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Chapter 256 This Is Impossible, How Could Xiao Xiao Go Online!

Chapter 256 This Is Impossible, How Could Xiao Xiao Go Online!

Because I usually practice a lot of projects on Brother Jiu, Xia Nuan's hand speed is indeed very fast.

After brushing for so long, Xia Nuan's wrist didn't feel much fatigue.

And after reaching 940 combos, I clicked 1 times in less than 60 minute, and successfully brushed Huya No. 1000 to [-] combos!

As Brother Jiu's barrage of gifts slowly disappeared, all Daheng's fans in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Although Daheng also used a lot last month, it was issued through the accounts of Jiu Ge, Hua Ge and Lao Si.

Last month, the one who paid the most was just the 6000 million that Brother Jiu typed out, while Brother Hua and the fourth child only had a maximum of 4000 million in a single transaction, which is much worse than Xiao Xiao.

But now Brother Jiu made another move, tying the highest list that Xiao Xiao created in Baldy's live broadcast room during his event last month.

A total of [-] million turnover!
Li Ge's live broadcast room won the first place on the whole platform with a list of 3000 million, and it is high on the No.1 of the competition page that visitors on all platforms can see this time.

At this moment, all Daheng fans seem to have regained their positions from the previous two months.

A lot of big brothers from Daheng even squeezed out tens of thousands of swipes to let Brother Li draw a lottery in the live broadcast room.

When Brother Li saw that Little Orange was no longer on the list, he knew that the overall situation had been settled, and he smiled even more.

Naturally, she would not refuse the big brother's way of celebrating.

On the contrary, she, who has always been very stingy, took the initiative to raise the amount of this lottery to 100 million!

It is useless for her to save so much labor fee that Huya gave her. The 100 million yuan is just a lottery, which is not a lot of money at all.

Huya's single draw limit is 5 yuan.

Brother Li sent out twenty free red envelopes of 5 yuan in one go.

"Brother Li is magnificent, Brother Jiu is magnificent, and the big brothers in the live broadcast room are magnificent!"

For a while, the speed at which the barrage popped up in Brother Li's live broadcast room could no longer be seen clearly.

On the public screen of the live broadcast, almost every refresh is 99+!

Brother Li took a look in the background. With the blessing of the free barrage lottery, the number of barrage updated in one second in the live broadcast room almost exceeded [-]!

She was so excited that she was about to take off.

This wave of rankings tonight is 3000 million higher than that of Lehua!
She knew very well in her heart that with her success tonight, she will be a well-deserved first lady in Xingxiu District from now on!
"Everyone remember to give the anchor a little attention, so that you don't get lost. When the anchor starts broadcasting in the future, everyone will know the first time."

Brother Li took the opportunity to gain popularity, and the number of subscriptions at the top of the live broadcast room skyrocketed crazily, and Brother Li was even more delighted to watch.

Brother Hua was completely relieved to see that the account named Sister Lele in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room was no longer involved.

Although he had come to a conclusion, he was truly relieved when the facts really emerged.

And the next moment, Brother Hua's mood suddenly became better again.

This is the first time he has won against Xiao Xiao after Xiao Xiao joined Lehua!
In the eyes of most tourists, Xiao Xiao didn't show up tonight, and Daheng took advantage of this loophole to beat Lehua.

Even Brother Li himself thought so.

But only he knew that Xiao Xiao would not come out tonight no matter what.

In the past, Xiao Xiao personally acted, but this time Xiao Xiao created the guild account of Sister Lele, and all the money for Xiaojuzi had been charged into this guild account.

This wave of money has already been spent, how can Xiao Xiao get out?

Lehua still has a lot of union funds this month, but can Xiao Xiao fight? Does he still dare to fight?
Now, if you add more to Xiaojuzi, will big-name anchors like Baldy and Yangzi be happy?

It is impossible to be a trade union as casually as a big brother!
For example, their Daheng, although they have 3000 million in funds, they can send [-] million to Brother Li, which is already the largest amount they can come up with internally.

Further up, Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei are bound to cause trouble!
Once the card anchor of the union makes trouble, the union will not be able to continue.

The fifth child also thought of this level.

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly.

After planning for so long and fighting in fear for so long, he finally defeated Xiao Xiao once!

"Come on, I'll go to the hospital to see the injury first."

Brother Jiu also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the event was settled.

He is the one most afraid of confronting Xiao Xiao among the crowd.

Now that Xiao Xiao hasn't come out yet, Daheng's speculation about Xiao Xiao's identity has also been verified.

Among other things, his fingers still hurt a lot.

In addition, I happened to have a little sister in the hospital a few days ago, and Xia Nuan happened to be here tonight, so it would be nice to play the role-play of the head nurse and the nurse.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu couldn't wait, and secretly froze.

"Be careful with your body."

Brother Hua glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu has good physical fitness. As a wealthy family, he has been drinking more or less from snacks with some supplements. At present, it seems that he should be able to survive for a while, and he will not be hollowed out.

"Brother Hua, do you want to have fun together?"

Brother Jiu hehe smiled.

Brother Hua took this matter and said that he had not done it once or twice.

In his opinion, he has no shortage of food or drink in his life, and it is good to cultivate his sentiments by doing this at ordinary times.

If you can bring Brother Hua on the road, it will be even more enjoyable in the future.

"I'm not interested in that."

Brother Hua hadn't finished his sentence when his eyes suddenly widened. If it wasn't for the help of the assistant next to him, he would have almost squatted on the ground.

Brother Jiu was puzzled for a while, but the next moment, Lao Wu made the same action as Brother Hua.

"Xiao Xiao."

"Xiao Xiao is online!"

The fifth child shouted in disbelief.

"Xiao Xiao is online?"

Brother Jiu stepped forward in two steps, and saw Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room being played on Lao Wu's computer.

Inside, a big No. [-] Shenhao special effect just emerged.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room were all cheering like crazy.

"How is this possible!" Brother Jiu also widened his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

He was also aware of the discussion between brother Jiu and the fifth child, and the fifth child also told him all about Xiao Xiao's guess about tonight's arrangement.

According to normal logic, it is impossible for Xiao Xiao to play activities for Xiaojuzi today!
Xiao Xiao is on the number now, isn't he waiting to be humiliated by their Daheng?
"How is this possible?!" Brother Hua murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

He didn't think Xiao Xiao was a fool who came here to be teased by Da Heng.

Xiao Xiao chose to show up and go online at this time, just like his brother Hua logged on the account to go online, he must have come with the mentality of winning.

In other words, if Xiao Xiao goes online now, he will at least tie with Daheng!

And to achieve this goal, no matter how you say it, you have to pay 3000 million more.

Here, Brother Hua is racking his brains to think about the reason.

On the other side, Xiao Xiao from Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room has already made a move in the eyes of everyone!
 Thank you [Your Xiaotian] for the 1888 book coin reward!

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(End of this chapter)

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