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Chapter 254 Xiao Ke and Xia Nuan also have to kneel!

Chapter 254 Xiao Ke and Xia Nuan also have to kneel!

The tourist's barrage was sent out, and many viewers saw it.

They also couldn't help thinking about it.

Everyone knows that Brother Jiu has [-] million in his hands this month.

Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I played 2000 million outdoors, and now there is still a balance of 8000 million.

If Brother Jiu really plays hard tonight, it is possible to push the list of Brother Li's live broadcast room to 1 million.

Although Sister Lele also made a shot here, it was the first time Sister Kelele appeared on the Huya platform after all, and they didn't think Sister Lele could make so many shots.

Like Brother Xiao Xiao, there are only a few of them in this world who can hit a hundred million casually.

"However, Brother Jiu probably won't play so much. Brother Jiu has always been the resident brother in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room. I guess Brother Jiu's boss is on Xia Nuan's side."

"That's right, Brother Jiu will also give Xiao Fei a little bit. Although the anchors on Daheng's side are not very good, they still have strength."

"Brother Li, it's only 4000 to [-] million at most."

"I just don't know if Sister Lele is so awesome."

The barrage in the live broadcast room kept flying, and everyone was discussing the chances of Sister Lele beating Brother Jiu.

Although Sister Lele is currently brushing very fast, most viewers are still not very optimistic.

After all, Brother Jiu's real financial resources are stored there.

If Brother Jiu didn't win after swiping 3000 million, Brother Jiu might increase his stake again. Sister Kelele's financial resources are definitely not as rich as Brother Jiu's, so she lost a lot innately!

"Daheng is so stupid, he took advantage of brother Xiaoxiao's absence to carry out sneak attacks and bully us old comrades!"

"If you can support me a little bit, I will give you the money for the last pack of cigarettes. It happens to be a good thing to quit smoking this month!"

"Similarly, I quit smoking this month, just because of the song that Xiaojuzi played before, I can't let Daheng win!"

"I don't want Daheng's trash to win, let's spend some of this month's living expenses!"

Tourists in the live broadcast room echoed one after another.

They all know Xiaojuzi's strength. It hasn't been long since he debuted in Huya. Although he is now one of the top Internet celebrities, but in the case of Brother Xiaoxiao not making a move, the strength of the fans and the big brother is definitely not as popular as it is popular all over the world. Lige from the net.

They also stayed in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room for a long time during this period, and Xiaojuzi's singing ability really conquered their large group of fans.

And in the big environment of Huya, Xiaojuzi’s live broadcast format is also very attractive to them. Apart from these official events, Xiaojuzi only connects with the anchor once or twice a day, and spends most of the time singing.

It’s not like Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei at Daheng’s side. The live broadcast is either for activities, or for pk games, and it’s a long-term gift. It’s just that they don’t dance well and talk about talk shows. The live broadcast effect is far worse than that of Xiaojuzi up.

The situation of Xiaojuzi is also a projection of most anchors in Lehua.

Many of Lehua's anchors mainly focus on singing and dancing.

This is also the reason why Lehua was able to gather such a large number of fans in a short period of time, apart from Brother Xiao Xiao's support.

"Thank you for your gifts. Everyone must remember to do what they can when giving gifts. Every bit of your support is my biggest motivation."

"There are also a few friends who just said that they want to collect living expenses. I thank you for your kindness, but the gift is still forgotten. Watching the live broadcast does not necessarily require a lot of gifts."

Xiaojuzi thanked her again and again.

Although there were not many gifts from fans, thousands of people gave gifts at the same time, and some of the big brothers paid thousands of them, adding up to more than [-].

Although it's nothing to Xiaojuzi, it's not a small amount of income for ordinary anchors.

"The new song [Liu Piao] just released, I will sing it again."

Xiaojuzi cleared her throat, turned off the background music in the studio, and turned on Liu Piao's accompaniment.

In the trade union, Sister Feifei saw that the popularity of Little Orange's live broadcast room has risen sharply again, and the speed of giving gifts is also getting faster and faster.

It was within her expectation that Brother Jiu made a move.

Brother Jiu currently only has 8000 million gifts in his hand, even if all the gifts are collected and added to the ones from the fans of Lao Wu and Brother Li, the maximum is 500 million.

And although she doesn't have that much in her hand now, she still has 500 million, plus the previous call is exactly [-] million.

Although they still haven't won, to be honest, there is not much difference between 500 million and 500 million. If Daheng is really serious with Xiaojuzi, at worst, she will raise some funds to make up for the [-] million.

Lehua is not big, but after spending so much money today, is it not a matter of getting a 500 million loan?

Furthermore, they, Lehua, never said that they were declaring war on Daheng from the beginning to the end today, but they were just silently playing the rankings.

When the presents are almost finished, Xiaojuzi can still say modestly, saying congratulations to brother Li for joining Daheng, and it can also show Xiaojuzi's generosity.

After this, wouldn't he have both face and achievements?

It will be more natural to brag at that time.

After all, today is Brother Li's first live broadcast with Daheng, even if it is a draw, she will lose!

And when Brother Xiaoxiao goes online tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then give Xiaojuzi a wave or something, then Brother Li's purpose of taking advantage of this incident to take off will be completely defeated.

Of course, Daheng also won't get any benefits.

Following Little Orange's song, Sister Feifei also successfully hit the list of Little Orange's live broadcast room at 5000 million.

Brother Jiu didn't mean to show weakness at all. The current list has reached 200 million, and has maintained a 200 million advantage in the list.

Brother Jiu bared his teeth for a while at the Daheng trade union.

The mobile phone has been handed over to Xia Nuan next to her, who is frantically clicking.

He used his finger to measure Xiaoke's depth last night, and when he found that he couldn't reach the bottom, he immediately became interested, and finally played for more than an hour because of the excitement of playing.

Although it was very cool, his fingers were a bit useless.

Just now, I frantically clicked on the screen, and when I had no strength in my fingers, I accidentally staggered and sprained my middle finger.

"It's so difficult to give a gift, doesn't the Huya official know how to give a few bigger gifts?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly.

1000 million gifts, even if they are given in groups of 10, you have to honestly click a hundred times.

It’s fine if you just tap the screen a hundred times in a row, but the most important thing is that every time you give a set of gifts, you have to wait for the special effects of the gifts to come out before you can click on the next set.

It takes exactly 0.5 seconds from clicking Send Gift to when the gift comes out, plus the response process of the mobile phone is almost 1 second, so clicking too fast is useless.

But if he was stuck for 1 second and then clicked, he would not be so accurate. It might take 1.5 seconds to click once, so he would definitely lag behind the opponent in terms of speed.

Therefore, he can only keep connecting points on the screen.

To swipe a hundred sets of gifts, he at least clicked two or three hundred extra times.

Sometimes he really can't understand Xiao Xiao's speed of two groups per second, which is basically stuck at the highest speed of gift swiping.

If you count on overcoming the reaction time of the mobile phone, Xiao Xiao will have to click five or six hundred times in a short period of time to swipe a hundred sets of gifts!

This hand speed is placed on an e-sports player, and it is possible to press more than a dozen times a second, but it is only instantaneous, and it lasts for a second or two.

But when Xiao Xiao brushed the presents, it took several minutes at one point!

This astonishing enduring ability, not to mention him, even Uzi would have to kneel when he came!
If this hand speed were placed on Xiao Ke or Xia Nuan, they would probably have to kneel!
(End of this chapter)

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