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Chapter 258 Brother Hua: I Stop Playing

Chapter 258 Brother Hua: I Stop Playing (4300 characters ask for a monthly ticket)

Daheng Trade Union Office.

It was just after twelve o'clock in the evening, but the interior of Daheng was still brightly lit.

All field controllers are operating at full capacity, and they are not talking about the black fans who just ran over from Lehua.

On the other side, Brother Jiu, who was about to go to the hospital to play games with the nurse, also stopped.

Xia Nuan, who originally thought about spending a good night with Brother Jiu tonight, couldn't get up to scratch this time.

Xia Nuan is not very clear about the internal decision-making situation of the trade union, but seeing Brother Jiu's complexion is particularly bad, coupled with the current situation in the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, it is not difficult for Xia Nuan to guess that Brother Hua probably failed again this time up.

However, although Xia Nuan couldn't afford to scratch, she was still a little happy in her heart.

Of course, this joy is not for Brother Hua's failure, but for Brother Li.

This time is Brother Li's live broadcast debut. Although both Brother Jiu and Lao Wu made a move, Jiu Brother and Lao Wu retreated in time. This meeting was not locked in the live broadcast room, and the loss suffered was not too much , As long as you swipe a little more when it appears next time, the popularity will be almost the same.

The one who suffered the most was Brother Li who was broadcasting live.

The failure of the live broadcast debut, for an anchor who wants to soar into the sky, the expectations must not be met.

She, Xia Nuan, might be the first sister of Daheng.

If it works well, maybe Li Ge can be trampled underfoot.

It is naturally unrealistic to kick Brother Li, but it is still possible to suppress Brother Li by relying on Brother Jiu's relationship.

Xia Nuan's eyeballs rolled around, but the expression on his face didn't dare to change a bit.

Compared with Xiao Jiujiu in Xia Nuan's heart, Brother Hua naturally didn't think about such a little trade union infighting.

He stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the city ahead with his hands behind his back, his brows were already wrinkled.

He was really uncertain about Xiao Xiao's thoughts.

If Xiao Xiao only had 2.5 million yuan in Xingxiu district this month, then 1.5 million yuan will be released tonight. What about the remaining three anchors?
As the first brother, the bald man must have seventy-eight million yuan, right?

Even if you want to fight Xiaofei, you have to prepare at least [-] million quota.

Yang Zi and Feng'er are two anchors, although they won't be the main players this month, but each of them can't make 3000 to [-] million?

But now that Xiao Xiao played so much in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, it was too abnormal.

Brother Hua couldn't believe that Xiao Xiaosan didn't understand such a simple math problem.

But Brother Hua counted left and right, but he couldn't understand Xiao Xiao's thoughts.

"Brother Hua, do you think the bald man is going to spend all the money in his hand?"

The fifth child guessed.

They guessed before that the bald man would spend at most 3000 million. If the bald man decided to spend all the 6000 million in his hand, then Lehua's funds would definitely be more generous, and Xiao Xiao would have more than 3000 million in his hands. control funds.

Brother Hua shook his head lightly.

"I've thought about this, but it's impossible to rely on this alone."

"Lehua distributes funds to the four head anchors below them in proportion. Even if they are more inclined to Xiaojuzi, they can give Xiaojuzi a quota of about 8000 million at most. We have calculated these before."

"Even if you add the extra 3000 million from the bald man, even if you give it all to the little orange, the little orange can still make a list of 1000 million, at most 2000 million, but now Xiao Xiao has paid a full 1.5 million. come out"

If you don't count the extra 3000 million in Baldy's hands, Little Orange is short of 7000 million.

Such a big loophole cannot be repaired by finding a little bit from other places.

Xiao Xiao is not stupid, he must know that Brother Li's live broadcast debut today is not the final.

There are so many fights now, as long as they stop Daheng and the male anchors of the two sides will face off in the final, how will the bald man fight at that time?
The male anchor is the union's biggest card!

Can't play a wave of pk like crazy now, and let the bald man eat popsicles in the finals, right?

You know, Daheng has prepared more than 1 million funds for Xiao Fei!
At that time, Baldy will have a list of 9000 to [-] million, which is good, at least the gap is not big, and it can be justified if he loses.

Coupled with Xiao Xiao's crazy rankings in the previous two months, and the quality of the tourists on Lehua's side, Baldy's live broadcast will definitely not cause any major problems.

But looking at the current situation, it is not bad to be able to give the bald man 5000 million.

This double the list gap, Lehua is likely to be sprayed to death by the saliva of union fans!

Especially Baldy just joined Lehua this month. As a result, Little Orange ranked 1.5 million, while Baldy ranked 5000 million. This gap of 1 million is simply unreasonable for Baldy's own fans.

The more Brother Hua thought about it, the bigger his head became.

He always felt that Xiao Xiao's decision to make such a move today must have an inner meaning, but he couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it, he felt that he was a little out of his mind at this moment.

"Brother Hua, do you think it's because Xiao Xiao didn't plan to give gifts to any of the anchors, and with the money in the hands of the bald man, is it possible for Xiaojuzi to hit such a high price?"

Brother Jiu signed off, thinking while watching the live broadcast.

It is true that he loves to play, but he is not stupid, at least he is much smarter than Lao Wu.

He really didn't understand much about tonight's matter at first, but now that he thinks about it carefully, maybe this is a possibility.

"Did you plan to give one of the anchors a gift?"

When Brother Hua heard what Brother Jiu said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The original list of Xiaojuzi should be 8000 million according to reasonable calculations.

And the bald man took out all the money in his hand, except for keeping a part for himself, he could probably take out a quota of 4000 to [-] million.

Most of the money was given to him by Xiao Xiao. If Xiao Xiao said this to Baldy, the chance of Baldy agreeing is very high.

After all, the bald man would not refuse to give Brother Shenhao's face.

The sum of the two is roughly between 1000 million and 2000 million.

Brother Hua walked to the computer and looked at Lehua anchor "Feng Er" who was dancing live.

If Lehua took out the part of the money that was going to be distributed to Feng'er and gave it to Xiaojuzi, this part of the money would be almost 3000 million.

2000 million plus 3000 million is exactly 1.5 million!

"That's right!"

"That's the number!"

Brother Hua suddenly realized, the more he thought about it, the more he felt right.

Feng'er just joined Lehua this month and has no foundation in Lehua.

And Feng'er is currently only good in strength, but his popularity has not risen too much, he can barely be regarded as a first-line anchor.

If she wants to be popular, she can't do without Lehua's support of her. It's not like the bald man with so much traffic. If he doesn't support the union, he will lose popularity.

Moreover, Tutu, Lehua's veteran dance anchor, is also a first-line anchor at present, and there will inevitably be some competition after the two go.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao chose not to invest resources in Feng'er this month, and Feng'er probably didn't dare to have any objections.

In other words, Daheng's 3 million resources are distributed to the four top anchors, while Lehua's side has a little less funds than theirs, but only three top anchors.

Calculated on average to every anchor, even a little more than their Daheng!
As for Lehua, as long as the interests of the three veteran top anchors, Xiaojuzi, Baldy and Yangzi, are guaranteed, Lehua will not fail.

Brother Hua slapped the table hard.

"This Xiao Xiao is really a good trick!"

He calculated for so long, but in the end, he still didn't calculate Xiao Xiao!

He never expected that Xiao Xiao would have such an unconventional operation!
But it is too late now.Daheng's current situation no longer allows him to invest more in Brother Li.

2000 million was distributed outdoors, and 3000 million was allocated here by Brother Li, which adds up to [-] million.

Leave at least 5000 million for Xiao Fei, and the remaining [-] million of the [-] million funds is not even enough for Xia Nuanhe to share.

If they act rashly again, Daheng might be eliminated in the finals of the Road to God event this time!
Lao Wu also understood it from the side. Seeing Brother Hua calculate the current expenditure of Daheng, he also silently wrote down Lehua's bill on a piece of paper.

The game area is going to invest 2000 million yuan, the outdoor area has already invested 1000 million yuan, and today the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room has invested 5000 million yuan. These add up to 1.8 million yuan.

If you add up all the money in the hands of Baldy and Little Orange, the funds that Xiao Xiao can use are almost 3 million, which means that Xiao Xiao can still use about 1.2 million at present.

There are 2000 million on Yangzi's side, and [-] million on Baldy's side, which is exactly the end of the distribution.

"This Xiao Xiao is too scary. If our funds in Daheng are a little less, we will be pressed to death by Xiao Xiao again this month."

After the fifth child finished the calculation, he felt afraid for a while.

Their Daheng only manages Xingxiu district. Although they allocated a little resources to the outdoors this month, most of them are on Xingxiu's side.

He believed that Xiao Xiao didn't know the news that Brother Li was going to join Daheng before today.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao's allocation of resources before must have been arranged according to the fact that they have three anchors in Daheng. Brother Li's accident today can be regarded as hitting Xiao Xiao's gun.

Even if Daheng played a little more for Brother Li in the live broadcast room tonight, Xiaofei would be defeated in the finals in a few days!
"Anyway, if Xiao Xiao made such a move today, we, Daheng, have nothing to do."

Brother Hua put on the gold-rimmed glasses and sat silently on the office chair.

If he had to win today, he could withstand the pressure from the union and add tens of millions more, or even give up the knife as a news anchor and spend more than 2000 million for another round.

But if he can give up the knife, can't Xiao Xiao give up on Yang Zi?

Now the 2000 million difference between the two sides is a horizontal gap between the two trade unions.

If Daheng wants to attack, he has to spend money to fill it up, so that he can have a chance to confront Xiao Xiao head-on!
Brother Hua calculated the accounts carefully.

If it continues like this, there is no chance of winning.

Even if they played the finals in Brother Li's live broadcast room tonight, the victory and defeat would basically be a [-]-[-] split.

But to put it another way, if you voluntarily give up tonight, the 2000 million gap created by Xiao Xiao can only buy some momentum.

The current momentum is worthless, and when Xiao Fei makes his move two days later, the two sides are on the same starting line again.

If you choose Gang, you have to fill in the 1.3 million gap between 1.5 million and 2000 million.

And if you choose to be cowardly, you can let Xiao Xiaobai hit the 2000 million, at most it's just wronging Brother Li.

It failed this time, so it’s a big deal to try again next month.

No matter how you say it, 1.3 million came out. Even if there are some black fans in the live broadcast room, they will not be too strong. Let the trade union navy go to the live broadcast room to wash it and it will come out.

Thinking of this, Brother Hua has made a complete decision.

Rather than fill in the hole first and then fight Xiao Xiao in this uncertain game, it is better to make a good plan for the next final.

Brother Li was singing in the live broadcast room while waiting for news from Daheng.

She must ask Brother Hua for his opinion on how to fight tonight.

Just as she was getting impatient, Brother Hua finally called.

Brother Li's face brightened, and he walked out of the room with his mobile phone under the pretext of going to the bathroom.

"Brother Hua, Xiao Xiao made a move just now, why don't we add more, it's too uncomfortable not to rush for this night."

"It's okay to rush, but you have to use the money in your hand to rush. The trade union can't get any money from here."

Brother Hua decisively rejected Brother Li's idea.

Brother Li's expression froze.

What does it mean to rush with the money in her hand?
It's not bad that she has money in her hand, and the signing fee from Huya is still more than 4000 million.

But the money is already in her pocket, how could she take it out?

If you get it out, you have to lose half of it, and if you get 2000 million, it is possible for the current Daheng to operate steadily for a year, right?

What's more, Daheng will not subsidize these losses for her.

"Brother Hua, I'm also doing activities for the trade union now. Although I don't have much money, I can still get 500 million. The trade union has to leave the big gap!"

Brother Li thought about it, and decided to take out part of the small treasury.

After all, it was an event for herself, and it would be of great benefit to her if she won.

"Choosing to live broadcast the first show tonight was originally a decision you made by coercing the trade union. I told you many times before your live broadcast that doing so is very risky. Now that something is wrong, the trade union can't fill it in for you again."

"I've predicted Xiao Xiao's side. He only has so much money at the moment. You only need to pay 3000 million to win against Xiaojuzi."

Brother Hua snorted softly and hung up the phone.

Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei, the anchors, can they not pay for each event?
Brother Hua dislikes Brother Li's egoism.

If it wasn't for the development of the trade union without Brother Li, he wouldn't deliberately solicit it.

But now that Brother Li has invested in Daheng and is tied to Daheng, he is not afraid where Brother Li will go.

Furthermore, tonight's incident was originally caused by Brother Li's disobedience to what he said. This matter is also at Brother Li's fault, and it is definitely impossible for the union to take action.


Brother Li cursed inwardly, and angrily returned to the live broadcast room.

She has more than 4000 million in her hand, and she must not be happy to ask her to pay so much money now.

What brother Hua just said was automatically filtered when she walked in from outside the house.

Her idea is very simple, since Brother Hua stopped fighting, then she would admit defeat at the worst!

Anyway, 1.3 million has already been made tonight, and her reputation can be regarded as being known.

In addition, she didn't declare war on Lehua tonight. Like Xiaojuzi, she claimed that tonight was the first live show. Morally speaking, it was not a PK fight with Xiaojuzi, and the situation was not that bad.

Even if it doesn't achieve the expected effect, it's not too bad, at least it's okay to be a hot search tomorrow.

Xiaojuzi was number one in the last trending search, but she was second in the last trending search.

Compared with the loss of tens of millions of funds, she is quite acceptable to this ending.

It has been live broadcast for four hours today, and Brother Li has settled down for a while.

He took the microphone and prepared to end today's live broadcast with a short speech.

It's better to lose face than to lose money!
 Thank you【※】Brother 1888 book coins for rewarding!

  Thanks again for the previous rewards from many big brothers.

  Everyone, help Xiao Jingzi make it awesome on the public screen!

  Today is 8500 words, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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