given to Xiaojuzi, and the most obvious barrage recommendations are also ranked ahead of Brother Li."

Vice President Du thought about it, and then said.

Whether it is from a long-term perspective or from a larger perspective, he cannot let the Daheng family dominate.

It's just a Li brother, although it can bring a lot of traffic to the platform, but if you want to use this traffic to threaten the entire platform.
Vice President Du can only reply to her, thinking too much!
 Also, the update is late today, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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