Chapter 252 The official war after 500 million (big chapter)

Lan Lan had sent Liu Xiao a WeChat message before, so Liu Xiao naturally knew what happened to Hu Ya.

Liu Xiao did not expect Daheng to support Brother Li. Liu Xiao originally planned to go online to see the situation, but he also wanted to see what kind of moth Daheng was going to do, and he was still counting Taobao stores. For the matter, there is no number on it for the time being.

But the live broadcast was still hanging on the sidelines, listening and playing, after all, the song [Liu Piao] that Zhao Ning just sang was very good.

"Sister Lele is probably the guild account created by Lehua."

Zhao Ning told him about this several times when he came to the house a few days ago.

Although Brother Li's live broadcast room is very powerful at this time, these loyal fans of Brother Li will only come out in a wave at most, at most a few million gifts, and the impact on the overall situation is not too big.

After looking at it for a while, Liu Xiao once again turned his attention to the data on the computer. The statistics of the Taobao store's revenue during this period of time are almost finished by the last point.

In the live broadcast room, the gift in Yang Zi's hand was finished first.

"Yang Ziniubi, this means that you have wiped out all your wealth, right?"

"Yang Zi, you are too ruthless. You can't even imitate the bald man. At least save some money for yourself this month!"

"It is estimated that Yang Zi will still get my money for instant noodles this month, and the barrels will become bags."

In the live broadcast room, a group of Yang Zi's fans made fun of him.

They all counted how many gifts Yang Zi received during this time, and Yang Zi also spent a lot of money on treating his sister some time ago, and now he has paid nearly 700 million, so he must have little money.

"Hahaha, the money will be settled at the end of the month, and Sister Orange will give me [-]% back. Then I will be a good guy again!"

"As for the brother who just said that I want to share your money for instant noodles, I can only say that I still have three or five yuan, and I always have crisp noodles at home."

Yang Zi laughed and typed a few bullet screens on the public screen.

There is no need to shy away from the cashback of his swiping gifts. After all, he is not the big brother of the platform. He and Xiaojuzi are anchors of the same series, and mutual support is also normal.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I thought that Xiaojuzi made a lot of money this time, but it turns out that they have to return cash."

"With Yang Zi's picky personality, it's not bad to get half of it out, so don't embarrass him."

The eldest brothers of Xiaojuzi's family also spoke one after another.

Yang Zi's popularity in Huya Xingxiu is quite high at present, and he shoots at Daheng every day, and his mouth is very poisonous. They, the big brothers of the Lehua family, usually like to go and have a look when they have time.

Although the big brothers in the live broadcast room were all mocking, it was still a bit more of a joke.

The audience in the live broadcast room can also see it, and the barrage of hahaha is constantly swiping the screen.

Compared with Yang Zi, Baldy's hand speed is slightly slower.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Zi had finished swiping more than Yang Zi, Yang Zi's 700 million gifts had already been swiped, and he only swiped out more than 200 million.

Sister Feifei was a little slower, and now has reached 500 million.

In addition, the other big brothers in the live broadcast room also paid close to 200 million. In order to fight more in the later battle scene, Sister Feifei didn't plan to continue swiping, and stopped at this quota.

"It will be 700 million soon, Little Orange can do it tonight."

"The bald man will probably reach 2000 million if he spends a little more time?"

"The 300 million quota is nothing to a bald man."

"The bald man has at least 4000 to 500 million, let alone 1000 million, even if it's [-] million, it's not a trivial matter!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited.

They don't doubt Baldy's strength.

Brother Xiao Xiao made 4000 million in Baldy's live broadcast room last month. Even if [-]% or [-]% is raised for the union and platform, there is still a quota of [-] to [-] million!
Of course, as the first brother of Lehua, the bald man must save some money for his own activities, but it is no problem to get a few million tonight, at least it is easy to get 2000 million in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi .

The 2000 million battle has not been played many times on the platform.

Even if Brother Li next door is very good, but now he has only reached 1000 and [-] million.

Most of the eldest brothers in Brother Li's live broadcast room have stopped scrolling, and only the fourth brother is still vigorously scrolling in the live broadcast room.

"Looks like I'm going to work harder."

The bald man straightened his face.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know what tonight's battle represented. Most of them had the mentality of watching the excitement, thinking that tonight's battle might stop at 2000 million.

But the bald man is clear in his heart, the confrontation tonight is a contest between Daheng and Lehua, a new trade union.

I am afraid that none of the gifts from both parties will be less than 5000 million, or even higher!

And the 1000 million in his hand is just to play the first battle with Yang Zi.

The old five has adjusted the gift to 2 once, and the bald man is not holding back, and the speed of gift swiping has also been adjusted to 2.

"Super God Emperor [Baldy] sent Huya No. 20*[-]!"


At the same time, the sluggish flow of gifts in Little Orange's live broadcast room increased rapidly again.

"Come on, Baldy!"

"Baldy Cowhide, brush until Brother Li goes bankrupt!"

Seeing that the bald man increased his size, there was another burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

The popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room has also completely gathered.

The growing popularity of Xingxiu District during this period has almost all been blessed to the live broadcast room of Brother Li and Xiaojuzi.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was flashing at a speed of thousands every second.

"Thank you bald brother, I wish bald brother hair regrowth, usher in the second spring of life."

The two sides were fighting each other, but Xiaojuzi didn't feel nervous at all. On the contrary, the air conditioner even spoke a few words to the bald man.

"I want to regrow my hair, but my concubine can't do it!"

The bald man made a few big white-eyed expressions.

"I am a shampoo agent for bald people. I have been specializing in hair growth for 30 years. If you have any needs, please contact me."

"It looks like a professional liar upstairs. I'm a surrogate. I don't know if you're interested, Brother Baldy."

"Is your house upstairs in the Mogao Grottoes?"

"???What's the meaning?"

"You talk a lot!"

"Cough, cough, everyone, watch the live broadcast carefully, friendship comes first."

Yang Zi saw the two tourists who were doing different businesses quarreling, so he hurried out to liven up the atmosphere.

"But the bald brother really needs to pay attention to this matter, otherwise it will be embarrassing if no one wants the second marriage."

When the bald man saw Yang Zi's wild laughing expressions just now, his face darkened immediately.

He was married before, but after being targeted by Daheng and hidden by the Liangkai trade union, his wife quarreled and divorced him.

Of course, it's fine for that kind of woman to leave. His bald man is living so well now, and that woman has no regrets.

Some time ago, this woman wanted to come and remarry, but the bald man didn't even open the corridor door.

"Yang Zi, you guys, it's fine to collect gossip about Daheng's anchor, but you even messed with your own people. Besides, you, a 26-year-old boy, don't mock me. Let's talk about when you solve your physical problems!"

The bald man was brushing gifts while wearing a dog head body protector.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the two people tearing each other up and broke the news on the public screen, and each of them couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm going on a blind date tomorrow, so don't worry about it, Brother Baldy, but Brother Baldy, you can still be so fast while chatting and brushing gifts. It seems that you have practiced your hand speed well during this time without a girlfriend."

"Where do you need a blind date? It's more suitable for you to ask for a child with a lot of money."

The two were tearing up on the public screen for a while, and Sister Feifei and Xiaojuzi's faces turned dark.

Is it really good to drive in a girl's live broadcast room?

The two of them tore each other for a while to liven up the atmosphere in the live broadcast room. The bald man had also sent more than 500 million gifts, and the flow of gifts in the live broadcast room officially exceeded 2000 million.

"The fourth child on the other side is going crazy, brother Li's gift turnover is almost 2000 million!"

Before the visitors in the live broadcast room were surprised, the flow of gifts from both sides both broke through, and there was no tendency to stop at all.

The bald man didn't care about bickering anymore, and the group of 20 brushed up one after another.

Soon, the gifts from both parties reached around 500 million.

The bald man stopped first, and then the fifth child gradually stopped.

"Is it finished?"

"Twenty-five million, is this a tie between the two sides?"

The current gift list of Xiaojuzi Live Studio is 520 million, while that of Brother Li is 540 million.

With such a huge number, the amount of 20 is not much different, and today is not the final, so it is basically a tie in the eyes of the audience.

"A tie is not bad. After all, we are facing Daheng and Brother Li. Today, Brother Xiaoxiao is not here. We still won."

"That's what you said, but Brother Jiu and Brother Hua didn't make a move either."

The audience in the live broadcast room was surprised.

The gifts on both sides are stopped at 500 million, which is a bit too accurate.

Could it be that the two sides discussed it in advance?

In Brother Li's live broadcast room, the audience also talked a lot.

Xiao Xiao was finally absent today, although it would be nice to have a tie, but it was far from meeting their psychological expectations.

But many Daheng fans have already paid out all the money in their hands, and this will already be powerless.

A few still have a few thousand yuan in their hands. Seeing the list of 500 million yuan, and then looking at the funds in their hands, after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

The money they put in will not change the big situation at all!
"Could it be that today we can only win a small wave?"

"Fourth brother, make another one million yuan, so we will win for sure!"

"Is there a big brother in the studio?"

For a while, the fans in Brother Li's live broadcast room were all anxious.

"Thank you fourth brother, thank you all the big brothers in the live broadcast room."

Brother Li smiled and thanked all the big brothers in the live broadcast room.

The 2000 million that the fifth child played was just a prelude.

Daheng has already added [-] million to Brother Jiu's account. Tonight, no matter how much Lehua wants to call, she will definitely be able to keep up.

In Daheng's office, Brother Jiu shook his neck and sat up.

I was really tired last night after playing with Xiao Ke all night, but I had a day off today, and my energy is basically back.

By the way, taking advantage of Xia Nuan, Brother Jiu took the phone that Xia Nuan handed over, and slowly pressed the login button on the upper right corner.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] enters the live broadcast room!"

(End of this chapter)

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