Chapter 251
The fifth child was not in a hurry, and slowly brushed through the gifts, but he became wary of Sister Lele's new account in his heart.

The 2000 million gift in his hand is used to procrastinate for a long time. After a while, Brother Jiu will do it himself, and a group of 10 yuan will be swiped. It will take a few minutes to catch up with Lehua. It is meaningless to do too much now.

It doesn’t even matter if you scroll until [-]:[-] tonight, after all, tonight is only the third day of the event, and the event doesn’t end at [-]:[-], as long as the gifts continue, it’s the same thing if you scroll until [-]:[-] in the morning.

He didn't care about the speed of collecting gifts, but he had to care about the new Lele sister.

Brother Hua sitting next to him also frowned slightly, with some doubts in his expression.

The sudden Lele sister is not the same as Xiao Xiao.

Since Xiao Xiao entered Huya, she has been collecting gifts step by step, and her purpose was not strong at the beginning.

Although it was the fan festival in the middle of the year, they could see the fact that Xiao Xiao was throwing money everywhere.

But this sister Lele has never been active on the platform before. The first time she made a move was in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room today. The purpose is also very clear, it is to promote activities for Xiaojuzi.

There are really not many such gods on the Huya platform.

There are a few in Douyu, but most of them have already become famous, and they will definitely not come to Huya to play a trumpet, let alone a goddess.

"This Lele sister should be the guild account newly supported by Lehua."

The fifth child guessed.

"It should be that the former Lehua was unable to build a guild account. Now that Xiao Xiao has injected a large amount of money after becoming a shareholder, it is normal to have such financial resources."

Brother Jiu was sitting on the sofa bored, and Xia Nuan, who was not live-streaming, was sitting next to Brother Jiu, graciously knocking melon seeds for Brother Jiu.

Putting the phone on Xia Nuan's white belly, Brother Jiu said while lying on Xia Nuan's lap enjoying the melon seed service.

"Old Jiu is right. The union manager at Lehua's side is called Sister Feifei, and Sister Lele's name, Le, just corresponds to Lehua's name. In addition, both of them are women. If it doesn't matter, it's a little bit What a coincidence."

Brother Hua also figured it out now, and nodded with a smile.

If it's just a trade union number, Daheng doesn't need to care too much about it.

Lehua's assets are only so much, whether it's Xiao Xiaoshou or this Lele sister, it doesn't matter to Daheng, and it won't increase their cost of confrontation in the slightest.

"Fifth, speed up a little bit, 2000 million will be in place within half an hour."

Brother Hua glanced at the time.

It has been 15 minutes, and the fifth child has only swiped more than 600 million.

Although the speed is very fast, after all, it is at [-] swipes, and the increase in gifts is indeed a bit slow.

"Okay, then I will increase the amount a little bit."

The fifth child nodded slightly, and then adjusted the number of gifts each time to 20 Huya No. [-], which became [-] once.

"Everyone, work harder, those who have tiger food, take a wave of tiger food, and those who have light sticks, take a wave of light sticks, cheer for the fourth brother!"

In the live broadcast room, Brother Li shouted passionately.

This time, the popularity of her live broadcast has almost reached 80, and the number of subscriptions has jumped by hundreds every few seconds.

In ten minutes, the number of subscriptions increased by nearly [-]!
Although there are already tens of millions of gifts from the little orange next door, Brother Li still doesn't panic at all.

She knew very well where Daheng's bottom line was tonight.

With hundreds of millions of funds, she didn't think that Xiaojuzi could beat her at all!
It's just brushing in the morning and brushing in the evening. You know, Brother Jiu is in Daheng's office now. As soon as the fifth child finishes brushing, Brother Jiu will immediately pick up a big rhythm.

At the same time, Brother Li felt complacent.

Xiao Xiao is not online tonight, relying on Lehua's strength alone, it is impossible to beat her.

Coupled with her sudden attack tonight, it can be said that the right time and place are with her, and it is difficult to lose!
"Congratulations to Brother Li for joining Daheng, Xiao Xiao will congratulate you."

"+1, Brother Li's song Crossing the River is not bad, keep up the good work!"

"Don't forget to post the short videos on Douyin, I don't come here much from Huya, mainly for Douyin."

"Emperor [Li Gefan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Douyin Xiaowang Zha] sent Huya No. 66*[-]!"


In the live broadcast room, the big brothers from Brother Li's series donated generously.

"Thank you big brothers, thank you big brothers for your support, there will definitely be a steady stream of new songs in the future!"

More than a dozen big brothers in the live broadcast room swiped in a round, and there were 80 million more gifts immediately.

Brother Li was quite pleasantly surprised to receive these unexpected gifts.

Another glance at the little orange across the way, except for those big brothers who are resident in the live broadcast room, the other big brothers are also small brushes, and there are basically no seven or eight emperor big brothers like her live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Brother Li suddenly became more motivated.

In the live broadcast room, a group of tourists from Daheng was even more confident by Brother Li's current state.

Except for some diehard fans of Daheng, many former tourists of Daheng are on the verge of losing their fans.

After all, Xia Nuan and Knife did lose a bit miserably some time ago, especially Xia Nuan, who was even blocked by the official live broadcast room.

For those Daheng fans whose hearts are higher than the sky, Daheng's anchor can't bring them the sense of honor they want, and it is natural to lose fans.

But the grand occasion of Brother Li's live broadcast room today rekindled their fighting spirit.

In just a short while, there were seven or eight big emperors with Brother Li's brand on them, and there were also seven or eight big emperors of the Daheng line.

As for the king, there are countless.

Fifteen emperor brothers, more than 80 king brothers!

Compared with Xia Nuan at her peak, she is even twice as popular.

Compared with the current Little Orange, it is also much more popular.

Xiaojuzi was very brilliant before, but at that time, most of the millions of tourists in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room were tourists from the game area to join in the fun. Most of them are the emperor account and the king account opened by the anchor, and there are not many real consumers.

This is much worse than the quality of fans in Brother Li's current live broadcast room.

And for tourists like them who were disheartened by Daheng before, it was even more a shot in the arm.

They haven't lost yet!

If you lose with Xia Nuan, you can definitely get it back with Brother Li!

"Everyone in the Daheng Group, let's go together and kill Lehua tonight!"

"Just do it, I just heard from some old fans that Xiao Xiao is not here tonight, and the winning rate tonight is 100%!"

"Damn Lehua, Daheng is the number one guild on the platform!"

For a while, many fans of Daheng bought gifts one after another.

There are also many tourists who spent a lot of living expenses after paying for cigarettes.

Under the joint efforts of the big brothers and the fans in the live broadcast room, it was not even enough for Sister Feifei and Bald Yangzi to brush together.

There was no longer a slight distance between the leading list of several million.

"Brother Li's fan club is really fierce, no wonder Daheng tried his best to support Brother Li."

"This is too ruthless. Apart from the gift from Daheng, Brother Li's fan club is about to reach 100 million. If this continues, it is estimated that 200 million will be no problem."

The bald man was amazed.

As expected of the super first-line Internet celebrities in the whole network, the background of fans is indeed beyond their comparison.

Take the bald man as an example, it's okay for the eldest brother to pay 50 million yuan, or even millions.

But the money is all for the big brother to rebate, so the big brother doesn't actually spend much.

Ke Li's big brothers, tonight's actions are obviously real!

In this regard, he really had to admit Brother Li's ability.

Leaving aside trade unions and brother Xiao Xiao, talking about hard power in Huya, I am afraid that the anchors Miss and Uzi, who are also superstars, can meet Brother Li.

In the Xingxiu District, in terms of hard power of fans, Brother Li is definitely the number one without any suspense!

He can't be bald, neither can Yang Zi, and even now there is a faint trend of becoming the first sister of the platform.
No, no!
 Tomorrow weekend, write a big chapter, at least [-].

(End of this chapter)

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