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Chapter 255 Both the list breaks [-] million!

Chapter 255 Both the list breaks [-] million!

Seeing that Brother Li's total list in the live broadcast room is about to reach 6000 million, Rao Yihua's calmness is a little bit impatient at this time.

This is not right!

According to his speculation, Lehua will only make 8000 million at most tonight, but now both parties have made almost 6000 million, and Lehua's speed of collecting gifts is not slow at all!

Ordinary people who swipe gifts to the back will definitely swipe them out slowly, and even deliberately wait for their opponents to catch up.

And Lehua only has 2000 million quota left, so it shouldn't be so aggressive, right?
"Xia Nuan, slow down a little."

Brother Hua looked at Xia Nuan and signaled Xia Nuan to slow down the speed of brushing gifts a little.

And it's just a gift, can you two don't sprinkle dog food.

The degree to which the two of them are close is almost a negative distance.

And brother Jiu's hand, where did he put it when he couldn't see it?
Besides, Brother Jiu's fingers are sprained, why does it look so natural when rubbed now?
The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth twitched a few times, and he settled down to look carefully at the live broadcast room of the two parties again.

As Xia Nuan's speed of collecting gifts slowed down, Lehua's list finally began to overtake.

After breaking through the 6000 million list, the speed of the list has not weakened.

"Does Lehua still have preparations?"

Brother Hua suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not the first time he and Xiao Xiao have faced each other. Although Xiao Xiao didn't belong to the trade union before, he still frightened him when he was beaten again and again.

"Brother Hua, we have prepared close to 3000 million in funds this time. Even if Xiao Xiao has collected 8000 to 9000 million and then added a little more, he will be able to raise more than [-] million at most, so he won't surpass us."

The fifth child got up and stood next to Brother Hua, handed Brother Hua a cup of tea, and said with relief.

Lehua only has so little money this month, and it's almost enough to make a big head in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room. In terms of strength, he will definitely not be able to surpass Daheng.

Although Lao Wu was not very at ease in his heart, and he was not very optimistic about today's game from the beginning, but at this time, someone has to say something good, right?

Otherwise, everyone's mentality will collapse, and there will be no fun.

"hope so."

Brother Hua sighed and calmed down again.

He had indeed suffered too much in Xiao Xiao's hands before, but this time when he found out that something was wrong, he was a little impatient.

Brother Hua thought secretly in his heart.

As the final BOSS of a trader, anxiety must be stripped from the body from the very beginning. Once anxious and reckless, it will delay the future of a company!
"Continue to swipe, and put in all the amount prepared for tonight."

Brother Hua thought for a while and said again.

What the fifth brother said is still reasonable.

Although I don't know how much Xiao Xiao will increase, but it will definitely not be more than his side.

At this time, he didn't say anything about saving money, and just sold out all 3000 million. He didn't believe that Lehua could win!
He believed that Xiao Xiao's side would definitely not be able to guess how much money he had prepared.

At this time, it is a psychological game between the two sides.

Everyone is sitting in the trade union office, I am nervous and you must be no better.

Both sides are crossing the river at night, who can compare with the other?
What's more, in their previous discussion, Xiao Xiao's financial strength this month is only 2.7 million at most, and their total capital of Daheng is tens of millions more than Lehua!
Even, it is not a big deal for him to call an extra 2000 million yuan of funds, it can be done easily.

Thinking of this, Brother Hua's mentality completely settled down.

"it is good."

Xia Nuan was agitated for a while.

In normal times, how could she have such an opportunity.

It turns out that holding a gift of [-] million yuan in your hand is so cool!
Even if it was a gift for her competitor in the union, Brother Li, the sense of accomplishment was almost overflowing.

Especially Brother Jiu Niubi, who saw thousands of bullet screens per second in the live broadcast room, although she was not praising her, she was still in a state of mind.

When Brother Hua said this, Brother Li showed the speed of his hands that he used to beat Feifei to Brother Jiu, and he poked wildly when he grabbed the screen.

For a while, Xiao Xiao even had more than half of the speed at which he usually brushed gifts.

"Brother Jiu is catching up again!"

In the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, the tourists kept exclaiming.

Tonight's event was really exciting, and it was very sudden.

At first, I thought that 2000 million would be enough, but after the two parties reached 500 million, they were still doing it.

The total list of live broadcast rooms on both sides has now reached 8000 million, and the two sides have no intention of stopping!
"Sister Lele, Niubi, Little Orange's list today is going to exceed [-] million!"

"No matter what, Xiaojuzi will have an older brother who is slightly inferior to Brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room in the future, no, the eldest sister!"

"Is Sister Lele married? The Asian Duck King is asking to see you. I hope Sister Lele will enjoy the meal!"

In the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, there were waves of barrage after wave.

Sister Feifei's operation today has once again refreshed their three views!
Even Vice President Du was shocked.

Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng can see the identity of Sister Lele's account, and he is not stupid, so he can see it naturally.

But he also knew Lehua's trade union boss, so he naturally knew that Lehua's behind-the-scenes boss didn't have the ability to inject so much capital.

2000 million can be taken out by gritted teeth, but 8000 million or even close to [-] million is absolutely impossible!
"Did Xiao Xiao inject capital into Lehua?"

Vice President Du's eyelids twitched suddenly, thinking of this possibility.

If Xiao Xiao took a stake in Lehua, it would not be a good thing for the platform.

He cooperated with Lehua to beat Daheng to the ground, and in the end another giant Xiao Xiao came to monopolize the market.
You know, Hu Ya doesn't have a second person like Xiao Xiao to check and balance Le Hua!

"Lanlan, come in."

Vice President Du shouted to the office.

He must pay attention to this matter.

If it was what he thought, the plan of beating Daheng to death at once would be absolutely unfeasible.

Sister Feifei on the other side is not so relaxed.

With the list of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room breaking through 8000 million, the funds in her hands are only 2000 million.

And brother Li is still going crazy, she has no idea what to do.

But things have developed to the present, Brother Jiu's determination to make the list is also very strong, and she has no choice but to retreat at this meeting.

Gritting his teeth, he brushed up in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

"Ninety-three million!"

"Ninety-three million!"


"One hundred million!"

With the 8000 million in Sister Feifei's hand, the list of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room has successfully reached [-] million.

This is the first time that Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million on the list.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stop cheering.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on this list, Xiaojuzi will also have a hot search tomorrow!
"No way, brother Jiu has already used up 8000 million, why are you still doing it!"

Before the visitors in the live broadcast room had time to rejoice, Brother Li's live broadcast list on the other side also exceeded [-] million, and he was still going up!

Daheng fans who originally saw Sister Feifei swiping 8000 million and thought it would be a tie at most, cheered much more than the fans in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

A series of Jiu Ge Niubi is even more endless, 80 people in the live broadcast room, almost everyone is swiping the screen!

If Huya hadn't upgraded the line of the live broadcast room several times recently, I'm afraid such a wave of swiping the screen would crash Huya's server!
Many Lehua fans who didn't really believe it jumped to the live broadcast room to Brother Li's live broadcast room, and saw the big rockets constantly popping up on the public screen at a glance.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*940*[-] combos!"

"Crazy, 9400 million gifts!"

"My God, isn't Brother Jiu only [-] million?"

"It's really 9400 million, 940 combos, and Brother Jiu is still doing it!"

"Hahaha, brother Jiu, beep, fuck, die Lehua!"

"Our Daheng Shenhao is much stronger than your Lehua!"

Seeing the disbelieving faces of the tourists jumping over from the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, Daheng's fans felt extremely relieved.

Now Lehua's fans are in exactly the same state as when they saw Xiao Xiao buying gifts in the Baldy and Little Orange live broadcast room.

Puzzled, beep!
(End of this chapter)

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