Chapter 259 Buy It Now 5000 Million (4400 words)
In order to gain popularity, Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei didn't start the broadcast, and the other stopped the broadcast midway.

After Brother Li said a few words in the live broadcast room and then went offline, all the head anchors on Daheng's side were all offline.

Although all the fans are very aggrieved, but in this situation, they can only smash their teeth and swallow.

Besides, tonight, Brother Li also made a lot of rankings. Although there is a gap of 2000 million with Xiaojuzi, it is not too bad.

And on Xiaojuzi's side, no matter whether it's Sister Lele or Brother Xiao Xiao, there are not as many brushes as Brother Jiu.

It also brought them a little comfort.

Although Xiao Xiao's appearance tonight made them feel a little uncomfortable, most of them didn't say anything because of Brother Jiu's [-] million support.

If they had done it before, they might have already lashed out at the anchors, but they were shocked by Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room before, and few tourists were interested in making trouble for a while.

Compared with the pessimism on Daheng's side, the tourists on Lehua's side are much more excited.

I thought I lost at first, but brother Xiao Xiao suddenly went online, and he called back in one wave!
"Thank you brother Xiao Xiao for the gift, thank you brother Xiao Xiao for the reward." Xiaojuzi turned off the music, stood up and bowed to the camera.

"Brother Xiao Xiao cowhide!"

"It's really a relief tonight!"

The audience in the live broadcast room echoed.

Everyone spoke to celebrate, and some elder brothers swiped out several treasure maps.

Although there are not many gifts, they are enough to bring the atmosphere of the live broadcast room up.

Compared with the jubilation in the live broadcast room, Sister Feifei was a little preoccupied.

Sister Feifei knew very well in her heart that although Brother Li won today, it was still because of Brother Xiao Xiao's move.

Even before Brother Xiao Xiao went online, all the money she paid for beating Brother Li was paid by Brother Xiao Xiao to the bald men.

It's good to win tonight, but she also recognized the reality that with only the funds in Lehua's hands, there is no way to confront Daheng!

And today, she has sent out all the operating funds of the union this month, which means that she has to ask the boss for money again.

Thinking of this, Sister Feifei had a headache.

It's not that Lehua's boss doesn't want to be part of this union, he can also see how terrifying Lehua's later profits are.

The two have communicated more than once, and they are very optimistic about the follow-up market feedback, but the boss really doesn't have much money in his hands.

I want to make it bigger, but my strength is here, so I really can't do it.

In addition to the previous investment this month, at most, another 1000 million quota can be pooled for Sister Feifei.

Although it sounds like a lot, compared to Daheng's side, such a small amount of money invested is not a drop in the bucket.

Even Lehua's boss is a little bit willing to sell Lehua.

Sister Feifei can understand the current situation of the boss, but she is only a labor union manager, and she is paid tens of thousands of yuan a month, so she has nothing to do about this kind of thing.

This is the case with trade unions. If you want to expand profits, you don't want to see money back in the investment cycle of six to seven months or even one year in the early stage.

Even more ruthless, you won't see money back for a year or two.

Although Lehua made a lot of money last month, Sister Feifei re-invested all the money, and even asked the boss to inject another sum of money in.

I believe that next month, Lehua will have at least a 2000 million capital injection!
According to Sister Feifei's estimate, Lehua's boss will last until next month at most.

By July or the end of July, Lehua will have to bring in additional capital, otherwise the funds will be a little overwhelmed.

Speaking of investment, although Lehua's current prospects are very good, the risks Lehua takes are also high.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is still a big gap between Lehua's current strength and Daheng's, and it is only relying on Brother Xiao Xiao's own strength to hold the top.

If brother Xiao Xiao withdraws from the net or swipes, Le Hua will have no hope of winning in the match against Daheng.

The boss of the union is definitely not happy to deduct the low price from the union to cash out.

But if you want to sell it at a high price, no boss dares to accept it.

After all, no one can guarantee whether brother Xiao Xiao will leave Lehua after he takes over the union.

Therefore, in Sister Feifei's opinion, the best way out for Lehua at present is to ask Brother Xiao Xiao to take over.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao will have to return the turnover to the anchor after taking over, and the income of the union anchor will be reduced, but from a long-term perspective, this is definitely the best choice.

Even from a short-term perspective, this option is not bad.

What's more, after Brother Xiao Xiao took over the handicraft union, Brother Xiao Xiao's reputation can also bring the best development to the union.

With Brother Xiao Xiao at the helm, it will not be so random when Brother Xiao Xiao goes online.

Things like tonight's defeat of Daheng may never happen again.

Sister Feifei glanced at Brother Xiao Xiao who was happily interacting with tourists in the public screen area, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Her consideration here is very good. She believes that as long as she talks to the boss, the boss will definitely be willing to sell Lehua.

Even if the boss does not make a move, it is still necessary to attract capital.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's capital injection, [-]% to [-]% of the shares will definitely fall into Brother Xiao Xiao's hands, which is not much different from Brother Xiao Xiao taking over Lehua.

But the biggest question is whether Brother Xiao Xiao is willing to join the trade union?

If Brother Xiao Xiao just came to the platform to play, then what she said was useless!

In the final analysis, it still depends on whether Brother Xiao Xiao is interested in it or not.

Furthermore, with Brother Xiao Xiao's terrifying identity, it's not easy for her to say this.

Maybe Brother Xiao Xiao earns tens of millions of dollars a day in business, so what if he doesn't like Lehua's income?
It might even make Brother Xiao Xiao unhappy because of this, it's all possible.

It is really difficult to choose if you are too familiar with calling directly, and you are afraid that nothing will go away when you send WeChat.

Gritting her teeth, Sister Feifei still planned to ask the views of several anchors in her union.

Picking up the phone, he sent a message in the trade union group, detailing the current development of Lehua.

The bald man was the first to see it. After carefully reading Sister Feifei's more than 1000-word analysis and opinion, the bald man quite agrees.

"As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with this. Besides, Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't want to cash back so many presents from Brother Xiao Xiao. I'm afraid even if I put them in my hands!"

Baldy replied first.

Brother Xiao Xiao's consumption in his live broadcast room in the past two months is almost the same as the list of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room tonight.

Before tonight, he had 7000 million in his hand!

And this is just Xiao Xiao's consumption for more than 40 days in Huya.

Although it may not be a big deal to Brother Xiao Xiao.

But for his bald man, holding this money really made him a little scared.

With the income of their anchors, it is no problem for an anchor of his current level to earn 700 million a year, but any more would be unreasonable.

This amount of money has already exceeded the apex of his class, and it is generally difficult to get money that does not meet his cognition and level, and it may explode at any time.

You know, this is tens of millions!
Even if it is left in the bank, he can live a good life if he only chooses to eat interest. It is impossible to buy a luxury house, but there is no problem with seven or eight girls in one night. Can handle it.

If Brother Xiao Xiao can buy Lehua, and Lehua will be supported by Brother Xiao Xiao in the future, then he will really feel at ease as a brother after the live broadcast platform.

What he hopes is that the trade union can operate in a healthy manner!
"I support Sister Feifei. It is best to let brother Xiao Xiao control 100% of the shares. It is almost enough for brother Xiao Xiao to get 70.00% of the capital injection, or 50.00%."

Yang Zi also expressed his support.

But compared to what Sister Feifei said about asking brother Xiao Xiao to inject capital, he cared more about letting brother Xiao Xiao hold the controlling stake.

In his opinion, within Lehua, Brother Xiao Xiao only needs to have a voice!
Yang Zi's popularity to the present level is all brought by Brother Xiao Xiao, he is a kind person.

Since the labor union is having difficulty sustaining funds, it is natural for Brother Xiao Xiao to become a shareholder.

With brother Xiao Xiao around, he, Yang Zi, can live broadcast safely!

As far as income is concerned, he doesn't care much.

He firmly believed that Brother Xiao Xiao would not let them suffer in this respect!

Even if it is not as scary as before, it is definitely ahead of most of Huya's anchors.

Sister Feifei felt a little relieved when she saw the bald man and Yang Zi speak.

Apart from being afraid that brother Xiao Xiao would be different, what she was most afraid of was the opinions of the leading anchors of the trade union.

After all, if this matter is to be carried out, the biggest direct losses will be these top anchors.

From the past when Brother Xiao Xiao bought tens of millions of gifts without rebates, to when Brother Xiao Xiao received 5% of the gift as a trade union, this income gap is too big!

Little Juzi and Feng'er haven't spoken yet, and Sister Feifei hasn't spoken in the group either.

After waiting for more than a minute, Feng'er's reply was long overdue.

For a small trade union group of five people, Feng'er answered very firmly, with only two simple words.

stand by!

She just joined Lehua, and originally wanted to get closer to brother Xiao Xiao's front.

With the bald man and the little orange, it was unlikely that Brother Xiao Xiao would make a big splash in her live broadcast room. Now that Brother Xiao Xiao controls the union, with Brother Xiao Xiao's strong recommendation, maybe her income will be higher than before.

How could she refuse this kind of benefit but no harm?

The four turned their attention to the live broadcast room again.

Xiaojuzi is currently still broadcasting live, and has not seen any news from the WeChat group.

But the four of them all knew that the loudest voice in the union wasn't Bald, Yang Zi, or Sister Feifei, but the most talkative anchor, Little Orange!
All the gifts Xiao Xiao gave to Lehua's anchor were all because Xiaojuzi was in Lehua, Aiwujiwu!

Xiaojuzi thanked her for the gift, sang a few more songs, and glanced at her phone while drinking water.

Seeing the discussion among several people in the trade union group, Xiaojuzi was also quite surprised.

Sister Feifei actually wants Brother Xiao Xiao to take the helm of Lehua?

From her point of view, it would be best if this could happen.

After all, brother Xiao Xiao had swiped so much and so many times in her live broadcast room, she was actually quite nervous.

These days, Big Brother Shenhao is buying a lot of gifts in the live broadcast room of the female anchor, and everyone knows why.

Some time ago, she didn’t dare to spend a penny of the gift from brother Xiao Xiao. The only thing she bought was a Wuling Hongguang mini. The money that has been swiped is returned.

If it wasn't for the trade union's need for money today, she still planned to keep the tens of thousands in her hand.

Although she really likes the job of live broadcasting, she is absolutely unwilling to treat this as a flesh and blood business.

And as Brother Xiao Xiao watched more and more in the live broadcast room, she became more and more anxious.

Several times, I was afraid that Brother Xiao Xiao would send her a request on WeChat in private.

But if Brother Xiao Xiao invests in Lehua, then the two parties will become a relationship of interest.

She only needs to return the money Brother Xiao Xiao made to the trade union.

Brother Xiao Xiao praised her, and she made money for Brother Xiao Xiao.

With mutual benefit, she can settle down and make her music well.

Therefore, after looking through the chat records, Xiaojuzi also typed a word of support on WeChat.

Sister Feifei saw that all the four core members of the trade union expressed their views, and she was in a slightly sad mood.

There is no resistance within the trade union, so there are a lot of things on her side.

"Since everyone agrees, I'll go and talk to Brother Xiao Xiao."

Sister Feifei replied a message, then went into the office and dialed the number of the big boss.

After a while, Sister Feifei put down the phone with a happy face.

What she didn't expect was that before she could say anything, the big boss agreed directly.

Moreover, the price offered by the big boss is also very suitable, and Lehua's current development trend is not used as a reason for the high price.

Of course, this did not surprise Sister Feifei.

After all, Lehua's real pillar is brother Xiao Xiao. If brother Xiao Xiao is forced to leave by extortionate prices, then Lehua will be really confused in the future.

At least after Brother Xiao Xiao left, Yang Zi and Baldy would definitely not be able to broadcast well.

Sister Feifei thought about it again for a while, then opened Brother Xiao Xiao's WeChat page, made up a long WeChat and sent it.

Liu Xiao enjoyed watching the live broadcast tonight.

Especially the song Liu Piao sung by Little Orange is very suitable for Liu Xiao.

He's not stupid either. The name of this song, Liu Piao, must have something to do with his name, Liu Xiao. Of course, he can tell what Xiaojuzi means.

At 12:30, Zhao Ning downloaded the broadcast, Liu Xiao received 10 yuan from the system and quit the Huya live broadcast.

I went to wash my face, and when I came back, I saw such a lengthy introduction by Sister Feifei.

To be honest, compared to Sister Feifei and Baldy's surprise, Liu Xiao was really confused when he saw this.

After all, his purpose is just to be a hero on the platform. The one billion quota is there, who is it not for?
As far as the current situation is concerned, more than 3 million has just been released, and there is still a balance of nearly [-] million.

As long as you have fun, it doesn't matter who you brush it with.

Of course, you still have to be careful when brushing Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

In the future, if she and Xiaojuzi become boyfriend and girlfriend, the money she paid to Xiaojuzi will be invalidated, and then she will have to use real cash to make up for the loss to "redeem" Xiaojuzi.

Therefore, Liu Xiao didn't brush too much in the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, and it was also for the convenience of redeeming himself in the future.

Tonight's 5000 million is also considered the largest one in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

As for being a trade union, Liu Xiao hadn't thought much about it before.

But now that I think about it, it seems like it would be nice to buy a guild for fun?

In the future, as the boss of the trade union, wouldn't it be more fun to go to the live broadcast room of your own anchor to inspect the work?
The phone ding dong.

Sister Feifei saw that Liu Xiao didn't reply to the message, and worried that Brother Xiao Xiao felt that the price was not suitable, so she added a temporary one, quoting the purchase price of the union boss.

Buy out all the shares of Lehua and the contracted anchor with a one-stop price of 5000 million!

In Sister Feifei's opinion, 5000 million is really not too expensive.

After all, with Lehua's current development, after a year and a half, a monthly income of [-] million is a stable thing, and with Brother Xiao Xiao's spending power, it should not be a problem to invest for a few months.

Even if Daheng is wiped out, Lehua's income can be raised to another level.

It can be as short as one year, and as long as two years, the buyout of the union and all the investment can be earned back.

But when Liu Xiao saw Sister Feifei's quotation, his eyes immediately widened.

can not afford?
(End of this chapter)

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