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Chapter 249 The favoritism of the platform, Guoguo is about to cry

Chapter 249 The favoritism of the platform, Guoguo is about to cry
Although Huya is not an old-fashioned platform, it has been in operation for nearly two years, and it is considered a leader in the live broadcasting industry.

With YY's huge capital injection, it naturally has its background.

If it's another anchor on this platform, let alone cooperating with the labor union, even job-hopping and lawsuits, Vice President Du is not afraid.

Of course, this is also related to the platform contracts they signed with the anchors. As long as the anchors want to change jobs, they have almost no choice but to pay high liquidated damages.

That is to say, a popular anchor like Brother Li who came over by air can make Vice President Du think more about the consequences and costs of this matter.

But that's all.

Wanting to rely on their own popularity to provoke their official courage, Vice President Du can only reply that she is dreaming.

What's more, in the past half a month, Huya has converted a considerable part of the traffic, and most of the remaining part will not leave with Brother Li's failure.

After all, brother Li only lost one pk, and he was not forced to leave Huya by Lehua, so the situation is not that bad.

On the contrary, the biggest threat to Huya is the trade union forces, especially the dog-skinned trade union forces like Daheng.

If Daheng is really allowed to annex Lehua, if Xiao Xiao is really allowed to withdraw from Huya, then Huya will really become Daheng's all-in-one.

At that time, he, the executive deputy general manager, will inevitably be emptied, and at least half of Huya's revenue will have to be used as Daheng's wedding dress.

As for holding another event, that would be a joke.

There is only one union anchor left on the entire platform, how can they compete and how can the platform be active.

In a trade union where seniority is considered, what is the point of you coming to be number one this month and I being number one next month?
If you pay hundreds of thousands to the anchor who is going to be number one, everyone will stop, so where will Huya's revenue come from?
Vice President Du absolutely didn't want to see this kind of consequence.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Lan Lan nodded.

Lanlan and Vice President Du have so many different considerations, of course she hopes that Lehua can win.

Like Guoguo, she also gets a commission. Naturally, she hopes that her elder brother can enjoy playing on the platform. After all, if the elder brother plays well, they will get more commission.

Relying on Brother Xiao Xiao's consumption commission for the past two months, she has already bought a house in her hometown, and even bought a luxury car!
After leaving Vice President Du's office, regardless of Guoguo's expression, he turned on the computer and made recommendations for Xiaojuzi.

"This cover post, why did you give Xiaojuzi number one?"

"No, you can call me Brother Li."

Seeing Lanlan's operation, Guoguo looked unhappy.

"If you have the ability, go talk to Mr. Du and ask Mr. Du to assign you the right to recommend this time."

Lanlan didn't hesitate at all, she gave Guoguo a glance and then pushed back.


Guoguo was speechless for a while, and immediately became timid.

If Mr. Du can let her be recommended, why can't she even enter the door of Mr. Du's office?
After getting along during this time, she also knew that Lan Lan was not easy to mess with, so she could only hum and ignore her.

Anyway, the two cover feeds are broadcast in rotation, although the effect is worse, but it's not much worse, so she doesn't care.

Lanlan clicks Submit, and then passes the review again.

Open the Xingxiu area of ​​Huya's live broadcast and refresh it.

Sure enough, the next moment, the big picture recommendation at the top had turned into Little Orange's live broadcast room.

After testing a few recommended positions again, Lanlan nodded in satisfaction.

Opening the water glass and taking a sip of water, looking at Guoguo next to her, Lanlan felt guilty for doing something bad.

After a round of big recommendations, the popularity of the two people who were originally stable in the live broadcast room increased rapidly again.

Tonight, almost all the exposure in the Xingxiu District was given to the two.

And more and more tourists from Lehua's and Daheng's families also knew that their anchor was competing with the opposite side, and they came to help out one after another.

Soon, the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast broke through 50, and it was still slowly approaching Brother Li.

"Did you see that, this is Brother Xiao Xiao's card."

Baldy posted a screenshot of the homepage of Xingxiu District in the WeChat group, laughing and joking.

He originally had a small recommendation tonight, but just now the platform sent him a private message and transferred it to him five days later.

He originally wanted to see who was the top position, but just after refreshing, he saw that Xiaojuzi and Brother Li's recommendation positions were hanging at the top of the Xingxiu District, and then he understood what Huya's official action was What's the meaning.

"Hahaha, we are still number one."

Yang Zi also sent a hahaha expression.

Although the recommendation effect is not much different, the meaning of the No. [-] position is different.

In any case, Xiaojuzi has already surpassed Brother Li in terms of recommendations.

From here, we can also see the bias of the platform.

It seems that in this wave of pk, Vice President Du must hope that Lehua can win.

"I'll download the broadcast first, Yang Zi, you will be the first to send out the money in your hand, and Xiaojuzi and I will transfer all the gold beans to Sister Feifei, and the fifth guy will use the trumpet of the fourth as the union account." , we, Lehua, will also make one!"

"it is good."

"no problem."

Both Yang Zi and Xiao Juzi replied in the group.

They have already discussed the matter of creating a guild account last time.

Although everyone's money is used, this matter is still necessary.

No matter what, Sister Feifei's name had to be played out, so that she could have an extra card when she played against Daheng in the future.

As for these anchors, it really doesn't matter whether they brush or not.

Lao Wu has been monitoring Lehua's movements.

Seeing that the bald man was broadcasting, Lao Wu knew that Lehua was going to make a move.

Following the 60 to [-] visitors airborne by the bald man, the popularity of Little Orange's live broadcast instantly jumped to [-].

Through the glass door of the live broadcast room, Lao Wu gestured to Xiao Fei inside.

"Today is the day when our new Daheng anchor Li Ge starts broadcasting. I haven't mentioned this matter until now. I really didn't give Li Ge any face. Let me apologize here first."

When Xiaofei saw the fifth child, he immediately understood and spoke in the live broadcast room with a smile.

"Brother Fei, what are you talking about, you are the first brother Xingxiu, you can broadcast as soon as you want!"

"That's right, Brother Fei, we came to Huya to watch your live broadcast, other people's live broadcasts are boring!"

Most of the fans in the live broadcast room were Daheng's die-hard fans. As soon as Xiao Fei spoke, the fans in the live broadcast room supported him one after another.

"Thank you everyone, it's just too emotional, I should cooperate with Brother Li to make my debut today, so today I will be an hour earlier, and everyone will go to Brother Li's live broadcast room to support me, and we can't let others underestimate us Feijia The army isn't it?"

Xiaofei said a few more words, and also parachuted the tourists in the live broadcast room to Brother Li's live broadcast room.

Brother Li saw the number in the live broadcast jump suddenly, and got up to welcome him again and again.

"Welcome to all the big brothers and fans of Brother Fei's family, welcome everyone!"

Brother Li looked happy, she knew it very well.

Tonight's final is coming!

 Tomorrow's update is still a little later, and there will be another wave on the weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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