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Chapter 257 Brother Xiao Xiao is Here, Where's Your Niubi Jin?

Chapter 257 Brother Xiao Xiao is Here, Where's Your Niubi Jin? (4200 words for a monthly ticket)

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is finally here, woo woo woo, we really can't beat him."

"Now I'm finally relieved, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, Little Orange's list will definitely be fine."

As soon as Xiao Xiao went online, the live broadcast room suddenly burst into excitement.

Sister Feifei and Baldy, who were desperate when they saw Brother Li hit the 3000 million list, were completely relieved.

Especially Sister Feifei, the feeling of regret and despair just now was taken back almost instantly.

Brother Xiao Xiao didn't speak yet, just a simple name was hung in the live broadcast room, but whether it was the union management or the tourists in the live broadcast room, they seemed to have found their backbone in an instant.

Without him, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, he will never lose!
Brother Jiu and Brother Hua are the ones who can bring resistance to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Needless to say, Brother Jiu, the opponent tonight is not Brother Xiao Xiao. He just swiped out all the [-] million in his hand, and Brother Hua is obviously not online tonight. On the entire platform, they can't think of anyone else who could be Brother Xiao Xiao opponent.

This is the powerful confidence Xiao Xiaoge brought to them!

Many tourists no longer think about today's win or loss, but count Xiao Xiaoge's consumption this month.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Xiao actually played a lot this month."

"By the end of last night, brother Xiao Xiao had tipped around 800 million yuan, and today he swiped in the game area again, and with the scattered rewards, it's probably [-] million yuan?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao will care about the remaining 200 million, and he swiped it out before he sneezed. I think it's easier for us to count as 3000 million."

"Upstairs, you, the data, still need to seek truth from facts!"

"I don't know how many Brother Xiao Xiao will fight tonight, but it's definitely not a minority."

The tourists chatted excitedly.

Even some radical Lehua fans are thinking about whether Brother Xiao Xiao will spend more than 7 million in July tonight.

After all, brother Xiao Xiao had not doubled the number of critical strikes against Daheng once or twice.

Liu Xiao glanced at the barrage for a while.

He had just sorted out the data and sent it to Qu Yue, when he turned his head and saw that Little Orange typed out [-] million.

To be honest, when Liu Xiao first saw the list, he was slightly shocked.

If it's Daheng's [-] million, Liu Xiao definitely doesn't care much. After all, the financial resources of Brother Jiu and Hua are on Daheng's side, and the actual financial resources of the two are on Huya's side. Discussed.

One is the president of the Hundred Billion Group, which accounts for at least 70.00% of the shares, and the other is the one whose father or mother is the president of the Hundred Billion Group. None of them are short of money.

Although [-] million is not a small amount of money to them, it can be easily taken out when the funds are not so tight.

Including Brother Jiu, this month he clearly stated that he has [-] million in his hands.

But with Lehua's strength, hitting [-] million is indeed a bit too much.

Having communicated with Feifei's sister Yang Zi before, Liu Xiao knew that the boss behind Lehua was just a small boss with a small fortune.

Lehua is still in the development stage. He made some money in the first two months, but Sister Feifei invested it in the trade union.

Therefore, the boss is currently not profitable, and even has to grit his teeth and post tens of millions every month, and he has to wait at least a year or so to realize his cash.

In this case, it is still possible to make a turnover of [-] million in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, and Liu Xiao roughly guessed the reason.

Sure enough, before Liu Xiao could ask a question, Sister Feifei made up what happened tonight into a wechat message and sent it over.

Including her, Sister Lele's trade union trumpet, she told the whole story.

Seeing that all the money in the hands of Baldy and Xiaojuzi had signed an agreement with the trade union, Liu Xiao showed a hint of understanding in his expression.

After turning off the computer, Liu Xiao came to the living room and cast the live broadcast to the computer.

After pouring out a cup of yogurt, Liu Xiao took another look at Brother Li's live broadcast room.

From last month to now, although he hasn't swiped much in Brother Li's live broadcast room, there are always several million.

As for the conflict between him and Daheng, Miss has known about it for a long time. Liu Xiao doesn't believe that Brother Li in Xingxiu can't be clear about it.

It is a bit intriguing that he resolutely chose to join Daheng even though he knew that he and Daheng would not be able to deal with each other.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Seeing Xiao Xiao's account logged in in his live broadcast room, Brother Li felt a little embarrassed and smiled.

She hasn't practiced her face to the point of perfection.

After all, she received a lot of gifts from Brother Xiao Xiao, and now Brother Xiao Xiao ran over suddenly, and she still felt a little uncomfortable.

But if she wanted to return the 500 million to Brother Xiao Xiao, she was even more unhappy.

How can there be any reason to spit out the meat that is delivered to the mouth?
Her brother Li is not that kind of person.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Seeing Xiao Xiao enter the live broadcast room, a group of Daheng fans were also a little embarrassed.

Although they really wanted to beat Brother Xiao Xiao to death at once, but every time Brother Xiao Xiao went to the live broadcast room of their series of anchors, their minds were still buzzing.

Occasionally, a few tourists who wanted to spray a sentence or two, after typing a few words, hurriedly deleted all the words.

They are not afraid of anything on the Internet, but in the face of Brother Xiao Xiao who is so powerful, it is hard to guarantee that they will not find someone to sneak them out and beat them to death in reality.

They usually slander the anchor to cultivate their sentiments, but they also know in their hearts that in the current Internet environment, let alone a comment, even if you post a post and like it, your real IP can still be dug out by the master hacker.

What if he was drowned by brother Xiao Xiao for the sake of a moment of pleasure?
It's unacceptable to commit suicide!
Brother Jiu also saw Xiao Xiao's account posted in Brother Li's live broadcast room.

With a grunt, Brother Jiu swallowed unconsciously.

Glancing at the black screen of the phone, Brother Jiu was very glad that he had just finished swiping the gifts and left the live broadcast room to go to the hospital.

If he is still registered in Brother Li's live broadcast room now, I'm afraid he will be beaten by Xiao Xiao again tonight.

"very good."

Liu Xiao glanced at Brother Li, and typed two words on the public screen.

Still the old saying.

Although Shenhaoka's money was picked up for nothing, it was also Liu Xiao's private property.

He has the final say on who he wants to use and who he is willing to use!
And for an anchor like Brother Li who bought a gift but didn't hesitate to betray her, Liu Xiao naturally wouldn't be polite to her.

On Liu Xiao's side, no anchor dared to eat his and Daheng's gifts at the same time!

Liu Xiao didn't start tweeting, he just typed a barrage in Brother Li's live broadcast room and jumped away.

The quality of being a big brother Shenhao is still there.

As soon as Xiao Xiao left, nearly 80 fans in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time as Brother Li.

Especially the group of old Daheng fans who had witnessed Xiao Xiao's bloody abuse of Brother Jiu before, their hearts couldn't stop trembling.

Seeing Xiao Xiao leave, Brother Li calmed down a little from his nervousness.

But she had a faint feeling in her heart.

Xiao Xiao over there
Seems angry?
And Xiao Xiao chose to go online at this time, it seems that it is inevitable to make a move tonight?

Brother Li's live broadcast room was full of joy, but all the tourists who had just seen Xiao Xiao's return to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room were all very excited.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao only jumped for more than ten seconds and came back after hitting a barrage, everyone could see Brother Xiao Xiao's strength.

Brother Li is still drawing a lottery, and Brother Xiao Xiao jumps over alone, and the barrage in Brother Li's live broadcast room can be reduced by half!
This is too scary!

Little Tangerine is more careful.

She clearly felt that Brother Xiao Xiao was not in such a good mood at the moment.

But on second thought, yes.

The 500 million gifts were fed to the wolves. If it were her, she would probably be very upset.

The next moment, just as Xiaojuzi was about to speak, Brother Xiaoxiao spoke again:
"Little Orange, sing Liu Piao again, I was busy just now, so I didn't listen very carefully."

"it is good."

Xiaojuzi nodded without hesitation, and called up Liu Piao's accompaniment again.

This song is a love song, and her original intention of writing this song was actually for Liu Xiao to listen to it.

However, she drank too much during the meal, and she didn't have time to show it at noon.

Xiaojuzi thought about it, maybe Liu Xiao will be listening to music in his live broadcast room now?
Thinking of this, Xiaojuzi felt sweet again, and even a little forgot the fact that this club was fighting with Daheng.

The mood sank completely, and Xiaojuzi didn't want to care about the grievances between Lehua and Daheng tonight, and devoted herself to singing this song.

After the prelude was over, Little Orange sang again.

The state this time seems to be better than the previous two singing!
"Little Juzi started singing again, Brother Xiao Xiao is going to have a big fight!"

"The small bench is already seated, looking forward to Brother Xiao Xiao's move!"

Seeing Xiaojuzi singing, how can the visitors in the live broadcast room not understand what is going to happen next.

Of course they who have been with Brother Xiao Xiao for so long know that this is Brother Xiao Xiao's shooting habit!
But before Xiaojuzi released a new song, they kept singing bubbles. Now that Xiaojuzi has released a song, it is only natural to replace it with her own song.

The next moment, in the center of the public screen in the live broadcast room, a huge number composed of a set of magic books lit up in the live broadcast room.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a magic book *1314*2 combo!"


"Here it is, Little Orange's exclusive gift!"

A total of RMB 99 for a magic book, which can almost be calculated as 100 yuan each.

1314, that is 13.14!
This is also the highest grade that can be given as a single gift among all Huya's gifts!

Of course, most of this gift was given to the female anchor by the local rich brother.

It's not an ambiguous meaning. In the webcast, 1314 means guardian, which means that this big brother is the guardian big brother of this female anchor.

Although it was purely for the purpose of protecting, among the anchors of the Lehua series and so many anchors in the game area, brother Xiao Xiao only gave this kind of 1314 gift to Xiaojuzi.

As soon as Liu Xiao made the gift, he immediately broke the hand speed record of all the gift-giving brothers tonight.

One second is two groups!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, beep, although it's been a while since Brother Xiao Xiao has collected gifts so quickly, Brother Xiao Xiao's hand speed hasn't dropped at all!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, come on, hang and beat Daheng, and beat the opponent to death!"

Most tourists are still quite angry with Brother Li.

After all, there are quite a few big brothers on Lehua's side who have given gifts to Brother Li, and Brother Li's surrender to the enemy without saying a word naturally aroused public outrage.

Sister Lele hadn't beaten them just now, so they naturally couldn't say anything, including the eldest brother from Lehua's department, they could only smash their teeth and swallow it in their mouths.

But now that brother Xiao Xiao has made a move, there is no need for them to bear it any longer.

Seeing that all the tourists in the live broadcast room were admiring his hand speed, Liu Xiao would be a little angry, but still a little embarrassed.

His hand speed is average, otherwise he wouldn't be so good at playing a game.

If it wasn't for Lanlan who made this dot connecter for him, he might not be able to do it with more than 50.00% of the big brothers present.

There is a small program that can be used as a cheat, of course Liu Xiao will not talk about it out of boredom.

It still feels good to keep pretending to be a beep.

A 4-minute song, Liu Piao, was only halfway through, and Liu Xiao's gifts had already reached 3000 million.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314*229!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314*300!"

With Liu Xiao giving out two sets of gifts one after another, Xiao Xiao's ranking in the Little Orange live broadcast room also reached the second place, and with a gift of 3000 million, he directly pushed Brother Li down from the No. [-] position of the event!
Seeing that Little Juzi had already won the first place, Liu Xiao still didn't choose to stop.

Zhao Ning still has less than half of the time for a song, and the magic book of Liu Xiao 1314 is still going on.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really ruthless this time, it looks like he is going to push Brother Li to death."

"Upstairs, what are you talking about? Brother Li surrenders to the enemy without saying a word. Shouldn't Brother Xiao Xiao hit her?"

"Let me see, from now on, brother Li will hit you once in the last event, you can't give such a person good face!"

Seeing that brother Xiao Xiao's gifts were still flowing, there were more barrages of discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room.

In their opinion, with Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, let alone Brother Li, even if Brother Li and Xia Nuan were tied together, it might not be enough for Brother Xiao Xiao alone.

Especially now that Lehua has added a hero who can swipe, Sister Lele. Brother Xiao Xiao has this extra help, and it will be more natural to swipe.

Soon, Zhao Ning will sing a song.

Liu Xiao also terminated the dot connecter at the right time.

All viewers look to the public screen.

1314 magic book, exactly 381 times!
On the gift weekly list, brother Xiao Xiao's gifts are flowing.

5000 million!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"Damn it, brother Xiao Xiao is too fierce, the weekly list reached 1.5 million!"

"Didn't you notice, brother Xiao Xiao doesn't seem to be doing much, brother Xiao Xiao's strength is really unfathomable!"

As the barrage of Xiao Xiao's gifts stopped, all the tourists in the live broadcast room were amazed.

5000 million running water, just like buying a bottle of water!
Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't brush as much as Sister Lele tonight, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Sister Lele was at the end of her rope. Whether she could continue to do so this month was another matter.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, although he earned 3000 million less than Sister Lele, if someone said that Brother Xiao Xiao could still earn 5000 million, I am afraid no one would object.

Dozens of tourists are even more happy.

The group of Daheng fans who just came to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to mock them had already annoyed them to death, and this meeting jumped over immediately, and started frantically swiping the screen in Brother Li's live broadcast room.

Although they were silenced after just brushing a few words, they still had enough of their addiction.

After all, among the tourists from Daheng opposite, few would dare to come to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to make trouble!
Aren’t you Daheng a bully? You are bullying our Lehua anchor while Brother Xiao Xiao is not here.

Now Brother Xiao Xiao is here, what about the bull beeping you had just now?
 I worked overtime last night and wrote it, and it will be updated at 8500 this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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