Chapter 253

"Welcome Brother Jiu!"

"Brother Jiu is here, brother Jiu beep!"

Seeing Brother Jiu go online, Daheng fans who were originally anxious immediately cheered again.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua are the pillars of their Daheng!

Although Xiao Xiao occasionally abuses him badly, Brother Jiu's thighs are still very hard when Xiao Xiao is not around. For many female anchors on Daheng's side, Brother Jiu's rewards are not small.

Brother Jiu even has a balance of [-] million this month, which is much harder than Brother Hua.

Last month, Brother Jiu made more than 6000 million yuan, while Brother Hua only made about 4000 million yuan. From the perspective of tourists, Brother Hua is obviously not as hard as Brother Jiu.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Brother Hua can't do it.

Fans of Daheng still have the same impression of Brother Hua as before. He is at the helm of a large group, spends little time playing Huya, and has strong financial strength, but he rarely appears in Huya.

Although he was beaten by Xiao Xiao once or twice, in terms of actual strength, he must be stronger than Brother Jiu.

"Brother Jiu is here, it's absolutely stable now!"

"I don't know how much Brother Jiu plans to fight tonight, but there should be no one on Lehua's side. I don't think they can handle as many fights!"

"Brother Jiu is up to 100 million, this one will win!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are very confident.

They counted the big brothers on Lehua's side, and they definitely couldn't compete with Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu saw cheers on the barrage in the live broadcast room, and thought he had returned to the outdoor area last night and the night before.

In his opinion, the tourists here in Xingxiu District were not like this a few days ago.

Even Brother Jiu was ready to be ridiculed by these Daheng tourists when he was going online, but he didn't expect these Daheng fans to cheer and welcome him?
Could it be that these professional trolls went to the outdoors for further training?

This is not scientific!
Although I don't know what the situation is, this kind of thing is naturally a good thing.

Originally he was thinking about how to explain that he hadn't beaten Xiao Xiao in Xingxiu a few times before, but his self-confidence suddenly returned.

"Good evening, everybody."

The super God Emperor's special effects went around, and Brother Jiu's words were even thicker and thicker. With the color of pure gold, nearly 80 visitors in the live broadcast room all saw this speech.

"Welcome Brother Jiu to go online, good evening Brother Jiu!"

Brother Li also quickly opened his mouth to welcome.

Although Brother Jiu is also working in a trade union, Brother Jiu also spends a lot of money on his own. As long as he promotes it well, it's not a problem for Brother Jiu to give her an extra million in net income a month.

She cared more about this God of Wealth than she did about the fifth child.

After all, the fifth child is only in the trade union, and the fifth child will not show up when she is not doing activities. She can't get a penny from the fifth child.

Compared with Brother Jiu, the fifth child is far behind.

But brother Jiu naturally didn't come to take care of her gifts tonight, he came with a trade union mission.

Brother Jiu didn't hesitate, watching the barrage after wave of barrages in the live broadcast room, he waved his hand and directly adjusted the number of gifts from Huya No. 100 to [-] at a time.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*2*[-] combos!"


"Brother Jiu, Niubi, the face of the hand is different, just 100 times!"

"This is Brother Jiu, Huya's top three brother Shenhao!"

"I think Huya should also give Brother Jiu a brand of No. [-] Shenhao!"

Brother Jiu earned 60 for Huya No. 2600 in six consecutive groups, directly broke the list of Little Orange, and pushed Brother Li's list to [-] million, allowing Brother Li to reach the number one position in the event.

Brother Jiu felt complacent for a while.

The 100 rounds of Huya No. [-], but Daheng deliberately reserved for him, the purpose is to give him a better opening.

So far, this goal has been fully achieved.

Although I don't know what happened to these tourists in the live broadcast room, but the feeling of swiping gifts is quite cool.

Brother Jiu no longer controlled the speed of swiping gifts, and typed out one group after another.

As soon as Brother Jiu appeared, the tourists in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room at this time were a little at a loss.

They thought Brother Jiu would be playing outside in the past few days, but they didn't expect to come to Brother Li's live broadcast room suddenly tonight.

Brother Jiu doesn't look very good at ordinary times, but that's because Brother Xiao Xiao is there. Brother Jiu was very embarrassed when Brother Xiao Xiao hit Brother Jiu with his head, but Brother Xiao Xiao is not online today, so the effect of Brother Jiu's shots is a bit too scary.

A group of 1, in less than 400 minute, Brother Jiu swiped [-] million!

Before he got over it, Brother Li's list had already surpassed ten million.

This is the true strength of Huya's top three gods!

As for Xiaojuzi, apart from Yang Zi and Bald Zi, Sister Lele took the most shots tonight, with 500 million swipes, followed by three big brothers, Beibei and Junjun Xingjue, who more or less swiped all of them. Hundreds of thousands.

But now that Big Brother Xiao Huya is not here, Brother Xiao Xiao is not here, they can't think of any other big brother who can make a move
In Lehua's office on the other side, Sister Feifei saw Brother Jiu making a move, and knew that the time had come for her to make a move.

After making a show for so long, isn't it just to launch the union account she made?
Tonight's live broadcast is not the final, Hua Ge will definitely not be on it.

Furthermore, Daheng's main C this month is not Brother Hua.

Since Brother Jiu made a move at this time, Brother Jiu must be Daheng's last line tonight.

As long as they can win Brother Jiu, Lehua will win tonight's pk.

Seeing the barrage of tourists in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, Sister Feifei followed Brother Jiu and also adjusted the number of gifts to 100 at a time. Don't hesitate, just open it!
"Super God Emperor [Sister Lele] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


Brother Jiu's side is once every two seconds, while Sister Feifei's side doesn't have a controller at all, and the speed of the hand is adjusted to the fastest as soon as the brush is turned on!
In less than a second, there is a gift message!
"Niubi, is Sister Lele going to fight Brother Jiu?"

"Damn it, sister Lele's hand speed is almost half that of Brother Xiao Xiao, 100 million in ten seconds!"

Following Sister Feifei's move, all the tourists in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

Originally, in their opinion, Sister Feifei's strength should be very good.

But this strength is at most equivalent to Brother Xiaohuya, and they never thought about comparing themselves with Brother Jiu and Brother Xiao Xiao.

And when Sister Feifei stopped just after reaching 500 million, it was more in line with their reservation plan.

But now, Sister Feifei has chosen to be tough with Brother Jiu!

You know, if Brother Jiu makes a move, it's all at the tens of millions level!
This level of arrogance, even Big Brother Xiaohuya, can't participate, let alone Huya's other gods.

Not a level at all!
Tourists in the live broadcast room looked at Xiaojuzi who was broadcasting live.

Although Xiaojuzi was expressing her gratitude to Sister Lele in the live broadcast room, she didn't have any surprised look on her face, obviously she knew about it a long time ago.

Many viewers took a closer look and immediately had guesses.

"It seems that Xiaojuzi made an agreement with Sister Lele in advance. No wonder she didn't hesitate to face Daheng tonight."

"Do you think that Sister Lele is a wealthy relative of Xiaojuzi's family? I have never seen Sister Lele spend on the platform before."

"It's possible, Sister Lele hasn't said much in the live broadcast room, she looks like a hero!"

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room echoed.

"I don't know if Sister Lele can spend more than Brother Jiu tonight. Even if Brother Jiu doesn't get all of the 8000 million, if he only gets half of it, there will be 4000 to [-] million!"

 Thank you for the reward of 4800 book coins

  Thanks: 588 book currency reward

  Thanks to A for knocking on the sap: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thank you Lord Do: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks for this embarrassment: 100 book currency reward

(End of this chapter)

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